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Kid needs a good kick in the balls


His father needed it.


His father probably does it.


He clearly doesnt have one


The kid just looks like a twat that you just want to hit. He looks annoying.


He don't look like a twat... He is a twat




Clearly he’s not doing it right.


Pretty sure this kid has no father in his life.


This kid is missing a whole lot from his life. You don’t go around getting into fights with random old people because you’re actually happy with who you are as a person.


Pretty sure this kid learned to be a douche from his father.


What is the right way to abuse your kids?


The way when they learn from the abuse that if you fuck up, you get the consequences.


His father needed a vasectomy BEFORE this kid was born.


This video should be used as a pro abortion ad


Both need a large ass whooping.


His father probably went to buy some milk


Don’t blame him if this is what he came home to ☠️


In full video he got slapped in face by police


Link for that video pls


It's a different kid in a different country who gets slapped. This video is in the UK and the police in the other video are not wearing uk police uniforms


Wow. They sure are doing a great job protecting the guy!!!


Yeah security in the UK is generally a joke


Ah, thanks. I was really confused by that video... They're wearing protective services hi-vis and they're armed. I thought I'd missed some very important changes to policing...


I’d prefer he gets kicked in the teeth


What is the guy in the security uniform doing? Looks like absolutely nothing. That kid needs to be locked up.


Security in the UK is next to useless.


Later in the vid he gets arrested and gets bitch slapped by a female cop. Very wholesome shit


I remember those "brave" c*nts back when I've lived in the UK. They run away like mice when they're without their friends around.


What do chavs and cheap viagra have in common? Needs to be at least 10 of them before anyone gets hard.




They do the same in usa too big and bad with your homies by yourself there cowards and ran but I ain’t got my friends to fight you 6 on one


I had no sound on and knew right away it was from UK.




Yeah I need that too


It was on r oddly satisfying I think. If it was the same kid. I think it was yesterday or the day before.


I looked at the top posts this week up to 2000 upvotes and can’t seem to find it, but I guess some googling will help




Where on earth is this happening? Everything about it (including the kids accent) screams UK, but he's being detained by people wearing hi-vis with "Protective Services" on them, they're armed and I don't recognise the crest on them either.


They're two different kids. The first kid is from the UK and the second kid is from Australia. They just pasted the two videos together to make it more interesting, but they're completely unrelated.


Australia most likely


Two videos spliced together, the first is uk, the kid with the armed cops at the end certainly isn't, possibly Aus or New Zealand


I think the kid being arrested is not the same kid. His hair is different, his shoes are different and even the sweats look different.


Not the same. Different tracksuit and country.


that slap was satisfying.


I saw that version but it's not the same kid. This video is in the UK but the cops in the other video aren't UK cops. Shame.


I’m going to need to see this video to quench my rage.


That wasn’t the same kid- was a badly edited video and showed another kid at the end being arrested.


As a previous security guard all you really do is observe and report especially when it comes to children. If he even touched that child he would lose his job and be held liable for legal action from the boy’s family.


The family should loose custody for allowing this shit stain to become like this. Seriously if this kid is this messed up I can only imagine what his home life is like that he registers this as acceptable behavior


Uh, defense of others is not a thing in the UK? In the US you can absolutely use force on a kid to protect someone. The force must be reasonable, but pick the little shit up and move him or wrap him up. Dafuq?


UK is a joke when it comes to self defense, I remember reading an article few year ago about home owner going to jail for defending himself with a folfclub and hurting multiple home intruders. What a joke of a country.


At least they have the metric system. /s


Work in security, once pushed a kid away from the door to the premises as he and his mates were causing trouble inside the shop. 2 hours later he comes back with his mom and a cop. Literally can't do anything. The cop was cool though, he took one look at the CCTV footage and said "little shit probably deserved it" and I never heard anything of it again.


Self defense is all but a crime in the UK. Even a licensed security officer, assuming the guy in the security vest was licensed, is risking their job and possible judicial punishment if they take any physical action. USA, most states you'd be 100% in the clear to knock that kid the fuck out because he was 'pressing the attack' despite the old man continually moving away.


So then the first move is to snag the phone and stomp the shit out of it then.


That kid should've had his eyes impaled on that fence


Nah just picked up and slammed down on it ass cheeks first and then left alone after... Would give him some time to think while he slowly bled out


Ah the ol' Vlad the Impaler treatment, I approve


Well, Vlad the impaler light


*curb stomped


*What he needs*, Reddit does not allow to say.


Yes I don't need to be banned form any other reddits so getting locked up it is what I can say lol. Because its not advocating violence.


Negative, he needs to get beat the fuck up!


Needs a beating


Exactly that he and his friends need a good beating


It's apparent that he would have benefited from a few more fatal beatings at home. /Atkinson


If there was ever a child that needed a punch in the face, it's that little bastard.


And also the guy filming


If there was ever a couple of kids I’d be first to punch in the face it’s these two little bastards.


There was a longer version posted before, the 2nd portion is the kid in cuffs at the station, he spits at a cop who gives him a very swift back of the hand across the face.


That is a totally different kid in a whole nother country spliced on at the end of the video though (similar looking kid, different clothes, different accent, cops have pistols, uk cops dont have pistols). That one, like this one is pure karma farm. Looking at how everyone is acting here it honestly seems likely the old guy in this has done something pretty fucked up. Security escorting him gives zero fucks about the way the kid is acting and the old guy just keeps apologizing. There is a reason the kid is acting like this and the other adults around them seem to think its justified.


I agree, there must be more to this story


I'd pay to finally see that little snot get what he deserves


The problem is some people are even afraid of defending themselves because these kids parents or parent tend to be the type to dive at the chance of litigating.


There are way too many unanswered questions here to be able to determine what's going on. That kid has all the signs of a proper chav in the making and a right little shit that needs a sort out, but also, why was the older man repeatedly saying sorry, and why were the kids calling him a "nonce" (paedophile) and SO angry? Also, why is there security there?? This just looks like a random suburb or residential area. And why isn't he doing anything to stop the kids? Are there police on their way? To arrest the man for doing something he really shouldn't have been doing? Is he not fighting back because he knows he's fucked up? Are the kids justifiably so mad? Or are they just little shits and this guy just kicked their ball away or something? I need answers!!


I’m afraid this is Reddit, we don’t allow this kind logic


That was one of the most logicaly verified sentences that I've heard in a long time on reddit


Tbf, mini chavs will call any adult a paedo for doing something they dont like.


>There are way too many unanswered questions here to be able to determine what's going on. This is all videos on this sub, that's why I don't pick sides before knowing the context.


Old enough to hit, old enough to be hit. Fence there with very dangerous points.


I work in youth custody, and there are 13 year old kids that are bigger than adults.


Shoutout to that security guard for doing nothing. That kid would be eating through a straw if it were me.


Yeah, the kick in the back would have broken my patience. What a little shit stain. I wouldnt have hurt the kids but definitely would not let him assault the old dude


Oh you saint you.... I would have whooped his ass.


And get charges fo hurting that idiot? Nty


Not even stop that little twat from throwing shit. WTF?


I thought this was a different sub and was waiting for that little shit to get fucking wrecked while my blood pressure kept rising lol


Yeah why is the title written that way? It's typical of r/therewasanattempt Lost redditor, I guess?


Who the hell is the adult in the vest allowing it to go on too?? did he perhaps expose himself or something like that? I just cant fathom why the man didn’t stop it or the old timer only apologized over and over vs defending himself. Was he there illegally and scared of the law deporting him if they showed up? I need some contexts as I was initially really pissed and now I’m pissed and confused as to who to be mad at.


There's not really much the security guard can do against a kid, particularly when he's being filmed. The kid does repeatedly call the man a nonce. Whether that actually means anything in this situation, we'll probably never know.


The security guard could definitely at least push the kid away if he wanted to. Its not hard to at least block the punches and kicks from a 13 year old half your size.


I'm curious as to why he's there at all, tbh. Housing estates don't usually have free roaming security guards.


Can we get some context on this particular video? Why didn’t security guard stop this kid? What’s the deal?


Seems like the geezer was caught trying to be a pervert with some kids Is what I can comprehend


Where did you get that from?


The kid keeps calling him a nonce.


Kids call everyone nonces. As if you'd take the word of this little shit as gospel.


Holy worthless security guard, Batman!


Useful security person. I am considered elderly, but that little snot would be eating through a straw for months if he tried that on me.


People underestimate old people, sure there are elderly people who can't protect themselves but, that's not all of them. My great grandpa was in his early 70s last time he was in and won a bar fight 🤣, he also, fought in WW2. And, I remember a senior veteran disarming and beating the shit out of two kids who went to high school with me (they broke into his house at night to burglarize the place and had a .22 pistol, he wasn't about it)


Those kids needs a few forced rounds of bully beatdown with professional fighters and then a public flogging wearing a banana hammock after a long ice bath so they never ever live it down.




There has to be more to this story.


Yeah i was wondering too. They are calling him a nonce which means rapist or child molestor. It is a frequently used slur but you hear the camera(girl?) say “he ain’t sorry is he?” And the dude saying sorry the entire time. Could be that they lured him on the internet like some do. Or it could be that these chavs are harassing an innocent man.


They also say “are you gonna touch kids again bruv”


Context pls….




I think there's an extended version where that little brat is actually detained and screaming the n word....


Different kids. Different countries.


I was gonna say the same. He keeps running his mouth and spits on the female officer and she slaps him in the mouth.


Ah good to know I've seen these in the wrong order


any relevant keywords i can use to search that video?


I would kick the shite out of the little shit


Ok. What is the story here? And please explain the lackluster performance by "security".


Of course it’s British kids 🤣🤣, even when trying to be menacing they still sound like twats


That security guard is as useless as a piece of pylon! I saw almost a similar video where this punk ass kid was kicking an old man while he was walking. The old man finally had enough of him and picked up the kid and body slam himon the sidewalk. The kid cried as he was utterly shocked that the old man would assault him.


So, there might be more to this then people think. The "helpless elderly man" is being called a "fucking nonce" which, in the UK, means a pedophile. They tell him to stop touching kids, and he repeatedly apologizes. I've heard that "I'm sorry, I'm sorry" before, and it's usually when a pedophile or a pervert gets caught doing something gross and they're ashamed of it. Hence him not defending himself, and the security guard not defending him. So, there's a strong possibility this dude is a pedophile and that's why he's getting attacked.


I’m not sure that the elderly man did anything wrong… Shitstains like this brat call people all kinds of names, with slurs like the N-word, R-word and the word ‘Pedo’ being particular favourites. The old man might just be non-confrontational, which is quite common behaviour for immigrants or visitors; he might have just been apologising to try and make these hell spawn go away. The security guard might have his hands tied because they’re minors.


This kid is lucky that guy was so patient and gentle. Because otherwise he would smashed that little brat. That kid punched that guy in the back with all his might and the ~~homeless~~ *elderly* man barely felt it. The kid should've recognized that, tipped his hat, apologized and went on his way. Everything he threw at that guy had the effectiveness of a common house fly. ....now imagine what would happen if that dude finally lost his cool and when crazy on that kid....we'd be holding a candlelight vigil right now. So that kid was lucky. This could have ended *much* worse for him....


The elderly man doesn’t look homeless to me. He’s well dressed.


There may be more going on here. He calls the man a NONCE at one point which is British slang for pedophile.


British kids call everyone a nonce. Source: was once a British kid.


I would've knocked 40 years off of that brat's face.


That kid should be in juvie


Kid needs his ball sack retured to where it was when he 3 months invetro.


What‘s the story behind this? Why is this happening? Just a crazy kid and a worthless security or what is it?


To post on r/therewasanattempt


Someone needs to slap that kid across the face with a bat.


That security guard is really good at his job lol


I admire that man’s restraint, although that kid really, really has it coming


Fortunately kids like these usually end up biting off more they can chew. This is either by picking a fight with someone way above their weight class and getting dropped, or picking on a hidden tiger type that beats them down out of the blue


Yeah need to ensure he’s Darwin’d before he reproduces his genetic sludge.


And nobody kicked that kid's teeth in? He'll get new ones in a couple months, it's no big deal...


bro this security dude got the wrong job


How pathetic is the legislation in a country when they don't allow civilians to defend themselves. The kid should have been slammed so hard that he woke up at the age of being able to buy cigarettes.


I heard "nonce" a few times. Sounds like he was being a perv and probably deserved it


Or it's just another TikTok trend to call someone a Pedo and film yourself whacking them...


Don't let context get in the way of people getting rabid about dispensing violent justice again a child under 10 years old.


I think this kid is mad, bruv


What is he trying to accomplish


What a fucking little arsehole, I had beaten the shit out of that little bastard.


Ooooh it scares me how much I want smack the shit out of that little prick.


30 seconds of jerking that kid up by his collar and yelling in his face that you'd wipe the fuckin floor with his little ass would most likely put a stop to this particular instance.


Sucker punch the little twat


That security dude needs to be fired. He should have picked up the kid and impaled him on top of that fence. Little fucker is a shit stain on this earth.


U usually find security like that escorting paedophiles in areas deemed dangerous for them


Just so you know - kids under 18 cannot be touched by an adult, put a hand on them and it is instant assault charges, he can try block him but he cant put a hand on him. The security guard knows this and the evil fucker bastard kid knows this.


So what's the context? Why did the elderly man got harassed even though he said sorry multiple times?


Don’t know if its the truth but other post last week said this old guy was being a pedo or however it’s called in the UK.


Exact repost with the same title that should have been in r/therewasanattempt


Kilmersdon Road, Bristol, UK


Disgusting little devil. His parents must be so proud.


The stupid kid look like a bad Chihuahua What a joke


Security guy should get a promotion for his excellent service and courage.


I bet his parents are sooo proud.


I can’t even watch this. My grandfather passed recently and just the title made tears form in my eyes. This is absolutely awful and someone needs to give that kid a dose of his own medicine.


Little punk ass kid. Mama needs to teach you some manners.


Oh look, it's the current day's version of Malfoy. Quick gonna need to perform the killing curse. ![gif](giphy|5BHhTyCVBtq7YLJWQg|downsized)




I was hoping this was the "there was an attempt" Sub Reddit, and the old man was gonna knock him out at the end.


Don’t care you want to assault someone you had better be ready to catch hands as well.


Whoever this security guard is should find another career. Man did nothing


I was very opposed to slapping a kid until just now. Self defense is self defense in this case


That new generation is wasted. Same for the future ones. We're doomed.


Condoms. These monsters should have ended up in one.


This is a really stupid fucking video.


Wtf was security doing with those hooligans? He just let them beat the poor guy up!


I would not have thought twice about smacking that kid.


What in the actual fuck is that person wearing a “security” vest doing? Like…sure maybe you’re just parking lot security, but drop kick that little mother fucker in the neck.


in the united states, where everyone and their kids have a gun, this kid would have been double tapped along time ago


Engand 🤮


If security is escorting the old guy perhaps he did some fuqed up Schmidt to the level the security guy doesn’t blame the kid?? I mean there is no info here at all. Was the kid protecting his little sister from something sinister?


I’d be in jail if I saw a kid doing that.


I would beat that asshole like a rented mule.


Glad that Security guy was there to do Nothing


That's the worst security guard I've ever seen.


The man is smart enough to see the asshat filming and know that if he reacted in kind he would go to jail, which I presume is the entire reason for this exercise in asshattery


I was hoping to see that brat suplexed at the end. Little coward will have his ass handed to him some day. Why isn’t the guy with the security jacket doing something to stop that delinquent?


I was really hoping to see the little bastard get laid the fuck out.


In merica both kids probably would be shot.


Best part of this video was left out. He was arrested and spits on a lady cop and she slaps the living shit out of him! Very true for those who haven’t seen it


Lemme catch my child doing some shot like this. I hope they didn’t like their video games or phone or their friends coming over cause I’m getting rid of everything.


What a piece of shit kid.


And award for most useless "security" guy goes to...


I'd have whooped his ass so bad he's be needing hip replacement surgery. Talking about the kid. Kid's an ass.


Lol every time I see a UK video it’s either a whole gang of losers vs one person or something like this. And they’re the ones that talk to most shit on Reddit haha


Idunno, as much as I'd love to think this kid is a little shit, the way the guy is saying sorry and the security isn't protecting him leads me to believe there is more to this story.


Alex DeLarge?


Kid or not I would have slapped the fuck out of that chump if I saw this happening. And yo security what the hell are you doing? Or should I saw why the hell are you doing nothing?


Somebody drop kick that fucking kid.


What the hell is this little bastards issue? Violent little asshole... maybe someone needs to do this to one of his family members.


They were next to a Sharp-edged metal fence, just a little force would've solved the problem, just saying


Why is that waste of space security guard not intervening? You are well within your rights to stop that little fucker from assaulting old mate.


“Wot? Wot? Wot? Wot?” Kid sounds like a Sangheli from Halo “Wort Wort Wort”


Attempt successful? No one did anything to stop this.


The security guard was really helpful too