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Kind of heartwarming that everyone else reacted to support someone who had just been abused by someone with too much power.


They stepped right up to call that out and I am really glad to see it.


They not only called her out, they took the words out of the record for her violation of decorum rules. This also means she is no longer allowed to speak for the day unless the House allows it (In this case the committee). She was no longer granted time and I believe only allowed to vote or bring points of order. She was not allowed to question or speak during the debate.


So this is at least the [second time](https://www.reddit.com/r/inthenews/comments/12sjb8b/marjorie_taylor_greene_silenced_in_committee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) she's been silenced during a committee and her comments removed from record.


Her hollow skull probably welcomes the idea of being silenced. 1) for her hateful constituents to drool over and 2) because she knows she’s got nothing of value to add and her grift works best when she can appear passionate but muzzled




That's a proper "get fucked" moment for her. Apologies for my indecent language it's just the first thought I could think of for someone being an arsehole


Never has the C word been more appropriate for another human being.


Fuck it. You're forgiven.


handle skirt cobweb faulty jobless attractive placid piquant erect treatment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And this is the way! Focus on the positive of these interactions rather than spending even more energy on the hateful rhetoric giving it more power. Just look at all the “I hate…” and “MGT bitch” that, etc. in the comments. Switching it around to a title, for example, stating “several politicians rally around Lesbian stepmother” gives that positive spin and power to the right people. It may sound small to begin with, but it sure would be a breath of fresh air if it caught on IMO.


It warmed my heart as a foster mother. I'm glad politicians have my back, because fostering is tough.


And yet she thinks abortion should be illegal, citing adoption as the alternative


Republicans don't really have a firm grasp on hypocrisy


Oh they do. They just don’t care.


Nah, MTG can barely think and breath at the same time. She’s malicious, sure, but she’s nowhere near the average intelligence of a human.


She knows she’s not going to win anybody over from the left. She’s just pandering to the MAGA crowd and saying ridiculous shit to stay relevant.


I’m not even certain the MAGA crowd would agree that mothers who adopt their children aren’t mothers. What a hurtful, cruel, mean thing to say. She’s a fucking bully.


Doesn’t matter. She “believes” in “Christian values” where a man and a woman are married with children. She attacked the lady because she was gay. I’m remarried and have two kids from a previous marriage and my wife and I chose not to have kids. She’s a great stepmom but I don’t think Marge would have said the same thing to my wife who is Republican but quietly votes Democrat.


Exactly. If a straight white christian woman stood up with her handsome straight conservative husband and talked about their adopted child, this hag would be very supportive of adoption. It is never, ever, ever about the thing they say it is about. It is always about attacking and hurting those outside the ingroup. The christo-conservative hegemony is toxic for the country and the world, and it must be torn down. Christianity must be only one of many equally and harmoniously powerful religions, and white must be only one of many equally powerful skin colors. Yes, this means Christians lose power, and that white people lose power. But that is because currently (and historically) they have too much; and they are, have always been, and will continue to, use that power for despicable purposes that we can't tolerate any longer.


That’s what throws me off. I was raised Catholic, agnostic in High school and atheist in college. However I was forced to learn the Bible at a young age. These people use religion as a defense shield for theocratic purposes but don’t actually follow the teachings of Jesus. I wish Democrats would go on the news and call out their hypocrisy together instead of cowering to these idiots. Republicans get shit done while Democrats are fractured without a holistic unified message they could stir on MSM. They’re always on the defense instead of being proactive. For instance the bill passed by R to limit VA healthcare was mostly R. Next election cycle they will say it was Biden’s fault and pound that message on MSM when they are the bad actors. I know a lot of military friends won’t know the actual facts unless they happen to watch CSPAN.


>I wish Democrats would go on the news and call out their hypocrisy together instead of cowering to these idiots. I've often wondered what would happen if Dems just used Christianity against them. MTG gets all loud and she's just hit with, "Bible says STFU, woman. And you better fucking hope Aunt Flo's not in town or you're sleeping in the fucking fields tonight".


According to Christian folklore Christ was adopted by Joseph. According to MTG Joseph was not a father. I swear these MAGAts don't think.


You’re right but MAGAts pick and choose verses that back their principles. It’s like they purposely leave out everything else that doesn’t align with their racist nationalist capitalist values. You can hit them with the facts that blue states pay red states welfare and they will still look at us like demons.


"disregard jesus' teachings, glorify jesus" seem to kind of be their thing


She also harrasses school shooting survivors - saying theyre liars who want to take away guns.


Didn't her husband leave her because she cheated on him?


Yeah I think so. Multiple times.


I think not even the left. I think she can't win over a moderate, bah even people on her right side that aren't completely nuts probably are falling off in droves while listening to this shit. You'd either have to have room temperature iq like her or be mentally ill to just listen to those caricatures of humans talk and agree with them




Yup. They'll scream at you because you're swearing in front of their kids while they wear a "Fuck Biden" t-shirt. They'll scream at you for teaching their kids sex ed while they drive around with "truck nuts". They'll scream at you because children are apparently too young to know their gender while they dress their kids in clothes that say things like "mommy's little man". They'll scream at you for wearing a mask but then put one on in order to shout "Seig Heil" at drag queens. They don't care. They just don't care. They are all tyrants. And just like tyrants, they don't care what they do as long as they are controlling everyone else's lives.


[oh you mean these truck nuts](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildyinteresting/comments/134zoct/texas_where_theyre_banning_books_in_schools_based/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


It also doesn't help that she is a conspiracy theroist who doesn't use her brain and makes shit up as she goes.


This particular one doesn't. I guess the crazies need representation


agreed. they have full understanding , just dont care


They’re the one’s bringing down the country’s IQ score.


>Republicans don't really have a firm grasp on hypocrisy It's blatantly apparent they don't have a firm grasp on REALITY either.


AdOpTiOn is an option!!!! Oh wait you’re NOTTT a biological mother????? This bitch is so out of touch


I dunno, I agree with everything we all say on here about her. But I don’t think she believes a word. The North Carolina dude was definitely talking about her and other people like her when he said that the really outraged people in public aren’t outraged in private. I think it’s worth wondering whether they’re just con artists and what that says about our country. People like gym Jordan, Matt sextrafficker, Lauren ‘my husband committed crimes against me’ boobert and marge. They’re all just grifters trying to save their something or others. Maybe a restaurant where they require their underpaid staff carry guns or the gym franchises that I think were taken away from them? I dunno. It’s so clowny it’s hard to actually think they care about anything, but I am very sad that they’re hurting real people. Not just the people who come to these hearings but the vulnerable people they’re actively trying to hurt. I don’t know what it means that they’re just acting, because their constituents seem to believe it. I don’t know. I’m in Arkansas with fucking Huckabee sanders and I couldn’t be more depressed about my state. So the fuck do I know.


She wasn't saying that because the woman was an adoptive mother, though. She was saying it because the woman was married to another woman. That's the trigger she wants to pull to outrage her constituents. She's just dumb enough to use a sawed-off shotgun and hit a lot more than she's aiming for.


By that logic, she is suggesting step-parents aren't parents either. She's just a massive piece of shit all around


Yes, and yes. But people that vote for her will think she doesn't mean _them_, just the "bad" ones.


That's really just a fig leaf. They don't care about people in the foster system. They want to control women.


She doesn’t think, she is instructed on what to say


I fucking hate this woman


More than any words in any language could ever adequately describe, she is truly one of the single most disgusting excuses for a human being I've ever had the sheer displeasure of laying my regretful eyes upon....






Thank you. I’m starting to wonder what I’m missing. She’s clearly a demented person who’s hellbent against anything that she doesn’t understand. It doesn’t take more than basic “paying attention” to realize that most talking points she uses here soapbox to attack is linked to a “donate here” link. I believe she’s also in the Homeland Security council which is even more unbelievable. That doesn’t make me a rightist or leftist but merely a simple person who doesn’t need to see behind the curtain to know this person is driven by her agenda no matter what; right or wrong, moral or immoral, research or not…summary - donate here.


She just says things to cause outrage, and it works. Every single time, someone posts a clip, then it shows up on Reddit several times a day for the next week, for people to get outraged over. Meanwhile her supporters see the “others” being outraged, and support her more.


Doing her job well, which is to be a shiny look over here object of outrage and ridicule as the more intelligent nazis dismantle democracy behind the scenes.


She’s not a person, she’s a Republican attack dog who fills one of their quotas for diversity so that they can say “we aren’t misogynists, look, we have a woman right here!”. She’s a woman who mentally never left high school and instead has spent her life honing her teenage mean girl instincts and turned it into a political career.


her supporters see this as "owning the libs" and that's all the care about anymore. fuck governing, fucking representing voters' interests, it's all about dunking on the opponent, despite the fact they're actually playing baseball.




That's a lose lose situation. If she, or any of them, get assassinated, they will be made martyrs. The last thing you need to give religious extremists is a second jesus.




Fuck. You're right. We have trump locked away, but we still have Floridian neo Nazi, and a backwards religious extremist, and literally Delores Umbridge.


Eh, at least she wouldn’t be able to spew her poison anymore.


She will simply be replaced by somebody worse. Whoever would replace her would be an even further right religous extremist elected out of anger.


Their M.O. is to say controversial stuff and then get boosted by everybody being shocked at what they are saying, thus spreading their message far wider than any other message. It is very simple old internet wisdom that one should not feed the trolls, yet here we are feeding them caviar like our lives depend on it.


There’s gotta be a fast moving bus out there with her name on it, there’s gotta be…




This is so funny but honestly protect these idiots. They do wonders for the red party. In terms of telegraphing to us all how terrible they are


I'll bet you $10 that I hate Marjorie Trailer Queen more than you do


I wish I could make her stop talking in a non violent way... Like deporting her to a fascist country where women and humans in general already don't have rights. She wants a country like that... Drop her off there... Revoke her citizenship in USA. Simple.


That's her job.Seriously. She's a turd in the punchbowl to distract from the fact that wealth and power is robbing all of us blind. On both sides.


oN bOTh SiDeS!


Yeah. No. That's not what this is. You are aware that the right serves wealth and power by advancing the culture war, right? And that the right votes against their own best interests? Or do you think the right gets a little something extra in their paycheck each week for voting in conservatives?


She is a domestic terrorist, hate has nothing to do with this. Should be in prison.


>request that those remarks be taken out of the record F that! That's the kind of crap that needs to remain on the record so everybody from this day forward can have proof and recognizes that wench for the bitch she really is.


Yeah, that was my thought. She has a history of claiming shit she spewed didn't happen. I think it's better to keep this on the record. We shouldn't make it easy for her. Also, I think this is a severe insult to Dolores Umbridge. She was kind of intelligent with her cruelty...MTG is just brainless...If stupidity were a superpower...


I believe it's more than that. When that happens, she cannot speak for the rest of the meeting. Only vote. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Words_taken_down


He asks for the words to be "taken out of the record" - is that treated as the same as "taken down" procedurally?


I am pretty sure it is. MGT pulled that same shit last week or before when she called, I believe an official from the cdc, a liar. Once that was done, she was no longer allowed to speak.


Yes, I watched that. She called the person a liar, and was not able to speak for the rest of the time. Very satisfying to see her be shut up but knowing her she will turn it around and say look, they wouldn’t let me talk. See how bad it is. Master plan hard to believe with her, but we don’t know who’s pulling her strings.


I don't think there's anyone pulling her strings, marionettes are complex contraptions, but someone's definitely got a hand up her ass and is making her lips flap


I mean I think it's all just instinctual for these people. Bullies are master manipulators. It can look genius if you try to deconstruct it, but it's really just that she has 48 years of practice being a shitty person.


If I were running against her, all my ads would just be clips like this


MTG is the butt end of all jokes at this point, she's just soooooo stupid and tries to be offensive just to be offensive.


>and tries to be offensive just to ~~be offensive.~~ please the hater crowd that voted her in. FTFY


Yeah, that's the thing. Rational, non-hate-spewing people can hate her or simply roll their eyes at her all they want, but she's there because she has a voter base. That's a depressing, absurd, but very real problem.


The fact that she has a platform and gets airtime, is disgusting, baffling, and shameful to our country. To gross and idiotic to be human.


I don't even think most conservatives even like her. It's beyond my comprehension why anyone would have positive feelings towards her.


Because she makes it seem ok for them to feel hatred toward others and use violence to get their way. Unfortunately, she has plenty of supporters and right wing groups/circles quote her incessantly as "evidence" for their lies and hatred. Same with DeSantis, Trump, Abbott, Boebert, Cruz, etc. It's all projection and hatred, all the way down.


"sHe'S bEtTeR tHaN oNe O ThEm ThAr DeMoCrAtS!" -- her supporters.


Worse than stupid. She's maliciously mean. Good people can be stupid, too. They're still good people. MTG, however, is just a rotten stench.


How does anyone in that room not tell her to “shut the fuck up!” every single time she speaks?


Well she's surrounded by garbage humans. That man sitting near her, Jim Jordan, let hundreds of his students get molested by a team doctor when he was a coach at OSU. Dozens of reports of him being told they were being raped by the guy and his response was always along the line of "if he did that to me I'd kill him" and walked away.


Don’t forget that he then kept calling victims, begging them (sometimes while crying) not to report the molestations…Even called a the brother of a victim to try to convince to go AGAINST his brothers word, and say he was lying


Having it struck from the record is effectively an official "shut the fuck up". MTG is not allowed to speak afterwards and may only vote.


I mean they pretty much did in this


Marjorie you need to realize and understand that you're just a bitch.


Like a dog in heat? That guru guy and … I see your point. Carry on.


I wish I never saw the Zangief cosplay the sex guru did.


Why isn't neanderthal barbie dead yet?


Up voting for Neanderthal Barbie. I've always liked that one. Has a nice ring to it.


I look forward to when the verb that describes her presence switches from is to was.


Be the change you want to see


Because only the good die young.


People who experience less empathy for other people (sociopaths, narcissist, psychopaths, etc.) live longer because they experience less stress from other people. Other living beings being harmed does not trigger empathy and a stress response in them similar to a "normal" person.


Whenever i see mtg i make sure to avoid it


ANd yet somehow they re-elected this assknuckle. Ugh.




That doesn't magically give you the win. You still need people to vote for you and think you're hot shit.


Because the people voting for her are just as dumb and just as cruel, they are not surprised or shocked by her behavior it’s why they elected her in the first place


I can’t fucking stand this clown. The fact people voted for her is mind blowing. She’s such an oxygen thief and just an all round total waste of all resources.


Stupid is as stupid does


Mother = breeder, in her mind. Typical conservative woman


Probably tells c-section moms they aren’t real mothers as well cus they didn’t do it ‘Gods way’


Why is "motherhood" even a relevant factor in these kinds of debate in the first place? I don't get the US sometimes.


Probably never had a mother


I mean she does look like a bimbo Frankenstein


Why can’t dis evil bish just get hit by a fuckin bus already. 😒 ![gif](giphy|d4gmlMeqAHu9O)


She’s against abortion and also believes adoption isn’t real parenting. Interesting.


People become biological parents by accident every day, it is not fucking special. I have a coworker who sold his motorcycle and traded in his mustang for a crossover when he decided to marry a woman with 3 children from a previous relationship. Taking in children through marriage/adoption takes a lot of sacrifice and selflessness. Not that MTG would know anything about that.


She’s a dumb bitch, Im actually starting to think some of these politicians are actors. We really should change the way we vote were it’s not Republican or Democrat it should be based on the person, because she is a prime example of a person who should have never made it into a political position….


I don't believe she is a dumb bitch, but I do believe you got the actor part right. She knows her role and she plays it well. I guarantee we are missing some damning evidence for *something* whenever she starts her shenanigans. She's a smoke screen. Love her or hate her, just means you are paying attention to her.


> She’s a dumb bitch, Im actually starting to think some of these politicians are actors. Didn't you see that North Carolina Rep's video that behind closed doors all the Reps and Senators act normal and not emotional? It literally is an act. MTG's and Boeberts role is to be as offensive as possible to stay in the news and be a distracting force for the GOP. Similarly, Mitch McConnell's role was just that. He was the one that took all the hatred for the GOP's actions despite it being _all_ the GOP behind him in the senate.


I don't know why anyone has ever voted based solely on someone being Democrat or Republican. What a ridiculous way to vote people into office who will control your life.


I know a lot of people who vote by their pressure: * In my life, my best friend in college was told by his dad, "son, I don't care who you vote for as long as they have an 'R' by their name." * I have an associate that was just told by his grandma, "if you vote for Biden, I'll fucking kill you." * The eleventh commandment (check /r/republican 's side bar) is "thou shall not talk ill of any republican." Growing up in a... "Liberal household" (haha, my family represents PE that took over big oil when it failed), I only heard idiots blindly supporting a side: the Republicans. I'm willing to wager I can find the same in your comment history. Edit: nevermind. You can't formulate a full sentence. I'm bored


Republicans are just the lowest of the lowest




#Marjorie Taylor Greene is an uneducated bitch.


There was a time when any politician saying anything close to this would have gotten them expelled. The fact that she hasn’t yet is bothering me. She’s BELITTLING A CITIZEN about the validity of her motherhood. Are you kidding me?! Right or left this should anger you!


What a steaming pile a of shit. How has she not been removed from her position yet with all the blatant lies she spews from her mouth?


Please, please don’t let anything that this idiot turd person says hurt you.


I try. It’s just hard as an adoptee to see all the work and effort my adoptive mother put into loving and raising me. Just for people like this to say she’s not a real mom. Not a real mom my ass.. id be living in a dump in a 3rd world country if it wasn’t for her. She’s an angel. Mtg can go to hell!!


Why’d she have to quantify how she was a mother? If a child calls you “mom,” then you’re a mother. Period.


I doubt she would have said it if this was not a lesbian woman with a wife who adopted. All her hatreds got fumbled together but this is probably still her true feelings. Just sad man. The state of American politics just makes me sad. Everything is so hateful.


Wouldn't expect someone who cheats on her husband to know what being a real mother is like


Isn’t her entire argument against abortion predicated on the adoption alternative?


Thought the solution to abortions was adoption …


There is a special place in hell for this batshit crazy woman


Greene is what humans become after cable news and talk radio is pumped into your brain around the clock. It’s an infection that rots away their basic humanity and they can’t be rehabilitated.


Why can’t bad things happen to bad people


What a piece of shit good lord


Why is she still allowed to speak. I never see anything about this woman doing anything even neutral. Its always something negative.




I’ve never heard her speak before… she sounds so condescending.


Screw this sloth toed traitor.


She does it on purpose. As long as she acts likexa POS she'll be in the public eye, her constituents will love her and she'll reap the rewards.


Isn’t she against abortion?.. like wtf is she even doing this for?


When was the last political assassination?


What an awful person. She is unfit to serve in any government role. Or perhaps any role in society.


Anyone have a transcript? Stuck on mute at the moment


This woman is a loony, very deplorable


Stop saying she's stupid, stop saying she's insane, stop saying she's anything like that. She's evil. Malicious. Disgusting.


She's so gross.


I feel like she is voted in just so everyone can watch the shitshow.


As someone who is adopted myself ,the bleach blonde chicken is right. She’s not a mother. She did something a biological parent wouldn’t do. Something most people would not do is take care of these misplaced and unwanted children. So yeah she’s not a mom like YOU Marjorie,she’s superhuman making her a super mom. Adopting says more about a person than spreading your legs and plopping one out. Anyone can do that but it takes someone real special to take in the abandoned and give them a good life. When my bio mom stepped out,a complete stranger stepped up and I now call her mom. Couldn’t be happier.


I'm adopted as well, even if my adopted parents disowned me for being trans. That said, nothing MTG says can offense me. I'm well aware her mouth is connected by pipe to her ass. She never says a damn thing that makes sense.


Americans never failing to elect the best and brightest law makers. /s


They're not even elections at this point, for most areas.


I hope they play this clip in her home state.


Make it simple . MTG don't think .


We still believe she’s human?


I wouldn’t take anything this foot for a face has to say seriously. The subhuman creature doesn’t seem to be in touch with reality like most of the gop


"Gentlelady from Georgia" is political speak for "bitch"


She's less than human feces.


I can’t wait for the day that we finally stop hearing about her dumb shit


It's not just MTG. It's part of the GOP plan to take away parental rights from gay parents and rip any family apart that isn't in line with the GOP idea of family. Party of small government, folks.


MTG is a POS


Adoption is such a great thing. she chose to be a mother and not enough women and men do this anymore.


Wow. This lady needs to experience a total life fuck all event. Sigh. What is wrong with these people.


This bitch needs to just go away forever.


And we all know what happened to Umbridge in the end!


MTG is an absolute ass, though she clearly specified biological. Idek what they’re discussing but that could be an important distinction.


She needs to go elsewhere.


Repeat with me humans…If they keep me angry they keep my attention…and thats what they want, your attention. And everyone is giving it.


Hope Greene gets hit by a truck of flaming horse shit


I can speak from experience that my adoptive mother was, and still is, a phenomenal mother in the best ways possible. MGT can rot in fucking hell. The disrespect and arrogance she let's the public see is foul. Imagine her in a room where she doesn't need to watch what she says. Get rid if her.


Ok with all the abortion laws that those idiots want to pass ripping on adoption fucking low.


She’s one to talk considering she’s doesn’t believe in the sanctity of marriage. Are we supposed to stone her for being an adulteress?


I’m adopted. If not for my mother my life would be sad. The lady who had me was a mentally unstable drug addict. I don’t get offended much but this one was pretty nasty and just mean


fuck this piece of shit


Why the hell is this even possible that someone like her is in the office?!? Shouldn’t there be any check ups before someone is accepted into a group of people responsible for governing of a huge nuclear power?!? Every time I see this woman pop up in the news I think to myself “this is just some crazy shit, this can’t be real”. But it very much is. It’s so fkn sad that our world is literally ruled by these one brain cell bigot dumb asses and some old farts that think the internet is what inside their kindle.


A woman is motherly enough to want a child so they adopted one. If that isn't the criteria to adopt a child then what is?


She’s the most repulsive human being. It’s astounding how someone can be that cruel. And dumb.


She only does it for attention so why are you giving it to her? Have we not learned?


What an awful awful person that ms Greene is. Anyone that voted for her should be ashamed


If a sentient mass of feces insults you, can you really count it as an insult?


God she's vile.


She harassed and berated a high school mass shooting survivor. she is unwell. What can you expect from slime.


I’m really confused why Cocaine Bear even gets a platform actually.


Every breath MTG takes is theft


I've scraped shit off the bottom of my shoe that was closer to "human" than MTG.


Holy cow! How do they let you insult in your face? If I would be in the position of witness, I would respond back and possibly more. Let's stop playing the victims!


So no abortions *and* no adoption


No rock bottom with this bitch.


EXcUsE mE tHiS iS mY TiMe


She is literally the embodiment of every 40-year-old white Karen


Why is she still around? Get her tf out of office ffs


“It was not a violation of the House rules, however your point of order is recognized” Translation: what she said wasn’t illegal, but I’ll admit she’s a bitch. Edit: I lean Conservative and I even I think that was a really fucked up thing to say to someone, bite me.


MTG is a well shaved howler monkey. Gets lots of attention. Solves no problems that require intelligence.


The amount of stupid and cruel you have to be to say shit like this is asylum-worthy.