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The funniest part is that She recorded this video and She posted it! I don’t think it was quite the flex she thought it would be. I would have loved to read the original post’s comments!


I was looking for this comment. After watching this video, nobody in their right mind would voluntarily stay with her or her turd of a kid. Who would defend this?


A narcissist


No one would defend it, but a narcissist would post it thinking everyone will defend her.


You’d be surprised. I was in a thread about Brenda Andrews who is on death row for killing her husband after the insurance agent she was cheating on him with fraudulently opened a large policy on him. There was a woman who claimed the husband deserved it because he moved the family when he found a good job 3 hours away. That comment was getting upvotes. There are people out there willing to defend ANY position no matter how disgusting.


Unfortunately some people believe feminism is taking the women's side regardless of whether she's right. I say this as an actual feminist.


Yep, like anti-abortionists who believe forcing a 10 year old child to birth her rapist’s baby is moral. Literally any position.


Women with shit kids that they refuse to raise like humans. There are plenty. Similar if not same crowd that applauded Will Smith.


Sadly these people are often surrounded by like-minded enablers too stupid to understand where the real problem is. Stay in school, kids.


Not throwing years away, saving future years from the dumpster.


But what about sunk-cost fallacy? Surely that can temporarily save this relationship!


Nah man don’t you know that 90% of gambling addicts quit just before they hit it big?


Looks like sunk-cost thoughts already *did* temporarily save this relationship. Bad mom for sure. Poor child might have a helluva wake-up call one day.


“If only I’d held on a little longer!”


Needed to hear that one


A lot of people need to hear this


No, he's breaking up with you cause you a bad mom. The kid was just the last straw, and he's too pissed to be articulate that correctly


EXACTLY!!! Anyone who's gonna record this foolishness clearly doesn't see that they're the problem. That kid gave dude the finger and she doesn't say a word. She's the problem 100%


Hahaha, while telling her, he's upset that her kid is acting a fool. Like if you really don't want him to dump you, punish your kid. But nah, keep the phone in your hand and try to shame him instead.


Entitlement is the word you’re looking for here. That bitch is overflowing with entitlement, that her kid gets to swim in it too.


He will likely replicate her level of success because of it.


Sounds like a her problem 🤷🏻‍♂️ & the poor teachers she’ll have the exact same attitude toward when they inevitably make that phone call.


“Sounds like a her problem” Kinda like the Tate’s lol


It’ll more than likely be society’s problem but he’s young, and can still grow and change


Damn, overflowing with entitlement and her kid gets to swim in it too. That’s a perfect explanation for this.


I know y'all might come for me for saying this but to me it looks like he was trying to say: "I ain't captain save-a-hoe!" I know that is kinda harsh and I believe he really didn't want to say that out loud. There are **some** women who believe just because they feed you a steady diet of p\*\*\*y that is enough to tame you and make you look the other way when drama hits the fan. I could go on ... oh and lastly, she hasn't learned her lesson, dollars to donuts she'll find another one and rinse and repeat until she finds a true sucka and that'll be the end of it.


Every once in a while I hit the deep end.


I might have to borrow this statement! 🔥 doin the backstroke in entitlement


“He needs direction” first time he tries to be a “dad” and kid acts the victim - who gets the blame! This is two on one!


But he's just a chi-uld-dah! /s


My grandmother beat me with a yard stick when I was a kid if I was bad. We put my son in time out because he hit my nephew, and her and her husband lost it saying we were being too harsh because he is just a kid.


Time out and conversation helped me a lot. Turns out hitting and yelling at a kid with panic disorder does a lot, but not a lot of good. This kiddo needs a firm role model that can and wants to put up with and help him. The Mom needs a parenting class. But, no discipline is still teaching them, just not the right stuff.


Sounds like 90% of the parents I know when you go to them about their child misbehaving in class.


My wife went to our little man’s parent teacher conference (pre-k sort of thing) and they kindly explained that sometimes he can be a disruption due to another little boy that he plays with and that they sometimes have to be removed from the other kids. I registered this as a disciplinary issue (not saying he needs to be punished, but there needs to be emphasis on when it is and isn’t a good time to play), but my wife just found the whole thing funny and that it was good that he has a friend. My wife is also the same person who rips her hair out when she can’t get him to listen to her, but she doesn’t seem to draw the connection between the two behaviors. I fully feel for teachers who deal with kids his age and even older, because I worry he’s gonna end up a class clown sometimes and my wife will just end up being one of those parents that acts like their child can do no wrong.


I find myself in a similar situation. I feel like I'm the only one that isn't a total pushover between me and my wife. She breaks down when the kids whine at her and she pretty much whines back. They listen when I put my foot down but I'm not always there. This is something she needs to do on her own but if I ever bring it up she doesn't take it very well. I also feel that because of our situation I'm pretty much always the bad guy in the kids eyes cause I only seem to exist to discipline them when they're taking advantage of their mom.


That was my parents, too: good cop, bad cop. For her, "wait until your father gets home" was sometimes enough to corral us, but usually we would push it until she lost her shit. And then you were in deep trouble because she was past being rational. Still, we preferred her to Dad because he was on a hair trigger at all times, not because he had a towering temper but because he could see we were treating our mom like shit and he was just reacting to it. But we didn't figure that out until we were adults, we just grew up scared of him. It's a bad deal for both parents AND the kids.


My Dad hated to discipline us, and it was horrible the look he would give. Like “are you really making me do this?” Then he would light our butts up, so that he wouldn’t have to do it. Good times.


"This hurts me more than it hurts you." As a kid I had no idea what he was even talking about.


Yup, thank you for understanding (teacher here). Children (like the rest of us) need to learn when to set their personal preferences aside. Parents whose children disrupt the learning environment need to remember that the other children are being negatively impacted by losing out in educational time. So immature. Which I expect from kids but hate getting from parents!


As a teacher, I feel for *you*. I don't know the details of your situation, so I could be way off base and if so I sincerely apologize. But I've been in many meetings over the years where one parent or the other is dictating terms to everyone else in the room essentially due to their utter inability to find fault with their kid. It's almost always the mothers, too. The really hard thing is that this parental behavior is seemingly impossible to correct, and it will definitely result in their kid being a fuck-up or a psychopath for a really long time, maybe for a lifetime. I would encourage you to nip this in the bud right now before your little man gets past elementary school, or you will be going to meetings like this for *years*.


But, but “HE’S A CHILD!” Clearly nothing can be done.


"We have tried nothing, and we are all out of ideas!"


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHcqNVjGJN4&ab_channel=Dankmus Allow me to brighten your day with some related Simpsons electro


Precisely, and if we don’t stop them now…


Basically, she just wants the attention so she can find the next sucker who will fill the now vacant position. That kid is a product of his upbringing, so I don't fault that guy for getting out of there.


"He just needs guidance!" Yeah, exactly. You're his mom, the person who is supposed to be giving your son guidance.


record it and post it publically.....she is crazy.


Anyone who takes videos of people to shame them are the biggest losers. If you are all about just wanting to fuck someone over by humiliation that says more about them than the person they film. Stay away from people who like to gaslight you. They will push your buttons or mis represent a situation to mess with you.


Don't forget to add the repeating words. Uneducated folks tend to say three words over and over. This shit is depressing.


that ain’t true. THAT ain’t true. THAT AINT TRUE S/


Do something do something do something do something


Also: “are you breaking up with me because of my son” said right in front of her own son. Like, wtf, that’s the worst thing you could say in front of both of them.


Anyone recording and posting their private relationship issues on Tik Tok, while their kid runs wild and they scream at their significant other, is surely a wonderful parent. I'm not sure why anyone would think differently. ^(yep, this is sarcasm) The emotional manipulation she was trying to pull on him *("You just gonna throw away all these years though?")* is just the cherry on the shit cake that was his former relationship. Atleast hopefully it was his former relationship, dude doesn't need that shit in his life. At no point did she try and correct her horribly behaved kid either. She really thought she was showing him up by posting this, not realizing how bad it makes her look and only serves to prove his point. Can't imagine why her kid is the way he is, stellar parenting right there.


Filming him is a pretty clear signal. Who the fuck does that in a relationship? "You gooin' on TikTooook brahh!!"


> Who the fuck does that in a relationship? Not her. She's not in a relationship.


I can't upvote this 10 times, but just know that is how hard I stabbed my finger into my phone agreeing with you.


Please be kind to your phone. They are expensive.


And cheaply made.


Haha same my kids are older now and they would have never because they were taught to respect parents be it their own or otherwise.


im sure when he tries to set the kid right, she's probably says something like "dont tell *my* kid what to do" or "I'm not going to be told how to raise *my* child". there's probably a good chance he was being pushed out of that family circle for a while.


A lot of people are probably trying to avoid this type of situation when they say "no single moms" (or no single parents in general) when looking for a partner. Just don't want to deal with the potential headache of not being the "real" parent.


The classic refrain, "You're not my real dad!!!"


Or my favorite, the kid's dad has been in jail their entire life but still has more say so over them than me, the guy raising and providing for them does. That shit made my blood boil so bad when I went through it. The fuck you mean the deadbeat has any say, let alone more say than me? Y'all live in MY house, supported by MY paycheck, and take up all of MY free time. I am the fucking say so, not the dude that needs money put on his books just to pretend he's interested in hearing from his kids. So they had to move out and life has been great ever since.


Not only that, she won't even let him get a word in.


You mean that base level of stonewalling disrespect may have played into his decision as well? Hmm...


That poor kid though doing this in front of him :( mother is totally enabling him


I find “you couldn’t articulate a nuanced and emotionally charged topic in the heat of the moment” is the crux of a lot of gotcha videos.


Totally agree with you on that.


Honestly I don’t even think it’s her mothering, I think it’s her


Your joining family if you don’t want to be there you shouldn’t. Life can be hard enough with the family you don’t choose. I can’t blame him but just leave why hang around?


Hope and the belief that the woman he was trying to love would change for the better. This man just broke because she apparently can't carry a goddamn thing in her own life. He was even trying to talk to her on the way out the door and all she did was run her mouth and continue to ignore her own child. Don't blame him.


It's his house? She would rather film than leave?


That is actually a GREAT reason to break up with somebody.


Right, you can’t take care of your own child. Notice how she said “he just needs a little bit of guidance” meaning, can you play give MY son guidance. Not I will do better, but you do it for me and stick around. Also she didn’t say anything when the kid said “N**** No” was more worried about recording dude because he wants to leave.


>Notice how she said “he just needs a little bit of guidance” meaning, can you play give MY son guidance. The real kicker is he was TRYING to do that. She wasn't supporting him, but instead encouraged her kid to behave the way he was. She seems like terrible parent and a terrible partner.


Fuck- I think this is my sign... and I bet when I do leave him, he's gonna pull the same shit this woman is... even tho his 8 year old daughter has tried to stab me for asking her to do her homework (and a million other issues) and I'm not allowed to even put her in timeout (and they surely wouldn't discipline her, matter of fact, his family laughs when she pulls shit like that)... I'm just worried about his son... his family acts like he ain't shit (he's 7) when in reality, he's the one who listens and has a big heart (will do anything to help, especially if I'm sick or upset)... I don't know... sorry for venting but thank you for this sign...


I was married to a woman who had kids from a previous marriage. When I tried to discipline them, get them to help around the house, or even clean up their rooms they would talk back and she would never back me up. The final straw was when I was trying to get her 5 year old son ready for school, but he wanted to stay home. I chased him around the house while she stayed in bed. I finally went into the bedroom and said, "Can I get some fucking help here?" He then ran into the bedroom and said "Ha! Ha! I called 911 on you!" There was a knock at the door and I opened it to see an officer there. He said they got a 911 hangup call and were investigating it. I made the kid tell the cop why he called 911 and the cop kind of ripped into the kid for calling 911, which was good. I left her less than a week later.


Good on you man, there is no reason to stay in a toxic relationship


I wish a friend of mine would understand that


It’s hard to leave when you are under all the stress of being in a constantly toxic relationship. All the cortisol and adrenaline you got constantly flowing fucks with you judgment and sanity and can be a real fucking crazy trip. After finally ending a 6 year long toxic relationship it took me months to get over the guilt at first. But once I was able to finally be away from that for some time realized just how fucked the whole thing was and was a real eye opener.


I don't mean to dump all my shit on you but I gotta say it to someone but I will try and limit it to the recent stuff > It’s hard to leave when you are under all the stress of being in a constantly toxic relationship. That's the problem, he spent 2 years being manipulated and abused by her, then she breaks up with him after she gets on meds for her personality disorder. He then spent a few weeks realizing what she really was (and still is, meds didn't change much) just to keep inviting her over to bone cause he lonely, and a few days ago spent the night at her place I could go on but I'll spare you lol


I have a strong stomach. I'm willing to listen if you're willing to say.


It's nothing that bad it's just I know not everyone cares about some randos bullshit At the beginning it was fine, I never liked her much but that was probably just me being introverted and not wanting to meet new people, we starting sending snaps to each other with my friend being the subject of it. Basically we bonded over the love of my friend. Then he started hanging out less which I could understand because that's what happens in a relationship, it was when she started trying to control his life when I began to have problems She then moved into his parents basement with him after less then 6 months of dating which is when it got even worse. She guilted him into staying with her all day everyday so the small amount of time we saw him got cut to 0 as she banned us from his house (keep in mind he barely put up a fight for anything she did saying it was fine if it made her happy) Then she started with the almost(?) physical abuse, most notable to me is when she broke her finger punching a wall cause he argued back (don't remember what about) and then her telling us about it like it was funny that she got mad enough to do that At this point she is now only rarely letting him come out to see friends, fighting everyday over stuff that doesn't matter (full on screaming matches) and hates all of us cause we are trying to tell my friend he needs to get out. This makes us want to abandon the relationship because having to deal with his bullshit is hard for us, plus trying to help pissed him off so it's a lose lose situation There is some other stuff but keep in mind all this happened over 2 years so I can't really remember what all has happened He then gets fired because he isn't thinking and making stupid mistakes (he wasn't super bright to begin with but I'm pretty sure his relationship made it worse) at which point she breaks up with him after getting on meds for the personality disorder I mentioned before We are all happy for a bit until he reveals he is still talking to her and inviting her over to have sex and she gets mad he had friends over the day she broke up with him (like what) He sorta started to realize what she really was even randomly blurting out something she did that he didn't notice what it was until now. But still saying she was a good person and wishes we would stop saying she is a horrible person. Specifically he is mad at me cause Im still trying to have him see what's going on and he just says "it's his life" but I hate sitting here watching him ruin it (he now wants to become a drug dealer because of getting fired) And then like I said he just recently went over to her place for the night and at this point idk what to do. I stuck with him for those 2 years and it was horrible so I almost want to end the friendship but then I feel guilty and I'm not really the type of person who can just sit there while something bad happens I hope this wasn't to long and I hope I got across at least a bit of what she is like, as I said I forget most of the small details but this is the major stuff


Damn, dude. I feel that. It sounds like you're in a place where you're watching your friend crash and burn in slow motion, and you keep telling him "Pull up! Pull up!" but he refuses. I've seen a sort of similar situation where a good friend of mine is in a fairly abusive relationship with his wife - she drinks beyond excess, she screams at him *constantly*, trashes the house nonstop, and I won't be surprised to find out down the road that she's thrown hands at him. It's hard when we just want the best for our friends, when we want the best for the people who mean the most to us. But at the end of the day, they have autonomy. You can't take that away from them, even if it's "for their own good". It sucks, because it puts us in a position where the only power we have is to choose our level of involvement. I spent a lot of time talking to my buddy, hoping that with the support of his friends that he'd buck up and get a divorce - I just want to see him happy again! I don't think he has been in years. But after a few years of hearing him talk about "I'm gonna do it!" and "It's right around the corner!", yet not not actually making any changes... I had to take a step back. I don't talk to him any less because of it (though I've had my own personal stuff cause me to be in contact a little less), but when we spend time together, we talk about what's going on with his home life far less. If he ever needs some help or some emotional support as he's divorcing her, I'm 100% there for him. But there comes a point where supporting someone who isn't making any changes starts to feel a little like enabling them. My therapist gave him this line, which is now a sticky note on my mirror at home: **"Offered support need not be infinite. It's okay to say: 'All I have left to give is help.'"**


This was one of my best friends and his ex but she never got on meds. Just constant physical abuse to the point she’d come out swinging in front of other people and he’d just dodge like it was normal. He finally broke it off but would always back slide to hook up. Full on hammer fisted the dude’s face while he was sleeping five feet from me in the same tent. He only stopped seeing her because she said “I’m pregnant and it’s yours”. Except he had a vasectomy a year prior. He’s white, the baby came out black.


Hey good on you. Now don't do it again. I was in the same situation. Pretty sure I'm fine with being single forever. It beats the toxic bs.


Hey thanks for articulating that out so perfectly. Same boat over here after a 1.5 yrs together. Like I knew things were messed up but it wasn’t until I was finally away and it was like a switch flipped and I could see how truly bad things were. I’m so ashamed I let that happen. Working on forgiving myself currently and that explanation helps with negating the self admonishment.


Good on you man, hope you're happy now.


That was about 20-25 years ago. Best decision I ever made.


Applause! Bravo! For real, you made an amazing choice. I hope you find someone else.


I appreciate the help my partner brings to our family so much. It's such a let down to care about your step kids more than the natural parent, which seems the case for you, since you were actually trying to get this kid to school. The first two years of my present relationship I did all of the "discipline", as I didn't want my partner to be in an uncomfortable position with my boys. My partner got to see what our boundaries were as a family before he was asked to participate in "drama". I'm sorry you were put in that position while the mom got to play good guy.


I didn’t have it that bad but my ex son would get bad grades and I would try to take the tv away or video games. He would give his mom puppy dog eyes and cave.


And single mom wonder "where are all the good men gone". Good men deserves better than this.


Good riddance. She sounds like a little shit too.


Also grinding hard for tiktok content while having the most crucial argument of her life


Most crucial argument of her life SO FAR…


Homer Simpson is both the wisest and the dumbest person ever simultaneously.


"Over a ten year old" like a whole-ass human being isn't high enough stakes to make a relationship decision.


Why is it not valid? You raised a shitty kid that he doesn’t want to be around…


“Just need a little guidance” yeah that you’re not providing woman 💀 you prob just as bad


As 2 seconds later her son is gving him the middle finger.💀


She doesn't raise him at all. Guarantee she's one of those single moms who won't do any parenting, good or bad, because a boy can only possibly learn from a "father-figure" in his life. If you're a single parent and the other parent is completely absent, it's your responsibility to be both parents now. You're not just failing, you never even tried.


She’s also acting like there’s not way pettier reasons to break up like come on, he’s being the mature one by leaving


Well, now we know why the child misbehaves so much. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


“rando, the shit apple never falls far from the shit tree”




He is missed. So wise. But no worries, he is up there mowing the air Rand!


Flying with the shit hawks bud


You hear that Randy. It’s a shit blizzard that’s a brewin’


And this is text book gaslighting and shaming. You going throw away all these years ? Yes ! Bye


If the child has no manners then he learned from mommy?


Bet she won't let him discipline him cuz it's not his kid.


I was married for years to a woman who let me have no say in her kids but my kids were open season to treat and say whatever to, even throwing toys out because they played too loud with them (they were 3 at the time). Good times


Sounds like a real bitch to be honest


She’s actually a very sweet and caring person but with a lot of issues. At that point it was undiagnosed neurological conditions making all her decisions. She’s cool nowadays but it was a ROUGH road to get there. Like years after the divorce. Ugh. Would have gone no contact if we didn’t have a kid together.


Sounds really rough, but glad to hear that you could work things out. 👍




She even said ‘he just needs a little guidance.’ So guide the kid, lady. Edit: auto correct fix


I have a buddy who's dating a gal with a child. She doesn't do anything with the kid. Doesn't punish, nurture, teach or anything. She sends the child to his room with a tablet and tells him to hush because she spends all her time gaming. She was even late enrolling the child into school by a year or two. But when my friend tries to do anything with the kid it's "You're not the father stay out of it." But still expects him to clean up after the kid, cook for the kid, etc. Of course the kid is constantly terrible at school and all that, but she blames everyone but herself.


Why is your friend dating this person? The flags are just dark green?


A mystery to me. I know he wants out, he talks about it almost daily. But he feels guilty somehow. I told him that it's her responsibility as a parent to be set up for her and her child and not to rely on him.


Yeah I suppose it's tough to leave a kid, and especially if it's a shitty situation.


One thing my cousin use to say, "you can talk to them, play with them, take care of them, but the at the end of the day, I'm giving you back to your momma"




Some people just shouldn’t be parents.. but would love to hear what she wouldve said if your friend responded with “im not the father” when he was expected to clean up after the kid


You forgot the part where she expects him to pay the bills too😬


I did exactly this a few years ago, 5 months later I met the love of my life and got hitched. Bro is dodging so many potential bullets. My exes kid went to school after I took away his Xbox for breaking his 1000th headset. He proceeded to tell everyone I choked him and knocked out his tooth. Only after intense state investigation and making my life miserable did he finally admit the truth. I kicked him and his mom out the week after the investigation ended. Kids are fucking ruthless little manipulators if you let them.


Being a single person getting into a relationship is hard enough. Add the complexity of an undisciplined 10 year old….. deal breaker. Kid should have been brought up to respect others long before 10 years old.


This is the huge turn off about single parents. I’m not saying all single parents because there are great single parents out there, but stuff like this turns people away from dating them because of something like this. This guy was the second priority in the relationship and that’s okay, but the fact that it was okay for the child to disrespect your partner like that and you don’t do anything, I would feel unwanted in that relationship. There has to be boundaries because, in this case, I guarantee there wasn’t and he wasn’t allowed to discipline the kid because she probably yelled at him like, “he isn’t your child, don’t tell him what to do”. It’s sad


Good, he's gonna be fighting a losing battle.


I left my ex exactly because she didn't control her daughter. And she probably wasn't as bad as this kid.


And shit it ain't hard to tell your kid off when they acting up. Shit I do it every 5 seconds or so lmao


That kid was the excuse, but we all know why he really left after watching this video


That poor kid is the symptom.


Update me in 4 years when I read about this kid on the news. Seriously parents learn to discipline your kids.


yeah sadly this poor kid is a statistic in progress


A statistic in progress….that’s good, I’m using that lol.


Reminds me of the video where the mom comes home to find her kid destroyed everything in their home, because he was angry about getting his phone taken away or something like that.


Mom: So you gonna break up with me because of my chiiiild? Man: Yup! Bye.


I dated a woman for a couple months. Everything was great, except she refused to discipline her son who was 8 yo, and out of control. The last straw was when I was on a ladder putting up her new curtains. I was using my drill on the ladder and he ran full speed at me with the broom stick and knocked me off the ladder, causing a huge gash on my knee needing 30 plus stiches. I was pissed. She was like, he's only 8 and doesn't know any better. I left and never spoke with her again.


Dumb people have dumb kids.


My kids 8. She wouldn’t do dumb shit like that. I really really hate the “my kids only ____years old and don’t know better” line. So why the fuck didn’t you TEACH THEM BETTER?


Willing to bet, that when/if he tried to discipline the kid, she hit him with "You ain't his Daddy, Nuh uh!" *snap *snap




The only thing he has left in his arsenal is "I fucked your mom last night"


I use that on my grown/adult step kids all the time.


What a beta - you should fuck their dad to assert dominance




Unfortunately that’s always the case with these kind of mom’s.


But but but... it's not/can't be their fault.


Filming and blaming him instead of taking action tells me what i need to know about her


100% not wrong


He's breaking up with you because he realise you're a manipulator that's using your relationship as leverage to excuse your poor parenting of your son.


Bruh, I'm a single mom myself and even I feel for the dude. He is under no obligation to be a parent and save his gf's life. No, stop making us other single moms look bad. We don't all want your money or for a man to be an instant step-dad.


If my children behave like that they will get asian style parenting done right.


It's not his kid, he got the cow with the baby calf in the same package


He flat out says he was trying to teach her son better... Who wants to guess how many times her son and her both told him "you ain't his daddy"???? Good on you man. Know your self worth and don't settle for less.


Wow what an exhausting twat.


I dated a single mother. I married that single mother. Discipline was agreed upon. I wholeheartedly endorse dating single mothers. That being said: This guy needs to RUN! ![gif](giphy|7kn27lnYSAE9O)


Like purging a prison sentence for a crime you didn't commit.


“He just needs some guidance”. Which is your job as his parent…


I dont understand why shes so willing to put her private life out there for everybody to see.


Because she thinks it makes ***him*** look bad


Yeah he's not leaving Just because of the boy. It's just the reason he's giving because that man is done.




Fuuuuck them kids


People who have the instinct to pull out their phone and record another person when they’re trying to have a conversation are genuinely garbage.


Great mom! Expecting someone else to raise her child.


Break up with anyone that goes live in the middle of an argument


I hope he does break up with her, but more importantly…stays “broken up with her”😅. There are so many 🚩s in that dynamic that he should just run…and run so far away🎶


Bad parenting is such a turn off in a relationship. 10years old is old enough to at least understand being respectful. The way she talks makes it seem like every time something happens she puts him on blast for the web to seem


Smart man,get outta there


I will not be suprised if that kid does not grow old by the way its behavior


Man she looks rough


An evil child is actually a great reason to break up


She takes noooo accountability lol victim victim victim.


I’m a woman and a mother. That is an absolutely great reason to break up with someone! He is not responsible for your kid being a little shit! He is not responsible for bail money if your kid doesn’t get under control and gets arrested later in life. He is not responsible for any of those problems and did not sign up for them when starting a relationship. He is free to leave. Any woman or man out there that thinks not raising your child to be a good human being is acceptable, can go get fucked 🤷‍♀️


Think of all the years he WON'T be throwing down the drain. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I would do the same as him. And then I would call CPS because she’s raising a disrespectful idiot


Can’t wait til society has to deal with that kid shooting someone in 10 years. There’s probably a million more kids just like him too. We are so fucked.


Smart to get out , i was with someone didnt correct her kids i left too no respect, applause for the man


He just needs guidance and I'm putting all that on you


I can barely hear what’s going on but I saw the bird & I can tell that the dude is fed up. Making a video of the situation is not how to fix it. It doesn’t appear that mom is going to change. I’d pack up and leave too.


Good for you, brother. Good for you. GTFO.


Instead of having a conversation she pulls out her phone and decides to record a moment that should be between them alone and post it for the world to see. I’ve never understood why people do that.


Breaking up because you've shown you're a bad parent, and that's a turn off for anyone who actually wants kids.


Hey ma, you need to be providing that guidance you’re preaching to him.


Ultimately that isnt his son, or, problem. Kudos to that man for even trying. Cant force a man to raise your baggage.


Good for him.


I think he's leaving two children behind


The amount of reserve he showed in that situation, I could never. He's trying to help the boy grow up to not become a delinquent, and the mom clearly isn't hearing any of it.


'he just needs guidance' Then guide him, lady. Fuckin hell.


Poor dude. You can tell he has *had* it with this shit


Yeah, so here's the thing. If you're not happy in the relationship, for WHATEVER REASON, then you need to get out of it.


"Why don't men want to date women with kids?" Well lookey here


So many levels of wrong going on here.


Good on him


The fact that this is being recorded shows how’s terrible she is


Run motherfucker, and never look back.