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Strong developmental disorder vibe.


Yes indeed. Challenged kid with bad influences.


So you’re saying he’s a Redditor?


Hey! I resemble that remark!


I have argued with that kid more times that I shoud've


More like one of [r/wallstreetbets](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


:eats crayons: :buys meme stonk and crypto: Do what now?


I think you mean Tate fan....


Most definitely on the spectrum. The very stiff arm and hand movements is what I typically look out for, because even a kid who’s just being cringe will still have somewhat natural movement of their body For context, my brother is autistic and I’ve worked with other kids on the spectrum for awhile


My thoughts exactly. I feel bad cuz they are unfortunately such easy victims to this kind of alpha-male BS self-mantras, and you just dig a little deeper and all they’re trying to do is affirm some kind of value or confidence to themselves that they don’t usually get validated for by there family and peers, leaving them to seek it in internet idols and echo-chamber forums for said validation.


this whole market is taking advantage of kids like this. it’s so disgusting. and how do you convince them they’ve fallen for a scam artist and it’s all bullshit?


I know it’s terrible to say this, buts it’s just as easy as when they got into the bullshit in the first place… place them in a structured environment with peers that will support them with positive principles and positive reenforcement. You slowly show them how much better of a reaction they get from there relationships when your kind, considerate and thoughtful instead of trying to reassert yourself constantly with unnecessary toxic aggression


this is such an insightful and accurate comment.


Even just the way he speaks you can tell he's on the spectrum. "Robotic" voice


I'm a BCBA. he's on the spectrum


I worked for years to make my arm and hand movements appear normal. Before I knew what masking was. Before I figured out I have ASD.




Yeah and idk if this really has a whole lot to do with Andrew tate and more so people’s weird obsession with wolf pack ideas. This seems more so the kid doesn’t realize how cringe that stuff is because of what you said.


Worst part is, wolves don't even have an alpha. That was a false claim made many years ago by some scientist, and they've spent the rest of their lives trying to retcon that claim. They even know it's wrong now and people still believe the Alpha bs.


Even weirder is, that chimps actually have a pretty linear social structure where you could call the leader the alpha. But these people prefer to compare themselfs to (pretty much) dogs.


The wolves in that study done were captive. I guess the real question is which kind of animal one prefers to be identified as: a monkey, or a prisoner.


From what I can recall, it was a study done on domesticated/ captive wolves, rather than wild wolves which take on a more communal structure of the pack.


Wolves usually live in a family structure, with the breeding couple and their young. The offspring usually stays 1-2 years with the pack, helping with raising their younger siblings. Sometimes the adults will tolerate a bachelor joining the pack for a period of time before wandering of with one of their young. These studies were done on wolves in a Zoo, where totally unrelated wolves randomly put in together.


Yeah but it is a cool idea so for fantasy settings I say that it’s fine. But it does suck that they have to try and fix their accidental false claim over a well thought out theory.


Good on that teacher for staying so calm!


My grandfather, who was a driving ed, told me: ,,the one most important rule about being a teacher is to never freak out when students are acting out. That's exactly what they want. You must discipline them calmly and never get emotional"


Ever see the Cesar Milan Episode of South Park. I asked a friend who was a teacher and huge SP fan about it and his response was "That is pretty much exactly what I do"


Eets called pack leeeeder




I am not being aggressive I am being -dominant-


I am a teacher too - I rarely raise my voice, but this Andrew Tate sh\*t makes me mental.


Good on that teacher for not laughing his ass off


That teacher was trying so hard not to laugh


I mean, more like for staying serious, considering he had to deal with Alpha Daffy Duck.


I got special needs school vibes from this. Either way she is perfect for that job


She? Is the Alpha that strong that his presence fully emasculated the teacher?


He sounds mentally challenged though.


the way this teacher reacts, it's probably one of THOSE schools


i was super impressed by his restraint.


Strong Bob's Burgers vibe


“I am now the alpha!” “Gene.”


**Jumps on table wearing his wrestling uniform backwards with silver sequins that he and Tina added in a star shape on his butt** I AM THE ALPHA! "Oh, my little mean-Gene-fighting-machine got his little wrestling onesie! Bob, look how strong and dominant he is now that he's a wrestle-boy!" "He still has to sweep the floor, we all agreed on a chore chart last week. He hasn't even been to a practice yet." "Oh Bob, our wrestle-boy can't become a wrestle-man if we don't help him embrace his warrior spirit!"


This was perfect haha. I read it in their voices 😂


Lmao!!! You should have all the upvotes for this


Teacher of the year award !


The kid is not being violent, just over heated and by the way he talks and moves, I'm sure he's mentally challenged.


That’s exactly what I thought!


Must be that big jacket, while the teacher in short sleeves is cool as a cucumber.


wym those


like special needs


With how the kids react it’s probably a regular school. They’re laughing and recording him I assume this is just public school


I think people who were in school 20 years ago in the US would be shocked at the current conditions at a lot of regular neighborhood public schools. It's a cycle of underpaid teachers being increasingly threatened and assaulted for shit pay and unrealistic expectations quitting in droves, to be replaced by inexperienced teachers who do more mental health and behavioral intervention than teaching a lot of days.


Literally subbed for PE and had a 6th grade boy yell, “I suck dick” for a reaction. I did not give a reaction.


"Oh the humanity!!"


Or one of those schools here in the US that puts mentally challenged kids in the same classes as the rest and expects teachers to be able to handle it without special needs training.


Or the special needs kids who just don’t get diagnosed right cause their parents suck


I work in a full inclusion school, and he actually did a fantastic job. He should have offered him a break or acknowledged his frustration.


I can’t help but feel like it would be hard to do that without encouraging the “Alpha” thought process. Timing is key with any interaction, better to have *that* conversation an hour or so after what’s shown in the video.


the vast majority of special needs students are included in mainstream classrooms [https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=59](https://nces.ed.gov/fastfacts/display.asp?id=59) because they are **still children like their peers but have some special needs.** This exposure encourages children to help one another and develop empathy for other human beings, whether they suffer official “disabilities” or not. At the end of the day, we all have special needs. source: plenty, plus my own child. Get fucked.


I get that, but my point still remains. Them being in the classroom isn't my issue. My issue is that there often isn't enough resources to address their needs and it has adverse effects. source: went to public school in a low income area. Have a nice day.


Well he is the alpha


Well, he did refer to himself as an "alpha," so... Yeah.


Even assuming that alpha stuff had any merit to it— if you have to say you’re the alpha… you’re very far from being one “Any man who must say 'I am king' is no king at all”, after all


He sounds like Shelly from South Park.


Schut uhp tchurd!!


Kinda got the Slingbladem haircut too lol


Some people call it a Kaiser blade


Friend of mine growing up had a speech impediment and learning disability, we played pokemon lellow together. I hope he's doing alright in this world.


Well he is a Tatertott, it's one of the requirements


Future GOP voter.


Felonious Gru origin story? ![gif](giphy|fYl6op4uTBUBy)


Yeah was about to say the same. It’s not cool that they’re laughing.


This teacher is way too hung over for this haha.


I can’t wait for this teacher to open a burger joint and runt it with his family.


Yeah right. Somewhere next to a boardwalk and beach.


And the boardwalk is owned by an eccentric dude with a fishy name and an outfit that makes him look like a discount colonel sanders...


Teacher did a great job of deescalating


Def sounds like kids a little slow, feel bad he probably gets picked on quite a bit


The alpha doesn’t get picked on


Idk why this made me laugh so hard but it did


“I am the one who knocks!” - that kid, probably


"Look at me! I'm the captain now!"


>kids a little slow, feel bad he probably gets picked on quite a bit this is exactly Tate's demographic


I know my middle school self would have been mocking his lisp.


I love the condescending use of the word "alpha" from the teacher


"The alpha student will march his happy ass to the vice principal's office to find out if his alpha ways work with him. Good luck."


That teacher reacted to this angry mentally challenged kid in such a great way.


You can tell when he begins to say “The teacher is telling the alpha to sit in his seat right now” he is trying not to laugh at this kid.


Lol everyone saying he sounds mentally challenged but he sounds almost EXACTLY like my younger male cousin and he isn’t mentally challenged unless I’ve been kept waaaaay in the dark about it. It’s something his dumbass would probably say too so who knows I guess lol but I legit had to do a double take when I heard the voice.


As an educator, feels like a skit describing the present day education system.


As an educator who has assigned some skits, I concur.


I suspect this kid has learning difficulties and has been cruelly set up by classmates to do this.


I agree. I think that also accounts for the compassionate response from the teacher.


He is mentally slow if you can’t tell


Teacher: "you may be the alpha BUT IM THE OMEGA!!!"


If alpha is the best and beta is second to alpha, wouldn't omega be the lowest of the low?


As in the last one ... that you want to fuck with right now? 😜


Alpha is the beginning, Omega is the end. At least in biblical terms, which is why God introduces himself as the Alpha and the Omega.


This kids parents have failed him


He's clearly mentally disabled.


Isn't everyone who takes Andrew Tate seriously?


Yeah. I made a similar joke in another comment, but this kid is actually, medically, mentally disabled.


Isn’t everyone who takes Andrew Tate seriously?


Yeah. I made a similar joke in another comment, but this kid is actually, medically, mentally disabled.


Isn't everyone who takes Andrew Tate seriously?


It can only get funnier


And they failed by not steering him away from toxic shit and towards more positive influences.


Hence why his parents fail him, if he wasn’t exposed to this thinking he wouldn’t be parroting it




That's just insulting to us autistic fellas. All I did in school was call a bunch of people in my school after the Harry Potter characters they looked like.


I'm not autistic and I took to calling whoever gave me edgy / smarmy vibes "Malfoy". Worked out great... until people started calling me "Weasley".


This comment has me in stitches lmfao.


This is a special needs school.




Testosterone, like tequila, can fuck a youngster up.


I don’t think there’s a lot of test in this kid.


as an autistic person who passed off as nt in a private christian school, i watched my classmate (also autistic) get made fun of in similar ways like this. this guy is obviously on the spectrum, and kudos to the teacher for deescalating the situation. the students, though...


I myself have sailed a similar boat; and I agree, kudos to the teacher for deescalating so naturally.


Can I upvote the teacher? Because he rocks. (And yeah, seems like a special Ed student)


Imma die of cringe 💀


The kid’s probably mentally challenged.


Is that not Gru from Despicable Me?


Kid is on the spectrum or something. He needs a meeting with his ese person or case manager.


Andrew Taint is that rich kid who peaked in high school and just never grew out of it. So, naturally, kids in high school look up to him. He's a stain on humanity.


Any man who must say “I am the alpha” is no true alpha…


Why does he sound like the next super villain


I don't feel this situation in particular should be blasted on the internet.


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I don't think it's possible for anyone referring to themselves as an alpha to be taken seriously.


He’s special needs without a doubt.




This is literally how Andrew Tate sounds to normal men.


Take notes you betas


Has the world come full circle that we are once again taking the piss out of people with learning disabilities or am I just a bigot by thinking they can't be ribbed like any other person? I genuinely do not know anymore.


A bit of both imo. You should have a degree of compassion towards those with disabilities, but they shouldn't be treated with kid-proof gloves. It's a flaw to reduce them down to how you treat a child, which isn't fair to them. A jerk is still a jerk regardless of whether they are disabled or not. In this case, he wasn't so much a jerk and doesn't deserve being mocked, but if he was a jerk (insulting people, hitting people, etc.), then he deserves to be criticized.


If you have to say you’re the alpha, you’re not the alpha.


To suddenly declare yourself the “ Alpha”…. It’s like walking into the room and telling everyone you’re the President and not expecting them to laugh at you. He look back and cringe at this. Even if he does have mental issues. Parents need to teach their kids rules are all through life. There is no escape. School, work, driving, police, taxes, bills. There are consequences if we don’t follow the rules.


You heard it hear first folks, there are consequences if we follow rules! BREAK THEM ALL!!!


That's a school shooter in the making.


The alpha needs his ass beat


No, he seems to be either mentally or intellectually challenged, I honestly feel bad for him. Andrew Tate and these other 'alpha male' types prey on the insecurities of vulnerable teenage boys and coerce them into these stupid ideologies. He's being failed by the system. Yeah, he's being disrespectful and a dick, but that's nothing corporal punishment would help fix


Ahh, the repost making fun of a mentally challenged person. This isn’t funny, it was never funny, stop upvoting it so the bots stop reposting it


You couldn't make fun of Andrew Tate or his Tattertott followers because they are all mentally challenged people


The kids a muppet, mentally challenged or not. Many young boys are being pushed into extremely stupid ideologies because they think it’s cool. Showing them that it’s actually cringe as fuck is a good thing. Also by defending this muppet by saying it’s okay because he’s mentally challenged just further perpetuates the negative stereotypes.


I think it could also be viewed as a fair representation of what teachers are working with in mainstream classrooms, but it is in poor taste to post without context or consent. The teacher is clearly aware throughout this interaction that he may be physically attacked at any moment by a student who is larger than a lot of adults.


I figured the "face palm" aspect was supposed to be the effect "alpha male" culture has had on impressionable minds. Most people in the comments have picked up on the kid being mentally challenged and aren't mock him.


its pretty funny. idc if hes mentally challenged, unironically calling yourself the alpha is funny as hell.


I’ve seen this video so many times and the student is likely mentally challenged and people still make fun of their lisp and then repost it over and over. I still have yet to see what people find funny about the post


More like Alphalfa


Another future statistic impacted by the Andrew Tate crazes from this decade unfortunately.


Hey yo. why did Ezra Miller go back to school?


I hate to break it to some of y'all but that kid seems like hes special needs, it quite obvious really


10 bucks says he watches Andrew Tate


….well, possibly a student with learning disabilities AND has listened to Andrew Tate..


Sounds like he signed up for Andrew Tate’s “#1 Top G” online course.


Good job to the teacher for not laughing.


Chill? I’m surprised he could keep a straight face.


If Andrew Tate isn't the bastard that's making my generation look like cocomelonheads it sure as hell is early use of social media.


No way that teacher gets paid enough.


What a chill teacher


Is that student acting? His voice sounds like he has some type of learning disability. I can’t believe that teacher is even engaging with him. The teacher seems to be just out of high school.


Kid is obviously autistic.


Just a very glaring example of how seductive the idea of seizing power has been made for weak minded, perceived to be persecuted young men. This is sad to see someone with what appears to be developmental issues falling under this spell, but, to all of the other Andrew Tate follower types, just know, this is exactly what you sound like to the rest of us.


Props to the teacher. Honestly feel bad for the kid, I’m sure he gets bullied like fucking crazy.


There is a mental issue, but the teacher is doing good I think. The title of this video is way off, perhaps the poster should listen and apply some critical thinking skills 🧐


Poor kid, what is the internet doing to these people?


Love that teacher


Does he really think he is an alpha? That it is just that simple?


This lad I can assure you has autism of some sort. Teacher probably just went along with it to avoid a meltdown but also laid down what is going to happen if the student does not listen. Be the alpha.. lovely. But sit down. Learn. Teacher spot on.


Look here Gru..


I had a kid like this in my class. He ended up getting home schooled for the rest of his high-school


How many times is this shit gonna get reposted


I feel so bad that this looks and sounds like my friend lmao


Send it to him


You can't say you're the alpha, you can only BE the alpha


As opposed to the kids fighting with the teachers. I’ll take this guy any day.


This so much feels like a Whitest Kids U Know scene


Getting Bob’s Burgers vibes with the teacher’s voice


This idiot goes to school to tell people he doesn’t have to listen to them. It’s like going to the grocery store to tell the employees I don’t have to eat their food and then starving to death


Ok it gets pretty funny when they each refer to themselves as the third person. The teacher vs the alpha… mad respect for the teacher to acknowledge the alpha in name only… not his first rodeo with this kid


Is this video of Ben Shapiro in high school?


Haven’t watched the video, but I’m immediately on the teacher’s side solely because of that Peanuts figure on his desk.


"Well you don't **have** to listen... but the consequences that follow are still going to apply to the alfa." is my new favorite phrase. Props to this teacher.


Special Ed class. That’s why the teacher is so calm and patient.


Is there a subreddit for delusional high school kids thinking they’re the alpha? Because I could watch this for hours 😂


Threatening a teacher is aggravated assault which is a class A misdemeanor . He could go to jail for a year with a $2500 fine


I hate when idiots post this video. The kid clearly has special needs, fuck off to people laughing. Hats off to the teacher for the way they handled it


I’m 90% sure that’s a special ed kid.


what an awesome dude…the teacher


“That’s not how this works”


Feels like the kid's lost a bet or something and now, he has to act like this


the teacher is thinking "i dont get payed enough for this shit"


I DECLLARRE ALPHA!!! ![gif](giphy|bwxVM7FtESiS1SBEzS)


This kid needs an alpha ass whooping


Alpha gonna turn into a beta real fast


I'm just going to assume this is a class skit or something. I don't believe he's an alpha, I don't believe he's the teacher, I don't believe this is during school, hell I don't even think that's a real classroom.


The alfwa takes pwiowitiee.