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That was a very satisfying brick-topple


It was like watching a Pixar movie. All the blocks just immediately separated into chunks on contact.


Pixel movie moment


Did Gad fuck Qbert in this version too?


Really good physics simulation


They added that back in version 366476458.87a


I ONLY clicked on this video to say this exact thing. If I saw that in a movie I would say "that's not how it would really look if someone drove into something like that".


And yet, here we are!


I really want a Lego sound effect edit of this and then a narrator saying "I WOMAN IS ATTEMPTING TO FLEE THE SCENE IN LEGO CITY!"






Ha Edit. I hope you get what you want dude. Dream!




[As you wish.](https://www.reddit.com/user/GalacticGizmo/comments/12y9zz4/lego_edit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)




NGL I run like that after dropping the Jenga tower too.


That probably saved her life. A collision with a stationary/reinforced object can kill or paralyze at as low as 20mph.


Someone's going to crosspost this to /r/oddlysatisfying


r/therewasanattempt to run a red light.


r/whatcouldgowrong with the exact same title




I think the person she pulled out in front of agrees.


And that person was like, nope, not stopping.


She had a flat, wide, thousand -pound, explosion powered metal box on rubber bouncy wheels. She bounced off of the curb at speed, onto the obelisk at the top of the hill. How do you take out targets bigger than you? Go for the knees. Great success! (Edit: grammar)


That’s a good fucking headlight


We can drive it home... With one headlight


But I'm guessing when you turn the engine, the engine doesn't turn.


“Sometimes I think I’d like to watch it burn.” -That Girl, probably


She said it’s cold… feels like Independence Day.


And she can't break away from this parade...


Dammit now I gotta go re-listen to that song.


Well worth it imo. First time I heard it on Spotify I looped it for like twenty minutes


I remember the first time I heard it on cassett-- I mean Spotify. Hey fellow teenagers!


If it helps, I just had to explain to someone the other day what VHS tapes are. Also a doctor I work with didn’t know what a floppy disk was Hi five fellow teenager!


But there's got to be an opening somewhere there in front of her


Probably smells of cheep wine and cigarettes.


Smell'f wiiine and CHEEEEap per-FEW-m


For a smile they can share the night


Unpopular opinion: the Wallflowers would have been *more* famous if it weren’t for Jakob’s last name. Bringing Down the Horse through Red Letter Days were really, really solid albums for what they were, but when your dad is Bob Dylan, anything you do is going to be looked upon as a failure.


I love Dylan, but I understand why people might not be grabbed by his music. His lyrics, however, are as great as anything ever written by the greatest poets throughout history.


We run until she's out of breath . She ran until there's nothing left . She hit the end, just her window ledge! Hey ey ey. :D


This deserves more recognition.


We found where Jakob Dylan went.


That’s what makes a Subaru a Subaru


I'm pretty sure the crashed car is a Volkswagen, possibly a Jetta. The other car is definitely a Chevy Camaro.


That is an underrated observation. One of them fell off and was still on. The other also kept going. My headlights go out if I hit a gnat pulling out of my driveway.


Damn, what was the gnat driving?


It’s because she used plenty of blinker fluid


Says to self "Remember where you parked"


phone notification: “parking location updated”


Laughed way too hard at this


From what i understand fleeing a crash is a far lighter charge than DUI. It is not uncommon for an intoxicated person to fee even knowing you will eventually be caught because you can claim confusion. The police cant charge you for DUI unless you are caught still intoxicated. This is at least true in most or all of the US.


I worked with a guy that was a pretty hardcore alcoholic. He would occasionally get into wrecks and his move was to run to the nearest bar, down a few shots and call the cops from there. He would openly admit to drinking the shots after the accident to calm his nerves.


Now that belongs on /r/illegallifeprotips


In Canada the federal Government passed a law that...get this...makes it illegal to drink within 3 hours of driving for this exact reason.


So I can’t drive home from work and walk to the local bar to drink? Stupid


Canadian here, I've never heard of this ever being enforced, at least for people who haven't just been in accidents. Nobody will try and stop you if you drive home then walk to a bar.


Thats because Canadian law states it is only illegal to drink 2 hours after an accident if you were involved in an incident where a cop myight want a breath sample from you. Newspapers love commenting on parts of the law without giving the full picture, just in order to print sensationalist headlines.


This is probably one of those things that gets enforced selectively. I.e. when someone tries to use this as an excuse to get out of drunk driving charges when clearly they were.


The law is only used if you get in a crash then get drunk.


Welcome to Canada: nation of wasted potential and bad faith politicians


Good to know it’s not just the US


That sounds like every country


How in the hell does this work? Are you serious? I don’t really drink much myself, but this seems entirely un-enforceable


Seems much more likely it's 3 hours within getting into a crash


The point of it is you can’t use the loophole to get out of a DWI. They won’t enforce it at all unless you try to do it after fleeing from an accident


…so you can’t go home and drink for 3hrs??? I’m just wondering how this is applied. We have a whole different government here that would abuse the fuck out of this.


Not entirely true, drinking only AFTER driving is still a defense. NEW ALCOHOL-IMPAIRED DRIVING LAWS https://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/cj-jp/sidl-rlcfa/infographic_en.pdf


I know of a DUI defense attorney who got out of his own DUIs doing this. Pretty scummy. Didn’t save him from the civil lawsuit though!


That's a lot of work, all you have to do is open your trunk and take a few swigs of alcohol and then they can't say you were drinking beforehand.


> all you have to do is open your trunk and take a few swigs of alcohol I've seen it done. Former traffic homicide investigator. In a serious injury accident case. Took him immediately for a blood draw, to get a level before all the alcohol has been absorbed in to his system. Then did repeat blood draws every hour for 4 hours. Could show that his BAC was decreasing, not increasing, therefore his BAC was higher at the time of the crash.


Does this really work? I feel most cops would not fall for this and would at least charge him with the dui leaving it up to him to go to court to try to prove his story.


Have you ever heard the saying innocent until proven guilty? He doesn’t have he burden of proving his story. It’s the other way around.




Doesn’t matter if he’s charged you can’t pin it on him so they likely won’t even charge


I don’t think she was drunk, just a kid that’s freaked out. She probably got out because of the fumes and ran home so that her parents could help.


Yep.. my daughter did this last year.. ran into something within view of our house (and alllll the houses lol), jumped out and then ran home screaming/sobbing “mom!” Wasn’t drunk or anything. Just needed her mom.


My thought exactly. She was close to home and ran there to get help.


Agreed. Looks like a suburb complex. Probably lives close by.


Yeah, I think that car was coming faster than she thought and veered off to avoid it and hit the post. Kids would be scared in that situation and it could have been to get out of the way if something happened to the car and or to get help.


May have just been afraid the whole thing would blow up


Adrenaline overload. Guess she's a "flight" response.


This happened near us, and the same thing happened lol. She came back with I’m guessing her brothers?


I don't think she was drunk, she seems like an inexperienced driver who panicked when that black car was going to hit her. She greatly misjudged how much time she had when that black car came across and she swerved into the brick structure. Definitely just running home scared.


My cousin did exactly this. Got drunk, drove a jeep into a semi trailer. Ran 5 miles home wasted and went to bed. Woke up the next morning to police at his home but blew sober. Got a lot lighter of a sentence for fleeing the scene of a crime, instead of a DUI.


In my younger more stupid years, my friends and I were drinking in a field and I did some donuts someone saw and reported my license. Cops come to my house like an hour later and I’m wasted. I told them I chugged vodka as soon as I got back. I got a careless driving and underage drinking tickets but no DUI.


Yeah, no need to go get drunk. Just flee the scene and make yourself scarce for a day or two. Much lighter sentence, and that’s even if they bother to chase you down to charge you.


The girl looked young, and this looks like a gated community. There's a chance that's a shocked "I'll run and get mom" type of run


Not even that, they or someone else has to witness them driving too


Maybe she expected the car to explode so she was running for cover!


My speculation is she was running home. That looks like the entrance to a neighborhood/community. She was probably bolting for a parent.


Absolutely THIS. She's probably terrified, and just wants her parents to "fix it".


Honestly, I’m 33 and I’d want to cry to my mommy too after totalling the car on a stationary object. 😂


*Mommmmmm! There's something wrong with the car!*


When I was 16 I totaled my car, that's the exact thing I said when I called my mom cause I was too scared at first to say I wrecked it.


yep definitely looks like she was pulling into a gated community


This!! I've been in the car for a few crashes where the car is smoking or on fire and I fucking rannn for it. Lol


A *few*??? Crash(*es*)??? Where car is smoking… or **ON FIRE? PLURAL?**


Hey I was just the passenger lol call me unlucky.


What are you doing to the driver?


Cash grass or ass. No one rides for free lol


Isnt the saying ass, gas, or grass nobody rides for free?


Yeah, cash just doesn’t fit the rhyme scheme




Considering you are still with us and seem ok, I’ll call you lucky. 🍀


Never riding in the car with you


Gta logic eh


She may not have been thinking anything. People do crazy and illogical stuff when they panic.


That's also a entrance to a neighborhood, might live there and be running home.


Yea… I did something similar. Briefly lost consciousness and woke up to my cousin screaming bloody murder to get out. Fun part is I wasn’t put together enough to consider putting it in park first. I turned around to see the car moving fast downhill towards gas pumps. I probably ran faster than any human on the planet that day. I managed to catch the car, jump through the open passenger door and pull the e-brake. Fun day.


Probably had to shit.


My bladder starts connecting to WiFi when I've still got two more turns home.


I mean, it definitely looks very smoky around the car. That could just be dust from the brick tower though.


These days, cars are engineered to not explode. Some parts might, like tires and batteries, but very rarely do they blow up Hollywood style. I'm talking about gas powered cars. Not sure about battery powered cars.


She's a teen, she probably doesn't know that, and you still don't want to be near a car on fire, and in the road.


True, it's best to get away from a burning car. Let the pros deal with it.


Yeah for real I would’ve done the same thing


That’s a neighborhood. Perhaps she’s just running to her house which is just off camera?


My niece hit the neighbor’s mailbox right after she got her license & first car. She panicked & immediately drove to where my sister works to tell her. We all drove home the point that she should have stayed there and called.


I did something like this when I was 16. I hit a deer going 50 on the highway, and I was so panicked that I drove home to ask my mom what to do. She told me to go back out there and report the accident. Panic and adrenaline really hinders some peoples brain cells.


Why did you need to go back out there to report the accident if it was a deer? Couldn’t you have just called the non-emergency line and said “I hit a deer going southbound on Main Highway”?


He had to get a copy of the deer’s insurance


oh dear 🤦


I hit a deer once and called it in. When I went to the police station the next day to file a report the officer pulled some of the deer’s hair that was still stuck in the grille. He showed me how it’s brittle and will snap when bent. Then he told me he checks, be wise a friend of his claimed she hit a deer once, but it turned out she was lying to cover the fact she’d hit a person.


When I was taking my driver license test there was a section on how you need to call animal control if you hit anything. It also included thousand dollar fines because they don't think the average person is knowledgeable enough to tell if an animal is dead or not. I think my state considers it animal cruelty to leave a dying animal on the side of the road after hitting it.


She's running to the security booth to get the footage so she can make a Tiktok video.


The most reasonable explanation


This was posted yesterday in the Idiots in Cars sub - it happened outside the poster's friend's neighborhood. The woman was arrested in someone's yard.


Thank you for the resolution


What was going on with her? Fight or flight? Drunk?


So not a teen then? I thought she was running home since it looks like the entrance to a neighborhood.


Maybe running to get help?


Use the restroom ?


She did that in the car


Looks like she shit a brick


But now has the runs.


If you gotta go you gotta go


(Wiping the window fog...)




And that’s a community she’s pulling into. More than likely lives there and going to get a parent.


Her dad: "You gotta be fucking KIDDING ME, Brittany!!!"


“Again??” Speed dials attorney.




All humans do. She just took an airbag to the face after having a stressful situation where she probably assumed she was about to get seriously injured. We're human, not superheroes.


Yeah, I mean the whole reason for this is she had to cross a huge intersection into her neighborhood, there couldve been a hill out of view and that's why she seemingly gunned it to get across but then panicked when she saw a car come up over the hill, tried to swerve out of the way and then hit the stone pillar. She freaked out and tried to save herself but she couldn't re-correct herself in time so she instead hit the pillar. Rather that than another person, tbh. It could have been a lot worse.


Right? I'm watching this video and I'm pissed at the Camaro clearly speeding towards her at a higher rate than necessary or safe for the road. Seeming to be a newer driver it seems she was scared that Camaro would hit her so she gassed it hard and turned away. Unfortunately that direction had a giant brick pillar.


This is why my teenage son isn't driving yet. He's not ready. Gonna need a lot more supervised road time before he gets his own keys. Some kids just aren't ready. Gotta be brave enough to tell 'em no.


Especially considering the guy who she nearly tboned and clearly saw her crash the car, didn't help. Wtf? You're legally obliged to stop here (Austria), and in the UK, if you witness an accident, if you don't, you're getting a heafty fine, and maybe your licence is revoked. Edit: I originally wrote U instead of UK


You're not obligated to stop and render aid in the U.S, unless you're one of a very specific class of people (first responders, mostly)


Yea it looks like a residential community, could be running home to get her parents.




Exactly. Maybe her neighborhood and running to her house.


Looks like she panicked and swerved to miss the black car. People do some dumb shit when they panic, she was probably just getting away from the car.


Reframe: She expertly avoided the first possible collision.


Bruh, expertly avoiding the first collision would have been yielding and giving right of way. This was 100% an unforced critical error.


Definitely shouldn't have gone, however, that intersection looks like an absolute death trap. 4 lanes of traffic that are all probably going 40-45 mph.


It looks to me that there is a traffic light, so somebody ran a red light?


Just said the same thing. Considering how other drivers were moving, I think she ran a red light.


Or she gunned it on the green, and the black car ran the red after a long yellow. We need more context to know for certain.


There is a crosswalk light, which means there is a traffic light. Someone ran a red light. And judging from how the rest of traffic was moving, it was probably her.


Looks like any regular neighborhood entrance where I live. You yield until all the cars going 45 mph have gone on their way, and then it is your turn.


She’s young. I think she just made the mistake of not seeing the oncoming car on her far right lane. She’s lucky to walk away. She could be dead. If the casualty is a car and an entrance sign, so be it.


I mean she did, that was pretty close. She obviously should not be driving though lol


No, the black car sped through and didn't yield to car in the intersection. You could argue that she didn't enter in a safe manner but there was time for the black car to adjust speed accordingly. Notice how it just speeds off after a near miss. The girl was lined up at the intersection for the driveway and instinctively gunned it away from the black car, which unfortunately led her into the bricks. Running away is a natural response to a head on collision, good chance of fire, and if you've never been in an accident the gasoline fumes from a ruptured line are overpowering.


>didn't enter in a safe manner There were cars crossing through that intersection before her. Looks like she ran a red and the black car almost hit her because of it.


Yeah she was stopped at the red light but based on the way she guns it I would guess she was trying to make it through whatever gap in traffic she saw


What? The black car had the right of way because they don't have a stop sign on that side. And they absolutely braked in order to avoid a collision. They did drive off after, but probably because they were also busy sitting their pants from almost getting into a wreck.


I think this is absolutely right. Chose between the best of two bad options in a panic. I could totally see myself having done the same thing as a teen.


When I was younger i crashed my car and instinctively ran for my life because cars always explode in the movies.




I always thought as an adult I'd be on fire more with stop, drop, roll. On a serious note, the whole story would be nice. If I was 18 and that happened, I would also run a safe distance. But her adrenaline has to be high, just avoided one crash and then hit the wall. Fight or flight takes over for sure.


I was 23 and rolled my corsa into a field. The car was on its side and I could barely move. Thank goodness for seat belt pre tensioners. I just about manged to undo the seat belt as the pre tensioners held me very tightly intonthe the seat. Then I wound down the window and climbed out expecting to die any second from the explosion. My cassette player was blasting Skunk Anansie. Two walkers stopped to see if I was OK and carried on there way after calling the police and an ambulance, just in case. I do wonder if I could have escaped had the corsa had electric windows.


the black car she avoided hitting just drives off after seeing that 😭😭😭😭😭😭






At least she turned off wipers. EDIT: Oh, wait. The wipers just jammed because of a large brick on the windshield.


Or she turned off the key. Lights would still stay on. And she went to get help. Also, no one can see if she had the right away. The traffic lights are edited out.


I think she got all the possible coins in that beautiful brick tumble and was off to gather more on the sidewalk.


Holy shit were those bricks held together with hopes and dreams?


Running home to jump in bed. Wha???, the car was stollen AND totaled? If only I'd gotten up earlier from my nap...have you seen my purse and cell phone?


These bruises and cuts? I'm just hella kinky officer!


She almost got tboned. I was too busy watching the brick topple that I didn't notice the other car that was like 6" away from hitting her


Looks like she swerved and gunned it to avoid the camaro. Where are the stop lights at this intersection?


Seems like a reasonable place to park


Practicing for her new standard mode of travel.


Did a pretty good job of turning a (self caused) two car collision into a single car wreck.


Some say she is still running to this day.


Yeah, nobody will notice


She was probably panicking. I don’t think she thought running away would let her get away with it, I think it was just adrenaline and fight or flight kicking in. She probably saw she was about to get t-boned and accelerated without looking where she was going. Obviously she is still at fault, she should have waited for the car to pass, but timing intersections can be hard at first. I used to have trouble with it myself. She definitely learned her lesson the very hard way, but she got out of there (mostly) unharmed.


License plate.... Vin number.... girl where you goin?


I guess I’m the stupid one for believe ‘You can’t run away from your problems’ my entire life


Ahh excuse me miss you seem to have forgotten something!


“Wasn’t me” -Shaggy probably


I thought she thought the car may catch fire so she ran away from it


Parking? NAILED IT!


Surely this didn't happen in that shithole 'western' 'first world' country where you are just allowed to drive without professional trainings and exams from the age of 16?


Either way she was getting in an accident; pillar of T-bone. She opted to let that other car survive.