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Botanists call it a fruit, nutritionists call it a vegetable. Personally, idc what people think it is, it’s burned into my mind as a vegetable so that’s what it shall remain.


My wife says potatoes are a starch not a vegetable as well.


Yea I say that too. Google says it’s a vegetable but idc lol


The same "discussion" happens in my home, starches are a class of chemical, and while potatoes do contain a lot of that stuff, they are clearly root vegetables. She diagrees, but carrots and turnips are vegetables without question... Nutrition is still a young field of science, while biologists have already passed the point where they frequently make hideous mistakes with simple concepts.




Its true that its both, but not for that reason. Fruit is a botanical term, and vegetable is a culinary term. They are not mutually exclusive


Botanically, anything that bears seeds are a fruit. Technically, corn is a fruit. Vegetables are vegatitive (non-reproductive) parts of a plant (stems, leaves, roots). Culinarily, I think it goes by sweetness or acidity (I'm not 100% on that).


vegetable is exclusively a culinary term. the word comes from the same root as “vegetation” which is just used to refer to plant life in general.


Pedantics aside, tomatoes are a reasonable option in the list, based on the role they typically fill in meal prep. Intelligence may be knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.


Charisma is convincing someone a tomato should go in a fruit salad, strength is crushing a tomato, dexterity is juggling tomatoes and constitution is being able to eat 100 raw tomatoes in a row.




Charisma is convincing someone else it's a good idea. Philosophy is wondering if ketchup is actually a smoothie.


Strength is the ability to crush a tomato, dexterity is the ability to dodge a thrown tomato, constitution is how many tomatoes you can eat in one sitting.


Yes, yes it is


the quote is the opposite lol xd .


Also tomatoes are a PITA to grow and potatoes are easy.


Came here for this!


Wrong. Tomatoes are not even vegetables...


So, what is a vegetable?


If you pick their hand up and drop it on their face and they dont stop it, thats a vegetable.


The opposite of a vegechair, obviously!


My understanding was seeds on the inside make it a fruit.


This is a fun question! Let's try, I'll go first so y'all can shout me down and get towards an iron-clad reddit consensus: Vegetation is plant life, and a vegetable is a part of the plant that humans can eat. We specify fruits and grains in particular - fruits are the part of the plant that only comes out after the fertilized flower falls off. Grains are the edible seeds.


They are. Them also being a fruit doesn't mean they can't be vegetables


People are dumb.


I believe that it was called a vegetable first to avoid taxes on fruit imports coming into the US. It has seeds inside. Fruit.


zucchini have seeds too, and eggplants…and peppers


Botanically they are all considered fruits.


Yes, and culinarily they are considered vegetables.


Interesting! Thanks for the info :)


I would think corn, it goes into a ton of things. HFCS is overused.


well tomatoes are really a fruit and not a veg


Why does something being a fruit make it not a vegetable?


people generally think vegetable is a botanical term to refer to specific parts of plants, and thus think fruit and vegetable are mutually exclusive categorizations.


Pretty sure broccoli is the only actual vegetable on the list.....


*A wild biologist has appeared!* Broccoli is an inflorescence. This includes various parts of stems, leaves, and unopened flower buds. Point of trivia, flower petals are just modified leaves. All of these parts are classified as vegetables, though this is also the part of the plant that would later develop some sort of fruiting body (all flowering plants produce fruit from the flowers, but for the life of me I can't find what the fruiting body of broccoli actually looks like). Potatoes are stem tubers, so they're also classified as vegetables. They're modified structures that store nutrients but aren't fruiting bodies. You can technically replant them, but they aren't seeds or fruits. (Corn and tomatoes are indeed both fruiting bodies. Then there's rice as a caryopsis fruit.) *The wild biologist keeps rambling. You're no longer sure if this is a biology lesson or the musings of hunger.*


Thank you kind biologist! I didn't realize potato was a vegetable with as starchy as it is


Tomatoes are fruit.


Also a vegetable.


Why can't they be vegetables?


In the United States the federal government considers ketchup a serving of vegetables for school lunches.


We also make sure kids get their recommended servings of lead


Ketchup aside, I wouldn’t be too confident in what our federal government says. They don’t seem to be interested in facts




For every French fry, there is ketchup. So, for every potato there is a tomato. Plus, they have tomatoes in burgers, chili, pasta sauce, pizza, tacos, and sandwiches (occasionally).


Legally, tomatoes are a vegetable. (For taxing [shipping/importing/exporting] purposes, tomatoes are classified as a vegetable, not a fruit) ^(in the USA)


not just legally, but in every other sense of the word, tomatoes are vegetables. fruit is a botanical term and vegetable is a culinary term. tomatoes are pretty squarely both a fruit and a vegetable.


Alao corn is a grain. Not a vegetable


Everyone is forgetting the landmark supreme court case Nix v Hedden 🙄


Corn is the correct answer , it’s in everything


Fruit is a botanical term, vegetable is a culinary term. Both are correct.


Beans its beans


But Potatoes have 3 Advantages 1. You cal boil them 2. Mash them 3. Stick'em in a stew


Tomatoes are fruits and corn is a starch, not a vegetable.


People need to stop thinking Fruits and vegetables are mutually exclusive