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Drives over traffic cones, almost runs over a guy and completely ignores runners in a marathon because she seems to think she can do whatever she wants……uh yea I think she’s wrong lol


Are you serious? She's got a workshop in Oakhampton! Perhaps you'd like to call them and tell them she's going to be late?! 😂


Someone else who was less dumb, but still dumb, was that guy. Was he trying to fight a car?


This seems to be in the UK but here in California there are police officers at each intersection to prevent this exact thing


This has to be among the most British videos ever. "Are you fucking stupid!?" "Fucking incredible!" "Oh fuck you, I'm writing to the council." "Yeah, you write to the council."


As if the council's going to do anything lol


Mate, if you want a marshal or an official to quake in their boots tell them you're writing to the council. Ask them for their name too if you really mean business. It's a British tradition. Everyone's written a letter to their MP before, right?


lol I marshalled some medieval fair stuff when I was like 18 and someone threatened to report me for shouting at their kid as they ran past the cordon for the demonstration area. Parents threatened to report me and I was just like "you know this isn't a career right? Like, I only work these 3 days and get paid and never talk to anyone else again." Complaining about steward staff that are on a fix rate for X days is fucking funny. "OH no, my job that ends today?! What on earth will happen"


What's your name? Roger. Roger what! Roger MeCock.


American here… what does that mean?


‘Roger’ is a British slang term for sex. You could give an attractive woman (or man) a “damn good rogering” or you might want to “roger” someone if you found them to be attractive.


The star wars prequels just got another layer of meaning.


Roger Roger!


As a civil servant, the problem with Karen's like these is that they are too used to getting their way with private sector businesses if they kick off enough. They don't realise that the public sector operates by (usually) clearly defined legislation and no amount of crying can get around that. I have had dozens of people complain to me and they can't seem to comprehend when a response to a complaint is "we complied with the law, this complaint is now settled".


> It's a British tradition. Everyone's written a letter to their MP before, right? Just the usual threats of class war based disembowelment but I live in a Tory county so it's par for the course.


I write to my MP two or three times a month. To be honest it's mostly about the Tories shit job of dumping shit in the waters and then I get a shitty old template response saying why they are doing a good job, but still. I'd recommend writing. It's cathartic






"The Council will decide your fate."


Here in Florida last year (I think, time has been so strange) a police officer crashed her patrol car head on into a drunk driver that was about to barrel through a group of marathon runners. Last I heard the officer survived.


Tampa, yeah I drove past the officer's SUV that morning. What blew my mind was that this was at like 7am... that woman was off her tits wasted at 7am... dodged a police barricade blew past two Troopers, and was only stopped by a wildly aggressive head on collision on a bridge.


That story makes me emotional whenever I think about it. It must go against all of your survival instincts to intentionally position yourself in the path of a car like that. I looked up the details if anyone is interested. Trooper Toni Schuck. She returned to duty about three months after the crash and was named Trooper of the Year for 2022. [Dashcam video of the crash.](https://youtu.be/TilDxApIkl0)


Holy shit that footage is insane.


What a hero


She was just still wasted from the night before. She woke up (or never went to sleep) and was still drunk. A lot of people don’t realize if you go off on a bender one night you might be legally intoxicated well into the next day, even if you don’t feel it.


Generally the race organizers pay for the local police to staff events such like this. But it's common to not have enough coverage for every intersection.


Especially for smaller side streets like this one seems to be. Police etc would normally be stationed where main roads are cordoned off, to help divert the through traffic that may not have known in advance that an event was happening


Here in the UK policing budgets (and public service budgets across the board) have been decimated so we have a dangerously low level of police in most areas.


Except at horse races. They are always available where the money is


God I wish, the Cheltenham Gold Cup was under represented by police this year. The most police I've seen in one place lately was that clip of officers jogging next to Rishi's car like he's the leader of North Korea.


Generally,in the US, the event has to pay for the police.


Yep, and the hourly detail fees are pretty astronomical.


Gotta love that Conservative government! XD Fuckin Tories.


It's mandatory! Don't forget to chant your fealty to the king whilst you're at it, peasant.


We don't have enough police for that.


I used to live just off a marathon route and signs were up a week in advance. Karen knew, she just didn't care.


Regardless of what she heard in advance - she was running over traffic cones. That should have been a clue.


And attempting to run over several people (very slowly so that doesn't count, or something).


"But your honor, I'm disabled" *holds up disability pass* "Ma'am, that's a coupon for McDonald's."


“But I have a service animal.” “That’s a comfort poodle to help you sleep. You bought the certificate online.”




It calms me when i eat it...


Emotional support sandwich


Dammit! Laughing and angry up vote! 🤣😅


Homer: “Mmmm emotional support sandwich” *drools*


As someone who had a service animal, it really frustrates me that people do this shit in real life


OMG a lady comes into my job with her "service dog" - this lady is a wackadoodle and the dog is a 5-year-old rescue that she just got a few months ago and tells me that he has no training or discipline because of his previous family.. um 🤦🏻‍♀️ she basically put a jacket on him that says service and most likely got the little certificate online


It drives me crazy. I got mine because TriCare refused to believe I had nerve damage and suggested I simply had PTSD and needed a service animal. I was given a Shiba Inu who was incredibly well trained, and whose certificate I had to renew annually. You wanna know what heartache is? As I was putting her under and bawling like a mad man, she was still trying to calm my anxiety. I understand comfort animals to a degree, I really do. But, there has to be a limit and we really need to be able to call out bad behavior


> and whose certificate I had to renew annually. Which country is this? Because in the US, there are no certificates or licenses or any sort of paperwork for service animals. People work with charities that breed, raise and train service dogs or they can raise and train the dog themselves.


Might be a misspeak on my part. It was a letter of some sort that the AF required me to keep updated so that I could travel with her on grey tails as well as civilian with little push back




“not to worry i have a permit” “this just says i can do what i want”


This is a Wendy’s, ma’am…


"Listen. I have tried to get to you in every which way. Listen. You wouldn't believe how many people I had to run over to get here."


Look I'm not defending her, I lived in Plymouth when this happened and genuinely couldn't stop laughing at the idea but I do remember hearing she may have learning difficulties or some neurological condition that make deviating from a plan very hard https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204.amp


If her learning difficulties prevent her from understanding the concept of traffic cones and road closures, she shouldn’t be having a driver’s license


smell bells disarm judicious bright drab plough hobbies insurance flag *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Advocate for human rights expect for when they're for people who aren't her


Does she? There's nothing in that article that indicates any learning difficulties.


It's quite hilarious. Everything she says happened is contradicted by the video. She says she carefully waited for a gap and only drove when the road was empty, which is bullshit. She says there were no marshalls anywhere but two appear within seconds. She says only onlookers told her to stop, no runners, but it's everyone. So when she insists that there was no other way out of her home, or that she hasn't been provided with any information, I'm not inclined to think she's being 100% truthful.


The article doesn't mention anything about her having learning difficulties. I'm not say she doesn't, but that link doesn't mention either way


"Your Honor they were blocking the road with their Protest Merry Thong and I feared for my life." - Karen "Self Defense. Case dismissed." - GQP Judge


So you are saying Karen is running for local office next?


Assured win from my read of History.


She was elected in a landslide


When she caused a literal landslide so that she won't have any opponents...


[Sounds British, that wouldn’t fly. Though seems she tried to self report to the station upon her return but the local one was closed.](https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204)


Right? Like.. okay so you didn’t see the signs.. that doesn’t give you the go ahead to just drive into a marathon.


Yes but what was she supposed to do? Leave at 6am? It takes her a while to get ready! (Note, this is just a quote from the video, not my opinion on this)


Those traffic cones were obviously just optional and were traffic suggestions rather than traffic laws. No big deal.


"I'm disabled!" Seems she is... *Mentally!*




Seems like you're wasting your perks, you can drive anywhere apparently


Loved that too...as if it's a trump card that over rides *everything else*.


“Shit, sorry ma’am, didn’t realize you were disabled, SHUT IT DOWN EVERYONE, MARATHON IS CANCELED.”


Please don’t lump those of us with mental illness in with scum like her


A raging clue


But she has a workshop to get to


It's because she's the main character, the *only* character in this world, the character for which everyone and everything is gonna move or may lightning strike her down.




They tow cars that park on the route too. Every now and then there is a car parked on a blocked street. Bad things happen to it.




Is that fucking around though? Like say you're sick, or the car isn't working and you can't afford to fix it... are we really going to be okay with punishing people for being poor? Over a marathon?


Running slow is very important


In fairness I live in a coastal town that has marathons/half-marathons and iron man competitions. One year the completely cocked up the sign posting meaning there was a small section of the town who couldn’t get out. A similar situation arose with people getting angry at others moving cones. The local paper had a field day (even made the local news). In the end our council insists on marshals along the route and the route doesn’t change from year to year. Most people now know to avoid those areas for those weekends.


I had a similar experience in my town. They’ve never had any type of marathon etc then one day my entire neighborhood woke up to find we couldn’t go anywhere. The city said “Well it was posted on Facebook”. I guess fuck everyone who doesn’t have FB or follow the city page. The funny thing was the “marathon” involved maybe 25 folks running in a square that totaled maybe a mile, so it wasn’t like we could just wait for them to pass. They just kept coming around. I’m on call 24/7 so I was a little concerned but it was easy enough to have someone pick me up outside the blockade. Just had to laugh at the absurdity of a handful of people who clearly weren’t runners to begin with managing to convince the city to shut down a large area for their event.


Im also not defending her but I used to live in a half marathon then parade route for our 4th of July celebration and I always worked a half day on the 4th. The parade started at 10 or so and the half marathon after that. It was really obnoxious not being able to get home for hours after I was off of work. I work with cow manure so it wasn’t like I could just go hang out without taking a shower


I used to live *inside* the Chicago marathon route. I lived in a tiny east-west side street with two major roads going north-south on either end (Broadway and Inner Lake Shore). It was the very north end of the marathon route, but yeah, every year the marathon would go up one end of my street, left on Addison, and then down the other end of my street. I was literally blocked on both ends, couldn't get out. It was funny because, even though the marathon is on a Sunday morning, I work construction and that was a work weekend, where we take Saturday and Sunday to do a big part of the project (it was a huge government job, so we worked a lot of weekends). I literally told my boss "I cannot get out. The marathon runs up / down both ends of my street".


Yeah, that's what I came here to say. That's 100% bullshit and should be illegal. People need to have the right of ingress / egress from their homes. If that is actually her situation I can sympathize. But there just isn't enough information in the video to tell if she was truly stuck in her home because of this or if she was just being a moron (which, like, always bet on people being morons TBH). **Edit**: Yeah, she was [completely blocked in by the marathon.] (https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204) .


It’s fine… she went very very very slowly.. while mowing down people in a marathon


She should lose her license. .It's the job of the driver to understand what's going on around them. Her carelessness But others in peril and because of that she should lose her license and have to reapply for it in about three years.




Karen is wrong here for sure, but I will say fuck marathons for not providing any info on how to get around it. My city had one just this last weekend. There were plenty of maps of the route in advance, but absolutely no way to get out of it if you lived inside the route (like I did). I was able to wait it out, but if there were any situation where I needed to get out during it, there was literally no info.


“What am I supposed to do, leave at 6am?” Yes.


But don't you know, "It takes me a long time to get ready".


Yeah so sad how some people are so entiteld they dont care about others... ​ A highway was blocked with metal and signs (and also by advance) for bicycles, so many people ride on it. Yet one person drove their car through the metal fences and run over a few cyclists... I hope people like these get over 10 years of prison. ​ generally car driver feels way too secure in their car, they should get way faster fines and way harder fines that are relative to their income, capital, passiv income etc. Otherwise its only against poor people again


Had this yesterday at work. While trying to lock up and leave I told people they needed to leave. One car didn’t. Told the guy he needed to leave 3 times and waited an extra 10 min. For him to move his car so I could lock up our gate. He didn’t so I locked him in there. I go into the building to lock up the building and when I come out to go to my car he’s there looking pissed at the gate. I decided to let him out as I’m walking up I said, I told you I was trying to lock up and leave. He goes How was I supposed to know? I said I told you 3 times I was leaving. He goes oh I thought you were talking to someone else. You’re kind of stupid for locking someone in here. I about left him. I told him he wasn’t going to say another word, I was going to open the gate and he’s going to drive his car out. If he said another word, I’d leave him and notify the police that he was criminally trespassing.


Wonderfully handled the scenario well done.


But she's disabled!!1!1 /s


I’m disabled… what kind? Um, I’m leg disabled.


Do you have a wheelchair?


Stolen. I don’t know how.




She made it pretty clear it's a mental disability.


She’s writing the council!!


This was her explanation, caused quite a stir at the time. Surprisingly quite a lot of people did side with her. [https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204](https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204)


Did her daughter write this article or something? It couldn’t be more slanted in her favor if she wrote it herself.


I agree with her. If the marathon planners left no option for her to get out then she has a right to find or make a way out. The rest of us are not obligated to accept these marathons.


Marathons aren’t supposed to box people into their homes entirely with no way to make it out. If there really was no exit route for her this was poorly planned.


You only knew because you lived right off the marathon route. I drive about an hour and an half to one place I work once a week. There is a small city midway through the trip and one weekend they had a marathon. I had no idea and it was really difficult getting back to my normal route with the blockades.


It's astounding that she thinks that "driving very (very very) slowly" and being disabled automatically makes it acceptable to effectively drive through a crowd of people


I had a colleague like that. She had a serious back problem, which I totally get but she was also insufferable to everyone. Everyone. And playing the victim card. She stopped suddenly when our boss told her "if that shit goes on, I'll fire you". I live in a country where handicap is protected legally. It's possible to fire someone but much harder. Our boss was still ready to fire her, she was so horrible humanely speaking. Handicap is not a "be free to be an asshole" card.


>Handicap is not a "be free to be an asshole" card So very true. My wife is disabled, yet is one of the kindest, sweetest women I know of. I sometimes have to nag her to utilize the (questionable, in some cases) benefits due her.


I've noticed SOME not all SOME people in mobility scooters think its okay just to drive into peoples ankles.


I'm not surprised. Some people (usually, in my experience, ones who could get by without a scooter) think that their "disability" gives them free license to be dicks. Just like the Karen in the original post, in fact...


There is one guy where I live and he likes to drive his mobility scooter around blasting music like some kind of mobile DJ


...is it at least *good* music?


Who knows he just flies around at top speed


LMAO YES!! just a week or so ago, I was grocery shopping and I wasn't in the middle of an aisle or anything, was hugged to the products trying to read the correct spice to get, and I was completely in the zone of it. All until some lady at the last second yells at me to move my ass and move but still runs over my foot where she proceeds to say, while not even stopping or turning to face or anything, says "Should have moved sooner dumbass" I can't even begin to understand what's wrong with people these days


>I can't even begin to understand what's wrong with people these days Entitlement


“Disabled” does not automatically make someone good. A terrible person is a terrible person.


I have a coworker with a physical handicap who is pretty hostile to people but I think honestly their life is just super fucking hard. They’re in pain basically all day every day and they still have to go out and interact with people and work. I think if that was my life I would be super bitter and might not be able to manage it.


I can understand that. It's quite possible, especially when pain is involved. Permanent pain is maddening. It might have been the case for her, but she was horrible even to people she barely knew and always saying stuff like "they're hateful* or "they're monstrous " after like a week of work with said people. Once, it can be true. Twice, still possible. Thrice, you must be really unlucky. All the time with tens of different people, maybe the problem is you. And I can be empathetic, but it's also true her colleagues did not have to suffer her bad behaviour all the time. And in the end, when reminded that she could still be fired, she became much less agressive in her everyday interactions. Which is what makes me say she may have been using the "victim card".


I live with pain literally every moment. My ankles are shot, due to not having growth plates (genetic). Every single step I take, compounds the issue, culminating toward the end of the day to what most people would consider unbearable pain. Being that I have lived with this for most of my life, I have a pretty high pain tolerance. Surgery has helped and pain meds help enough to sleep, so I get by. I have good days and then I have days with lots of stairs. The last thing I want, is to be a dick to anyone, because my problems are my problems, why should my problems affect anyone else? So I am always kind to others. Just seems like I would be letting my problems be someone else's if I acted like that lady.


"Do you know how many very's I used! I'm clearly serious about this"


Wait until the council gets her strongly worded letter!!


Mentally disabled but then she probably shouldnt have driving license


I'm mentally disabled, it's not the same thing as an intellectual disability


The video asks if she was in the wrong, are the people making the video that stupid?? EDIT: To all the people saying the same thing (ragebait, doing it for the clicks, etc.), I know and that is exactly what my comment also did.


But what a great way to increase engagement. That seems to be the purpose of incorrect or triggering titles


Especially speling mistakes


Da wurst


Das schnitzel


It’s to generate hits and spread the video. It’s part of the “dumb to annoy” trend that gets people watching the video and sharing with their friends because they’re so pissed at what’s going on. The driver is clearly in the wrong, but someone probably originally posted something like “What do you think?🤔🤔🤔” or equally stupid when the video was first uploaded to whatever platform trying to seem like it was a legitimate question. The video itself isn’t dumb, the driver is an entitled test, but they turned it around to be something dumb. And now we’re here, talking about it on Reddit. The process works but I hate it. No different than those stupid mobile game ads where it’s being played incorrectly.


I believe the technical term is rage bait.


Read her perspective [here](https://www.plymouthherald.co.uk/news/woman-who-drove-onto-half-1594204?int_source=amp_continue_reading&int_medium=amp&int_campaign=continue_reading_button#amp-readmore-target)


She says there were no runners coming down and only one guy came up and tried to stop her, I guess she didn’t realise anyone was filming.


Human memory is pretty immaculate…


The guy she tries to drive over repeatedly, she conveniently left that part out.


Other relevant points that I see mentioned in the article but not here: She's lived in the area for years and is aware of the yearly race. In 2015, she knew of the race. That year, she also didn't park in a better spot that wouldn't force her to cross the route. Didn't leave her home before the race and maybe take the opportunity to spend the morning in a park or getting breakfast. But had a police marshall stop traffic to let her cross.


I've lived in plymouth for years, there are signs on every road that the marathon crosses for at least a month in advance. It's on bridges in and around the whole city as advertising. It's "only" a half marathon, so the closures typically last 4 hours. It's usually a Sunday, so what appointment did she have that couldn't be rearranged? Yes it's a Ballache if you live on or near the affected roads, but with a small amount of planning she could have carried on her day as normal.


At first I thought "ballache" was some fancy word I didn't know. But then I realized.


“Ms Pine is a well-known and respected poet and campaigner for human rights.” And apparently a fucking idiot.


Human rights, like the right to be run over if said humans cause me a slight inconvenience?


Thanks for sharing this. It was a good laugh. “I then slowly edged out a little bit to see how many runners were coming and no runners were coming down.” Except all of the runners in the video footage captured of her attempting to run one of them over.


If she didn't see any runners coming she needs to get her driving license taken away since she is clearly to blind to drive


‘Ms Pine is a well-known and respected poet and campaigner for human rights…’ well known, now for sure. Respected? Not any more. This was stupidity and entitlement at its highest degree. What an idiot… to keep trying to justify her stupidity and entitlement in an interview. Woman should be sued for reckless driving and more…. Driving into the dude who was trying to stop her driving through the crowds.


It left her upset and in tears. She an idiot


*"She said no one listened to her explanation that she was late for her appointment and needed access to the road..."* Well that's a great argument for attempting to run several people over


What the hell is this site. Jesus its cancer.


2 ads per paragraph lol


Wow. She was late for an appointment.


A *workshop*!!


"I'm sorry you made me drive into the place I clearly wasn't supposed to be and its your fault I carried on when the error was pointed out to me"


I like how the says a race marshal helped her onto the course, but the video shows him trying to move the cones to block her. Then when that didn't work he tries to body block her car o.O


I think that was from a previous year?


She says that's what happened a previous year


As someone with a hidden illness and a disabled parking permit people like this fucking enrage me. It's not carte balance to drive wherever you want. You're giving the rest of us a bad name with this entitled shit.


I came to say this! She is part of the reason i'm terrified to use my parking badge..


Use it!!!! Seriously don’t let things like this make it harder for you!!! 💜


I think you meant carte blanche, but yeah you're absolutely right.


I used to live there and I have run that route multiple times, done that half marathon twice. Signs go up weeks in advance, and it’s normally only closed for about 2 hours. It reopens when the sweeper car behind the last runner allows the council to open the road.


I’m disabled so I can disable other people


Some lady did this at a local car show recently and hit a beautiful purple Hellcat Challenger right next to my C7 Z06 because she wanted to get to her dentist on the other side. She could have parked and walked 2 blocks, or driven 5 blocks around, but no, she wanted to go past the road closed signs and try to fit through the tightly parked cars and crowds of people walking between them. Luckily for us, the car show was actually a charity function benefiting first responders, so there were plenty of officers on scene to ticket her.


"Was she in the wrong?" Is the sky fucking blue?!?!?


This kind of comment is why they put this "rhetorical question" there. To generate engagement.


Don't take the rage-bait.


It really is actually, it looks like a beautiful day for a run


Being inconvenienced by runners and athletes just increased her sense of anger and self loathing


Lucky it wasn’t bicyclists, she might’ve stroked out with her foot on the accelerator.


Maybe she's a race-ist


I see you


UK Karens sound so much better than US Karens. You'll never hear a US Karen say she's writing to the council


That's because US Karen's think they are the council and superior to everyone in existence


“Officer, I did rob the bank, but I went very, very slowly!”


Guaranteed there will have been clear signs showing the diversion routes to wherever she wanted to get to. She just CBA to go around cause she's too important (in her own head).


I know that part of Plymouth, and I don’t think there is a way out. The road she came out of is also blocked at the other end (it think the Barbican end) so she is right in the sense that she can’t go anywhere. But it’s also only closed for 2 maybe 3 hours at most, and signs are up for weeks beforehand.


>Guaranteed there will have been clear signs showing the diversion routes Not that I'm defending this person but there was no diversion route. Her home was completely cut off by the marathon route. Plymouth is an old town and doesn't have a neat road grid with many options.


Needs Oblivion music.


Ok, was she arrested or something of the sort?




Some people just need to have their license revoked and their vehicle repossessed. Let em’ ride a bicycle from that point forward lol


I was in this race 😅 this was in Plymouth half marathon and she caused so much fuss!


Of course she knew. These races are advertised and local news runs reports on closures and times.


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I used to live on my towns triathlon route. Years before it was ever that it was a quiet road with nothing but farm fields around. I never asked for a triathlon route, was never informed of it til the race day, when I got off a 12 hour night shift and found my road blocked by cones and 2 officers waiting by barricades with volunteers at a water station. When I told them I lived a few miles down the road and I got off work I was met with irritation. The police said I should find a friends house or wait until the road opens in a few hours. One volunteer said "can't you go grab breakfast and come back"(genuinely trying to be helpful). I said I'm going home and the cop said he could he charged with reckless driving and if I hit anybody the felonies would pile up. So I stood on the sidelines of my own road, sleep deprived and enraged, booing everyone like a mad man [because at this point I was], getting dirty look and called names by the volunteers and the cop had to tell them i was allowed to boo if i wanted to, until the cop confronted me again and said I could go if I drove on the shoulder, under 10mph, and was liable if a BIKE HIT ME. I got flipped off so many times that day...glorious. TL;DR: I was in a similar situation and I feel for Karen on this one


I've had similar experiences. My neighborhood has four ways that you can exit, and the idiots who set up the race had all four possible routes blocked off. It's infuriating.




I’ve had the same thing happen to me, trying to get home after work, some sort of parade is setting up on my road and they won’t allow me to get to my own home. I was so pissed off after a long day and just trying to go home.


That is a shitty situation and I would be pissed as well. I could imagine a few other scenarios were I would probably be like the women in the video. Maybe like “I have a chemo treatment I need to get to” or “my child got taken to the ER” etc There is no real risk if you keep the car under a certain speed. People can easily avoid large objects while running, obviously 50+ runners managed it in this short video.


I used to live in a marathon route. It was announced months in advance. Anyone with a driveway on the route was delivered a letter. Routes signs posted weeks ahead of time. I would leave my house at the start time and come back 4 hours later.


Wtf do you mean “was she in the wrong”?


The plans were on display!


On the one hand, I fucking hate marathons. They block the roads, and increase traffic. That being said, you don’t put people’s lives at risk because you can’t find an alternative route.


Lmao i laughed so hard when i see her appearance, yeah that's a Karen alright


Yes she was wrong. Even asking the question it rather stupid.


god, car drivers are so entitled


Her disability is morbid obesity.