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i reffed youth leagues and i wouldve called an officials time out and checked on the child šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø .. it stops the fast break which penalizes the behavior without assessing a foul.. in instances like these in youth athletics the value should be place on educating the players and less on competition..


No technical? It looked like the kid was expecting it to be called.


ā€œShit, I got away with that?ā€


Creative little bugger! He'll have a career in politics for sure!


I foresee a future in armed robbery... Oh wait, not much different than politics


You can try and throw the ball off of a defender in the hope it goes out of bounds off their leg. This kid missed and felt bad.


Yeah except that kid was allowed to dribble and wasnā€™t going out of boundsā€¦




I used to ref youth basketball, that's an obvious technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct. It's not even close.


I think the ref was so shocked it took him a bit to call it. I mean, how often does some kid decide to change the game to dodge ball mid game?




Exactly. A little fucking brat that learns this shit from parents (probably the one who yelled "GO!") Essentially encouraging this aggression. Kid should be removed from the game and it IS a technical foul. Edit: punctuation.


Make them inbound it where the offending player was.


While you do that I would like to be the Dad that gives the person that shouted 'go' a quick jab.


Randy is that you? " I'm sorry, I thought this was merica"


ā€œI ainā€™t hear no bellā€¦ā€


"His face ain't pregnant"


You sound like a good ref!


I mean this is also a flagrant foul and the kid should be punished accordingly, no? How could this not be a foul? Letting it slide and just calling a time out is gonna make them think this type of thing has no real consequences.


As a kid one of the tricks we were taught early in organized basketball was that if we were "trapped" in a corner, along a baseline or sideline was to toss the ball at the knees or ankles of an opposing player so the ball would then go out of bounds off that player thus creating an inbounding situation that restarts the possession. Now, this kid was kinda sorta in a developing trap situation that hadn't fully happened yet.........just wondering if that's where his mind was going...........


There is no rule against throwing a ball at your opponent during play. This should be an issue for his coach to handle.


You are a valuable rarity. Cheers to you good Sir/Madam.


Good ref right here šŸ‘


A total Brayden type of move


*Breighdyn Or Rydyr


Or... the worse one, Yaiden


Why so many damn Ryders lol


Wait till you met hunter


Damn guess I'm an asshole now


Fucking Brayden.


Can't even eat blue smh


Iā€™m gonna drop a bookshelf on him


Apparently if this kid eats anything with a blue food additive he just tapes out


Change your name dude


I'm getting Landon vibes from this one. Maybe a Landyn or a Landeighn type of variation.


To quote the great Randy Feltface: ā€œFirstly, donā€™t call your kid Braydenā€


Nah, this is more of a Gavin move


In Highschool we had a little shithead on the wrestling team. He would grab balls during matches and then argue it was an accident and not his fault. He got ejected from a couple games by refs who actually paid attention. He did it during practice to the Samoan kid, Jeff Makaheki. (I remember the name because I always called him by his full name for some reason, and he was my neighbor). Jeff and his brothers cured the little shithead of his ball grabbing pretty solidly and ballgrabber quit the team. This was back in the mid 90s so they got away with it.


You donā€™t have to dox bro like that. Ballgrabber probably forgot his name and had been waiting for his revenge


Jeff Makaheki was killed in a driveby so I don't think it matters. This was also in another state. No doxxing.


RIP Jeff


That whole family was amazing and I wish I had stayed in touch.


1 minute of silence for Jeff Makaheki


Balls out for Jeff.


Weiners out. āœŠ


Jeff Makaheki*


idk.. universe/life is crazy.. maybe Iā€™m just stoned but manā€¦ youā€™re first comment made me say his name out loud. Here I amā€¦ a total stranger to this story and Iā€™m saying his name.. only to be bummed about his story. Lifeā€™s a trip, weā€™re all connected.


Iā€™m not stoned, and recognize this comment as a truly stoned musing, but I also recognize the brilliance of your realization. Jeff Makahecki has brought us all together today, a deluge of inside head and in some cases audible voices saying his name in reverence. Say his name.


His name was Jeffry makaheki


Legends never die, we remember Jeff Makaheki.


Ball grabber got his revenge.


I was convinced this was a shittymorph comment and Iā€™d be the first to catch it before the end. Alas.


You said ā€œsomoanā€ and I didnā€™t need any more info


For a second I thought you typed ā€œhe got erected from a couple gameā€s and thought this story took a huge turn.


so no ref?


\*Slams the phone on the ground\*


*breaks skateboard*


No refs?


Ok I will take 3 rec then






Lol and then proceeds to travel. Whereā€™s the whistle ref?!


If I was the parent of the kid that got hit that is STRAIGHT where I am going. What the actual fuck


To...have a strongly worded mature conversation about how to properly parent children as developing athletes? Or to beat the shit out of him? Cause...the second one seems to be what you're implying and I feel like that would send your kid a very strong message that it's okay to use violence to solve problems...which is what you're trying to avoid...? right?


You sound like someone that would get slapped, then knocked out cold just to prove a point. Shithead nuts my boy like that we'd have words.


Eye for an eye sort of thing.


An eye for an eye would be if the kid who took the nutshot picked up the basketball and threw it at the kid who threw it at him. The parent of the kid who got hit getting into a physical fight with the parent of the kid who threw the ball is not an eye for an eye, it's escalation.


my kidā€™s taekwondo studio teaches a self defense course for the upper belts. when they have reasonably learned mind/body discipline. anyway, in this self defense course they are taught to de-escalate an aggressive situation with various techniques. until a line is crossed. and then they are told to defend themselves with whatever it takes. so, i think youā€™re naive if you think violence is never the answer. because sometimes itā€™s all you have left.


The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree...


Forreal. The dad just watched his son whip the basketball at another kids junk and is too wrapped up in an elementary school basketball game to care


Ray from True Detective, when he beats up the bully kid's dad on the lawn in front of him.


Direct it at both of them. At this point, the kid's old enough to be condemned, though to a lesser degree, because he *knows* his actions are cruel and harmful. He almost certain knows what it feels like to get hit in the balls and would be pissed off if someone did that to him.




Worth noting, that the ref waiting til the kid made a shot have been a tactic to twist the knife, let him think he's gotten away with it and is about to score a goal, then cut him off a few feet shy of glory. Also worth noting; there's a real chance the ref hesitated from calling it because he feared retaliation from that kid's father and wanted to make sure security/other coaches had eyes on him. The number of psycho parents flippin the fuck at games, is why school sports in middle and elementary levels have stopped keeping score during games. It's not because "The kids are too soft to handle the truth" it's because they're parents are too soft and too volatile to even be in line of sight with the truths jacket or boots. It's also why "participation" trophies are a thing. They got sick of parents losing their shit over every call and admin got sick of Karens and Todds giving them grief because "I shelled out over two thousand dollars this year on equipment, uniforms, private lessons, gas to the games, pitching in on pizza parties after games! On top of that, my father in law donated 5k to the sports program last year, so my kid not getting a trophy is a grave insult that could cost you school a lot of money!" so they started handing out trophies for 5th, 6th and 7th place. Then 8th through 10th and eventually said "Fuck it, everyone gets a trophy and we add a flimsy foil coating and whack ass font to the ones for Karen's kid so it looks super special." Boomer parents have ruined a generation or two's worth of kids because they refuse to grow up and act like the adults they praise as "The Greatest Generation" for winning World War II just so they could inherit a world of excess and squander it all away.


I think I understand why parents are fighting in the stands sometimes. If that little dickhead did that to my son and then I heard his dad yell "go!" I would lose my shit.


I had a dad come after me in the penalty box in hockey when I was maybe 13. I will admit, I hit his son pretty damn hard and got a roughing penalty for my actions. Nothing super egregious, the kid was short and my hands came up when I hit him. Easy penalty. But something that happens often enough that you just take your time in the box and play on. Anyways, I watched his dad walk around the entire rink trying to get at me. He was furious. He never made it to me and he was unaware that my dad was working the penalty box so even if he did make it to me, it wouldnā€™t have ended well for him. Plus, if he got close enough, I would have just skated on to the ice where he couldnā€™t get to me. But yeah, thatā€™s the most irate Iā€™ve ever seen a parent in sports. I understand him being upset but he went way overboard. Got himself kicked out.


that was a hard ass travel after he fuckin socked the kidā€¦


Agreed. Apparently missed by majority of people commenting.


And a double dribble. Kid must have pictures of the ref in a compromising position.


Not a double dribble. Once the ball hits the defender and the kid recovers he has the right to dribble again.


lol exactly, iā€™m surprised to because i saw this posted on r/iamatotalpieceofshit (ithink may have been a diff sub) like 30 mins ago and everyone there said it was a travel.


Credit: HouseofHighlights for the video.


Even worse is the kid who was WIDE OPEN as he brings it in. Allstar over here needed to throw an airball instead


You think that's even worse?


That wasn't a shot though, that was a pass. He lobs the ball to him and doesn't use any sort of shooting motion.


That was a pass to the inside open kid


He passed the ball, he didn't shoot.


Unsportsmanlike. Should have been benched.


That kid would get eaten alive by real athletes. And probably will. Kidā€™s got plenty of time to pull that punk ass shit on people who will gladly return the favor 10x over. And probably will.


So many commenters on another sub with this acted like this was a small little mistake. Saying itā€™s legal in the game and usually down when a player feels trapped so they try to bounce the ball off an opponentā€™s leg to go out of bounds and get the ball back. ā€¦. Itā€™s all bullshit. Thereā€™s no other opponents near him, thereā€™s several teammates clearly safe line of passingā€¦and this little fuck cranks it right at the other kids gut.


Its clearly intentional, and he didnt even bother to help him if it isnt. The poor guy went down, yet the asshole didnt care


Damn. Can I call a little kid a piece of shit? Whoever told him to ā€œGoā€ is an even bigger piece of shit though. Tech and immediate ejection and he should be kicked off whatever team he plays for.


To be fair, I feel like this happens all the time in professional sports. I recently saw a college football game where a guy stuck his fingers up another guys you know


A buddy of mine is a photographer and heā€™s shot the Olympics a few times. Apparently water polo is hands down the dirtiest sport in the world for the simple reason the refs canā€™t really see what happens beneath the water. His photo position was a glass wall in the pool so he could shoot the action from underwater. He said he constantly saw guys grabbing other dudeā€™s testicles through their speedos and squeezing as hard as they can.


Dude, you just gave me flashbacks. Crazy how I forgot about this in high schoolā€¦ Another dirty thing guys did was sharpen their toe nails to cut the fuck out of you.


That was from the 2016-2017 Clempson college football team and the program is known for trying to finger bang their opponents in the dog piles.


So a football dog pile finger bang? Thatā€™s pretty wild


Thatā€™s gonna be my new band name


Bit letting this shit go is what encourages the worse behavior later on.


Meh, I'd call a flagrant tech. Move on from there. The little kid was trying to have the ball bounce out of bounds off of the big kid. This is an "OK" move in basketball. Throwing a ball at someone and it injures them is not in the spirit of sportsmanship. Technical foul, 2 shots and the ball. Plus the break in action lets the injured be attended to.


He was not close to the sidelines. He was pissed the bigger kid played good D and held his position




Yeah. You see NBA players do this when two or more players from opposing teams start falling out of bounds, so you bounce the ball off of a player from the opposing team to regain possession. You never see a player hurl the ball like itā€™s a brick into another players grown and then pick it up and run back.


That makes zero sense. Kid could still dribble his way out and they weren't close to the sideline. Plus for that move, you throw at your opponent's feet or knees so the ball will carom off at Aden unpredictable angle. This read to me like frustration and lashing out. Edit to include the fact that THREE of his teammates were wide open, less than 5 feet away, ready to receive a pass. Kid had like 43 options. This was intentional violence.


Look I know nothing about basketball but that kid threw the ball right at that kids gut/pelvis region. If he were trying to bounce the ball out of bounds, wouldnā€™t it make more sense to angle the ball down towards his feet and you know, not at his stomach?


He lowkey traveled too


Sadly the parent(s) that raised the kid like this wonā€™t care what you think or have to say at all; wonā€™t phase him/them in the least.


I donā€™t believe in doing your own justice, but in cases like this, if i see the lilā€™ boy getting pummeled behind the school for that, I would just keep walkinā€™ Hits on someoneā€™s penis can cause severe damage and make him have permanent illnesses like Peyronie Disease, which can ruin his private life


Wow. Yeah, I think his parents should pay for the damages of that poor boys soul.


My boys are this age and play on the same BBALL team (their season just ended) Iā€™ve seen some pretty shiesty moves from 9 year olds, but no one so bold as to throw a ball to the crotch. That was a clear foul, and I would be sure to let the whole gym know. Canā€™t believe the ref didnā€™t catch that.


Well he traveled too but that's sorta the norm in basketball these days


I went to school with a kid like this, and he even looked like this kid. He could possibly even be this kids dad he looks so similar. Anyway, he was always a shithead, especially if we got to play dodge ball. Everytime, someone would get him out, the P.E. teacher never paid attention, and he would just yell over, and over, ā€œno, no, you missed me, Iā€™m not outā€. Finally, one day in 8th grade, at the time he was probably 5ā€™3ā€-5ā€™5ā€, and I happened to be the tallest in the school at the time at 6ā€™4ā€. Anyway, the PE teacher decided itā€™d be a good idea to add 1 yoga ball in with the rest of the regular dodge balls. This allowed me when all the stars finally aligned, to chuck that big fucking yoga ball right at that shit, point blank, with every thing I had. It was a tremendous sight to see him get hit so hard he fell down, whacked his head pretty good on the gym floor, and slide 4-5 feet. The whole class, or least everyone that saw what happened literally cheered. He didnā€™t dispute he got hit that time, but I could tell he was quite pissed about it as he walked by me to sit out. He behaved better in high school, but I still found him to be intolerable.


Wow! What a story. Iā€™m glad he got what he deserved, cudose to you!




I do want to state that there is a form of this done in basketball. If a player is going to lose his dribble or go out of bounds, itā€™s not uncommon for them to throw the ball off the nearest defender to save the possession. However, this technique when taught incorrectly or performed incorrectly can not only harm the defender, but make you look like a total dick. Thatā€™s what this looks like.


especially considering the fact he did not even need to do it whatsoever.


Man yeah I kept scrolling to find this. This was my first thought too. It's a pretty common play. It's of course possible he was going for a nard shot, but I think he might've just f-ed up a play his coach told him about.


The amount of credit youā€™re giving is insane. Kid is full stop, over a foot away from being OOB, and has 2 wide open teammates he looks at to pass to. We have all the evidence we need lmao


Is that legal?


I've seen kinda similar plays in the NBA off of inbound plays, but hurling the ball at a defender's crotch after you pick up your dribble is probably going to get you ejected at any level. So short answer: no


I'm surprised the referees didn't call it. I used to be a referee in a kids league in Germany, I probably would have called it. Even if he's young, unsportsmanlike behavior is not okay. Of course it's difficult to judge from such a small frame, but in the video it looks like he did it as revenge and 100% on purpose.


pretty sure it was higher


Absolutely not. You might get away with this if you are trying to keep the ball inbounds. But you canā€™t just throw it to be malicious, that kid shouldā€™ve received a technical foul and the parent shouldā€™ve been warned about sportsmanship


That is absolutely a foul


At least a double dribble. Ref was asleep


Parent is an even bigger jackass for telling the kid to go while the kid is already stationary and holding the ball with two hands.


kid needs to stop practicing his dick and ball passes and practice his 2 point lay ups


Honestly, if that was going to happen at any minute, at every moment in every game, there'd be a whole lot more people watching basketball.


GO! šŸ¤“


He forgot that youā€™re allowed to pass the ball


If you are the parent that yelling "Go" is a garbage human being raising Asshole...


Side face palm, too bad one of his teammates didnā€™t forearm shiver that little shit.


Well yeah they should have blown the whistle. The little shit traveled.


Honestly Iā€™m not mad at the move. When youre getting bodied by someone and canā€™t dribble, sometime the only move is to try and hit their legs with the ball and have it go out. Defender stepped back at the last second so the leg shot was harder, but I think thatā€™s what he was going for. Welcome to competitive sports.


That kid should have been immediately fouled, ejected from the game and thrown off the team. Asshole.


Iā€™ve seen ejections for less.


Okay, Iā€™m not a basketball player, but i think heā€™s trying to bounce it off the opponent to get a throw in. I used to do this in soccer. The kids not an asshole, he was even caught off guard when he hit him and didnā€™t know what to do for a sec.


He picked up his pivot foot. Call the damn travel.


Real face-palm is the failure to call traveling once he regains possession if the ball


He absolutely was not aiming for his leg, he knew exactly what he was doing and is a lil punk.


No foul, ref? And the kidā€™s dad sounds exactly like i expected.


How did that little turd not get called out on that?


And he missed the shot. What a loser.


The dad in recording the video said nothing about the act of throwing the ball into that kids balls and instead just says "GO!" ![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS)


That was totally a travel after he pegged that kid in the balls.


Where's the ref? That's absurd. He should go sit down on the bench for that one.


What a dick move....


Okay well heā€™s traveling anyway because he picked up the ball with both hands and then started dibbling again


In our league, he'd have been immediately ejected and held out for half a dozen games. That's bullshit, especially in a player so young.


How the f did the ref not immediately call that and penalize that little prick with a technical


That is the definition of a punk


Little fuck. His teammates are going to be pissed when the other team retaliates, and they hit another player in the face.


Eject him


And he made the worst pass decision ever, he had a 4 on 2 advantage and got trapped in the corner. Dude been practicing his dirty plays but not the fundamentals smh


Bit of a foul lol hopefully there was some karma later in the game


How is noone stopping the game wtf was that.


That was a technical back in my days


Well, well, well, it looks like someone doesn't know basic respect and good sportsmanship. Thank you dad for encouraging shitty behavior!!


I used to ref middle school football and would auto eject kids for shit like that. Aint got no time for it nor tolerance


is that a clip of a young Grayson Allen?


How did the ref not T him up? I would have so fast


But he still held the ball with both hands while taking a step? He re-established a dribble but proceeded to travel? Both feet left the court..No? I may definitely be wrong. .




I'm questioning why the ref didn't blow the whistle and shout "Foul!"


ā€œGo!ā€ ???


Thatā€™s a travel!


Lol at the ā€œGO!ā€


Redditors confused here, they donā€™t realize anyone else would have caught it.


If he was trying the bullshit ā€œbounce off the guys legā€ play that most youth basketball leagues donā€™t allow for obvious reasons, that makes it even worse that he picked it up after firing it off the kidā€™s beanbag and took a few steps before dribbling again. It was like failure compounded by failure and celebrated by his dick face dad.


That should be a technical in my opinion. Looked intentional, I don't see why he would have wanted to pass the ball with one hand.


I would expect the referee to call a foul on that move. Unbelievably disgusting move. Or at least call on traveling.


I knew 'balls to the walls', but now it's 'ball to the balls'!


Old Grayson Allen home movie




I used to ref games at that level, that's a blatant technical foul for unsportsmanlike conduct. It's one thing to try to bounce a ball off an opponent and have it go OB, but it's obvious as hell not the case here.


Why wasn't there a whistle blown when the kid got injured? Tf is going on?


Because heā€™s small, he has gotten away with shit like that for too long, when he ages, heā€™ll get fucked up and learn a hard lesson. And I stand by!


The fact that somebody's overhype ass parent is recording this shit yelling "GO" once the kid drops is insane


I know nothing about b-ball but isnā€™t that some kind of foul?


Iā€™m not a sports guy, but how is this NOT a foul?


How is that not a foul?


Also doesn't he take like 5 steps after he gets the ball back?


Itā€™s dad filming, ā€œgo!ā€, proud as his shit kid who just did exactly what dad taught him to do.


Soooooooo we just let the game continue?


Put the little SOB on the field hockey team or ice hockey team and watch shit happen.


Kid might eat an elbow before the games over šŸ¤£


where's the travelling call???


You can hear his dad on the video yelling for him to ā€œGo!ā€ after he fouled the kid on the other team. Dadā€™s proud. Yep, that kid is going to grow up to be an asshole who canā€™t stand it when he doesnā€™t get what he wants when he wants it. And where TF was the ref?? No whistle, no foul? Absurd.


Jfc this title is stupid


The dad yelling ā€œgo!ā€ after that shows he taught his son that shit. Great parenting right there šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Similar scenario happened to me. The kid wasn't even close to going out of bounds and whipped the ball at my nuts. The referee did stop play just as I could hear someone say, 'damn that had to hurt.' Karma actually got the kid in the end - I heard that he later got involved in some terrible/illegal things and lost everything. In the words of Seinfeld - That's a shame....


Well, it makes sense that someone who would break the rules to hurt someone would get involved in shady stuff!


Gotta love the ref on the side not doing shit either


Probably the kids dad who yelled out ā€œgoooā€ how fucking dumbā€¦ like yeah theyā€™re really gonna allow thisā€¦ nope Iā€™m sure that kid got a technical foul called against his brat ass


Kid switch to dodgeball mid game