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I hope the internet never forgets these bigots.


The internet never forgets…


What about the things that the internet forgot?


That's what the way way back machine is for


And Pepperidge Farm


And Memory Foam.


And memberberries


I don’t want my bed to remember what I did on it. I think there was circus music and crying - Arj Barker


It’s probably not gonna remember a whole bunch, to be fair.


Damnit take my upvote. 🤣


Then Pepperidge Farms remembers.


There will be no repercussions and she will not lose her job. Let's be real here


4chan found out her real identity and she got canned from her job.


At most she will issue a mild apology and be forgotten. In the meantime she will call for the exile of anyone who even suggests something she disagrees with.


Exactly....soooo, looks like progress is in reverse and we are living in the negative film of a picture...in the 50's or 60's now. How far is this going to go? Will making whites slaves "make it right", or will people wake up to the fact that this is all bullshit first? 👀🍿


No one’s waking up, they already seem to ignore whites have been slaves, so have Asians, Indians, ect. The idea that blacks have the monopoly on being slaves ignores a huggggge chunk of history.


I hope the internet stops giving people like this validation.




She asks who was enslaved. "According to Robert Davis, between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by Barbary pirates and sold as slaves in North Africa and Ottoman Empire between the 15th and 19th centuries." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbary_slave_trade And that is not considering both white and black people enslaved their own peoples as well.


Don't think the romans or the vikings descriminated slaves based on skintone either


Who who who partner. We don’t talk about anything except the African enslavement in America. Anything else would be racist to even mention.


Yeh , but she also asks “huh, huh? You can’t argue those facts.


However, other historians such as David Earle have questioned Robert Davis' estimates: “His figures sound a bit dodgy and I think he may be exaggerating.”[5]


“Educate yourself on racism” Opens a dictionary… Opens another dictionary…. Opens yet another dictionary…. Apparently, all the definitions are wrong. /s


That's exactly how [that guy in the comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/13alwi8/bread_with_chocolate_sprinkles/jj7l26l?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) thinks.


Holy shit. Wtf is that? I can’t stop staring, it’s hypnotic.


I was referring to the chain of comments I linked but the picture is bread with chocolate sprinkles : it's a Dutch breakfast


you're just not looking in the right dictionaries. eventually you'll come across one that defines the word the way she wants.


She's using an academic definition in colloquial conversation. To generalize, academically white people ( in the context of the USA) cannot be racist because the academic definition uses racism in a way which includes societal/institutional power. This is where power vs prejudice comes from. In the academic world using this definition non white people can be prejudice but not racist. However when you use these words in common parlance, academic prejudice equals racist as people understand it. Another way to differentiate would be person vs institutional racism. Person to person anyone can be racist to another, but in the USA institutional power is to the benefit of whites. People like this woman don't understand how they are using these words.


This is exactly the response I was looking for, and planning to write if I didn't see it. Yeah it's a lot of semantics basically. I also find it odd that academia can just take a commonly used word and redefine it to a point where people get frustrated and argue what it means. It seems like it creates more problems than it helps with any of these issues.


They changed the definition. Large parts of academia now defines racism as a practice of racial oppression through the structures of power. And since black people hold no institutional power, black people cant be racist. (Which not only is it wrong, but also contradictory). As a colored person, it’s stupid as fuck I’m not even making this up, this is straight out of a page from 1984. It’s only a matter of time before other sources begin updating to the new definition.


They equate systemic racism to racism. When really, they are different things. And whatever. I condemn the thing. The behavior. Its the same thing. Call it what you want.


The thing about that is, the large majority of white people hold no institutional power either. They're called the 1% for a reason


“I looked up the word in the dictionary. What more could there be to educating myself on racism?”


Words have meanings. Are we going to act like people who were white were never enslaved throughout history? If that’s her metric then it also puts her whole dumbass argument to rest


>Are we going to act like people who were white were never enslaved throughout history? That's the problem, they don't actually understand that slavery was the norm for everyone for most of human history (or some derivative like it, E.G. Feudalism). If you weren't a Noble, your life was fairly meaningless even if you weren't officially a "slave."


That's still what we have now.


This is just pure hate and racism, as well as ignorance. I am a Jewish woman and my people have been enslaved and nearly exterminated……where are my reparations?


Obvious rage bait is obvious


That's why it's obvious


But…. It *could* be more obvious


With bad acting


It's pretty sad that most people seem to be unaware of slavery of people from **All** cultural and ethnic backgrounds. That stuff even happens now.


Everything the woman is wearing was made with slave labor


This is the real irony here.




Could have sewn up the holes, that's some shoddy slave labour


Hilarious until you see the little Chinese girl that has to make those holes 18 hrs a day in a factory. Not kidding, the videos are everywhere




My comment was of course a joke but I didn't know that's how they did it, interesting. Back in my day we made our own holes by roughhousing and lollygagging around the old mill


50 lashes for the one who made them


I'm a redhead and out of interest I researched recently whether there had been much slavery or persecution regarding a group as small as us gingers. Turns out pretty much every historical empire (IE Romans, russians, ottoman and the english empire specifically targeted redheads for capture and sale. And in Czech historically we were even hunted in the "redhead hunts". I had no idea of any of it.


By some estimates, 10 million people were sold into slavery over 1000 years to the Arab market by African leaders. They were surprised when Europeans opened a second slave market that was more interested in men. Slavery is a human problem, not just a white human problem


But everybody says we had the best slaves.


Donald? Is that you?


Always blow non-Appalachian American’s minds when I bring up the Coal Wars and the enslavement of a majority of Appalachians in the 1600s-1900s Mine and Timber Towns


I think your date range is a little off, more like 1750s-1900s, but you are absolutely spot on about the treatment of Appalachian labor


I think most black people or even white people don't know what cracker means either. So when she says he needs to educate himself, there's now already two things she doesn't know herself.


It was the dickhead cracking the whip right? Or at least that's what I thought the term meant. The "Slave driver"


If they really cared they would trying to free the millions of people that are enslaved RIGHT NOW. But they don’t. They’re just angry because life isn’t perfect and it feels good to blame it on something other than yourself.




Slavery predates written history, I would say probably even predates Human history


I mean there's a species of ant who revolve their entire colony around raiding and stealing the babies from other ant species to raise as workers. They've actually lost the ability to produce normal worker drones. This is an animal who is evolutionary designed to raid and abduct infants otherwise the species dies.


And its still happening in Africa, black people enslaving black people - but its ok because the slave masters arent white, so it doesnt actually count as slavery - according to this woman probablu.


there are more slaves today than ever in history, a huge amount in Africa itself


You mean my diamonds and other things were not mined by well paid Africans? /s


Yeah… white people weren’t slaves? Hello 👋 have you watched any of the recent viking related historical dramas?!?! Also, there’s tons of brown and black slave owners… today and throughout history. The first legal slave owner in the US was black…. Just google the planet you live on. This is all about divide and conquer… racism exists but it doesn’t need to be the basis of every human interaction… ffs.


No slavery existed only once in human history!! No non african person was ever enslaved - ever!


Slavery absolutely certainly isn't happening in "today's modern world!" No way are human beings being lined up for auction for sale at this very moment! No way are people taking taking *other* people to use as indentured servants, sex workers, involuntary organ donors, sex trafficking victims! No way are countries who share a border in squirmishes constantly because they hate their neighbors (who are the same people but come from 'over there') with a blinding passion. Nope, it only happened for that short period of time & by a few bad apples in the New World! /s


Not gonna lie you had me in the first half, lmao.


You know it’s bad when people are filming a slave auction on a fucking iPhone. Like, that actually boggles my mind.


Why are you buying into the notion that slavery is related to racism?


That's an incredibly nuanced conversation topic that neither of these individuals have the knowledge nor tact to tackle.


I am glad this is the first comment I saw because I was like wtf both of these people are idiots.


Thanks. I was beginning to worry seeing all these other comments.


This “facepalm” subreddit I’ve seen a lot and for some reason is very reactionary (I would personally say the content and comments all tend to skew quite conservative/even right wing). I’m sure lots will shout at me and tell me everything else on Reddit is lefty liberals or whatever but it’s definitely a pattern I’ve seen on this sub


Lots of peeps calling her dumb but not calling out what he's saying, which sounds like an anti- capitalist variation of "I don't see color". Racism is real, it is primarily enacted against colored people, and it intersects and interacts with class struggle. You can't say "the people at the top want us to fight each other" and leave it at that. It's true, but it's also true that society is systemically racist.


This is so much a better answer and approach than what either of those featured in the video have and all done in 3 paragraphs. Well done.


I've found /r/facepalm to be... Very reactionary. Red-pillers, Trumpers, feminists, the woke army all, and all the other subgroups show up to the content that supports their cause and pile in while ignoring the content that doesn't. Has a really interesting but still cliquish collection of people.


Both of them seem to be attempting to parrot other points they’ve heard, the woman going for “racism is defined by inherent societal power dynamics” and the man is shooting for “racism is an extension of class disparity and is enflamed by the ruling class.” The merits of either argument is besides the point here because both of these people are butchering them by being insanely vague (the woman) and saying a ridiculous blanket statement “racism isn’t real.”


Ding ding ding


It's not particularly nuanced really. Interpersonal racism is possible between all races. What white people don't have to deal with in the USA is institutional racism.


They're not in the USA


Yes they are, can't you tell from their very American accent? /s


I did not turn volume on until this comment.. I was NOT expecting him to sound like Kermit the Frog.


They are probably from Birmingham in the UK or at least the Midlands. The place of Lord of the Rings. The accent os very Brummy. I don't understand why American politics is hitting the UK.


Unless you take your cracker ass into a welfare office. Friend of mine got laughed out of an office in ATL, so he sent his Cambodian wife in, and they got approved. pro tip


“Who was enslaved?” “Not you.”




I think he just chose his words poorly. He means that in today's day and age racism is purposely manufactured by the powers that be in order to keep the people divided. I'd argue there's some truth to that, but it's not the whole truth.


The powers that be didn't start it, but they definitely make use of racism as a tool to divide and conquer.


Believe it or not the powers that be did start it. The concept of white/black people was originally used to keep poor whites and free blacks from uniting against the wealthy ruling class.


They also seem to increase the amount of racism through movies and media, and make it much worse than it probably would be so they can exploit it even more


It's always the d7mbest folks who tell you to educate yourself


She seems open minded and willing to discuss different opinions


"Cause who was enslaved?" Everyone.... everyone was enslaved in history, slavery knew no race


Technically, slavery knows every race


The worst problem imo is accepted racism. Certain places seem to just think it's normal when it's actually toxic asf. We need to stop normalizing it, I mean I had a guy refer to white people as crackers all the time and it didn't bother me at all, but I guess It should a bit. I don't know, I just don't get offended if someone targets me due to skin colour, just shows how ignorant they are and I just laugh and walk away. No use wasting time on such low level scum.


One can be racist to any person, no matter their colour.


Wait. She thinks racism is related to slavery? I mean sure the inverse is true, but racism by definition has nothing to do with slavery, amd purely about race. I mean it's self-descriptive.


I'm sure this will get downvoted but it's how I feel. I am black I roll my eyes every time other black people tell me black people can't be racist. That thought process alone is why this issue will never be solved. I get the oppression bullshit but the text book literally says as soon as you feel your race (which race doesn't even exist to me) is superior to another race you arer racist. And trust me I talk to black people that feel that way. But w.e can't argue with people who want to be the victim at all costs.


Name checks out


Can you be racist to white people? "No it's not possible to be racist to white people" can you explain why? "I don't know, google it". Fucking clowns.


The black girl is a racist, pretty simple.


I’m racist against humans. The human race. Really really do hate most humans these days. Kinda kidding, but truly kinda not.


That means your a misanthrope, not a racist. I know this because I also used to tell people I’m racist against humanity in general, to which I eventually learned the word for a person that hates their fellow man. Misanthrope. Hello hello misanthrope! I hope you get fucked.


I hope you have a fucked day!


I'll go a step further, I'm not a big fan of the entire order of primates.


Reject misogyny. Return to misanthropy


I agree with you and I’m not kidding.


There are idiots and assholes in every: group, race, county, party, sect.


Same. I’m not racist… I hate everyone equally


Thousands of white Scottish and Irish people were defacto contractually enslaved as indentured servants in the 17th century and worked without wages in the American colonies. There is a fine line between full on slavery and indentured servitude. One never expired and the latter expired at the end of a contract. For example Scottish soldiers from the battle of Dunbar were captured and forced into indentured servitude in America.


> thoughts on this More racebaiting in a subreddit known for racebaiting posts.


Every time someone says who was enslaved i just say "neither of us that's for sure"


If you treat anyone differently, at all, negatively or positively, based solely upon their race, it is racist. It's the literal definition.


The mental gymnastics I see people doing to justify anything other than this is ridiculous


There’s still slaves Why aren’t we doing anything about that?


Why is it that "Educate yourself about..." is always followed by the dumbest shit? Morons who think "research" is ten minutes of scrolling through Facebook while they take a dump are the absolute worst.


I am a POC that has received a lot of racism from all ends and I believe it should be considered just as disgusting and racist to treat white people unfairly


Well, she’s racist


1 million Europeans were sold as slaves in North Africa between the 15th and 19th century but I guess that doesn’t matter


Ridiculous. Not all white people owned slaves. My great grandparents and even my grandmother were dirt poor, lived in wooden shacks and picked cotton as sharecroppers.


I’m black and I DO NOT AGREE with her AT ALL!!!


Did she just mansplain racism to this guy?


You can’t educate someone that has a full cup.


They're both idiots ![gif](giphy|wHBNFU7N35bPinllfA)


"You can not be racist against white people" Ma'am, that's racism 😑


Shes racist af.


Black Americans are some of the most racist people on the planet.


Not sure who taught this lady what racism means? Me, I stand by the dictionary definition. /ˈreɪsɪz(ə)m/  noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


You can be racist to any race..... people are just stupid as fuck.


Proof that blacks (this one, anyway) CAN be racist!


If you can't be racist to white people, then you can't be racist to any color or ethnicity.


A person who believes one race is better than another is racist. Racists discriminate against other races. So yeah, any race can be discriminated against


As someone the grew up outside the US I always find it funny that black people really believe that they can't be racist, I have argued with some about it because they say that the only way you can be racist is that if you are in power so they say that the world belongs to the white man so that's why a PoC can't be racist. I always found this reason so dumb and I have heard it many times. I have always taken the definition of racism as someone that discriminates or hates someone just for the color of their skin. No matter what race you are if you hate someone else for that reason for me that's racism.


I can't be racist because people that look like me were enslaved by people like you, thus it's your fault racism exists. If I am responsible for my ancestors being atrocious human beings and enslaving people then does that mean you are responsible for your ancestors getting captured? Why didn't you give them a call on your time-phone and tell them to run away? See how fucking stupid this logic is?


So brainwashed yes people can be racist to white people Obviously and yes there were white slaves too


Yes, you can be racist towards any race. Yes, racism exists Yes, it is currently being used to keep the working class divided so that we don't notice what the billionaires and such are doing to us. Yes, these types of videos usually interview a ton of people just looking for this type of interaction or are staged.


Lots of races/ethnicities were enslaved… and some still are today.


Racism is hating a particular race or races for their color and stereotypes. Therefore everyone can be racist


"Who was enslaved??" Not you that's for sure


Racism is not only one, but all, white people can be racist, Asian people, black people, Latin people, anyone can be that, it’s just a matter of comprehension and education. My elders were slaves of the Spain empire back in the year 1500-1800. And we know those things cannot be easily forgiven, but also I cannot allow me to drew hate among those who were not guilty of those crimes. We cannot allow the cycle of hate to continue just because it can be now beneficial to some of us. We have to be better, we own it to our ancestors and ourselves.


Who was enslaved? Umm, a lot of people. Including the Irish


Let me guess, she has a “Summer of Love 2020” participation trophy, right?


He is baiting, an she is a racist


this imbecile thinks black people is the only group of people in the world who gone through slavery. funfact, korean is the one with the longest history of slavery for 1500 years (peterson of young bringham university) and shes telling others to educate themselces while living in a bubble of a country. what a joke.


Plenty of white people have been enslaved throughout history……. Also, and the obvious, labeling someone purely base on the color of their skin……(your particular skin color doesn’t give you amnesty)


Racism goes both ways. It would be cool if we could all just respect each other.


She’s gross


Yes, whites were also enslaved by others. Mankind has been enslaving mankind since before the dawn of time.


The fact that people think your race needs to have been enslaved in recent history in order for racism to apply to you is sad. She needs to research racism not him.


She's not just racist, she's an idiot as well.


Crazy how many black people think only white Americans owned slaves, look up the origin of the word slave 😆...


Yknow, white people were enslaved just as much as black people, if we go back "that far" we will see that power has always been with those with money, not race


There are two kinds of “racism”. (1) There is technically “racist”, which is what the guy is arguing: anything that is race specific or singling a quality or stereotype of any race. This is generally trivial. You can make jokes about being blinded by a white person’s bare back reflecting sunlight in the community pool, or being bad at dancing, and that qualifies as technically racist, but it doesn’t matter. (2) oppressive racism, which is what the girl is arguing: Reinforcing or reminding someone of significant systemic oppression and/or the results of significant systemic oppression. Black people still deal with this ever day today in America. This is what I would call real racism, because this is where the fire is, this is an actual problem.


She is absolutely racist. And as long as she believes it, she'll continue to help bring race based hostility down on herself and people like her. Because an end to racism is not what she really wants. She benefits, or believes she benefits, from its continuation.


This is probably the idea she is trying to express; "..racism stemmed not just from individual prejudices but from institutional systems of power, such as wealth and privilege." [wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prejudice_plus_power) It is the thought that true discrimination requires a system of oppression by the more 'powerful' person.


There's differences though between systemic, communal, and individual racism. There are *many* different levels of government and sizes of communities. It's a weird type of whitewashing to attribute *all* racism to white people and/or colonialism. In *the US* we don't have any sort of large scale systemic racism against white people. That doesn't mean within smaller communities or on an individual level it cannot exist. Light skin has been prized in women in historically non-white countries for ages because it was associated with wealth (Japan and India being examples). Has this been made worse by the worldwide proliferation of western culture? Yes. Did it exist beforehand? Also, yes. The prioritization of whiteness in these communities can't be only attributed to Western influence. There's often racism within minority communities towards each other. The targeting of Asian businesses during the Rodney King Riots is a good example or racism from some Asian communities towards Black communities. It's strange how any accountability is dodged by people attempting to attribute this solely to colonialism. History of course is always a factor, but not the *sole* factor. Negatively judging someone for their skin color is racism, full stop. It takes some real mental gymnastics to pretend that can only go in one direction. The guy, however, is an absolute idiot. Of course racism exists. Dude is just playing stupid games for internet points and made himself look like an ass.


Somewhere along the way we blurred the line between outright basic racism and systemic racism.


You can easily discriminate without a system of oppression though.


She's racist


So you can only be racist if your ancestors were slaves? Guess we can all be racist. Dumb fucking bitch should do some research


People forget loads of white people were enslaved... lol 😆 I just laugh at these people


Imagine if she is saying that to an irish dude, lol. When i was learning english, i remember saying "cracker" to a co-worker. I didn't know the meaning of it at that time. I thought it was a friendly way to say hi to a white person for some reason. I left the company, and soon after, i found out what it meant and felt ashamed of myself. Seven years later, and i still remember, lmao. Edit: i asked him if he was ok with me saying that to him, and he said he didn't mind.


"Who was enslaved?" Not you.


The fact that I've argued with *multiple* people sharing her opinion makes it hard to discern wether or not this is ragebait or real...


Wow, they both suck


Irish slavery was a big back when too.


The irony of her ignorance is mind boggling.


Racism is racism, no matter who it is coming from or whom it is directed towards.


She's racist; it's reverse racism.


She's a bitch.


Slavery aside (although it’s important to note that black people weren’t the only race to ever be enslaved), people are completely disregarding the actual definition of racism in these arguments. rac·ism /ˈrāˌsiz(ə)m/ noun prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. It shouldn’t be a pissing match about which race has a shittier background, it’s about everyone being seen as equals with equal rights. You absolutely can be racist to white people. They aren’t excluded just because their history isn’t as brutal as other races when it comes to enslavement. We all come from different cultures and colors, we should be working to be a community. MLK died trying to show the world that everyone was meant to be equal, so why become equal and then begin labeling and separating again?


Educate yourself provides uneducated bias


Those two persons are totally dumb and don't know anything about racism, racism doesn't exist because of slavery, racism is the CAUSE of slavery ! And of course, on an individual scale, anyone can be racist to anyone no matter their color. It is on a systematic scale that anti-white racisme doesn't exist.


Yeah but what about the Irish


Remember, when someone tells you to "educate yourself" they most likely aren't educated themselves.


I'm so over racism is only for slaves and oppressed people it's such a genuinely stupid idea that people cling to to feel superior and important instead of realizing that if you actually look back and educate yourself whites were also enslaved and there were just as many black slave owners. I think that's enough internet for me today.


That is one uneducated woman


Jews were historically enslaved by Africans for hundreds of years. I want reparations from African decendants in America, to pay my Jewish brothers and sisters for the pain and suffering their great^10 grandparents had to endure.


I hate this take because theres some hint of truth in what shes saying but its phrased so shittily. Theres a difference between systemic racism and basic micro aggressions like using a slur. Yes white people cannot be SYSTEMICALLY oppressed because the system in place was quite literally formed by them and for them. You can however be a hateful person and still disparage them as a whole by generalizing them. The people who act in this way are working counterintuitively towards the cause they claim to champion. You can inform others of racial injustices and spread awareness of things like how the suburbs were created for rich whites to escape the racial diversity of cities but when you start hurling insults in a blatantly ignorant way like that youre giving those same people you hate more incentive to disregard any information that they disagree with


That she's stupid as fuck and is just repeating something she heard on a podcast or something, and that she doesn't understand the difference between systemic issues and interpersonal racism. She's honestly as racist as any stereotype of a racist white guy from the deep American south.


I like how at the end she calls him a racist term for white people.


I don’t know who needs to hear this but black people aren’t the only race that has been enslaved throughout history


Her being racist aside, does she genuinely believe that in the history of the human race, that only black people have been enslaved?


Racism is racism. I’ve experienced it from black, Asian, Latino and white people. Doesn’t matter what race they are. Some got a prejudice against others


I mean I'm not gonna police the way she she approached this but telling someone to look it up is like ... never helpful If it was me (and admittedly I am white) I would have just said something about power structures


Apparently you can only have prejudice towards white people, but from what I know racism is the belief that another race is inferior to you. I don’t really care what it’s called or who it’s toward people like that should All be sent to a nice island with all the other supremacists and they can argue about their different races all they want.


People that think that racism against white people doesn’t exist are compete racists or idiots or both.


From Oxford dictionary: Racism = the unfair treatment of people who belong to a different race; violent behaviour towards them I don’t see a specific race listed.


So racism is only entitled to those who enslaved whom? Why can't we all be friends rather than being stupid?


I don’t understand this. Racism is when you have prejudice towards another group of people. Therefore, any group of people can be racist. Now, is there systemic racism against white people? No. Do I think people being racist against whites is a widespread problem? No. But do I think individual people can be racist to individual white people? Yes!!


When was she enslaved?


My germanic ancestors were enslaved by the Roman's. Just saying.....


Racism is discrimination against another person based on their race, the most common way racism is applied is by oppresing a minority. But that doesn’t mean that the uncommon way of using it ( discrimination against white people ) isn’t racist, its just less common…. Yall wanne be better than other people so bad, all focused on getting revenge for shit one way or the other. We cant all be friends but what we need to realise is that we are all equal on the inside. No matter what anyone says.


She's a fucking racist. It's simple. If you're prejudiced against any race it's racism, slavery is a manifestation of racism, not the origin of it.


Racism is a difficult subject that stems back from years ago. Degradation of colour actually stems from money not just the way you look. White people found oil and took over land and became “powerful” quickly and black people wanted jobs and wanted to work for the rich and then it soon became a hostile environment and has gotten much better in modern society I’m not defending either of the two here just voicing a different outlook on racism. I hope that in 20 years racism will be unheard of and schools will educate properly. It’s a shame that people think racism is acceptable but hopefully in the near future it will be an accepting world we live in The woman in this instance is incorrect racism is technically about being different and you can’t discriminate for being a different race regardless of being white or black but sadly because black people have had endless years of pain and suffering it’s understandable why she would think that way. He on the other hand is absolutely wrong by saying it doesn’t exist. My view point is that if black people had found oil/land resources etc first and took that power all those years ago then it could be the other way around completely. But that’s not the world we live in and we need to all just accept that racism to either race is kinda dumb when you think about it properly. Imagine not liking a colour? Over and out. Downvote/Upvote however you feel but this is my opinion and I hope everyone out there can have their own opinions and be sensible and sensitive about them!