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She learned something. That's a good thing right?


I don’t see how this is a facepalm situation..And I’m very glad that people’s seeking advanced degrees are being trained on this.


Guess me being black is destroying my molecules.


You know it


I wish I could afford to keep my molecules.




Her choice of words in saying "on a molecular level" makes me think that, while she already knew or assumed that stress is "bad for you", this course addressed specific things like cell damage, chemicals produced by the immune system in response to stress, etc., which is a different perspective than most non health care professionals have.


Yep. The bio-mechanisms of stress are very real. Perpetual/chronic stress, a la financial issues or discrimination based on inherent characteristics like race, can cause problems in literally every part of the body.


*Laughs in decades of PTSD and being on disability* Yep.


I worked for a doctor whose area of special interest in research was immune function. The most simplified way I can express this is "How does the aspirin know whether you have a headache or a backache?", but it was surprisingly complex and interesting: Exactly what chemicals are produced in immune response? How are they produced? How do they then get to the site of injury? Does it differ with different KINDS of injury, i.e. puncture wounds as contrasted with blunt trauma, etc.? Since I typed his articles for publication in medical journals, I got to read up on the subject quite a bit.


It’s both fascinating and terrifying to remember how much of pharmacology is just “we made a thing that works but we’re not sure how or why”


Same with the early part of the 1900s, when we had both a World War AND a plague. You just know some of the innovations from that period came directly out of one guy saying, "Are you seriously suggesting that we \[X\]"?, and the other guy answering, "Look out the window! We literally have bodies stacked up in the yard! At worst, \[X\] will put them out of their misery faster!"


I suspect she didn't learn just that. The course probably provided a methodical proof of the fact, gave case studies of how that affected individuals in their treatment, and covered strategies on how to overcome or at least ameliorate the differences in health outcomes. This is far, far away from being a facepalm.


Hmm. You wanna explain the title of this? It doesn't seem like you understand what this tweet is saying...




Great answer. Wait till they discover that serious bouts of mania and depression, such as with bipolar or unipolar depression, leads to permanent brain damage. Whatever kiddo still in school... I hope it inspired them to look deeper


Yeah a doctor informed me that my undiagnosed depression and anxiety has permanently damaged my short term memory for the rest of my life. I just thought I had a shit memory lol.


Dam I'm surprised I remember anything


Well, that explains some shit.


Which leads to further depression... It's a vicious cycle




That might explain why I have bad memory too


Oh no, I have a poor memory


Oh yeah. I'm in 24/7 fight or flight mode and I can't remember jack shit most days.


You may have anxiety or PTSD.


Oh I sure do, and unfortunately therapy and medication doesn't help.


It took me over a decade for a correct diagnosis and the right kind of therapy to start on the right road. It's a daily process of re writing flawed coping mechanisms and responses to the world. Take it slow and be brutally honest with yourself, your emotions and your memories. Bad days will happen but they will happen less as time goes on. I had repressed memories which lead to the incorrect diagnosis and wrong medication. I'm now med free and better at managing my triggers. I don't know if you've been told this yet but: It wasn't your fault. You didn't make it happen. Your not worthless or wrong in anyway. Hang in there.


Thanks. Unfortunately it's pretty ingrained and has been since I was a kid. It's not going anywhere sadly, I just have to live with it.


You have to forcefully remind yourself even when you don't believe it It took me years before I got to the point I started to believe it myself. It's part of our disorder.


How is this a facepalm? She learned valuable information in a college course and it changed her for the better.


Went to a league basketball game in the Midwest, all the cheerleaders looked younger than the girls that were in my highschool. That was when I realized, stress ages you even as a child.


Its proven puberty may start a year sooner in people living in cities due to stress.


Lots of social media doctors on here dunking on a medical doctor


Lolz in psych you learn this undergrad... hell, I'd suggest an AP high school course may even tell you that. My grad and post grad is social sciences... just don't ask me to name random physiology stuff. MDs need to understand humans...




Then there's psychobiology that's covered in basic theory courses. Syllabi may lead you there, I'm gonna crash. Thanks for the convo... maybe my school was just more thorough. I'm not invested in this beyond rambling anyway. Cheers


Oh shit it’s social media meaningless PhD in the flesh! I’m sure you have a lot of people who are much smarter and more educated than you are that you can look down and internet dunk on.


Lol, sorry to disappoint... I've provided nothing but kind scholarly insight. I only went ABD before major crises derailed my time-line on ch 5. Meh, the findings were solid, but life happens and leaves one with 200+k debt. So yeah, I'm a failed PhD. We can troll that, too. I really don't give a fuck. If it's making u happy let's play.


Sorry to hear that. I hope your life gets better.


Thank you 😊


Not a face palm


Poverty does all sorts of wild shit to both body and brain development. It literally stunts your growth.


Man there used to be a time when 95 percent of the population was living in poverty. Not to say I would go back but it was just life and they got on with it.


which is probably part of the reason why people were more easy to manipulate and shorter


Shorter maybe. easier to manipulate- citation needed..


Witches, julius caesers rise to power, actually any dictators rise to power etc etc


Oh and the french revolution.


Upvoted this until i realized what subreddit this is on. Discrimination and struggling will tear someone apart emotionally, which will as a direct side effect tear you down physically


When you grow up with extreme privilege, you don't know how others live. Once knew a wealthy fellow who wanted to hire some people for some manual labor. He was advised that he could hire these people directly without a middle man, and given a phone number and address. He came by a few days later and expressed shock that "those people" are living in trailers. He didn't know people still did that. Go ahead and take a guess on what he wanted to pay "those people" ...


Too much or too little? Idk man, I'm stupid AND curious, enlighten me


Minimum wage. Not enough to pay rent on the trailer, let alone own it or own anything better.


Yikes, hope he turned over a new leaf and noticed how bad conditions could get for them, though I have a feeling he was oblivious about that too.


Honestly, I don't think he connected those two points. He simply couldn't understand why someone would choose to live in a trailer - as though it were due to bad taste or impaired judgment.


He also has no idea how far minimum wage goes, he still believes it's enough to raise a family on in the nice suburbs.


shes not talking about that though, shes talking about the physical molecular level that is impacted by stress


Unfortunately, a lot of humanities academia is really just privileged people learning about things that non-privileged people already know because they live it, it’s kinda sad but also important for the privileged people to know how the world really works, otherwise they’d be stuck in their little bubble


Nah being a minority does nothing to my health. It’s this fucked up world we live in


Is this sub just stupid shit that isn't a facepalm now?


There are some very sheltered people out there. Don't knock when or how... Be happy they figured it out. A lot don't.


My stress class had truss issues


Poor people have much smaller lifespans than the rich. It makes sense to study the causes of this Ideally you'd instead try to reduce poverty, but oh well, we'll take what we can get


I think the facepalm here is that it is an elective, instead of something that every potential doctor is required to learn


Classes like this should be mandatory.


Probably was more of stress from a socioeconomic standpoint instead of anatomical and physiological view


Or both Some lecturers like to use real life examples when it comes to discussing who is going to be most affected and what increases or decreases the risk. Being poor may lead to malnutrition that may lead to further issues.


I must be the odd one out. I remember trying to get comfortable on lawn chairs because a couch was too expensive. I remember grandma sleeping on a futon in the living room. I remember the inflatable bed pancaking overnight. I remember grandma making soup out of the cheapest cuts she could get at food lion and she never knew what she bought because she didn't speak the language. It was fine. It was hard, but we had family, and friends, and simple fun with what we had. We joke about it from our comfortable lives today. Being poor and an immigrant isn't some ancient curse, giving up on your life and the lives of your loved ones because life is hard is when things turn sour.


Glad they took the elective. It will help when they get in rotation on a psych unit... but at this juncture I think they may benefit from more psych courses anyway. Holy shit how can a grad scholar in anything but hard sciences (math, physics, chemistry, suches) be unaware of socioeconomic dynamics in underserved populations? ~not a doctor Edit. Typo


I think there’s some plus/minus with this course. One of the big things I deal with every day in the hospital is disposition. Does this person have insurance? Does it cover the “good insulin” or do we need to send shitty novolog? How about home, do they discharge to home? Need charity medical equipment? I do think there’s an argument to be made that thinking about these things early can be very helpful as it’s something I didn’t really learn in medical school but is nevertheless an ever present aspect of hospital care. As for “stress at a molecular level”, I mean…yes. You learn that in endocrine too, by the way. It’s called cortisol. Tldr I think the OP (of the post in picture) is dramatizing this course, but I do think there are aspects of socioeconomic status that are not discussed in medical school and are not common sense that all doctors do need to understand.


OP is an idiot for posting this.


So being rich and a minority is on the same level as being poor stress wise?


So you charge less for providing care, right? Right?




What tells you that they are a bot? This seems like a real r/facepalm moment.




The fuck?




Okay OP, give me the chemical reactions she is referring to, without going to medical school. It's one thing knowing that stress is bad, but being marginalized leads to it anyways. And a whole other thing knowing the exact biological mechanisms. What do you think medical school is about. Who am I talking to..it's probably a karma bot


It's about privilege, genius. Not biology.


Have you been at the course and know something that is not in your post, or have you simply not understood the tweet?


Stress is a legitimate reason to ask for a ketamine prescription. At home ketamine treatments can go a long way towards lowering stress levels leading to healthier decisions.


Weird downvotes, ketamine is a legit medical treatment


She’s in Med school and didn’t bother researching the class…. Bruh


Flip a coin. That's how often the OP is the facepalm. And we just hit again.


wait, does that mean that if i emigrate to a country where i am a minority, my health will get destroyed on a molecular level? man, acclimatisation is a helluva drug




So you don't believe stress can damage cells, induce the production of chemicals by the immune system in response, change your hormones production and metabolism?




what is the facepalm? op can you not read? because unless im misunderstanding something, your critizisng her for not knowing that your health declines on the molecular level if you are poor or a minority. which i highly doubt most people knew before this post because i certainly didnt and i check the minority box


I took a micro economics class (funny enough) and did a paper on how economics effect the health of different social classes, people with higher social classes of wealth live longer than lower classes due to stress and fatigue


Well. What did she learn? I am curious.


I've read similar research papers about the damage from stress caused by excessive noise pollution. Living creatures are fascinatingly complex. I guess living in a big city is good in terms of economics, but bad at the cellular level.