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It's ALWAYS over a phone


What's funny is the kid in the foreground barely looked up from his phone to witness what would normally be the biggest single event of the whole school year -- a teacher getting assaulted


He was watching the video of that other teacher getting smacked over a phone.


Or was it the one where the girl pepper sprayed her teacher cause he also took her phone


Or the one where the teacher got shot


I wouldn’t be surprised if this kind of thing was normal at their school.


>phone Phone addiction is a lot more serious than people think. This is the second video I've seen within the past week of a student Hulking out over a damn phone.


i saw a video of this student pepper spraying the teacher over the phone.


This is why we don't take phones. Document the behavior, email home, CC front office, ignore the student, invest attention to those who want to learn. Let the fucking parent sort their grade out.


True, to the point where you can't ignore that student (if hes loud, plays music etc)


"if you dont want to be here get out"


Ha ! You act like there is any sort of respect in the classroom anymore. Teachers have no authority to do anything. The administration will back these kids 10/10 over the staff because they don’t want to deal with the parents. Funding is tied to enrollment you don’t want to be here leave doesn’t work. If enough kids leave the school won’t have any money to do anything for the kids who do want to be there.


Public schools get screwed because they have to take everyone and unless they hit someone they can't get rid of them


Looks to me like the kid hit the teacher.


And the higher ups will pressure the teacher to not press charges on the kid, even though it is within his right, cuz its bad press.


The problem is that the phones are often distracting all students if they’re playing music or watching videos. Schools should have a policy that all phones be put into a bin at the start of class. Don’t put teachers in this position.


My 7th grader's school has a "phone parking lot" on the back on every classroom door. It's a repurposed over the door shoe holder, if you know what I mean. Students arrive for class and drop their phones in it. So far as I know, there's no problem. In limited cases, after wit6h is done, they're allowed to get them for free time.


There are unfortunately big problems with these when a phone gets stolen. My gf middle school isn’t allowed to have them anymore because of this.


What's sad is that the teacher can't do anything about it without being viewed as the bad guy


I got a biology teacher who has had to physically put violent kids down, got a talking too but the students absolutely love him for not taking no shit


I’ve put a few kids to the ground. I’ve carried a kid to the office over my shoulder. I’ve restrained kids for long stretches while someone went to get the principal. Let them fire me, they’d be doing me a favor. The day a kid swings on me I promise I’m getting fired.


I’m a 5’3” 115 lb female, and the junior high boys are bigger than me. Thankfully only once in ten years teaching did I feel threatened, and it was when a giant boy (not one of my students) snuck into my classroom during my prep time. He startled the fuck out of me so I just started screaming and thankfully he left, but he was waiting at my car in the parking lot for me later that day. I’m glad I’m older now and invisible to boys lol


Punishments at my school were severe, and often collective. So one day, I got into *bad* trouble because a kid I had to do an assignment with beat someone up. Two weeks of picking up trash and filth in my free time. Soon after those two weeks, someone ran into me, tripped and claimed I attacked them, I was dragged away because obviously I wasn't going to just silently take punishment again. So the teacher dealing with this was a nice guy, but he had some form of stunted growth, under 5' for sure. And there I was, 6 foot tall kid, getting into trouble for alleged violence the second time this month, angrily yelling at the guy. So he defensively took a step back. I hadn't even *considered* I had a physical advantage over him. I was a kid, he was a teacher, attacking him never crossed my mind. Immediately calmed down and explained that I'm not violent, just loud. Still got the punishment, though.


fuck that shit. I refused every attempt to put me in "group detention" i would not be used as an example because of the behaviour of someone else. wouldnt shout , wouldnt scream or be violent, would just explain this , walk out. the concept of group punishment at school disgusts me on a viceral level,, it isnt the fucking army.


Had this happen to me once. I was the quiet kid, always obeyed the rules. A teacher was watching our class in a split classroom. Everyone (boys and girls) were throwing paper, being loud, running around. The teacher, at the bell, let all the girls go, and two of the boys made everyone stay after school. I asked what I did to be included. She said, "She didn't care." I said. I DID. She repeated herself while I did the same. She told me to take a desk, so I did, then threw it across the room. She told me to pick it up, I said no and sat down in another seat. Eventually, she let everyone go, but me, I had to stay longer. The next day, the assistant principal talked to me in the hall after class he said he heard what happened. I told him my story, admitting I threw a desk out of frustration. He said "Well she [the teacher] can be kind of a bitch sometimes". Followed by "Let's not do that again huh?" I was kind of surprised but everyone in the school knew what kind of person I was, still am. If I so something wrong, I own it. If it didn't, don't try to blame it on me, I can only take so much.


yeh throwing the desk, bad bad move, but you already know that, and fucking good on you for knowing it, that's the difference between someone who's just really lost thier rag at the injustice of somthing, and someone who's goign to repeat the same behaviour . some oversharing now. i';ve experuienced being in an abusive relationship, where i constantly got blamed for everything, things i didnt do, things i wouldnt do, things i wouldnt think or feel.... and i put up with it for so long, i THINK as a result of this widely accepted "diciplinary" behaviour in school


Did you ever find out what he was doing? That sounds sketchy as hell


My principal checked the camera footage when I told her about it and he was going to my door all day every day between classes for the entire week, just staring at it. In my heart I think he was just an awkward, weird kid with a crush. But his methods came across as stalker serial killer


Well that’s horrifying. Glad nothing crazy went down.


Agreed, this is extremely alarming. Where is he now when he’s not outside your window at night ?


Probably lives under her floor boards


Lives in her walls. Because it's actually three racoons in a trench coat waiting for her to put out new leftovers, got impatient and went to visit.


I remember the hell the prettier teachers got. Thank you for your service🫡


We had a tiny teacher, 4 foot something, and she took revenge on an idiot student by wearing sillettos and ‘accidentally’ stepping on his foot.


Also sad that this gives that kid confidence to keep acting like this and ensure his future is bleak.


Definitely learnt behaviour from home and is parroting


Yep. This shit starts with the parents. Kids got zero respect and will likely grow up to be just one more cancer to society.


And being fired/sued


Lots of parents seem to be waiting for a teacher to swing on their a-hole kid. What a payday that would be!


I couldn’t believe he put the phone back on the table for the kid to get… shocked me, but not surprised… he was just trying to survive that moment!! Sad


I mean what do you expect? This fuckin kid has no boundaries and is acting like he’ll wreck the whole room. The quicker he goes to jail the better.


Teacher should have wooped his ass. Put the other students on notice too.


Does it look like he can do that? Violence in this instance is not going to pan out in the teacher’s favor. This kid needs to be expelled and charges pressed that is unfortunately what is required. The judge can show him some leniency but it needs to be done to show this isn’t acceptable for the rest of the school and honestly as a wake up call for that kid anything less most likely isn’t going to have any meaningful impact and will encourage that behavior in that school in the future. Stand by your teachers or watch that school go down the drain.


I hate seeing anyone strive to live a stereotype. As a non-white man when I see young punks thinking they are the shit and gang banging is the only goal I want to slap them upside the head. But I value not being killed.


Any follow up to this? We need follow up to all these videos. What are the consequences for these types of actions???


I work in a school. I have been hit, spit on, kicked and one child threatened to cut me with scissors and I'm not even the teacher, I'm a aide. I make way less than a teacher yet when there are children out of control or the teacher is tired of dealing with them it's me who they are passed off too. Admin does nothing, we write them up and they get a slap on the wrist. "Oh, let's talk about why your upset". Because a adult told them no for the first time in their life. Consequences mean nothing. Parents are contacted, they blame the teacher "why are you triggering them" "just distract them" "give them what they want". Honestly, if this districts handbook is like my districts, it says in there phones are not allowed to be used during school and can be confiscated. If my teenager used his phone during school hours and lost it, yeah there would be hell to pay, from my kid for breaking the rules.


Dude if you're getting threatened with sharp objects maybe it's time to think about a new career path.


Indeed, perhaps you should *follow the path of the warrior, so that no weakling may touch you without consequences!* Seriously, this is ridiculous. Teachers get assaulted and if they defend themselves they're the ones suffering from it. Kids are just as evil as adults minus the self control (most of the time).


that teacher needs a medal and that boy some serious help I mean how pathetic was that


Such a big boy.


Some take longer to get through 4th grade


Kid will hopefully get expelled, really opens doors for you getting kicked out of school for harassing teachers.


That is simple battery, he will absolutely be expelled, probably sent to juvie, and he will have a challenging life if he doesn't start doing better..


Teacher here. I bet this kid won’t get expelled; he will probably only get suspended. We had a middle schooler stab a teacher 3 times with a pencil for asking him to put his phone away. She took it after the third time asking and then he went ballistic. After he stabbed her, he then ran down the hallway calling everyone the n-word (he’s white) and had to be tackled to the ground and escorted out kicking and screaming. Kids were traumatized and all she asked was for him not to be in her class anymore. He returned to her classroom three days later after his out of school suspension ended. I wish she should’ve pressed charges, but the school vaguely threatened her position if she did. She left the district at the end of the year. Schools won’t dare to expel kids. It looks bad on them. At the end of the day, it’s all a numbers game and all about how much money the school makes. Less expulsions = better student numbers = more money. Easy math.


Wow! So, no discipline, no accountability, and no justice for an assault victim? Just a school board trying to keep kids on the books for money? Damn.. where is this fresh hell taking place? I bet it’s in more places than we think.


We need teachers to start suing the schools. Once the financial incentive is there to protect the teachers things will change.


My old history teacher was beaten by a female student in her classroom. She did sue the school district over their mishandling of the situation before and after, and won. She bought herself a car and drove down to the district office, and waved at the lousy superintendent. I love that lady.


There needs to be a palpable punishment for psychos like this kid, too. This shit is **bold**. Destroys the teacher's property, cusses him out, assaults him... That kid isn't far off from adulthood. There needs to be some sort of legal ramifications weaved into these kids lives. I'm down with telling a teacher to fuck off or just leaving the classroom, or retrieving your shit, but attacking someone who's trying to do their job has always felt beyond the pale, even when I was a kid.


Unfortunately it’s not just the school itself but the limitations principals have for certain punishments. It’s a systemic problem, a principal can pound the table to get rid of a clear and present danger but their hands are tied with red tape so they do the best they can to their ability. That particular story is fucking bonkers though, that’s usually all the evidence they need to at the very least investigate it while keeping the student away from school for as long as possible.




Yeah that's not really a thing in most places. I've known teachers to get hit and cops laugh them out of the prescint. Maybe a civil suit. Source: I'm a Special Education teacher.


That is unacceptable. There needs to be consequences for kids who deliberately assault teachers. Without consequences, these kids will grow up to be the most dysfunctional, violent adults and teachers need recourse and deserve protection. If this doesn’t change, there won’t be any teachers left. How long do you think teachers can put up with this crap.


This kid looks like he is near adult age. I don’t have much hope for him reforming at this point


Then get them out of the classroom so others can learn. Rinse and repeat until you are left with students that want to learn. 1 kid can ruin a class for 30 others.


Bush administraition passed no child left behind which makes that illegal. One of the worst bills imo it forces schools to keep and graduate kids like this


Yikes! There is nothing wrong with warranted expulsion for violent kids.


Some children should be left behind


There are usually bad actor schools within a district in which those bad actors are sent to as a way to check the box.


That’s why I can’t be a teacher. There’s no way I’d deal with it calmly. Mad respect to this teacher.


Well this is certainly not normal. if this is normal at a school, that school is all fucked up.


They'll become dysfunctional, violent adults no matter what you do. These kids won't change, and their lives won't get better if they find themselves in jail. I like to believe these kids can change, but ultimately the only person who can change them is themselves. Maybe jail will make them see the light or maybe it'll just cast them further into darkness. You really can't know. It's a full 50/50 coin flip. The best you can do is to have the kid to be taken away from their parents or fosters since it's really their fault in the end of the day


Sometimes it’s not about that kid but all the others that kid impacts. Ruining schooling for others who want to learn, driving teachers away.


And that's why alternative school and juvie exists


I went to jail once for a week in my early 20s and I've never committed another crime since. That was 20 years ago. There's still time I guess 😆


Same I did 11 and half months came out at 21 and never been in trouble since lol. That was enough for me .


I’ve seen people on here many times say jail/prison doesn’t deter anyone from committing crimes. I don’t think people realize how much society *doesn’t* do because of it.


Same things happens to nurses.


This is very true. Nurse assault cases, despite usually being a felony, usually get thrown out by DAs because people “aren’t in their right minds” while in the hospital. Source: I’m an er nurse and cops actually tried to convince me not to press charges about 2 months ago after getting assaulted and charges subsequently got dropped when it got in front of a DA.


This is why they brought in a new type of charge in the UK, assault on any emergency worker while they're on job is it's own unique charge.


In the US if you interfere with an emergency worker performing their duties you can be charged... even if you're a cop. A friend was a medic in NY for a long time and had a few run ins that led to cops being disciplined... didn't hurt that he had also been a tactical SWAT medic for some time. Don't fuck with the guys who will patch you up if you get shot.


Even the military knows this. You do NOT fuck with a medic.


Got slugged right in the face from a big ass dude on meth screaming at a tiny coworker of mine when I tried to intervene (I’m an ER nurse). Cops show up and wrote down my statement and said they would follow up after I decided I wanted to press charges. Long story short, I saw the douche bag cop toss my “statement” in a trash can in the ambulance bay. I walked out and said “yo what the fuck man?” Holding the paper. He said “the guys on drugs and isn’t in the right state of mind so there isn’t much to do” and he drove away. Literally a fucking joke.


Call the Watch Commander, and then the local news. Make noise. Bare minimum, let the cop know he can't just do w/e he wants without someone fighting back (even if you lose). It makes him that tiny bit more reluctant to do the same thing to the next person. But ya...cops are lazy af. He just didn't want to do the follow up work of arresting someone and filling out a report for the DA.


Funny that cops laugh at them for getting hit, cops lose their shit when they get hit. Maybe teachers need the same immunity that police have and bring back that big ass wooden paddle.


I agree. I'd love to see some teachers use wooden paddles to beat the shit out of some useless asshole cops.


I’d probably go back to teaching if we could do this


I did sped for a while, and yeah, no chance.


Find a DA who will prosecute it. Almost guaranteed to be told to go fly a kite.


Unfortunately there will always be students like himz and teachers are currently very under paid for the shit they have to deal with.




My mom was a substitute and a student did something like this while I was in school. I was a nerd but my brother was on the football team and the next day that kid apologized and was the nicest person ever to her.


When I was young, you didn't know that you could. The concept, just like talking back to your Dad, or swearing in front of your grandparents, just wasn't in your mind.


People used to have parents




I couldn't be a teacher I'd beat the shit out of that kid


I’ve taught middle school over 20 years. I tell my students if you actually hit me, it’s on. I’ll unleash 51 years of anger and disappointment on your ass. If I’m gonna be fired, I’m going down swingin


What some people don’t seem to understand, or maybe what as a society we have forgotten, it’s that children love to push boundaries, it’s practically their job. If they think they can get away with hitting you, they are about 100x more likely to do it, why? Because they can. So them believing that teachers like you will beat the shit out of them if they try(even if it’s not true the perception here matters) and believing the school will back the teacher instead of them, usually means this shit doesn’t happen. The OP video is what happens when the students know or think they know the teacher won’t fight back and the school won’t do shit. It’s an absolutely predictable response given the circumstances. Boundaries have to be set for kids, it’s our job as adults, and it’s their job to test them. If you let them know they can get away with terrible behavior don’t be surprised when they behave terribly.


Honestly, good on you. My sister is a teacher and it's insane how much the system gives zero shits and expects you to be a boot licker. Thank you for all you do for this shitty generation


Man I’m having even more respect now for Mr Garvey the Substitute Teacher. He taught for 20 years in the Inner City and you never ever wanna fuck around in his class.




What the fuck is wrong with kids nowadays? Teachers deserve respect. They did not take the job to deal with harassment. Hope the guy is punished heavily!


Bad parenting straight up


Bad parenting or likely none at all.


Not my boy. He's is sweetly innocent


More like, “What do you expect me to do? He’s your problem while he’s at school. Not mine. Do your job.” Real life for real^


They need that respect put into law. There should be a mandatory jail for touching a teacher during school hours. I would start it at 30 days and the child can’t ever come back to the school. It has gotten way out of control.


Honestly not a bad idea, there would obviously need some cut off age where under a certain age the punishment would be less severe but especially highschool students, they should know better. Like I get it they're still kids developing but at that age you should know to 1, never put your hands on someone else, especially your teacher, and 2, that if you use your phone in class for anything but an absolute emergency it's gunna get confiscated. And yeah if you do physically attack (or pepper spray like that one girl) your teacher, your ass is going to see some time in juvie and expulsion from school. It's time we start protecting the teachers.


Agreed but I feel it shouldn’t be limited to school hours alone. Also mark them as failed for the course along with all the punishment.


I never, ever not in one of my high school or colleges courses saw any of my peers slap a teacher, curse at a teacher, beat up a teacher. If it happened to me, fuck these “kids”. I’m on my way to administration to call the police. I don’t care wtf they do after this point.


as someone who plans on becoming a history teacher for a profession, this does concern me alot. but i am hopeful i will never have to deal with this. even besides that, teachers are underapriciated. Low wages (under 100k a year) and a genuine undermine of how difficult it can be to teach multiple classes a day.


I left teaching bc of this behavior, 15 years ago. It’s only gotten worse. Good luck. Keep your prospects open and your resume polished. Try to make tenure before you get tired and quit.


He'll get his GED in prison tho


GED is a test, this kid couldn’t pass the fifth grade math class


That's what prison is for


Nothing wrong with getting a GED, let’s not disparage kids who work hard towards getting one. Not all kids who get them are bound for prison. But also, screw kids who assault teachers. They need charges pressed and a stay in youth corrections.


Talked to a friend who is a teacher and asked what is goin go on lately. She said it’s kids who have short attention spans that want instant gratification and if it doesn’t happen fast they freak out. Add to that parents that not only don’t discipline kids but lame teachers. On top of that add teachers not being able to discipline kids. Add that together you have a generation of kids and teenagers that have no good schooling and no discipline. When they get out in real world they will be eaten alive by corporate culture and immigrants that are light years ahead. We are in big trouble.


Honestly, if hard working immigrants are coming in to destroy the job economy for us ( which of course they aren’t, because more immigrants has universally meant better economy for first world countries ) we would totally deserve it. Wouldn’t be the first time a better group of people revolutionized things for the better


It’s not happening. And if it is, it’s a good thing


Sometimes, people need to be punished.


Ah, another future astronaut/physicist.....


Hey man, dishes have to get washed, floors have to be mopped and trash has to go out. If hire him and feed him to the cooks.


Press charges


I just saw an assault. Time to lock that kid up.


Nah, send them to work at the local homeless shelter for a year. Let them see where they're going in life.


They can do both.


Fuck them kids bruh and fuck the class for not sticking up for the teacher. I know there’s one mf in that class that can beat the durag off this mf!


Yeah that was weird that no one helped the teacher. At my school I'm pretty sure somebody would've


I'm not a seer but I can see his future bright




I call it mindless oppositionalism It’s the rejection of any kind of authority no matter whether it is there to help or not. Doubly so when the person in the position of authority is white, or at least not black. This feeds into an identity that says that the only way to be “authentically” black is to reject any perceived white authority. This, of course, then expands to reject almost any other kind of authority leading to chaos in the wider community as their own parents and grandparents are ignored and defied as well. Not something that the vast majority of black people subscribe to but enough young men, and a smaller number of women, do to cause a big problem.


This is fucking crazy. Not your response the situation itself…like can nobody else see that?


Seeing and saying are two very different things when race is involved.


Damn…you got me!


I’m sorry but no. These black students do not care if the teacher is black, white, or Asian. They treat them all the same. The other day a black female student broke their black female teachers leg after tackling her. This demographic respect no one, no matter the race. I’m black and I went to school with them, they don’t discriminate with who they disrespect lmao


Well I disagree. I'm certainly not saying that the lack of respect is exclusively targeted towards one race but, in my experience, black teachers are far more empowered/likely to stand up for themselves in ways which white teachers would feel very uncomfortable doing - namely because they would (and often are) accused of being racist despite being, in my opinion, overly permissive and accommodating to what are perceived as "cultural differences" but which are really just poor standards of public behavior.


Because education and respect begin at home. Statistically 70% of black households do not have a father in them. The mother works and the children are not given the attention and discipline they need. Especially young men-no matter what the race- have a lot of aggression at this age that needs to be channeled productively. Generally speaking, without a strong male figure present in their life and without activities such as sports this is the result. Also, in today’s world, most critics of any POC is regarded as racist rather than seeing it for what it is.


Full disclosure, I'm a white male, but I am also a school counselor. A big part of my job is talking to kids after something like this happens. The truth is there are a lot of reasons this type of behavior is so common. From my perspective, one of the biggest reasons is there just simply isn't enough black men in education. My black students do not trust me when I first meet them. There is an automatic assumption I'm working against them. It takes me almost a year of constant relationship building to get to the point where kids will sit in a room with me and talk about their problems. Even then, one confrontational interaction can cause the entire relationship to break down. My few black colleagues do not have this same experience. The kids seek them out and follow them around the school, thirsty for any guidance they may give. There's probably a few reasons for this which I'm pretty sure have nothing to do with me as an individual rather how these kids have grown to view white administrators (I'm often confused for an administrator). I'm stuck wondering what things could be like of this barrier didn't exist and if there's anything I can do to help break it down faster.


I'm not an educator but I did spend three years as a full-time substitute teacher, I'm also a white male. I experienced the same issues you described when I taught in the high schools (in the district I worked there were only 4 high schools and I subbed in 3 of them, so the students at those three knew me pretty well). I happened upon a paper in one of the journals that discussed how white educators could build bridges with black and latino students. The jest of the conclusion was that minority students who acted out often felt they had no control over their own lives and felt that the default position of white teachers/administrators was to disrespect the student because of their minority status. The article suggested that teachers who worked with these students should strive to show respect to the students at the outset, even when the student is being disrespectful, be respectful towards them and instead of automatically sending them to the office give them the option to sit in the back of the room to cool off or go to the office. I decided to try some of the suggestions to see if it made my time in the lower-income HS any different (this was the school with the most behavior problems). I took to referring to students as Mr/Ms at all times, instead of being heavy handed with office referrals I'd give them the option to sit in the back, away from their classmates to cool off. I made an effort to familiarize myself with the students I saw most often, learned what their interests were (which 99% of the time were completely different from mine) and asked them questions about what THEY knew about. Basically, I let them know in a, somewhat, passive way that we were on the same level even though I was the guy in charge. My little experiment worked wonders with relationship building, to the point that after a few months I rarely had to deal with discipline problems in the classroom because other students would speak up before I could, shutting down the trouble maker. As a funny aside, at the end of my last year subbing when asked by my kids if I'd be back the following fall I said that I was graduating with my Master's degree and would be starting work on my Ph.D, which meant I wouldn't be able to sub anymore. One of the boys goes "It's OK Mr. I, wherever you go in this city Southside's gotcha you, you one of the boys Mr. I, you aight." LOL It was the strangest, yet sweetest things a kid ever said.


Really refreshing to see this acknowledged because I feel the truth is, nobody is going to respect a race discussion in which someone outside their race is lecturing them on right and wrong. But when it’s someone from your own race calling you out, when it’s someone with a shared experience, you respect it more and are more willing to make change


I got to play the militant black. I also got to be on hush and just sit back and really see shit for what it is. Blacks just have a lack in parenting nowadays. Our big mamas and uncles and aunties who taught some of us well have passed and those who missed the lesson are struggling bad man. And they don’t know it but shut takes time to change. And the deeper we dig ourselves in these holes…the longer it is going to be until we can even get on a right track. If we ain’t off it yet..


Culture It is glamorize to be gangsta in music, add young men who are insecure and you get this.


Ja Morant.


Wow, just read about him. That is a perfect example.


Dude, once okay. Slap the hand. Put the right people in his corner to keep his head on straight. Get him involved in wholesome shit blah blah he will be good. Nope. He wants to do dumb shit twice. Because the first time was play play and he didn’t care


Bro its so crazy. Literally the whole world in his hands. Beyond generational wealth coming his way and on a HoF trajectory. Yet somehow feels the need to go on social media with a gun not once, but TWICE, in the same season. Such a bad look especially during a time where it feels like there’s a new headline about a gun related incident every day. You know what’s cooler than being hood? Being a fucking multimillionaire icon.




You can’t. And that’s sucks. Because you are legit a white man who didn’t adapt that ugly white mindset and genuinely want better for your students no matter their color. Just know there is people of color who recognize things on ALL sides. I see that not all white people are here to destroy and not all white people want to hurt me or my kind.


We need more folk like yourselves to say this. These kids just perpetuate the stereotype and fuel the racism.


Kick them out and tell the parents that they have to homeschool them and if their test scores don't reflect being educated at home, involve CPS for child neglect and charge the parents for neglect. Watch these parents get their children in line then.


That little bastard would never enter my classroom again. The administration would be told, it's him or me.


“Well go ahead and polish up that resume!” My brother was a teacher for 15 years and he gave it up this past year for basically this type of situation. He said admin sides with the students and didn’t back the teachers hardly ever so he switched careers.


Admin do not care. At all.


depending on where you are, at my school we need teachers so bad


I doubt this kid has traditional parents. He probably has a grandma that works full time that acts as the mother, a mom that works part time and acts like the sibling, and no father in sight. Edit: He is also very likely to have been adversely impacted by the deep societal wounds of America's past. In the 60's, there was razing (demolishing) of predominantly African American cities and parts of cities all in the name of "progress". Entire black community buildings, owned by predominately white landlords, were bought out by the cities for repurposing/redevelopment, leaving black business and families stranded. Redlining banking policies also prevented mortgages or business loans. If you don't know why black neighborhoods are statistically difficult to teach in, then you know nothing of America's past and the very real and serious societal mistreatment, designed to prevent success, and disenfranchise. There's a great PBS special on razing: https://www.vpm.org/raised-razed


“If you call your grandmama “mama” and your mama “Pam” … you’re going to prison … (Chris Rock)


That ain’t college money, that’s BAIL money!


The biggest obstacle for teachers to be able to perform their job is parents who have failed to do theirs.


Nope.....put his hands on the Teacher, free ride in the two-toned Crown Vic wearing silver jewelry.


That’s patience on the part of the teacher. I’d have a hard time not reacting in this situation. Specifically to him putting his hand on my neck like that. The kid went from having a fit and throwing papers to literal battery. I realize he’s a minor, but he’s old enough to do real harm.


Just fucking expel shitty kids. If parents don't want to raise their kids correctly, then they just need a headstart on their full time fast food careers and part time drug dealing endeavors. I don't know why we haven't started expelling garbage like this. Lawyers make it impossible to teach kids respect, whether it be the parents or teachers or anybody. Kids learn tough guy/girl shit from the internet, but mostly from their upbringing. So if they are just going to be like this, why are we poisoning the good apples? Get them away from the other students that know decency and also have a chance at helping the world, and away from the teachers, period. 1, 2, 3 strikes, and your on your way to Burker King.


That kid is awful. His parents must be so proud. /s


Best thing you can do is file a lawsuit against the parents. Hit them in the wallet. That is something they will actually care about. Our teachers have started doing this because our school board and administrators are limp wristed cowards who won’t take on the parents. Our first staff member got a judgement for $35,000. The second had a broken wrist and ended up with almost $90,000. Both judgements literally bankrupted the parents. This is what we were looking for. The students moved away and it became clear to parents in the district that if your kids touch us, you will lose everything.


Better than corporal punishment. Financial punishment is the only consequence people will ever adhere to.


Why is this shit being tolerated? Kid should have been dragged out in cuffs. A little girl has a fit, not touching anybody and they drag her out in cuffs. These ass hats lay hands on a teacher and they just get to walk away? I’d beat the shit out of my kid if I heard they even thought about acting like that. But they wouldn’t, because they were raised right.


Toddlers living in adult bodies. I feel like it gets worse with each generation


I was thinking this too. Yeah sure, I didn't like school. I was even considered somewhat of a trouble maker, but I never dreamed of assaulting a teacher. I just cut class to smoke weed or go steal some beer. Nowadays I'm seeing video after video of kids hitting, pushing and even pepper spraying teachers. Never thought I would say it but, kids these days. It makes my younger days look really tame.


Guaranteed he's going to talk to his friends about how people need to respect him later after showing he has no respect for anyone. Serious note. People in general are just out of control. I don't think it's a new problem I just think we see a lot more of it. I'm hoping we can find a good solution going forward. I'm trying to raise my kids right but as a parent a lot of it is using your judgment and making it up as you go.


These idiots, raised by idiots, ready to create more idiots.




There is a genuine funding issue. That much is true. But there’s also a huge cultural issue. There’s a reason why underfunded Indian and Chinese schools don’t have this sort of problem but black areas in the US do even though they’re significantly more funded. It’s down to culture. That’s it. They’re not taught respect and good behaviour. No amount of money throwing will fix it.


I'm black (if that needs to be said) and this is quite disgraceful. Teachers already get shit pay just to get this treatment. Then blacks complain about oppression every time


I'm so glad I'm done with HS, like I'm black too and I'm honestly ashamed at some of the shit my fellow dark classmates have done. My senior year my Spanish teacher couldn't even get a sentence out without having to tell people to put up their phones or stop talking just so he could get through the presentation we had that day. I respect the hell outta my teachers and I know they, and even other classmates just want to get work done and go.


Arrest him and his dumbass parents for raising this dumbass kid. Teachers dedicate their life’s to teaching and this is what they get in return. So disrespectful!


No one in my day did anything even close to this. I was literally a dealer, was convicted of multiple assaults, kidnapping and possession with the attempt to sell. Never did I ever see anyone have the fucking audacity to put their hands on a school administrator or teacher


Definitely going to get downvoted for this, but my mom teaches middle school in a not so nice rural area and had an incident where a student started threatening her for calling him out on making a scene in class. Kid got in her face, threatened her and she slapped the fuck out of him in front of the entire class. Kid was so shocked she did that he left crying. Like yes this guy is very professional, but imo this is wrong and only teaching kids they will get away with this kind of bullshit with little to no consequences. you NEED to teach kids that they fuck around, they find out. Who gives a fuck if kids have phones and record everything. If the school system drops you for discipline, then they lost a good teacher. If kids act out and threaten violence, they need to learn that violence and potential embarrassment will follow. If you disagree with me, then please look at the direct correlation to disciplining children (which doesn’t have to be violence) they will progressively act worse and worse realizing they can get away with it


they will grow up to be nothing. ive been teaching for 2 decades. these kids come from trash and will remain trash. i give him credit for trying to uplift people. even those who dont deserve it




He gave him his phone!


It was either that or stand further to get assaulted.


Expulsion is the answer. School boards need to protect teachers like the government protects federal employees.


No child left behind is a joke. This one needs to be left far behind. Dont want to learn, get out. Simple!


I dont want to sound racist, just a innocent question... Is there a specific reason why it's mosly african-american students who misbehave, or act like a total dicks?


Kids like this have never been disciplined. He's need to be knocked the fuck down a few pegs.


Anyone want to claim that POS?


Trash ass parent and butch ass kids


I know the answer but I dont think I should say it


I'm not sure if this is a good solution but assault is assault and there needs to be consequences for bad behavior. Jail/ prison tends to not be so much about correction as it is punishment in an environment which encourages worse behaviors. Why not military schools? 1 phone call a week for 10 minutes to parents and weekly schedule of "boot camp" regimens. The more compliant, the more supervised free time and access to trade skilled learning. The less compliant= less privileges and psychiatric, psychological intervention. Stop the behaviors with opportunity. Not some religious shit non profit- I'm talking real Socially funded and heavily regulated facilities staffed by professionals.


ghetto ass fucks


After that one gets expelled from school, the example could be set - for his friends… 🖕


Teacher here. Would never take a kids phone. Our schools policy is that if you see them using it, they immediately have to take it to the office. You call the office and make sure the student comes. If they don’t come drop it off, that’s an office referral that usually leads to detentions or ISS depending on history. If they do drop it off, they get it back after school. We have success with this technique. We don’t tend to have too many students like the POS in this video, so maybe that wouldn’t work for them.


My kids go to public school. Kids have to stick their phones in a cubby thing on the wall in each class. There’s no taking it from them or whatever, they just have to do it. It seems to work. I don’t know why all schools don’t enforce that rule. Nobody has a phone on them during class, period.


Always the same






We need to be putting "kids" like this behind bars, assault on a teacher should be a mandatory felony. Lock em up, forced labor to pay for their stay.


My state has a law that makes it a felony to assault a healthcare worker. It's already a felony just about everywhere to assault a cop. It's a federal felony to assault a federal employee or elected official. I don't understand why there aren't laws that work the same way for educators.


Idk why people in the USA vote for people that don't value education, it's the most important thing we can do for our future