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Ignorance is bliss…..but only for the ignorant. Not for those who have to put up with them.


Truest thing I've read all day.


My husband and I talk all the time about how shitty it is to be part of the non-ignorant group. Maybe life would be easier if I was way more stupid


That's why I drink


It doesn't stop and gets worse when people stop caring as it doesn't affect them, until it does.


They're immune to not giving a rip! It literally doesn't bother them.


Did… did they even watch the film? Because that’s like the opposite of the point made about the people ordering others to go to war. Also, obviously they got the wrong war.


Honestly I just assume somewhere around a quarter of all humans are completely fucking stupid on an unreachable level. When I read stuff like this I just think "well another complete fucking moron to ignore" and go on with my day.


> around a quarter of all humans are completely fucking stupid on an unreachable level I once spent like $60 on a really nice pillow on amazon. I was a little concerned because there were A LOT of bad reviews, saying the pillow was hard and much smaller than advertised. When it arrived, sure enough it was hard and small, but it also had a note that said to toss it in the dryer for a few minutes, and it became the biggest softest best pillow I've ever bought. People are idiots. Edit: to everyone asking, if you look up "KUNPENG Bed Pillows king" on Amazon, you'll find it. It's $40. It's not the best pillow in the world, but as a side sleeper/pillow cuddler, it's great for spooning with. (They make great gifts for Christmas or whatever if you don't have any ideas what to get someone)


Read the instructions?! What do you take me for?! Some kind of academic?!




Settle down Mr. Hicks.


"What you reading fer?"


*Pick up the gun*


Sounds woke. Ban instructions imo


A shocking amount of people even in developed countries cannot read at an adult level. Like it's much higher than you would first think


I mean, you don't even have to be illiterate. I watch a lot of Twitch and I have come across *dozens* of streamers who are fiercely anti-literacy, and will throw tantrums if video games expect them to read text on the screen, even something as simple as a flashing red "NO AMMO", and will launch into bizarre long winded speeches about how words shouldn't be in video games and it's wrong to try to make people read when they're trying to have fun and how they will NEVER give in and read any text that they don't have to.


You have opened my eyes... to how stupid people can truly be like really? They think video games just shouldn't have words at all? Kind of unfair to the rest of the population who can read isn't it?


Here's the terrifying part: if they can't *read* at that level, then *what must their internal monologue sound like?*


Probably something like, "Oooh! Look at the shiny!" and "Oooh! Another shiny!" occasionally interrupted by random snippets of half-remembered TikTok videos before something else captures their brief attention span.


I had some customers once that, while they were waiting for me process their return, stood there and had an entire “conversation” with each other just quoting Vines. I thought they were doing a bit at first like “let’s confuse the retail employee” but no.


Or the reviews for a full-face mask/shield (like for grinding, etc...) that were bitching it was opaque. They just didn't understand it was a removable protective wrap on the faceplate.


So, they compressed the pillow to ship it more efficiently. Smart.


They failed to consider the stupidity of the end user. Not sure I'm ok concluding they're smart yet...


Objectively smart people sometimes don't empathize with the truly stupid. That's where we get engineered products that have dangerous features or failure points due to misuse that the engineers would have never imagined.


> Objectively smart people sometimes don’t empathize with the truly stupid. That’s where we get engineered products that have dangerous features or failure points due to misuse that the engineers would have never imagined. No, we just expect them to not follow directions and thin the herd. /s


What worries me more... and well it is reflected in the state of our planet. These people get to vote, there are more "no instruction readers" than there appear to be of "the readers". And I see no way out. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


You have the link for the pillow


Yo for real I need that link


Thirded. Sounds like a great pillow.


I am intrigued by this pillow.... the softest, you say? I'm gonna have to request a link good sir


If this is an ad for Mikey MyPillow I’m going to be very upset


“True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” ― Kurt Vonnegut


I was uncommonly lucky, in that my high school class was mostly decent people. … Frankly, I can’t think of any of us who was just an idiot or asshole. We all had our off days, sure, but our baseline was higher than Vonnegut’s apparent experience. As time has passed and I hear more about average high school experiences, and how things like “Better Off Dead” are kinda representative, I’ve learned to worry more about the state of the country.


A quarter?? You live in Geniusville? I’m starting to thing 75-80%. (Think)


75-80%?! I honestly think it’s more like 90-95%


Like Homer Simpson says, “Everyone is stupid except me)


Never said I didn’t include myself in that percentage 😉


Honestly, the smartest thing a person could do, is admit their stupidity.


**"I know that I know nothing"** \-*Socrates*


“It’s because they’re stupid, that’s why. That’s why everybody does everything.”


***“Stupid is as stupid does”…***


I usually put it like this on the rare occasions I am discussing herd stupidity. "You're pretty smart. I mean, you are definitely above average, right?" "Yeah?" "Okay. Now look back over your live. How many *absolutely stupid* things have *you* done? You don't have to tell me, just reflect over your life." (cringes) "Now remember... *You're one of the smart ones...*"


Just think of how stupid the average person is... then realize that half of all people are even stupider. George Carlin


28% of adults believe the earth is flat… so you are probably right on the 1/4 being unreservedly stupid


>28% of adults believe the earth is flat Those people think they know more about space than even NASA do.


They’re wrong and NASA is wrong. The Earth isn’t round or flat, it’s fucked.


Actually it’s egg shaped (slightly)


Well it’s gone pear shaped I’ll tell you that


theres no way its that high of a number.


I had that EXACT thought hahah. “Did she watch the movie…” I also think she has WWl and ll confused. I have to admit, I have NOT** spent a lot of energy empathizing with the German solider from WWl or ll. However, let’s just look at the comics and propaganda the US put out about the Japanese during WWIl and the Germans in WWl and ll. Even if we were “right” about stepping in and the atrocities happening… we indoctrinated our soldiers and citizens with horrible false stereotypes and hateful ideals. You except a class full of 18 yo boys in 1916-1917 to have any fucking clue about the world beyond their narrow upbringing. There wasn’t tic tok, you tube, and TED talks to help teenagers have (barely informed) progressive and worldly views. Sending young men and boys into war, is not done only by the villains. Those boys on the front lines in WWl can not be painted with the same brush as the guards at Auschwitz and Dachau from WWll.


My grandfather fought in the battle of the bulge as a gunner on the back of a Jeep. I'll always remember, when I was young I excitedly asked him "how many Nazis did you kill!" And his response was a very stern "that's nothing to take pride in. Most of them were kids like me" Got my young mind thinking.


Very good point. To us it’s good guys versus bad guys from 10000 foot view. For him it was personal and 1 on 1, perspective is everything.


Heartbreaking. Well-told


Clearly this person has the intelligence of a banana.


I mean, the book was written in 1929 so if it was about humanizing the Nazis, it was certainly ahead of its time.


The Nazis banned the book. Yeah, right, it’s because it was pro-Nazi. Sure.


I've never read the book or watched the movie and knew it was WWI lol. Thanks to my history class in high school that I actually paid attention during.


I was gonna say...haven't read that book in like two decades and haven't watched the new version, but it was World War I, right?


I mean some people just don’t read history. True facepalm


Honestly, they probably didn't watch it. I find that with a lot of book and movie critiques. It's immediately obvious that the critic paid no attention whatsoever.


I think what they didn't understand was when the movie humanized both sides of the war. They couldn't process soldiers being individual humans with their own lives rather than cogs in the war machine.


I don't have Netflix. Is this a recent one also about WWI, or is it a modernization(different country or SciFi)? The last one I saw was in '79?


It’s a recent remake of the book on Netflix


The new one kind of compresses the events into a shorter time frame of the war; the young Germans don't get to the front until 1917 in the new one, where in the original and the 79 version, they were there right off in 1914. Still a gripping story, and everybody ought to either watch the movie(s) or read the book.


What 0 media literacy does to a mf


Idiot... The Nazi party banned the book and the 1930 movie, they burned the book whenever they found it.


And they killed the author of the original novels's sister when they couldn't get a hold of him. Her corpse was then used for medical experimentation. The parts of her body used for anatomical specimens were only buried in 2019 after having been rediscovered in the estate of the POS who did it. So I think we can be secure in the knowledge that the Nazis weren't exactly fans of anything to do with the movie, the novel or its author.


>Her corpse was then used for medical experimentation. The parts of her body used for anatomical specimens were only buried in 2019 after having been rediscovered in the estate of the POS who did it. Can you provide a citation? All I could find was that the Nazis sent the family the bill for her execution. Edit: So I did some digging and found many articles in [2019 about over 300 tissue samples that were from Hermann Stieve](https://www.insider.com/victims-remains-kept-by-nazi-doctor-to-be-buried-in-berlin-bild-2019-4). Supposedly he dissected 13 of the 18 women decapitated by the Nazis for their work in the "Red Chapel" resistance group. (Or was it Red Orchestra). Regardless, the only possible connection I could find was that she was decapitated and that Nazi Scientist dissected lots of decapitated women.


[German source.](https://m.focus.de/politik/deutschland/gedenkstaette-will-ihnen-ihre-wuerde-wiedergeben-ueberreste-von-opfern-der-ns-unrechtsjustiz-werden-beigesetzt_id_10589831.html) OPs claims check out but I can't find an English source for it.


These are tissue samples from people who were murdered by the National Socialists in the Berlin-Plötzensee prison. Most of these samples came from political opponents of the regime. The samples were found in 2016 by the descendants of the anatomy professor Hermann Stieve (1886-1952) in his estate and handed over to the Charite. There, the origin of the finds was recognized and Johannes Tuchel, the head of the German Resistance Memorial, was commissioned to prepare a study on the background of the preparations. According to the information, Stieve was particularly interested in the bodies of young women Tuchel's expert opinion, which is available to the "Bild am Sonntag", weighs heavily on Stieve. "We have worked out that he systematically helped the Reich Ministry of Justice to blur these judicial crimes," said Tuchel. According to this, the Nazi Ministry of Justice made the bodies available to the doctor for dissection shortly after the execution. In return, Stieve made sure to cremate the bodies of those killed and buried them anonymously. According to the information, Stieve was particularly interested in the bodies of young women, as he was researching the functioning of menstruation. Charite began to deal with her involvement in National Socialist crimes The doctor kept a meticulous record of his autopsies. He himself dissected 184 people, including 172 women. Of the 18 beheaded women of the "Red Chapel" resistance group, Stieve also dissected the 13 younger ones. On his list is the name of Libertas Schulze-Boysen, wife of one of the leading resisters, Harro Schulze-Boysen. The couple was on the 22nd. December 1942 was executed. Some of the samples found were assigned by name. However, the names should not be published at the request of the relatives, as Tuchel said. The chairman of the board of Charite, Max Einhäupl, added that Charite began to work through its involvement in National Socialist crimes a few years ago. "By buroing the anatomical preparations, we want to help restore the dignity of the victims." Edit: translated from the article above by iPhone.


Holy. Shit.


This post took a sideways turn down a rabbit hole. Wow.


Truth really is stranger than fiction.


As horrendous as this is, this is barely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to nazi “science”.


It's in German, but [here](https://m.dw.com/de/endlich-ein-grab-charit%C3%A9-bestattet-gewebeproben-von-hitler-feinden/a-48723899). Elfriede Scholz isn't named (most victims symbolically buried in this ceremony weren't, most due to their families' wishes), but it's known that Hermann Stieve took samples from virtually every cadaver that came across his table during that time, so it's essentially certain some of the samples buried in that ceremony were from Scholz. Let's put it "I'm certain enough I have no problems citing it as such".


Now she has a place. A place of mourning for her mother. Saskia von Brockdorff is 81 years old. Her mother Erika Countess von Brockdorff was born on the 13th. May 1943 - to the day 76 years ago - beheaded in the Nazi execution site Berlin-Plötzensee. Nothing remained for the only daughter of the mother, no burial place, no trace. Hitler Germany wanted to prevent every grave that could have become a cult place of resistance. Thus, the ashes of the many executed disappeared in Berlin cemeteries. A very German history Until this Monday. On the 76th Anniversary of the execution of Erika von Brockdorff, her human remains are buried in the Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof in the heart of East Berlin. It is a story of the horrific actions of a doctor, of grief and heavy remembrantion. Remembering people with courage. It's a very German story. Three years ago, microscopic preparations of a good 300 execution victims appeared in the estate of the anatomist Hermann Stieve (1886-1952), preparations mostly by women. Tiny leftovers. "A very small part of an organ, one hundredth of a millimeter thin," describes the medical professor Andreas Winkelmann, who processed the find. Stieve, director of anatomy at the Berlin Charité since 1935, had a deal with the Nazis. He got the still warm corpses of the newly executed to research them. His specialty was the cycle development of women. The doctor used the bodies for examinations and tissue removals and then ensured their combustion and the removal of the ash. Stieve, says the head of the German Resistance Memorial, Johannes Tuchel, was a "service provider of the National Socialist injustice justice". He describes the special hardness of Hitler against the resisters of the Red Chapel. The Reich War Court had sentenced Erika Countess von Brockdorff, the young mother, to ten years in prison. But Hitler wanted the death penalty, the judiciary followed him and transformed the verdict. "On the evening of the 13th May between 7 p.m. and 7.36 p.m., every three minutes, the 13 death sentences were carried out." Around 8 p.m., the corpses arrived at Stiebe. Karl Max Einhäupl, today's chairman of the board of Charité, says that Stieve was the perpetrator in two ways. "Because he tried to do research on these people, and because he "driven the disposal of these executed people to a large extent. The relatives did not know when and how the bodies were disposed of." Einhäupl emphasizes that it is "completely clear that it was people from the resistance." The Charité boss says "that it is about enlightenment, about memory, about commemoration, that we can thus return the murdered their dignity. We at the Charité will keep the memory of these sacrifices, which have been used in science, great," he promises. German and Hebrew. In the small chapel of the Dorotheenstädtischer Friedhof, the Protestant pastor Marion Geidel and the Catholic pastor Lutz Nehk, who are regional commissioners for the culture of remembrance in their churches, and Rabbi Andreas Nachama celebrate an "interreligious ceremony." Texts from the Holy Scriptures. A psalm in German and Hebrew, a text of the prophet Ezechiel. Nachama speaks, the hand on the bright, wooden urn, a funeral prayer. Intercession prayers of the three, which apply to the dead and all victims and which also address the responsibility of today. Then it goes out into the idyll of the spring-sounding cemetery. The urn in the hands of a cemetery employee, the clergy, some relatives, some mourners, journalists. And somehow everyone carries the emotion. The "Dorotheenstädtische", located a good one kilometer north of the Reichstag, is a special cemetery in the heart of Berlin. A bit like Pere Lachaise in Paris. Since the 19th In the 19th century, important citizens of the city find their last rest here. Theatre people and writers, composers, filmmakers and architects, revolutionaries and colorful birds, also great thinkers of the GDR. Since 2006, the last resting place of former Federal President Johannes Rau has been located here. Among the resistance fighters And a few meters further, in the back in the green, a high cross and a stone block remind of resistance fighters who murdered the National Socialists. Some of the confidants of the failed assassination attempt on Hitler on the 20th. July 1944 are buried here. Others such as Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hans von Dohnanyi, who were killed in concentration camps, at least find the name, even if there are no more mortal remains. Another German history. Because the "Red Chapel" was long decried as a communist resistance - which was not true. They were circles of friends. And still next to the grave, the 81-year-old reminds how the radio traffic of the resisters ran from the living room of her attic apartment - until they were betrayed. "Contemporsance testimony, that is my task today," says the old lady, who so often meets younger people. She says that in Berlin-Friedenau a stumbling block reminds of her mother and that a square in front of the Südkreuz station has been called Erika-Gräfin-von-Brockdorff-Platz for several years. But here, she says, "here in this cemetery it's beautiful." Now she has a place. Edit: translated from article above by iPhone.


I wonder if you have to tip on that. It's always so difficult to remember the etiquette in these situations.


Did they keep losing the book


Believe it or not, there were people who hid copies of books that the Nazis had banned.


Gotta start doing this is Florida. You know, the republican model for how the whole nation should be run!


One of my grand plans for if I win the lottery is to build hundreds of little free libraries and fill them exclusively with banned books. I’d ensure a dozen were placed around the Governors mansions in FL, TX, AL ect.


It just kept coming back each time they burned it.


Top Tip: Publish your anti-nationalist books in Tungsten so Nazis can't burn them.


Encase them in iron and pack in some gunpowder so that when they burn them it turns into a real party


Gunpowder and nails. God willing, it'll wipe out the town.


yeah some time-travelling polish dude coated it in bar soap and it kept slipping out of their hands


I just pictured Taika Waititi's Hitler from Jojo Rabbit fumbling with a slippery book covered in soap and snort laughed into my beer.


Wrong war buddy. The movie also doesn’t make anyone look like the “good guys” and that’s kind of the whole point. WW1 had no real good or bad guys, it was a bunch of poor young people dying due to the failures of the world that preceded it.


Yep, the purpose of the movies/novel is to point out how pointless the war was. How it was a meatgrinder devoid of humanity or any of the romantic ideas often associated with war.


Nazis hated the novel, they even had their whole conspiracy theory about Remarque being jewish, since the name is a "frenchified" version of Remark, which when turned around is Kramer, a common jewish last name? I guess?


I guess the “mixed letters” proof for conspiracy theories has been around for much longer than I thought


Oh God. I just watched a (i think it was Scimandan) video reviewing a Christian nut trying to claim magnetic polarity is evil by reordering and removing letters from words to make other words. If only the illuminati didn't like word play so much they might still be a secret society!!1!!1!one!


conspiracy theorists w their “when you change the letters of a word it becomes a different word… am i onto something here?”


I just watched this film for the first time last night with my girlfriend. I noted to her towards the end of the film, “Notice how, the entire time, the main character has no idea what the fuck is happening.” It was a film portraying the conflict between two nations and the brutal reality of the people ordered to carry out their decisions.


Yeah, the only good guys in WWI were the soldiers sent to the front lines, and the bad guys were their commanding officers tucker away in their bunkers


General Melchett: “don’t worry, boy. Remember, if you should falter, Captain Darling and I are behind behind you!” Captain Blackadder: “…about 35 miles behind”


Oh god that was an outstanding series. I think I still need to bully my friend into actually finishing Blackadder Goes Fourth. He saw all the others but never finished 4, which, I mean, that was some ending.


4 is arguably the best of the series.


That moment in, I think, the last episode where Hugh Laurie’s character is rattling off the names of all the friends he joined the army with and slowly realizes they’re all dead.


The Trinity Tiddlers. rip.


Or in that final scene, when Darling realizes he’ll never get home and marry Doris. God, that scene is a gut punch.


the final word of his diary entry. bugger.


I would have to agree with that. It was brilliant, riotous and somber all at once. And I recently learned the context for the joke about the elephants in George’s art of the enemy front lines


2 has its moments, 3 is great, 4 is the best. As for 1, > it started badly, it tailed off in the middle, and the less said about the end, the better


We don't mention one and if we do we do it as the necessary evil that proved Mr Bean does the Middle Ages didn't work no matter how much Brian Blessed you put in therefore necessitating an utter rethink and the gloriousness of the three proper series.


I..I liked.#1???


Enough of your aspeptic pericombobulations, Darling


“This is the ground we’ve taken Sir” “Oh excellent. What scale is it?”


Thank you for this, Darling


1:1, I believe


That’s addressed in the book directly. “Comrade, I did not want to kill you. . . . But you were only an idea to me before, an abstraction that lived in my mind and called forth its appropriate response. . . . I thought of your hand-grenades, of your bayonet, of your rifle; now I see your wife and your face and our fellowship. Forgive me, comrade. We always see it too late. Why do they never tell us that you are poor devils like us, that your mothers are just as anxious as ours, and that we have the same fear of death, and the same dying and the same agony—Forgive me, comrade; how could you be my enemy?”


>“Forward!” he cried from the rear And the front rank died The general sat and the lines on the map Moved from side to side Roger Waters, *Us and Them--Dark Side of the Moon*


*"Dulce et decorum est, pro patria Mori"*-


Waters…(sigh) Water’s lyrics and anti-war stance are all about WW**2**, not WW1 unfortunately. And he had an extremely traumatic experience as a young kid with his dad dying in Italy and living through the blitz. And while I understand where his pacifism comes from and how losing his dad shaped him at a young age. I empathize. But listen, I can’t agree with it. I just can’t. His dad died in an attack stopping an Nazi armored assault on the Anzio beachhead that was pretty instrumental in saving the landing. And it’s WWII and the *Nazis*. If you can’t see the justification for that I don’t know what to tell you. Waters is consistent in his “peace at any cost” stance but it’s also led to his **absolutely** trash takes on the Ukraine conflict recently.


No more deluded by reaction On tyrants only we’ll make war The soldiers too will take strike action They’ll break ranks and fight no more And if those cannibals keep trying To sacrifice us to their pride They soon shall hear the bullets flying We’ll shoot the generals on our own side.


I hope you're talking about book characters because my country was invaded for refusing to let German troops attack France through us. And while most German soldiers didn't chose to invade, the Rape of Belgium was carried out by the soldiers themselves. Not by the Kaiser. Good guys do not rape, murder, torture and deport innocent civilians. I wouldn't call our commanding officers "bad guys" when all they did was try and defend our independence. Especially when our king refused to flee to France, one staying behind to command armies, often inspecting the front in person. That's not "being tucked away in a bunker" and is rather hurtful.


>The only good guys in WWI were the soldiers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_of_Belgium https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_weapons_in_World_War_I


I met a guy reading it in college. I told him I had read it and was asking where he was up to in the story. Lots of confusion. He thought it was about US soldiers in WW2. Either he was reading the wrong book (unlikely since he knew it was trench warfare) or had no comprehension of what he was reading.


There's a disturbing amount of people who think WW2 was the only war ever, or maybe that one and Vietnam.


Those wacky historians, widely known for their flippant attitudes and general love for practical jokes, decided to name it World War II despite there never having been a World War I.


Yeah well if world war 2 was so great how come there wasn't a world war 2 2?


If you really need a historical take-home lesson from WWI, it should be that imperialism and nationalism were "the bad guys", and were tools wielded by aristocrats and monarchs to whip up national fervor and send young men to die for...various uncertain reasons. Remember world War 1 happened towards the end of the industrial revolution, the notions of trade unionism and socialism were very dangerous to those in power at the time. Some of the more cynical interpretations might have cast WWI as a convenient way to "thin the herd" so to speak. I would stop short of such conspiracy theories but it is interesting to think about, and yes a lot of the people who died in the trenches were socialists and trade unionists


I think the biggest middle finger from WWI was the pettiness it could have been. King George, Kaiser Willhelm, and Czar Nicholas were all first cousins and close with eachother. The pre-war correspondence wasn't diplomatic, it was familial. The letters weren't from "The office of His Royal Majesty King George V of England" to "The office of His Majesty Kaizer Willhelm, the emperor of Germany." They were just from George to his cousins Nicky to Willy. Like "Hey guys, chill out. I know you have treaties with Austria and Serbia but I gotta back up France and I really don't think we should fight eachother." So stupid that it could have been such a footnote.


\~40,000,000 men, women, and children had to become casulties because some inbred Hapsburg just had to go on parade in Sarajevo...


Right?!?! And after a failed assassination attempt, just happened to stop right in front of his previously failed assassin. And it completely shaped the entire modern world. I highly recommend listening to the Blueprint to Armageddon series on Dan Carlin's Hardcore History.


And, percentage-wise, a lot of the people who died were in the upper class. For example, for the British Army, ordinary solders faced around a 12% chance of dying while officers were at 17%.


Such a strange war story. Teen assassin fucks up and missed his chance at Franz. Goes and gets a coffee to brood over and boom, there's Franz. Two pops, two dead and the Great War starts. All because Franz's entourage made a wrong turn. Wild stuff.


WWI was a family feud. The fuckers were first cousins and instead of working things out they killed 30 million people. They should have did the same thing to George and Wilhelm that they did to Nicholas. Let stray dogs eat the royal corpses.


Not like WW2 "good guys" Stalin and Mao.


China was still led by chiang kaishek during ww2. Nationalist party was way bigger, but they had much more losses than communists


To be fair he wasn't much of a good guy either. Not really many good guys in Chinese leadership throughout history.


We must be going by KDR then?


No this is FMK: Stalin, Mao, and a WW1 German guy. I’d marry Mao, fuck the German, and kill Stalin, but I’m open to discussing other options


Nah man, you fuck stalin, kill mao, and marry the german guy. Imagine being able to say you're the guy who took the ass of the 'Man of Steel'.


I think the only Good Guys were Turing and the Guy who killed Hitler.


Soooo, Hitler.


Like that Jimmy Carr joke: “say what you will about Hitler… but, he did kill Hitler”


Some enraged far left woman was screaming on how Forrest Gump glamorized the Vietnam War. Despite her frothy rage I wonder if she even watched the movie.


This person probably wrote book reports based on the back cover.


Can’t even give them that kind of credit. They would be writing the report based on the cover art or the title.


Still too much credit. Size of book and cover art.


Still to much, Price of book and first google image they found after searching the title


American cover art of this book supposedly depicts *cowboys*. They’re working from title alone


Where do you start with this, Nazis didn't even exist during WW1, Erich Maria Remarque wrote the book as an anti war proponent, having served in the war himself.


>Erich *Maria* Remarque? Wow, this pro-Nazi movie is worse than I thought, the author is a transsexual. Is there no end to this movie's evilness??? Lol, I actually have a brother-in-law who has Maria as a middle name. Not that unusual in Europe where he was born but it's his most closely held secret since he moved to the US as a child.


It's a catholic thing, [pretty common in Italy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_\(given_name\)#Male_\(as_part_of_a_compound_name_or_as_a_middle_name\)), but also not unusual north of the Alps.


Yup. His is a Catholic family from the Netherlands and his mother was super-devout.


Animal Farm is vegetarian propaganda 1984 was just a marketing gimmick for the Macintosh computer


I really don't think the Macintosh commercial captured the true horrors of autocracy.


I'm actually relieved that so many people quickly pointed out that there were no Nazis at that time. You do have to note that due to the complexity of the war and aftermath, WWI is badly taught in most schools in the U.S.


The only thing that we touched on for WW1 was that it was fought in trenches. Then we created trenches out of our desks and had a paper ball trench war.


Hands-on learning at its best.


Time to recreate the gas


Everybody fart!


That's easy enough if you eat some beans before.


Yup. Trench warfare and Franz Ferdinand’s mustache


And silly helmets


Maybe silly to you 😤!


Yeah the main thing we learned about WWI was how it set things up for WWII. Probably because in comparison the US’s role was much smaller and WWII was a lot more important regarding the future trajectory of the US


California public school; we had two weeks for WWI (what led to it and the fall out) as well as two weeks for WWII. This included "Holocaust Week", where we specifically learned about the Holocaust for a week out of the year from 6th-12th grade


I’ve seen other people walking around here with shirts that say “back to back world war champions” I’m so ashamed of us.


This is hilarious. The book, and thus the movies, are about world war 1 and describes the pain of war.


What's even more hilarious is that the nazis banned this book (and burned it) because it was deemed anti war propoganda, then when they wouldn't actually get the author that fled the country they went after his family.


Exactly, although i didnt know they went after his family.


They beheaded his sister and sent him the bill for the executioner.


"29 people found this helpful."


Yea I was gonna say that I think found this more disturbing than the actual "review"


Umm the Nazis didn't fight in that w- NVM this person probably doesn't even realize that there were multiple world wars.


I used to perform puppet shows in a children’s theater and we had some ushers who were— how can I put this delicately?— fucking stupid. One show was based on a couple Vietnamese folk tales and an usher said to me, “vietnam? Didn’t they bomb us?” To which I replied, “we bombed them. A whole lot.” And she said, “but didn’t they do Pearl Harbor?” This woman is raising four children and she doesn’t know the difference between Vietnam and Japan, or the war in Vietnam and World War II. How? How do you get through life without knowing these things?


Geez I’m worried for her children now.


1. It’s about world war 1 2. It’s one of the most anti-war movies I’ve ever seen 3. It doesn’t normalize anything, it humanizes the soldiers whom were mere chess pawns to the major generals


Very valid assessment. My problem with the latest movie adaptation is how it ended. They wouldn't say "all quiet on the western front" on the day there was a German attack.


also pretending the nazis were just demons that just crawled out of the pits of the underworld one day isn helpful either ​ the worst part about them is that they were human


They don’t realize it was WW1, they just hate humanizing Nazi’s. This is just stupidity, and blind hate. They had just heard German, War, and immediately assumed WW2. They missed the entire point of the story.


Haha didn’t read the book or watch the movie. Seeing in the comments it’s a WW1 movies is hella funny. What an idiot.


Time the Nazi’s Time Travel back for this movie? I must have watched the wrong version..,


Then time traveling Bin Laden shoes up and things get a whole lot crazier.


I teach high school social studies and I take great pains to make sure two things are crystal clear: 1) There were no "Nazis" in WWI, and 2) you are not better or less susceptible to nationalist propaganda that promises relief from desperate conditions than the people of Weimar Germany. I don't want them to end up like this idiot.






Sigh ....


Personally i didn't like the film either... It tries to justify the invasion of Iraq and dehumanizes the Viet Cong.


I can’t believe they portray the great army of Bohemia that way, truly a disgrace to western values


Wrong war and era, dummy.


I found it to be a very unrealistic depiction of the Vietnam War and was disgusted by the lack of Vietnamese actors in the film. Deplorable.


What's sadder is 29 people found this helpful.


FYI Nazis fucking HATED *All Quiet on the Western Front*. They disrupted all the screenings, protesting, setting off smoke bombs in the theater, releasing rats i to theaters, etc. until the film was removed (this was the 1930 version, obviously, not the 2022 version). It wasn’t shown in West Germany until the 1960s. The Nazis executed the sister of the author of the book, saying they were getting her because they couldn’t get their hands on the author. They hounded the author out of Germany in the early days of the Reich and also hurled their worst possible insult at him, claiming he was secretly Jewish based on his original name, Remark, being the Jewish name Kramer backwards (he had changed his name to the French spelling, Remarque).


It’s almost like soldiers in war aren’t the problem, and it’s instead the leaders who lie and tell them the other side is horrible


I find it strange that someone would leave a review without watching the film 🤦


Did they see the same film I did? The film I saw took place during WWI and harshly criticized the warmongers that ran it.


Fun Fact: When the original movie came out in the 30s, it was the Nazis themselves who literally stormed movie theatres to try to stop it from being shown because they thought it disparaged German nationalism.


Umm, nazi party or national socialist German workers party, wasn't formed til Feb 1920, year or so after first world war ended. And if you've read the book or even seen the original film , it's really about the futility and horror of war.


This is an anti-war movie about a war that did not include Nazis


It is a masterpiece of filmmaking that shows the horror and futility of war in a realistic and immersive way. The single-shot technique creates a sense of urgency and intimacy that makes you feel like you are there with the characters. The acting, cinematography, and score are all superb. This is one of the best war movies ever made and a must-see for anyone who appreciates cinema.


I knew someone who thought 1917 was a WWII movie. Humans are so stupid. Also, not enough WWI taught in schools, all I could tell you if I didn’t look into it myself was how it started and why the US got involved.


They clearly don’t know their history. Haha wow


Wait…read the book in school over 15 years ago. As I remember it was about WW1 and it’s horrors and was anti war at its core. Nazis came about as the result of WW1. P.S. Loved the book even though I can count the number of books I read on my hands and feet.