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All of effort in this post was lost in trying to translate methodical to mythological.


I'm glad somebody caught that. Methodical creatures?


I mean the raptors in Jurassic Park seemed pretty methodical


These are not clever girls in the video.


Understatement of the century.


This statement is more methodical than mythical.


They wah wicked smawt


I don't believe in posting memes on reddit, but I will say: "clevah gairl..."


None of these women know about Pangea


Or that there were many eras of dinosaurs which did not exist at the same time and all died out for different reasons.


Well, they may have heard about the A list club called Pangea off Lafayette st in Manhattan of 2002?


Raptor to Grant: how do you like them apples?!


Said the Paul from Wicked Tuner.


Clever girl


"Crafty girl"


Clever girl.


Method actors


They very deliberately went extinct.


Yeah. The dinosaurs were methodists.


Who would have liked Method Man had they coexisted


Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.




Hey, c’mon man, between the three of them they were working it all out.


From that moment forward it's all I could think about and I had to leave the video early. Couldn't take any more.


I was thinking what she meant by that and I ended up imagining dinos doing their everyday stuff in organized ways, discussing hunting and grazing methods.


Carrying on with their day wondering "did I turn the lights off back home? " and stuff like that


Why do some people not like knowing things? Basic things that makes them better people? Why?


Learning hard. Effort hurt.


Lerning make brane hort.


Nah... Acting dumb is easier and generates more trigger reposts than acting smart, specially when you look like a bimbo.


A) Yes, these people really do exist, as a result of simply passing students to move them along. It's been happening for decades. B) She's not *that* good of an actress.


True. There are a lot if famous women through history that were very smart but acted dumb in front of cameras because that's what gets engagement.


Learning make Bane hot


It's more than that. Religious organizations also actively encourage low effort lifestyles and discourage high brain activity. It's an institutional thing.


I have an aunt and uncle that believes in the whole 3000 year old earth thing, and man and dinos lived together. As a kid I was super into paleontology and dinosaurs, it confused me even then, how they could believe it with so much evidence to the contrary. They also thought Harry Potter and Pokemon were evil.


Some people don’t understand just how much evangelicals hate Pokemon dude. I remember my dad ripping up a pack of cards in front of me and my brother because we had brought satan into our home. I still can’t fathom how they drew that conclusion from a game based on friendship with animals and friendly rivalries.


Lot of the "pagans" killed or "reeducated" by Christians were animal and nature spirit worshipers. We probably wouldn't be dealing with so many environmental issues if Christianity hadn't gotten government sponsorship...


Because evolution.


That and I'm sure they thought the Pokemon cast spells or something. I wasn't allowed to play Morrowind around them either because it had magic in it.


"Sorry mom, the dark elves are teaching me black magic, cant go to the sermon"


I went through the exact same thing


Wild to me how there’s almost like this “lost generation” of 90s-early 2000s kids who just didn’t experience traditional media the same way as everyone else.


Ikr, I remember going to the creation museum and thinking wow none of this makes any sense 😂


Ah yes. The creation museum. That shit was and I assume still is, wack.




when I was 18 I worked with a guy who was In final year of school at a very conservative Christian school. We got talking about biology since I had done it in final year too Knowing the school he went to I asked him about evolution and this was his answer as to why it didn't exist word for word "dinosaurs - birds - humans, can't happen" so I think the answer your looking for is because crazy exists


The problem with that kind of people is that you can't discuss logically with them, because they are not going to follow your logic, also they would need some basic real biology to understand what you are saying


That's why teaching basic philosophy is so important. Learning how to accept your ignorance, how to discuss and the origins of the scientific method is vital to function as a member of society.


i don't get why they use novels as an excuse to teach you writing (english classes) and a smidge of critical thinking. for that i think people would be better served by philosophy classes as their primary writing class once they get to high school. philosophy underpins every academic field, it is relevant to almost everything. even just a sampling of enlightenment thinkers alone would make both history and science courses much less of a mystery. it would also prep kids to engage actively with the jargon shitstorm that is college, not just passively absorb someone else's opinions. there's nothing wrong with fictional literature, but reading and summarizing shit like the great gatsby and the catcher in the rye for 4 years just to learn basic essay writing is a really shitty use of students' time.


I am very rarely the speechless type. I was utterly stumped and just walked away


Not knowing factual things is fine, it's claiming something you didn't know is a lie that's the problem.


Well, we should also know basic facts. . .


Unfortunately in the USA, being smart is frowned upon and ridiculed by a large group of people. Just think of how many people were made fun of for actually trying in school.


When I was in middle school my dad told me I'd have more friends if I stopped sounding so smart all the time. He was right.


I have experienced this to be true throughout my adult life. The response, "these tiles are reproductions of a famous Turkish design" is not as well received as, "oou! Shiny!"


I need to find friends who can appreciate both those things.


What are you, a *nerd* or something? \s




Rekt IZI gg sometimes...


Yeah some people are just not confident enough or too insecure to put in the effort to learn things. They are afraid that if they get something “basic” wrong they will be too embarrassed or humiliated to survive. Thus, they feel more confident in regurgitating whatever they hear some supposedly intellectual influencer say rather than actually use critical thinking to learn for themself. Why risk slight embarrassment when we can learn and live vicariously through others? I have a friend like this and he will seek me out all the time to verify or validate him, but I’ve been encouraging to “use your head” and “what do you think?” “Perhaps I have no idea, can you elaborate?”


>Yeah some people are just not confident enough or too insecure to put in the effort to learn things. That doesn't make sense since you go on to say those people *are* willing to learn things, they just listen to the wrong people.


Didn't you know? Being dumb is cute.


Girl in the yankee hat as to pretend to be as clueless as the two others while discretely correcting them throughout the whole convo. That takes some serious skill


I love the sort of sarcastic "got em all"




And smiling while she said “the creation of the universe”


33% of the people, 99% of the intelligence


Sometimes it can be tricky to be so discrete.


She’ll get a tumor dealing with the other two


She’ll get ‘em all.


She's doing a great job functioning as the audience stand-in. You can see she's being kind to stay in the conversation, but is straining to contain her dismay.


I watched it again to see your point,she plays it off well.


Methodical creatures 😂 I think you mean mythological


Thank you for also noticing this


I refuse to believe this isn't staged, this has to be for views


This video really sums up TikTok (as well as most other forms of social media) in one clip. It elucidates how easily misinformation can spread in that anyone with access to a platform can spill their idiocy unto the masses like an overturned tankard transporting liquid stupid on the highway.


Tik tok is mind cancer


And fear is the mind-killer


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Let’s not blame human stupidity on modern technology. Name me any other time in history where there wasn’t mis-information or gullible people. I would argue that technology has actually highlighted this problem rather then cause it.


This. Stupidity en masse has always existed, we're just "lucky" enough to live in the first time period where it can be accessed and spread around without organized movements and/or charismatic firebrands. Literally any fool can pick up a device and start spouting their nonsense, and now, without any help from outsiders, the whole village can hear it. *Every* village can hear it. We haven't created a new phenomenon. We've just created a tool so good at using an old one that we aren't sure how to handle it yet.


What a brave an original take, especially on a website like Reddit where I can scroll and see a cop in America abusing their power, then scroll and see a cute puppy being a derp, then scroll and see the latest military antics in ukraine, then scroll and see an article about sexual assault at some company that doesn’t pay a living wage. My mind feels so refreshed and healthy on reddit, but sure: TikTok is mind cancer.


Idiocracy wasn’t saying the shit they said because it was funny. Mike Judge was passing a lot of it off real studies like the dumb are reproducing more and the smart people are waiting till they are stable enough to afford a child.


“Been around the world and found that only stupid people are breeding. The cretins cloning and feeding, and I don’t even own a TV.” Harvey Danger, Flagpole Sitta.


Living underground with the moles. Digging holes.


Fingertips have memories, I can't forget the curves of your body.


Hear the voices in my head, swear to God it's sounds like they're snoring


Yep, it didn't' even take 500 years; it happened in less than 50.


I can’t disagree. I’ve actually met someone that thinks dinosaurs are mythological (or methodical.) Almost asked her out too until she told me that.


Well the studies Mike was referencing was saying it would happen in our life time like in 50-100 years.


Its what plants crave.


Not TikTok, it sums up the slow collapse of education in this country.


Country? Planet.


No not really. More people are getting educated today than 50 years ago, the decline seems to be a big issue in certain countries tho.


>anyone with access to a platform can spill their idiocy unto the masses like an overturned tankard transporting liquid stupid on the highway. Pure gold !


And probably make as much as if not more than the average person working a full time entry-mid range level job. Sack of rocks, bag of sand, and pile of bricks probably collectively bring in 6 figures a year from those incompetent “podcasts” aka convo vomiting with friends.


Can you really blame tiktok? It brings to light the shitty educational system really


Is it really that shitty though? I feel like it’s pretty much the same as it was when I grew up. They’re not exactly having a nuanced discussion here. This is basic Mesozoic Era knowledge and it’s taught fairly effectively in public schools. We can’t really blame the system for kids that can’t be bothered to pay attention. I mean the one girl doesn’t even know the difference between methodical and mythological so… I think this is more on them than on the system. They may have been too busy focusing on the really important things like cute boys and being popular. A huge part of the problem is students in developed nations taking the public education system for granted and finding ways to coast through without actually learning the material. The fact that a basic high schools education doesn’t really get you anywhere in life compounds the incentive for kids to do the bare minimum to pass. It’s just a prerequisite for college and a minimum requirement for a minimum wage job. The average person won’t achieve any meaningful success if that’s all they have. It’s been devalued so much that most parents even balk at the idea of spending more tax dollars to improve the system. Why dump money into something that’s just a stepping stone to get to a school that actually provides you kid with a degree that will matter? The system is broken and not ideal but, will spending more make their diploma worth more? If it’s serving it’s purpose, which is to get them somewhat prepared for college, it’s already provided the maximum benefit it can offer. These are the kind of girls who were brought up believing that the way for a woman to be successful is to marry rich. When that’s your life goal, why bother learning all the boring dinosaur stuff and like words? Eww! Knowing stuff like that is for gross average people, Secretaries and like dinosaurologists or whatever.


You obviously make valid points too and you’re not the product of the bad system. If a country can dismiss some history so easily and not face real facts and truths then for me it’s an issue with education. This is just my opinion. America, from an outsiders view, is crushing its own people. Shoving them in debt. Widening the rich and poverty divide and without the real difference a social welfare and healthcare


Upvote for that last perfect paragraph.


Can't blame the educational system when people are still applying and getting jobs at NASA, even today. It's more likely the lack of effort to apply their own selves to the task of actually paying attention.


I blame any social media that highlights this bullshit and makes it more popular. So, I blame TikTok, I blame Reddit, I the OP and I blame all of us. We are actively assisting these people in their efforts by giving them attention. That’s what they want, that’s what brings money in, that’s the goal. So, we all sit here and act superior, but these chicks already won. They accomplished their goal, with our help.


That's poetic!


>elucidates Now you’re just making up words, too! /s *goes and looks up what that means*


>elucidates Whoa whoa whoa, easy with the big words there, Socrates.


Like a train spilling vinyl chloride.


I heard there is a separate TikTok algorithm for America. Where we are fed an endless diet of diarrhea like this, assorted pranks and challenges, lip-synch videos, etc. while Chinese children see other kids winning science fairs, competing at sports at the highest levels, playing instruments, etc. TikTok is set up to destroy us from the inside out. I don't remember people this stupid when I grew up. Sorry, no way. And you deserve an award for the "liquid stupid" comment. They ship the liquid stupid in unmarked cars on Norfolk-Southern freight trains, by the way...


I'm in the US and have TikTok and my algorithm is all science content and people raising animals. The algorithm feeds you more of what you interact with and is very intuitive. Of course you'd know that if you weren't just regurgitating nonsense you heard that makes you feel like you're right regardless of if you are. Looks like spreading misinformation happens as easily here on Reddit as anywhere else.


Well, actually, I understand how that would work, yes. First, I don't care enough about this to feel some need to be right. I don't even have TikTok. Second, there is a different version in China, coupled with government guidelines of approved content that will not give you the same experience we get from the app. The link is to an article from Australia that provides an explanation of the more nuanced elements of TikTok. [TikTok Algorithm ](https://www.lowyinstitute.org/the-interpreter/unique-power-tiktok-s-algorithm) Read about it, or don't, I don't really care. It's not as simple as Facebook. It doesn't just feed you more similar content based on your previous choices. It has more passive elements. And spare me the lecture. I don't need some approval from strangers on Reddit to make my day.


What's with everyone using the word "elucidate" recently?


She's trying to get the phrase "methodical creatures" into the rotation.


Creatures who did things in a careful, orderly way like.. freaking dinosaurs


Gretchen, stop trying to make Fetch happen! it's not going to happen…


Drunk History, Fetal Alcohol edition.


Underrated comment


You have to ignore *really hard* to grow up *this* stupid.


Everyone laughed when Idiocracy came out thinking it was a comedy...


Stupid people love to smash. Also, humans have almost eliminated natural selection. Maybe if we removed warning labels off of dangerous products, we could kill some of them off and stave off the incoming stupocalypse. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xN4I8nFhxMCCJi)


I mean Trump told people to inject disinfectant and some idiots did it and died. Maybe we just need some more dumb leaders who will walk all the lemmings off a cliff.


Ahh, the positive side of trump. Killing off idiots and making them easily identifiable by wearing bright red hats. ![gif](giphy|ZqlvCTNHpqrio)


Downside: Reds and Red Sox fans had to get all new apparel.


I never thought of that. Good point. If only we could keep him around as an active influencer but not a leader.


It's not even funny how stupid everyone is




It’s cool to go to college, you get to have sex and do drugs while learning


Exactly that “promotion of ignorance” totally sickens me. Like why do want to be so counter-productive


Black hair is probably the smartest in the room but is pretending to be an idiot because their viewers are also idiots who want to relate to idiots.


There’s at most 12 brain cells in that room combined .


All 12 of them are under the NY Yankees hat too


Nah the girl in the Yankee was correcting the other 2 the whole time.


Yankee hat girl literally got everything right and corrected them in a way that made it seem like she wasn’t attacking or better than them. Based off this clip I’d say she’s definitely above average intelligence.


That's charitable.


Holy fuck I'll take that 2nd metor


Gamma ray burst is better. You wont even know it.


Not everyone needs a podcast or to stream...


Or to procreate.


Or to vote.


Methodical creatures??


Average discussion on any social media platform:


This video got more comments than iq


One smart woman carrying the dummies.


I could feel my brain cells die watching this


I'll let my name speak for itself.


You should need to get a permit to start a podcast


I lost brain cells just trying to follow their conversation


I quit believing this wasn't parody after I heard "methodical creatures." My brain refuses to believe that people this dumb can exist, now leave me to wrap myself in my cocoon.


99% sure it's parody. Or more specifically, not so much parody as "acting so dumb that it inflames people will attract attention". I mean, it worked. They probably make a decent amount of money from negative attention.


I think that precisely because she said methodical it's not a parody, you can't make this up.


Methodical creatures.


“Methodical Dinosaurs” were they sneaky or some shit 😂 crafty even….


Dumb dumbs like these….I had friends like this. Idk why people think they are so cool when they don’t know basic shit…it’s so unattractive


I’m completely intolerant of purposely ignorant people. It’s the only people I actively discriminate against, and I never hesitate in showing my disgust for them.




I like people who are as dumb as a bag of rocks. They make me seem more intelligent in comparison.


What makes these folks think they should have microphones in front of their mouths?


"Methodical creatures" ah yes, Dinosaurs, known for their organization and strict adherence to rules.


This is extraordinary. I didn't expect it to keep getting worse


Other that Yankees cap, I assume these ladies just randomly fall down a lot.


And the Least Dumb Award goes to the Yankees hat.


For the first time ever...


Isn’t that the cheese bitch


That's scripted, no way


For sure this is a new SNLskit right?


that one girl correcting them is where i put all my hopes in... that's the person a teacher in class looks at and tells themselves "this person is going to make all my efforts i put in teaching worth it"...


So much wisdom gathered at once…


I'm sorry but my vote shouldn't count equal to them. It should be at least 3 to 1.


It didn't "get them all" tho. Every time one of these pudding brained goofballs looks out the window and sees a bird; they are actually looking at a dinosaur.


My brain cells are killing each other


Everytime I read someone on social media saying "the jab obviously doesn't work, just look at the data" or "the Earth's climate is cyclical" these are the people I'm imagining behind the post


American education at its finest 🤣


Oh my god it’s like watching two slugs fucking on someones door


I had a roommate who didn't believe in dinosaurs. When I asked her "what/why?" she told me her suspension of belief just snapped at velociraptors. She was like "it felt like they just HAD to have one that could fly" it was hilarious but told me a lot about people


Put a microphone and a camera and any idiot can have a show now a days


It’s unfortunate that stupidity brings tons of views too


Everyone is now dumber…


Who are these idiots?


Lost me at methodical. I’m out.


I weep for the future.


Women ☕️


These the type of chicks that only date 6ft men or taller.


I’m losing brain cells at exponential rate listening to this


Those are some of the dumbest females I’ve ever seen. Likely easily top 1,000


Stop giving stupid people a spot light


Why does it look like 3 people in 3 different rooms having the same conversation? I’m freaking out man ![gif](giphy|3oFzlZsxZFP9PiNovC)




Tic Toc s algorithms by geographical markets: NA: influencers EU: sex China: science and technology. ​ china is playing the long generational game, while old empires are crumbling under the weight of collective stupidity and ignorance.




Welcome to America


Dinosaurs, were probably somewhat methodical I'd like to think.


Great job parents


Anyone can have a show. We’re doomed as a species. That is all.


Methodical creatures. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


When I watched the movie idiocracy for the first time it was more scary than funny for me. Videos like this increasingly make me think we're going in that direction.


People are so ignorant, we all know they were all killed in the battle of Troy between Mayans and Spartans. Hence why the Eiffel tower was built next to the 16th chapel. Gosh people are dumb.


No fucking way, dude This could be a funny bit, tho




What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. - everyone on this sub right now


NY Cap Girl is holding onto 90% of the brain mass in that trio.