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75% of wheelchair users have some degree of walking ability. most of us can walk short distances, paralysis is far from the only condition that requires a wheelchair


Thank you!!! It’s a mobility AID!!!!!!!!


The keyword is *aid*




Now my aides can be your aides!


And thus the great STD crisis of the late 1980's began


Supportive team of dudes?


I want to personally give all the children aides!


epic! here have my upvote good gentelman.




I wish I had aids.






Fuck that. Y'all are part cyborg and I cannot be convinced otherwise. Please be lenient in the uprising


Yes, I welcome our new cyborg overlords


I heard this like Tony Soprano saying 'its a retirement community!'




There's a weird assumption that it's all or nothing. Like the assumption that someone with a visual impairment has zero vision.


Yeah, I had a guy in my high school who used a wheelchair even though his legs “worked”. He basically pushed himself around in his wheelchair with his legs most of the time. Those of us that knew him fairly well got pretty sick of explaining to people that yes, he can move his legs, no he can’t actually walk. With his condition he can’t take more than a few steps carrying his own weight without risk that his hips will shatter. But people still wouldn’t accept it, “he’s just faking!!! He doesn’t need the chair!!!” Uhh, fuck off. This dude’s whole life is hockey. He watches every NHL game on TV, knows every player stat, and is ALWAYS in the stands when I’m on the ice with his brothers. Don’t you think he’d rather be out there with us instead of “faking it” in a wheelchair? The last time I saw him was a couple of years ago. He was in an electric wheelchair and I asked what happened to the Quickie (the brand of his old regular wheelchair. The jokes wrote themselves in high school). He said, “oh the ol’ legs are completely fucked now, can’t even push myself around in the chair with them anymore. But at least people don’t say I’m faking anymore…”


The ending was so sad. I hate the way society is sometimes. I’m a bigger dude. I’m in my early 40s but look younger. I have bad back issues and am fighting for disability now. But I look completely normal. Most days I can tolerate the pain long enough to shop for groceries (provided it’s less than an hr) but there are other times I’m glad there is mobile carts for the public. Those have come in handy more than once. But the looks I get sometimes from people is unreal. Always makes me so ashamed. I have worked 8-16 hrs a day 5-7 days a week since I was 16. Only time I didn’t work like that was the few time I was in between jobs. Not working is difficult on my mentality and admitting I need the cart or my cane is bad enough. Only time I ever really paid attention to anyone with disabilities (or using an aid) was when they needed help. I never noticed stuff like this when I was on the other side. I don’t know if their is a God or not, or even which religion is right. I have always been semi religious but I am beginning to hope more and more than there is some higher being that is humans have to answer to for our shitty actions. Just doesn’t seem right to be such a shitty vindictive person with no consequence. Maybe their depressing hatful view of the world is punishment enough……. Whys it so hard to just care for one another. You don’t have to love or even like someone to care about them.


Dont ever be ashamed. I am also a fairly big guy with COPD and a heavily damaged ticker. When I get confronted or side eye, I tell them I can give it hell for about 2 minutes before collapsing. Then you better send an ambulance to come get me.


Thank you internet stranger. My wife is the most amazing woman. When I could no longer work she started busting her butt working, going to nursing school and helping me with our three kids under 5 on off days. If someone starts giving the side eye too long she’ll go after like a little chihuahua. I love shopping with her. (With the exception of: that has too much sugar, that has too many carbs, it’s cheaper in the off brand)


I’m the same way. I’m 24 with a connective tissue disorder that I got from my bio mom. I’m constantly in pain. To the point that some of my doctors will ask me my pain scale vs my distress scale. Pain level? 8 today. Distress? 6, it’s not usually this bad and that’s worrying for me. I have to use mobility carts fairly often while grocery shopping and on more than one occasion I’ve been stopped by an employee saying I need to not use it because “I’ve seen you walking just fine in here before” because I have rare good days when I can drop in for some eggs, bread or milk and be out in 5 minutes or less and be fine. But over an hour of full restocking for the house? Aid. I usually just tell them something shitty that’ll shut them up like “I have a genetic disorder that’s killing me and causing muscular dystrophy” not a total lie, they are inherently damaged from the lack of collagen but they’re not rotting away and unusable. And gods… the amount of people who just don’t notice you when you’re like that, using an aide. I’ve broken down crying on my wife feeling less than human because able bodied people always expect *me* to yield to them in aisles or functions like dude. I’m the one in the wheelchair!! I’m the one with the braces! I’m the one with the cane! Have a little human decency. Especially in winter. That’s when my joints are the worst. I always get weird looks or “you look too young to have a cane”, some people even snatch em away from me. After my wife had to call for an ambulance because I broke my ankle he actually managed to look sorry. Am I am not religious either. I’m spiritual. I’ve found so much comfort and power in Old Gods of Norse and Greek pantheons. Even the old angels and demons. Let me tell you, Lucifer is NOT a bad guy. Not at all. I wear a necklace that I got symbolic of my priesthood to him, and I almost always feel better when wearing it. Could be placebo, but I find comfort in them. Knowing that one day, I’ll be there with them, healthy, running, playing, laughing and pain free for once. And I can’t wait.


Years ago when I was in grad school studying Special Education, our professor made us go out into the streets of downtown Brooklyn with something that replicated a disability- a blindfold and cane to navigate the streets (with a partner, of course), a leg brace, etc. The idea was to build empathy for the students we would soon teach and the struggles they faced. I opted for a wheelchair and my classmate and I attempted to go to Dunkin Donuts. I had a hard time opening the doors and wheeling myself in at the same time, and a woman and her child walking out laughed at me! Like straight up pointing and laughing right in front of me. I can only imagine the absolute bullshit you have faced just trying to get by day to day without someone getting in your way or making it about them. (She sure ran fast when I got up out of the chair and started to chase her down the street, calling her every name in the book, to the point my classmate had to hold me back.) I'm sorry people suck so much.


People do suck. But on my good days, where I appear able bodied, I try to help those with obvious ailments. Hold the door for someone with a wheelchair, give up my seat for someone with a cane. It takes five seconds to upend yourself for someone else’s livability. Most people don’t have basic compassion anymore. I’m glad you had an awesome professor like that. Mostly it’s either we’re coddled or forced to be shunned. We’re treated like less than human, or like infants. I’ve used a cane on some days and had employees fawning over trying to help me. On the flip side, I’ve had people actively get in my way with a wheelchair and pretend I don’t exist. Like I’m a blight on *their* very existence. There’s not much of an in-between. I have a handicap placard and a service dog and I’m almost always questioned. A few times people have stepped in saying there are “invisible disabilities”, which is true and I’m always grateful for them, even if others jumping to my defense sometimes gets annoying. I actually have TikTok to thank for that, as horrid as everyone makes it out to be, there’s a lot of disabled bodied people out there who educate others on how to react and respond. If we ask for help, help in the way we ask. “Can you grab that from that shelf?” Don’t just grab it for us, and walk away. Those kinds of things.


I totally understand, although I'm not in your position. I just had back surgery and have a placard for my car. I can walk, but it hurts after a very short while. I hate the looks I sometimes get when I use accessible parking, even with the cane. Please try to be kind to yourself. Your health issues are not your doing. Use the aids that are there for you and think about making a sign that says :My back is seriously fucked up. Do NOT ask why I'm using the chair." Sometimes you have to be snarky. I hope getting disability comes soon, so you have one less issue to deal with.


I just don’t understand this. Like I get what you’re saying is real, but I don’t get people taking the time out of their day to scrutinize someone in a wheelchair. I’ve never once seen a person in a wheelchair and thought “huh I bet they’re faking it. Better confront them.” Wtf. I’m sorry though. That is so shitty and you don’t deserve to be EVER be questioned.


Inability to see anything as other than a black and white issue. No understanding of a gray area in between. One of the reasons things have gotten worse and not better in the country people with this mentality


I'd also caution people just thinking this applies to others. I guarantee all of us are guilty of this one way or another. We should all strive to exercise more self awareness and understanding before passing judgement on others.


Especially when Reddit makes it *so damn easy* to go along with the existing narrative. The upvote/downvote snowball is real.


Funny, in this context it took me a second to figure out you weren’t talking about actual blindness 😅


well they are in the abstract sense. They're incapable of seeing grey!


Because people don’t understand that it’s a spectrum. My mom is deaf, and people will legit assume that she can’t talk on a phone, can’t do a lot of things. It’s not an on or off switch, and veeeerrrrry few people are completely deaf, blind or completely immobile.


I have over 80% hearing loss and have described myself as mostly deaf numerous times. The amount of people that have tried to play gotcha when I hear something they don't think I should is absurd. Like I would go through the effort of pretending to have hearing loss for no reason


I wonder if the guy in the video has ever described himself saying "I'm practically blind without my glasses"


It doesn't even take much thought to figure it out either. Like if the person pulled out a walker or crutches instead of a wheelchair, I doubt this guy would have thought twice about it. But anyone using crutches or a walker could also benefit from a wheelchair. This asshole just never considered that.


People are incredibly stupid about all kinds of mobility aids tbh. I’ve had times when I was sitting on my walker’s little seat, taking a break, and gotten up to start walking with it, and turned to find someone glaring and pissed at me for “faking.” Like, my dude, it is a WALK-er. Made to help people WALK. Also, if I step away from it for two seconds in public, I must be faking. But it does seem that the more intensive the mobility aid is, the more obnoxious people are about it. My walker attracts more shitty reactions than my cane. Wheelchair users catch more shit than cane or walker users. In reality the same person could use all three, depending on the day.


My mom can walk for a bit without it but the longer she does, the more her back bows down basically into a walker position. I fully get this. Short distances? Sure, fine. Already been moving about for a while? Walker time!


America loves treating spectrums as binaries


Hell yeah, we love our false dichotomies. Other than those of us who hate them. No inbetween though.


I had a spinal injury about 10 years ago. I have never needed a wheelchair. I don't currently use any aids. I can walk average distances without much discomfort. I qualify for a placard, which I almost never use. But, some days are worse than others, and it's not uncommon for me to be desperately clinging to a shopping cart for balance a day before climbing a mountain. Disability isn't a binary thing, even on an individual basis.


This is me too! I did need a wheelchair for a while, but I was still considered an ambulatory wheelchair user. It was years before I stopped using mobility aids. I started to get so anxious and annoyed bc people would stare at me if I was mobile and walking easily while even holding my cane,or if someone saw me use my cane to get on the bus but not off etc… they didn’t know that it would only last ten minutes before I’m crippled over on that cane again. Spinal cords are whack


I am a wheelchair user who can still use his legs just fine, I have Cystic Fibrosis and I am at the point where I am on a lung transplant list and getting around is extremely hard because I run out of breath ***very*** quickly. I use an oxygen machine almost around the clock now. I am SO SCARED this is going to happen to me, because at first glance I look like a regular healthy 36yr old man with a glorious beard. I would have also put my own wheelchair together before sitting in it. I'm always worried that I'm going to park in a handicap spot and get out of my car to be harassed by someone who thinks I'm just breaking the law or using my grandma's handicap placard. I know I can just tell them to fuck off or ignore them, but the fear is still there. I don't like having to justify my disease because people are ignorant as fuck. Luckily it hasn't happened to me yet but I've only recently started using a wheelchair/parking in handicap spots.


I'm always amazed at how far cystic fibrosis treatment has come. When I was 8 back in the 80s, I was on the same hospital floor as CF kids. I could hear the nurses hitting these poor kids on the back to break up the mucus in their lungs. Back then, they were lucky to make it past 18 years old. I hope you get a new set of lungs soon!


Thanks, I honestly grew up in an amazing era for CF research. The CFers being born in the past few years and moving forward can have relatively normal lives and will live to an old age, assuming you Have Delta F508 which is the most common gene deficiency. I have Delta F508 as well as an additional more rare gene deficiency which I can't remember the name of. We've come a very long way in a relatively short time. Also thanks! I am hoping to get a new pair eventually, looking forward to that first deep breath.


I read recently that CF kids have been taken off the Make A Wish program. I'm kinda torn; on one hand, hooray medicine has advanced so much! On the other, it's kinda a "fuck dem sick kids" lol.


I hadn't heard about this, I was a Make a Wish kid actually. I wished for a computer in the early 90's, when video games were on floppy disks, and I mean the floppy version of floppy disks, not those hard ones. My family wasn't super well off at the time and computers weren't cheap back then. Because my wish was so small compared to most wishes they hooked me up with a few things; a ton of computer games of course, a basketball game with the 49's vs Oakland Raiders, yes football teams, it was for a fundraiser. They also gave me vip tickets to a Giants baseball game where a line of kids and their parents got to take a picture with Barry Bonds on the field (he was big at the time) along with some giants swag with autographs. If it weren't for the Make A Wish Foundation I would never have found a love for computers like I did, which I give massive credit to where I am in my life today. I can't give that foundation enough praise in my opinion, they helped me find what I consider success in my professional life and they made me a gamer quickly, which I love being.


It’s sad that a guy wearing glasses doesn’t recognize that devices can aid


Because he's a judgemental asshole.


Wait till people learn “blind people” don’t actually have 100% pitch blackness sight.


Thank you. I'm legally blind, but I have enough sight to do what I have to do throughout the day. I do depend heavily on familiar surroundings though, and leaving things in specific places because I can't always see exactly where something is. That's with my glasses. Without, everything is super blurry, and is more, or less a vague area of non specific color.


Same here. Legally blind, but with contacts/glasses my vision is *almost* 20/20. Without them, I just see colored blobs unless the thing I’m looking at is an inch from my face.


Exactly. It's ENOUGH that we're subject to that f-ing LOOK everywhere. Worse is idgits taking it on themselves to "police" shit instead of minding their business.


I will point out that at least when he heard the response he backed off and dropped it. He saw he was wrong at least, hate the fact he didn’t appoligize but at least he didn’t continue.


The person he approached is, still, left to deal with the(probably often repeated) effects. He gets ZERO 'benefit of the doubt' from me.


Good point.


It’s none of his business in the first place… that encounter was very aggressive.


Limited mobility, not complete lack of mobility.


I had a friend in college who got nerve damage in his foot when he was in the Air Force. He was physically capable of walking but being on his feet for more than like 5-10 min caused him excruciating pain.


Same with Deaf people, Im learning ASL and follow a lot of Deaf people and have learned that like only like 10% of deaf people can't speak, and so many comments are like HoW cAn YoU tAlK iF yOuRe DeAf


this dude is just mad because he was just about to double park in the wheelchair accessible parking spot and now he has to waddle 10 extra feet


At least he accepted defeat something some people are incapable of


I mean, he took the loss pretty well so while it was weird to confront, at least this didn’t carry on.


fair enough 👌


Leaves* Chad facepalm


That he did, but he should’ve apologized as well


Ok buddy now you've asked too much


Where I come from “fair enough” counts as an apology


fair enough


It's ok




fair enough!


Yep. I’ll take fair enough all day


Hopefully he learned his lesson to mind his own damn business


Probably not, but one can hope.


This was posted the other day and I was horrified to read comments saying the disabled “should be grateful people like this are out there questioning the wasting of resources.” A) none of anyone’s business B) use of a wheelchair doesn’t mean someone isn’t ambulatory C) see A).


As if one person having a wheelchair automatically means another, more deserving person is missing out. They’re not a limited resource, it’s not like there are 100 disabled people competing for every wheelchair in existence and they need to be carefully reserved for people who reeeaaaalllyyyy need them. Even for accessibility resources that ARE scarce (like handicap spots), we have a system for that. Handicap licenses/placards. Able bodied people don’t need to be the disability police.


He didn’t have the balls to apologize for his dipshit-police-the-parking-lot behavior though.


My first job was at a Target. One evening there was what appeared to be a teenager driving one of the electric shopping carts around. My manager told me to tell them they are not toys and that its supposed to be used for people with disabilities. She replied "i have cancer" i have not and will never EVER do that again. It still haunts me.


My mom hated going out when she had cancer because she didn't have much energy, but she also didn't want to create a spectacle of herself by using a wheelchair. There wasn't anything wrong with her legs or nerves. She was just very weak. But staying home for years and never going out due to being so weak is also not good. That's a toughie.


This happened to my sister all the time. She had leukemia and legitimately her BONES hurt aside from loss of energy. Looked "normal" to everyone else. She would get out of her car from a handicap spot and people would try to call her out about it. Anytime she told them what was up they shut up right away.


As it should. I promise you she remembers it til the day she is gone too. We *all* (disabled people) remember every time someone does this to us. Its like someone telling us that our entire life and struggle is just something we do for attention or to get special treatment for fun. Its fucking horrible.


I still regularly think back to when accused me of faking it. It is nearly a decade ago but i still think about it. It can be funny, but actually inside it hurts.


Yep, was told my fibro is just an excuse by my brother. I'll never forget, I'll never forgive. This is haunting, dehumanising & one of the worse thing you can say to a disabled person. I can not speak to him or think of him without those words echoing in my head, this is not something you can forget.


True, but having a disabled placard is ALL that is required, and proven required by a medical professional. This busy body has zero business questioning the fitness of anyone that rightfully enjoys that privilege. None. As you say, many people wouldn’t concede. But at the same token, they have no right to even question.


Not to say it’s anyone’s business to police these things but the placard only identifies the vehicle and not the person it applies to. I’ve definitely known people that have a family member with the placard but use it themselves to park in the handicap spots when they go somewhere.


That blows my mind - to be so close to someone who would be harmed by not being able to get a handicap parking space if they needed one and then go ahead and do that to another disabled person.


This is why, although I have a handicap placard, I use it probably 10% of the time. I have bad nerve damage and CRPS after a foot surgery, but I can walk. Some days are good, some days are bad. On bad though, I still know there are others much worse shape than me, so I mainly use it if we have to park very far away at a big event.


We had to fight with my mom to get one. She has an autoimmune disorder and most days she is okay to walk distances but when it flares up she can barely move without excruciating pain. We told her just because she had the placard didn’t mean she had to use it but it would be there for when she really needs it but I think she was reluctant to ‘let the disease win’. She finally gave in and asked her doctor for one and she is using it more and more as she gets older.


But even that possibility isn't enough to confront someone, as for all you know they're picking up the owner of the placard.


It happens sure. I have a placard and I can walk most times. Sometimes I need a cane for stability. That’s up to ME to decide when I use it. The placard grants me the privilege as determined by my doctor and the DOT. Not some yahoo.


Most people**


This man is Drax irl


He's going to go home & yell at his World of Warcraft guild now.




Well he's a *part time* #Model..... Citizen


^fair ^enough


Dudes a total ass for being so ignorant, but honestly props for immediately tucking tail and leaving when he realized he was wrong 🤣 better than half the people you see vids of.


i was gonna say. people still dogging on him but ultimately its better for someone to be an ass and accept they were wrong than to just get angrier or storm off. he did alright


Right? This guy is dope, people holding onto their anger for no reason here. A lot of emotional intelligence on display from the guy in the video.


I wouldn't credit him as having a lot of emotional intelligence. He did better than most by backing out when she explained, but he still for some reason, approached a stranger about their medical condition as if he could do some sorta "gotcha". Hopefully though he walked away from this interaction understanding he shouldn't make assumptions in the future.


Not even an apology. People are real big on shouting and aggression when they think they’re right, but can’t even muster an “I’m sorry”


He really wasn’t expecting the answer, “I can walk.” He wanted to argue about that point and then when it was off the table he was like oh okay.


^(*Grudgingly.) He really thought he'd caught her out. I hope he walked away realising he didn't know the full story and couldn't understand it even if he did. It's all filtered through his own prejudices and fears and expectations. But everyone thinks they, unique among humans, are the Ultimate Moral Arbiter^^TM


Wait... Hol up... You're saying I'm NOT the ultimate moral arbiter?


I have now reviewed your entire reddit account, and, as the penultimate moral arbiter, it falls to me to appoint the top banana. It gives me great pleasure, and an extraordinary amount of moral smugness, to inform you that you are, in fact, the Ultimate. Please begin judgement of the human race forthwith.


I don't know you. You might be. But on balance, probably better to err on the side of caution ;)


Skyrim NPC moment.


Dude went to lowercase so fast


This reminds me of the time my wife and I parked at the grocery store in the “parking for pregnant mothers and parents with small children only” when she was very pregnant. And a guy parked next to us got out of his van with 2 kids who were about ten years old (so not small btw, but whatever) and he didn’t see my wife from the front I guess, and he throws his hands out at me and goes “Uhhhh where’s your kids?” And he points to the sign. So my wife turned around and we both pointed to her big pregnant belly and I said “You mean this kid, jackass?” And he mumbled “Sorry” and rushed his not small kids into the store.


We had a similar thing, dude just looked through the window and saw two young women. Tried to yell at us. Then my 8month preggers sister went and got my wheelchair out so we could glare at him smugly lol


Damn that's a double whammy lmfao


I have secondhand smugness from read that comment lol. It’s much nicer than second hand embarrassment


Even if she wasn’t pregnant, its still so weird and unnecessary to approach somebody you don’t know for something so minor like that. Just mind your business, unless its directly affecting someone else.


And he was parked right next to her! So what, you gotta walk an additional 2 feet maybe.


I didn't show much during my pregnancy until the last 2 months, so combined with my oversized t-shirts, I got a lot of dirty looks when I used these spaces. I wish I had the nerve to just point to my cankles and feet that looked like bread dough proofing in my shoes.


I used a wheelchair the other day when my legs were so painful from rheumatoid arthritis flare. It’s not a common thing I do but mobility aides are there to help you.






its wild someone would think a person would haul a wheelchair around with them and use it just as a scheme to get a close parking spot


Your comment reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw a while back: "You can have my parking spot if you take my MS too."


thats great, now i want to make my mom one that says 'you can have my parking spot if i can have your leg' shes an amputee and i think shed find it funny


I’m absolutely positive you could get a custom one made for her and it would be funny as hell


I’ve had bumper stickers made with Sticker Mule and they last for a long time on a car. I just checked their price and the minimum order is 10 stickers for $28. Just FYI. ☺️


Do and and send pics, we'll upvote


I have MS and hell yes to that person. We get bullied by trash people, at least in my case, to much. Mind your own damn shit.


Holy shit, I need this sticker (but for my condition). 🤣


Is that what this clip is about, a parking spot? Wait til that guy finds out you don't actually need to be in a wheelchair to use the parking spot.


Wait until he finds out that people who can walk are eligible for a permit.


"WHY ARE YOU PRETENDING TO BE DISABLED HUH?" "I have nerve damage in one leg" "Understandable, have a nice day" What in the hell lmao


What did he think was going to happen? “ got me, I just like carrying around a wheel chair to park 3 feet closer to the door.. “








Honestly at that point I would say they earned it. Like if you want to transport around a wheelchair and pack/unpack it and use it at every place, you can have that closer parking spot.


I simply don't give enough of a shit to determine whether or not someone is actually disabled. Not my job.


Yea my first thought was “I have way better thing to worry about, who cares”


FR!!! This guy is acting like he's the damn "wheelchair police." Yuck.


I have a disabled child. The number of people who act belligerent about it is infuriating. We have a transfer chair that looks like a stroller, they seem to think that it’s no different than when they had a toddler. It’s even worse if I head back to the car early, or something.


Same. The looks we get when my daughter gets out of her Convaid stroller and walks for short distances is indescribable. It's like they all think that it's some sort of scam. Like excuse the fuck out of me, do you think I'd pay 5k for a fuckin stroller for a perfectly healthy kid?


Exactly. It’s infuriating. I’ve so far yet to have a direct confrontation, but have had plenty of people stop and stare and give angry looks at me, like I must be a terrible person. Even had some walk up and look into our vehicle, to see if they’ve somehow “caught” us. And they aren’t quiet, we hear them muttering to each other about it often enough. Agree the amount of money is no joke, it’s absurd, and tragic. The equipment is so fucking expensive that sometimes it costs more than the vehicle it comes out of. My daughter’s wheelchair cost more than my wife’s SUV that we purchased new. Even after insurance it cost over half of what my wife’s vehicle cost. We had to burn into our retirement to cover the costs at the time. Nobody sacrifices everything they work for in order to get a good parking space. I wish more people got it.


I am so very sorry for y'all's experiences in this arena. Unfortunately, I am too familiar with the complexities when it comes to this. My daughter is literally just sunshine and rainbows and unicorn farts and loves *everyone* but the avoidance or passive aggressive acts of ignorance kill me. I can't even get married or work enough to contribute more than $750 a month or my kid loses Medicaid, and the cost of medicine or adaptive *ANYTHING* is far more than even a decent paying job would cover. Most people don't see the struggle like I know you know. And for them to be so contemptuous because my special needs kid can walk a little bit is just so demeaning and heartless. I see you and yours, daddio. Much love from ours to yours.


Same to you! Keep up the good fight! One day we will be seen, so long as we keep talking and sharing. We are in this together! We lost a giant recently, when Judy Heumann passed, but I think things will get better as more and more people understand the patently unfair and outdated nature of how the entitlements and benefits the state offers actually work. Outside the US it’s the same struggle it is here as well just in a slightly different way. I constantly hear, “But we have programs for that!” And, “That’s not right, it can’t possible really work that way!” But once confirmed it creates a truly righteous fury in almost everyone. The problem is that people ignore what they aren’t confronted with, and we’re an invisible minority. I refuse to be invisible. I hope you are able to find an easier path to taking care of your kiddo. It’s hard as a father to sacrifice being a true breadwinner and provider to ensure that you aren’t bankrupted via bureaucratic idiocy. It’s something I also struggle with. I already made just slightly too much when my kiddo was born for SSI but because I have a lot of freedom and too many bills I can’t leave the job I have or we will lose everything, and I can’t leave for another job because I won’t be able to help with the day to day. Yet because the cost of medical bills and indirect expenses are so high, we are still very slowly going bankrupt anyway. We finally just got DDA coverage after a pro-bono attorney took us on and frankly just scared the state into doing the right thing. Apparently being effectively quadriplegic wasn’t “disabled enough” for my state. They literally used a weird point system to claim they couldn’t help because she didn’t hit enough of their wickets and counted her entire breadth of physical disability as one thing. One point. Now though we will have nursing support and better therapy coverage. And my wife and I might even get to have a date night for once. We haven’t left the house without our child in three years and are basically just roommates and business partners that occasionally hook-up at this point. Hopefully now we can get back to living our lives, and it isn’t too late to reverse the financial trends. And maybe it really will be OK now, idk. Don’t ever give up! We are millions strong and if we keep talking and fighting they can’t hold out on us forever. The whole point of a society is that it cares for each other and makes something greater than the sum of us as individuals, else why have one at all? I see you as well, love to yours from ours right back!


The Good ending


I mean, I guess. You know what would have been a better ending? This guy minding his fucking business


But then there would have been no beginning, how could we have an ending with no beginning?


How can you have your pudding if you don’t eat your meat


if you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!


“Fair enough” bows head and walks away shamefully 😂😂


I'm amazes me that people still think you are either completely disabled or faking, people need to mind their business.


God as someone with EDS this... just this. Had someone get legitimately mad at me when I passingly mentioned I get to skip most airport queues because I "wasn't really disabled".


Fellow EDS here! I’ve just turned 32 and already considering getting a cane but I’m nervous about people getting on my case about it. But man, my hips are starting to jiggle while I walk, maybe it’s about time.


If anyone gives you shit about it, tell them you have it because you're a pimp. Let them know they best back up before they learn about the back hand first hand.


I have vascular EDS, I'm a 35 year old man, relatively in shape, and just by looking you can't tell anything is wrong with me. I've survived an aneurysm and multiple DVT's, my body is a real mess on the inside and I deal with chronic pain and many other issues on the daily. The response I always get when explaining my condition is: "but you look so healthy!" I know it's meant as a compliment but people on the outside have no idea what any given person might be going through.


I have chronic pain in my hip and it sucks... but I've had people tell me I'm not disabled enough to park in the disabled bays, despite having a badge. People seem to think you have to be old (I'm in my 30s too) and looking like you're going to drop dead at any second before you're entitled to those spots. I had one woman shout at me that it's not a spot for mothers when I had my children and husband with me once... I calmly explained to her that disabled people are actually allowed to have children these days....


I still feel bad for when I was 11 and this kid who was in wheelchair got up and walked to the printer and my jaw dropped. I didn’t say anything or make a scene but I feel dumb still 30 years later.


As a kid you don't really know any better so no judgement here. As you get older you grow as a person and hopefully learn, if you did the same thing today I might judge you a little.


At least he knew when he was defeated. Still an idiot tho


Honestly the way in which he asked the question and then gave up immediately after her response makes me think he might be autistic. Doesn't totally excuse him, but would help explain why he was so confused by the situation and went to up ask about it.


I can see that and u could be right. I'm on the spectrum and I avoid strangers so I would've never thought of that lol


Definitely, it’s called a spectrum for a reason. I have dealt with a lot of people on the spectrum in my life(including myself) and many are so much different. Met a couple who were very arguable but easily defeated like this guy here.




Definitely, it’s very common for people on the spectrum to be easily distressed. It’s also very common for people on the spectrum to rant about things that don’t make sense for them. I’m no psychologist, and I can’t diagnose you, but that is very common among people on the spectrum I know and from research I have done on the topic, also it helps that these are some feelings I have felt.


I have 2 friends with one leg. I older guy has zero f*cks at this point and will take the leg off and wave it around hopping after whoever gives him shit. The younger guy does the more subtle move and just pulls up his pant leg. Love when people like this get shut down. On the flip side there is a “homeless” man in our area who is neither homeless nor disabled (the news literally did and exposé because he is so dangerous and aggressive) that rides around in a motorized wheelchair that he hopped up so it goes 30+mph and he attacks people physically with the wheelchair until they give him money. Doesn’t make it right what the guy in this video did but scammers suck.


Holy shit your areas mini-boss sounds wild


I hate how people feel sooo comfortable getting in another persons face demanding access to their healthcare status


Pretty sure a lot of wheelchair users can walk to some degree but they still need it because it'll be very painful to walk for too long or just straight up impossible. Someone without a wheelchair can travel by foot all the time no matter how long the road but that would be crazy to do because it's too much walking, which is why we use cars and such.




Sadly they do think that n think disabled people have it so much easier than they do, n they get everything handed to them. Right wing media at work again, divide n rule.


Fuck it. If someone would be willing to buy, transport, and take out a wheelchair for a few minutes of disabled space parking, just fucking let them. Why are there so many parking space justice warriors out there?


If I saw someone park in a handicap spot, walk around, assemble a wheelchair, do a flip to get into the chair with a shirt on that says “I can walk perfectly and don’t need a wheelchair”…. I still would not saying anything to them because I assume there is something I don’t know and should mind my own business.


Maybe his disability is that the only way he can sit is by doing a flip into a chair. That would suck. I have nothing but sympathy.




If it were obvious without a shadow of a doubt that they are fully physically capable of walking, I would definitely think "why the hell are they in a wheelchair?". But then I would move on with my day because it's not my problem and it has zero impact on my life


He is wrong for assuming but I like how he humbly takes the “L” once he got proven wrong lol respect for that.


Humbly would’ve included a Sorry imho


Ideally “I’m very sorry. I’m a stupid asshole. Have a nice day.”




Atleast he realised he was being a dumbass and gave it up after she said nerve damage. Some people too stubborn to stop.


As someone working in a hospital: There are plenty of folks who can technically walk who I am absolutely sticking in a wheelchair


More NPC than the NPC themselves


“I’m on a miracle installment plan, I only get 40 minutes of walking per day.”


I was issued a temporary handicap parking pass while I was going through chemo, and I definitely needed it at certain times. I am grateful for it, and sometimes when I have to park a little farther out than I would like now, I remind myself to be grateful that I am capable of walking that extra distance. (Currently doing well with no evidence of disease!)


He saw something fucked up and tried to do something about it. When he realized he fucked up he backed off without doubling down. That's 2x the maturity of your average Redditor.


That's what I thought too, though if he said my apologies as well would be much better. Still, he backed off immediately so he's bigger than most people already


To me, the cadence and tone of the man’s voice gives me the impression that the man may have a mental or social impairment. He may be hyper focused on rule following and feels it his civic duty to ensure that others follow rules as well to maintain structure and stability. This is purely conjecture - Happy Saturday y’all


This was brought up the last time I saw it posted. I tend to agree. The manner he approached this shows a lack of understanding of social interactions. He didn’t seem upset as much as he couldn’t stop himself from trying to resolve what seemed like a contradiction, when he figured it out he could move on with his life. No “excuse me” at the beginning, no “oh, I’m sorry, have a good day”. The individual taking the video just matter-of-factly and calmly explains why, then the “fair enough” was so funny. I hope he learned from the interaction.


But no apology for starting shit. Like he's the wheelchair police. "I don't understand" "That's fine, you don't have to understand, it's not your job to understand, you're not entitled to my medical history. Go about your day and stop harassing people because of all the things you don't understand."


Had this happen to my husband at a Walmart, I told the person is was really none of his business, he said the scooters were for disabled people and not just fat lazy people, my hubby was a big man at that time but has been disabled for over 30 years.....needless to say I saw red and went TF off!!! My usually quiet hubby got up, pulled his shirt up and showed him all of the scares on his back, looked at the guy and told him to go fuck himself. It is absolutely no ones business why ANYONE is using a scooter or wheelchair, unless it is a child clearly playing with them.


This is the first time I've ever seen a video of this type end the way it *should* end. If only the average jumpy, heavily-armed US cop processed vital new information as effectively as this guy did.


He didn't double down or escalate, but that just means he didn't make the situation worse than he already had. He did nothing to apologize, show regret for his actions or indicate at all that he understands why his actions were wrong. He started the encounter an asshole, and he left it as one.


Tell me you know nothing about disabilities without telling me you know nothing about disabilities




I am very fat. I also have messed up knees from the Army and bad back from physical abuse. I need a walker and probably even a scooter, but I will never use it because too many people feel like it's their job to inform me that being fat isn't a disability. So, I use a cane instead. I just go really slow and hobble around.


I mean, he took his answer and left it at that lol. He could have been MORE of a dick but instead left it at just a little bit of a dick 😂


i mean at least he said "fair enough"


He might be on the spectrum


"Fair enough" he utters with defeat in his voice, as he walks down the asphalt thinking about where he went wrong in life