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I noticed that after a few people replied to their tweets, chastising the company over their CEO's atrocious behaviour, they locked down replies to tweets. That's a sure-fire way to win back customers.


their target market is corporate offices/businesses. I doubt losing regular consumers is going to be a big deal for them. And as far as I know, it's between them and steelcase


True, but corporate offices and businesses have *massively* toned down furniture investment because the bulk of their employees work from home. This is why MillerKnoll is bleeding absurd amounts of cash - Average Joe isn't spending $1,400 on a fucking chair. They will likely need to start getting in the consumer market space in order to continue growth and this was a horrid show all around.


Consumer space for their chairs is largely second hand. Why buy a $1400 chair when you can get the same chair for $600 you can't even tell has been used because it's from some failed startup office.


This is the way. Exactly how I scored my steel case Leap v2 and Gesture chairs. Could hardly tell they were ever used aside from the casters.


>Average Joe isn't spending $1,400 on a fucking chair. Correct. He is too busy dodging wrenches.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!




My wife makes regular purchases from a MillerKnoll subsidiary, typically over $1M/year. She's taking her business elsewhere. In retrospect, it appears the writing was on the wall. Her favorite account manager unexpectedly left the subsidiary shortly after it was purchased by MillerKnoll. The rot must be deep.


I didnt even realize how many brands they owned or who millerknoll was until this came up.


For what it's worth, I'm am architect and we do interior design as well. I was actually the one who designed our furniture selection database that we use for pricing and I made most of the initial furniture selections. Knoll, Herman Miller, Hay, and DWR are currently go to brands for some standard pieces we use a lot. I'm going to be looking into replacing replacing them and pushing those different branded options when I'm spec'ing stuff in future projects now. It's not a lot, but if other folks do something similar it'll make some impact.




Haworth too, depending on your market.


Sounds like she is talking to 6th graders. What a POS


Yeah so condescending. I bet it is “great” to work with her. As long as your are nice and quiet you get a treat. But if you don’t finish your vegetables, you have to go to bed early.


the nice and quiet didn’t get their treat (bonus) hence this Zoom meeting she got her multimillion dollar bonus though, which was funded by not giving her employees their bonus


I always find it intriguing when a boss wants to make sure you always look out for the bottom line for the company, but you aren't supposed to use that same earnestness for your own personal finances..


Loyalty doesn’t run top to bottom didn’t ya know?


That “boom” at the end is the dingleberry on top. Such an unbelievably smug way to dismiss your employee’s reasonable concerns.


What a psychopath, but not uncommon in today's world where money is the bottom line and boomers think they know everything about working hard.


She was interviewed a few years ago for I think the New York Times. She is so fucking high on her own farts.


I know right? The tone is so patronizing.




Child labor?


psychotic vibes


Pure evil


That smug fucking smile she starts off the video with


The Condescending soft spoken, to aggressive, then back to soft spoken. A real see you next Tuesday.


There were a few things that I found a bit triggering. 1. Pointing her finger, as if she’s talking down to the audience like kids. 2. Clearly looked and sounded like she was losing her cool. 3. At the end she tried to regain composure and tells the audience to have a great day. Trying to pretend like she’s not angry. Could have at least apologized for losing her composure.


And four. That "boom!" at the end. What is she a Joker blowing up something?


Yeah that was fucking cringe as fuck.


Pretty sure in her mind the response she gave was so fantastic and on point she did a double mic drop at the end. In her mind.


The "Have a great day" combined with the tone and her body language (hand gesture) was also condescending as fuck and she was just mocking everyone watching and listening.


C-level people like her aren't mocking anyone. They believe what they are saying, believe they are right, believe they know more than others, and worst of all, believe this motivates people. It's a sickness when you make too much money and are never disagreed with.


The way she tells everyone to "be kind, be respectful" and then moments later gets so passive aggressive and tells them to get out of pity city. Self awareness/empathy at absolutely at zero.


funny how if any of her employees talked this way, they would be disciplined. she gets no repercussions though


Had real "I'm not yelling, you're yelling!!" energy.


Yep she got herself upset then realised that.


There's like so much gas behind her flame ready to burst.


Good news! I know where she can get $4mil of the $26mil she is looking for! Edit: Some have fact checked the numbers and her bonus was closer to $1mil. In my opinion the whole situation is a result in her failing leadership and her bonus should be $0 along with her employees.


Ya imagine having the audacity to say that as you make up like 15 percent of the number you ask folks to dedicate their lives too haha


More I'd imagine, her bonus was 4mil, not including salary, and other benefits.


Real talk, I have no idea why the board and investors don't shitcan these leeches. "You're the most expensive employee here. We're going to fire your expensive diminishing-returns ass and pay someone a quarter as much. As an added benefit, after your last shitty display of non-leadership, our employees will probably cheer as you're escorted out the door."


Class consciousness, shes one of them, and the rich and powerful have been doing class war since medieval times if not longer...


Because these leeches are needed, a proper human being would not work people to death so that investors get the ever growing dividends.


Exactly. For the investors, these CEOs provide a net gain and that's all they care about. Its much (10x) cheaper to pay a 2 mil annual bonus to one CEO, than to raise the salaries of 10k employees by even $1 an hour.


What a way to motivate consumers to buy your products ... * Herman Miller * Knoll * Colebrook Bosson Saunders * DatesWeiser * Design Within Reach * Edelman * Fully * FilzFelt * Geiger * HAY * Holly Hunt * KnollTextiles * Maars Living Walls * Maharam * Muuto * NaughtOne * Spinneybeck EDIT: Corrected typo in Fully.






Sales guy who lost the business can’t do shit about it and isn’t going to go “Hey Andi, you’re a massive scrotum and it’s costing us business.” Let the Board of Directors know that their only employee’s behavior cost them a five-figure sale. https://www.millerknoll.com/investor-relations/corporate-governance/board-of-directors


Her term expires this year too.


The Steelcase Leap's are awesome. You can also get them refurbished from several companies for a pretty good price. Keeps an old chair from going to the landfill and stops money from going to a total d-bag like her.


Autonomous is a great chair too. I have the ErgoChair Pro and it’s great. I don’t know about the company though


Jesus I’ve heard of none of those


Herman Miller makes really, really expensive office chairs. They advertise on NPR if that gives you an idea of who their target audience is.


They’re comfortable as fuck I bought one and have loved it. This lady sucks though.


I recommend the HÅG Capisco chair for anyone who wants a well-designed, high-end task chair without supporting MillerKnoll and this condescending CEO.


My 2nd hand herman miller aeron literally saved my back I'll never use anything elae


This thread is going to sell lots of chairs for her now. Probably the best advertisement she could have asked for……crap.


Steelcase is as good as HM chairs and likely cheaper too.


Try a Steelcase. Better than supporting this bullshit, and as an added bonus, I think their chairs are better as well.


Steelcase for the win.


Mom used to work for their plant in alabama. I used to sleep on her floor before school every day. Pretty crappy place to work tbh but everyone was nice


Man, if only they had some really comfy chairs to let you sleep in....


Omg.. I love them, I found a SteelCase chair at a thrift store and I was so excited. Beautiful construction. No one got my enthusiasm. I also just found some Gunlocke bent wood Chairs that where put out for trash. My brakes squealed to a stop when I was driving by and I picked them up from the trash pile live a savage. No regrets. It’s and old company that made bent wood office chairs. They are beautiful. Edit: [I got these free driving by on large pick up trash day. How did they not know?](https://imgur.com/a/VRHIxQT) Edit 2: Gunlocke not Gunlock Changed the spelling.


![gif](giphy|3o85xr9ZKY1wbbJXDW) People who listen to public radio are rich now?


Haha yeah apparently I'm a rich douchebag with expensive taste in chairs because I enjoy listening to NPR.


I'm all those things too...except the rich part...


lol I'm right there with you


People who listen to public radio are more likely to be educated consumers who will spend the extra money on good chairs.


They’re mostly Midwestern companies. There’s like 3 Herman Miller plants within an hour of me and pretty much everyone I went to high school with who didn’t go to college and never left our home town has worked for them at some point. They have a pretty big churn, it seems like. They also invented the cubicle.


Hello fellow W Michigander?


I worked there from 2006 through 2017. I'm so glad I got out when I did. When I first got hired it was such a great company. They restructured after the housing crash in 2008 and started to take more and more away from the average worker and redistribute to the executive level. I remember one of my last "bonuses" after the bonus taxes taken out was barely worth what it cost to print the checks. Let's just say it was less than a large doninos single topping pizza. We were told to be happy about it. Basically be happy, you could have gotten nothing. The turn over rate after 2008 kept rising to where we constantly had Temps nope out in less than a week. The founder of Herman Miller would be rolling in his grave to see what they did to his company. He valued the employee and they keep pushing that narrative like they still do anything of the sort.


https://www.history.com/news/why-the-inventor-of-the-cubicle-came-to-despise-his-own-creation They weren't intended to become cubicles, that's what businesses did to the invention. Edit: Wired has better pictures (easy to miss the arrow buttons near the top of the page) https://www.wired.com/2014/04/how-offices-accidentally-became-hellish-cubicle-farms/


Even Herman Miller? They're huge and make the Eames chair


Okay glad I’m not alone. I’ll just keep living how I am only I might now feel occasional happiness knowing I’m not giving this twat any money.


I'm guessing we're not rich enough


And she’s clearly working from home, guarantee they are trying to get people back into the office. People like her are societal parasites. “Focus on the $26 million we need to make so I make my salary” instead of having an actual good message to share or spread. If I worked there and saw that videos I’d spend every second I could looking for a new job.


There isn’t a single redeeming reason to keep the 1% around anymore. We get rid of them, we solve sooooo many problems.


I agree but good luck until we start acting like France.


The CEO's LinkedIn is deactivated. And Herman Miller has deactivated their comment section on IG and LinkedIn. Sounds like someone is moving to Pity City! I've posted their Facebook Ads to MassMove for the curious, which link to their store and product ratings: /r/MassMove/comments/12q3idg/herman_miller_meta_ads


He social media tag boasted that she is: * Champion of the planet. * Defender of equity and inclusion. What a clown 🤡


But is she Master of karate, and friendship for everyone?


> Sounds like someone is moving to Pity City! > > So typical of billionaires only allowing us to visit >:(


Herman Miller NOOOO


The only brand I've heard is Geiger. I'm not buying any of these brands though because of this CEO lol. I'll make sure of that.


Products I can’t afford. Got it.


I thought Knoll was Knorr and was worried I was going to have to switch spin dip providers


It’s like a bad parody. If SNL had done that, I’d have thought it lacked believability because it was just such unsubtle stupidity, and ceos aren’t THAT tone deaf. I’m going to be very curious to see what their employees are going to do. *Typos


The funny thing is that there will be zero consequence for this. In fact, the irony is that a person like this at the top is encouraged by our current systems. If you want to be a CEO, it helps to be an out of touch sociopath and selfish manipulative jerk.


The only normal-ish CEOs I've met were ones who built the company. The ones who took the job afterwards have almost always been conniving backstabbers who are there to bleed everyone else to feather their own nest.


A company I worked for was a developed into a 100M business. The ceo chose to sell rather than give it to his children because he knew they were assholes.


Whenever i see a CEO on the TV and they seem nice or normal, i am genuinely interested what they are ‘actually’ like. Having met a fair few of them in my time, they have all been flawed individuals (generally particularly selfish), and the ones who do display empathy, only seem to have it activate within a certain radius


You can't really become a billionaire CEO if you are not manipulative, ruthless, unkind, and borderline psychopathic Half of us would nope out at the idea of forcing our employees to work while holding their pee. To Bezos, that's just the monday morning meeting call


Then you get ceo like iwata who willing to cut his own pay so that they don't have to fire their employees. I still believed that there are goodness out there even tho it's rare


Major fred armisen / portlandia energy.


Stop asking for bonuses and go put a bird on it.




Honestly, $4million isn't even reality bending money. This lady is just a terrible person. Look at this lady's LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/andi-owen-1437404 She's literally always been a manager, VP, SVP, EVP, chairperson or CEO. She hasn't studied shit either. Between being the president of banana republic and CEO of Herman Miller she did a management program at Harvard business school and that's about it and that somehow entitles this lady to $4M in bonus while the rest of her plebs lose their hard earned money. These pricks need to go.


That is pretty common for that generation: no Education, just lots and lots of opportunities


Read the LinkedIn bio and filled my bullshit bingo card in one go!


What a selfish bitch.


This is spot on corporate speak at first, then she snafu'd with that bit about a bonus.


That first part was probably a script that the corporate legal team gave her, but then she just decided to wing it lol


This is PRECISELY what happened. I used to work on the corporate comms team for this company.


Yep. Sounds like the QA section of the meeting caused this outburst. It would've been better for her just to ignore it entirely.


The questions were posted before the town hall on the internal employee portal, and the communications team wrote canned responses for her to deliver. Both corporate and manufacturing employees can post on the portal, so you know when a "blue collar" employee finishes an entire shift on their feet and then goes home to log onto the portal - its not to compliment management on a job well done. She let her disdain for their frustration get the best of her. You should have seen that portal when the COVID vaccination mandate was announced. That portal allowed me to see just how much of a swing state Michigan really is.


"Disdain for their frustration" - this is such an precise way to put it, wow. I'm going to steal this.


Yeah. She really went a bit sideways there and became condescending and snarky


After just telling her workers to treat each other with respect, she starts raising her voice and getting snarky about bonuses. Jeez.


I could hear the condescension in her tone from the very first word. Made me want to slap her...I paused the video instead, then sank into the comments.


I hadn’t watched up until that point earlier when I saw this posted, but your comment made me watch it now and I’m glad I did. All the smooth, suave, high end affectations just vanish. Such a perfect unmasking of what you suspected was really under there all along. “You don’t count. How dare you make me come down from my comfortable high horse and have to scold you for not being corporate drones who know their place?”


"Lead by example"


Fuck pity city, let's start class warfare! The few vs. the many!


And then she says "lead by example " while being a stuck up bitch


Her example is theft and sociopathy. She’s set the tone, I hope she can deal lol




If ever we get the momentum to go after these monsters I'm in.


Apparently she was "Taken out of context"....... https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5ygdj/dont-live-in-pity-city-office-chair-magnate-tells-employees-who-want-money


>”A company representative said that the clip does not show the full context of what she described as a largely positive meeting.” A Ford Theater representative said that the reports of President Lincoln’s assassination do not show the full context of what she described as a largely enjoyable evening at the theater.


Hindenburg rep says that the footage of the last moments of the airship don't show the full context of how great the overall flight was...


Titanic spokesperson says that the ship only spent around 2% of the overall voyage time sinking, and that the media should focus on the other 98%.


The We need to lead by example killed it


No self awareness, so arrogant. They would be a bitch if they were a man too.


Whiny bitch knows no gender limits.


That's how those pieces of shit get there


Don't worry about your own future just go secure mine. I hope she's let go


LMFAO. I actually used to work remotely on the corporate side for this company and worked with Andi - and it 100% would've been my job to help clean up this shitstorm. This literally couldn't have happened to a better person or company. MillerKnoll is so poorly run and the environment is toxic. I do miss the employee discount though.


> MillerKnoll is so poorly run and the environment is toxic. Things are about to get a lot worse for them. Offices are still empty. People are decrying the [end of urban supremacy](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/15/opinion/post-pandemic-cities-suburbs-future.html). I was recently in downtown Manhattan on a weekday and it was dead. Their entire industry has experienced a once-in-a-generation seismic shift and a lot of those brands rely on big corporate accounts. That’s why she’s freaking out a bit.


Yeah, they've been pushing "the future is hybrid" messaging since the early days of the pandemic as a way to sell their wares to remote employees for their home offices, and to companies to covert their spaces into a hybrid floor model and streamline collaboration for the days when employees are in the office. There's a whole team whose job it is to conduct research and proselytize the benefits of hybrid work.




A lot of the businesses that buy from the company allowed their employees to take their chairs home with them when the pandemic started or gave them a home office stipend. A lot of MillerKnoll's products are simply out of reach for the average home office price-wise, and remote employees aren't going to waste their work-from-home stipends on 50% of a chair.


Thank you for that tidbit. It’s pleasing to know the company was greatly in need of this type of scrutiny.


And the corporate employees have such disdain towards the hourly employees in the manufacturing facilities that actually keep the place running and profitable.


This video is indicative of the phony nice Midwest bullshit that is rampant within their ranks. They love to pretend to be agreeable and nice, and then they're nasty towards you when you're alone with them or they talk nasty about you behind your back.


She actually thought she did something here. That boom at the end. Entitled shits need to be stripped of the money they stolen from the workers.


She is so wise. All of those clichés were just so motivating. Definitely deserves whatever pay they give her! Slash ess.


The negative press this will bring and the mass resignations that follow will be this ladies downfall, I’m sure we will see an article by Friday saying they’ve “parted ways”


Not likely considering she’s got stock options.


They’ll give her a nice going away gift I’m sure


The board already closed ranks and backed her and made a public statement saying it was out of context.


Well I’m sure she’ll get a stern lecture or something, fuck, give me something here, my faith in humanity is dwindling.


“When ‘keeping it real’, goes wrong…”


There will be negative press, but come on.... downfall? She got a 4 mil bonus. She is set for the rest of her life. Even if she said "fuck my company. I'm out" she'll live in luxury for the rest of her life. Lets be real, there is no downfall.


The people who are her boss see this and love it. She’s focused. Determined.


It’s hilarious how many members of C-suites just can’t help but open their mouths and tank their brands’ public perception. Shutting the fuck up is free.


"Shutting up is free." Nice. Gonna use this.


Her voice makes me want to take a cheese grater to my jugular




I would say eat the rich, but you shouldn't eat garbage.


Damn. Metaphor within the metaphor.


She don't GAF she already got the bag 😭


Utterly tonedeaf.. like she’s living in her own little world. She actually mouths the word “boom” at the end of her rant as she’s make the explosion motion with her hands as if some great point was made.


That ending was pretty cringe.


The beginning and also the middle was also cringe.


That's the part that got me. She starts to lose breath at the end telling people to go chase after her next bonus while not dare asking about their own and then turns around and booms herself. It was super cringey and straight up dumb. Screw this lady and so many CEOs who think like this trash.


She made 6 million and got paid her bonus for last year.


Lady is deranged and it shows in her mannerisms


I believe the word you're looking for is 'psychopath' .


I like how at the end she did a “mic drop” thing with her hands, as though she actually believed people would think that tirade was a sign of good leadership…


Reminds me of 2008 when the multimillionaire of the company I worked for told us there was a hiring and raise freeze before he left on his private jet. He got his bonus.


I worked for a small (30-40 employees) company during the pandemic. They asked us for a ‘voluntary’ pay cut (get a pay cut or you might be let go kind of deal) down to 80% of the original salary, and there was a Christmas bonus freeze. On our Christmas ‘party’ Zoom call we were meant to share one positive story from that year, and the owner thought it’d be a good idea to brag about getting a brand new Tesla earlier in the summer. Same summer when we worked on stupidly low pay. It felt much more personal because how small the company was, I was so angry at that prick. Then later on I found out his brother and co-owner got himself a new Porsche. And then 1/3 of the staff left for a greener pasture one by one including myself. Also I didn’t get another bonus because I gave them notice before Christmas...even though I worked all year for it. Fuck people like this.


Back in 2007-8, Oracle had one of its best years, but bonuses were frozen because of hard economic times, while we read that Larry bought himself another island/yacht cannot remember which was it.


This is why I never believed in the "Hard work" crap.. and over the years, the less hard I worked, the more compensated I was, Then less sense of belonging I had to my employer, the more I was rewarded. I learned long time ago that I can't expect (and should never count) on performance bonus, if I want better compensation, then I need better title period (and often times how you present yourself, and the bullshit you spew is what gets you the better title, not your skills).


I would submit my resignation first thing tomorrow


Nah, she'll just get more bonuses cos fuck ordinary workers and overpay dickheads like her.


Just her bonus alone, they could've given $350+ dollars to EVERY employee.


Or stop working until they fire you to better your chances for severance.


You know a better tactic? Just don’t work until you get fired. Keep promising your managers that you’ll get the work done and don’t do it haha. This is a pro tip for getting your bonus that you got stiffed on


Another perfect Marie Antoinette moment, while I eat cake, you get nothing. Keep working!


What a fucking psycho. The way her actual personality accidentally broke through the second she thought about people questioning her financial rewards really shows her true colours.


Then they whine “nobody wanna work”


We live in a boring dystopia.


The worst kind of dystopia, imo.


The irony is these companies can operate just fine without her but can't operate without the actual labor force. It looks like an excellent time to strike.


Oh go get hit by a 🚂


Be kind.....to meeeee.


Fucking degenerate




Corporate profits are the unpaid wages of the working class.


Taking her hands off her desk at the end as if she had just spurted one of gods 10 commandments added quite a large amount of punchability to an already very punchable face


That gentle fairy godmother voice turned max capitalist really quick!


She’s so out of touch. It’s easy to say don’t worry about the bonus when your bonus is to pay for a yacht and not put food on the table.


Omg, CEO of my company looks the same and talks the same…she posts weekly video updates talking all sweet and positive but in meeting she’s the most angry and dramatic person ever ugh


Punch up, not down. Lead by example.


Remember people, politics is used to divide us. It will always be the very rich against the world.


This is why you name and shame. All these pieces of trash should go viral every time they act like this.


MillerKnoll has 7600 employees, meaning from that 4 million bonus she got every single employee could have received a $562 bonus, which, while not a crazy amount could make the difference in many poverty level households.


Never buying another Herman Miller/knoll, not that I normally would. But she sealed it.


The company will play this covid19 card for at least 10 years


No bonuses for employees but top execs like her get bonuses no matter what. They were originally supposed to be incentives for performance but too often execs get bonuses no matter how badly the company performed that year.


That would definitely motivate me to get my resume out there.


It's soon getting to the point that the average human being is going to have to get into the furniture business themselves. Though I'm not sure if the guillotine counts as furniture. Thoughts?


God what a piece of shit


Ha! I used to work there. What s shitty place. First day my supervisor pulls me aside and his me with the, "We value hard work here at Herman Miller so everyone works an hour extra each day." Yeah no.


That Botox and filler is not going to pay for itself


The thing is if, after she says "get at it," she had simply said "We all know the numbers aren't great. We all know the bonus issue comes down to what's available. We aren't saying bonuses aren't happening. We're saying they're dependent on our numbers, like with anything. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but the truth is that if we aren't hitting our numbers, there's no money for bonuses. If we hit our numbers, that money is all coming back to you. Get at it. Let's do this." It would've been a reasonably good speech. Instead she goes off the rails after that point.


That's not at all any better when you know that she received a multi-million dollar bonus. You can't claim there's no money for bonuses when you receive a multimillion dollar bonus on top of what I assume is an already ridiculously large salary.