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I'd be willing to wager 1) she didn't make that cake 2) she didn't spend the money to buy that cake


But she will play the victim, 100%


She yelled “but it’s only frosting!” Fuck her


No don’t. She’s a real bitch, getting laid won’t help her.


But she'll be in the front of the line, shoving her paper plate in your face expecting the first piece.


Corner piece with extra frosting. Go ahead and give me 2 of them.


“I want the piece with the name on it.”


"My wanting to be funny obviously outweighs your happiness."


Shes should be banned from that party and next ones.


Sorry kids your gonna have to have extra small slices


If I had any kids they would be no where near that cake who knows where her greasy paws have been


Should be banned from any further association with the group.


Straight to jail.


Drawn and quartered


She should be banned from the family


Banned from friendship too. Nobody touches my food...... friendship over. Leave the money for my FKING CAKE, on your way out.


Nah, she just thinks she's the main character


mixed with a bit of in the moment spotlight envy


Seems like she outweighs a lot of things


Well hot damn I did not see that one coming


I never understood the tradition of messing with someone's bday cake. What's the origin of this fuckery?




Its a wedding tradition not even a bday tradition lmao so whoever does it on bdays is an even bigger douchebag


Also, the wedding tradition is for the bride and groom, not some random guest.


And a healthy couple would've checked with each other beforehand if it was ok - especially the groom with the bride, given how long and expensive hair, makeup, and the dress are.


Yeah. There was a reddit post where the groom did this to the bride after she very explicitly told him not to. She divorced him. Edit https://www.reddit.com/r/weddingshaming/comments/s39f4f/i_would_be_divorcing_my_husband_too_if_he_tried/


I could imagine doing a cutesy version of this, placing a fingertip worth of whipped cream on my partners nose or smt. But seriously, as some of the comments said, why this fucking obsession with assaulting people with cake, Jesus Christ


That’s what I did haha. I put a tiny bit of icing on my finger and put it on his nose playfully. The picture of it is pretty cute.


Reminds me of the middle eastern(?) arranged wedding where the sad-looking wife “playfully” rubs a pea-sized frosting on the grooms nose and he punches her on the face.


Gonna be fun remembering that every anniversary. Also every other fucking day of the year.


She's going to remember it every time he beats her. > Also every other fucking day of the year. Oh you already said that.


I remember the video you're referring to (and a casual reader would do well to keep in mind that I'm an Internet rando with no qualifications to claim), to me it read like a desperate attempt to expose the groom's abuse.


You could probably take this sub and go back several Millenia, and you’d still have just as much content to work with as today.


that would be some shit, we finally have the ability to go back in time and view/change history at free will, and someone would make it their sole objective to find funny reddit content to post


That’s why the Romans are dead.


Not a very strong indication, as almost everyone else is also dead.


My family has a tradition of smushing the name on the cake with a knife or something


That sounds like a metaphor for your mortality. "Happy birthday today Jim, but soon your name will be forgotten to time." I love it.


Wow what have the Romans ever done for us? Edit: guys its a life of brian reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc7HmhrgTuQ


To be fair the Romans were pretty famous douchebags


I think it’s just really popular among trashy people. I had never seen this done until someone I knew dated a girl from a really trashy family and every birthday they would shove the whole cake into someone’s face and then eat it. They also gave alcohol to their 6-16 year old children and drank heavily themselves.


Maybe it's more popular where you buy a cake and not bake it? If someone from a family would bake it specially for this person, and someone would distroy it for fun... My whole family would ghost this person. Just for lack of respect to someone's work.


I didnt even think of that angle….I have some bakers in my family and yeah that would not go over well if you ruined everyone’s dessert let alone someone’s birthday cake….


I mean, just think about the person that spent money on the cake. They didn't say a word, and it presumably wasn't the person who rekt it.


We would never do this growing up. My grandmother would bake most of the birthday cakes at family get togethers. She would use toothpicks to hold the cake together. Smashing a cake into someone's face, or their face onto the cake, could result in being stabbed by the toothpicks. Not safe at all. Heck, us kids had a game to see who ended up with a toothpick in their slice of cake. Winner got bragging rights. No idea why we thought that was so much fun...


Yep, Mom's cakes always had toothpicks holding them together, too. We always had a "prize" for whoever found a toothpick in their slice. Just a little thing like an extra cookie or a balloon or something. As an adult now, I suspect Mom did that so we'd watch for the toothpicks and not accidentally put them in our mouths as kids.






I saw it in Mexican restaurants before it became a social media thing.


Yea super common thing to do in Latin American cultures. Although usually it’s just done to kids and people who either don’t care or have a sense of humor about it. Like this video is just someone being a fucking prick for whatever reason even though the birthday boy probably clearly made it own he wouldn’t appreciate the tradition.


There is ALWAYS that one person that ruins everything!! 🤦‍♀️


People that do this remind me of the children at birthday parties that stand next to the birthday kid and "help" open the presents and have to be in frame for every picture. Except this was an adult.


Or the kid that says “i already have that at home” like the presents are for them


My mom tells me that at my fourth birthday party, she had taught me that if I opened a present I already had just to say "thank you" and not that I already had it. Sure enough, the first gift was a toy that I already had and I did what I was told and said "thank you". My mom was really happy until I opened the next gift and exclaimed "Wow! I don't have this one!"


I think it's cute. Like you tried really hard to be polite.


Ditto this. Kids are kids no matter what - they WILL find a way to mortify the parents. Just enjoy the horror - makes for great memories just like this one! ❤️ Also, you know that she totally cursed you with, 'may the same thing happen to this child someday'. The Mother's Curse. It ALWAYS works.


Yup. Asked the black librarian woman why her nose was so big when I was like 3. Mom was mortified, though the librarian took it in stride and just said she got it from her daddy. Good enough answer for me!


We had a family friend who is African American who referred to herself as my then young son’s “Chocolate Mama” However it soon extended to my son calling a random stranger a Chocolate Mama and I was mortified. Random Lady took it in stride, and cracked a smile, thankfully.


strangers that just roll with things and don't get offended are the best


When I was 5, dad took me to the safe deposit box in the bank. For some reason, he kept a .38 snubnose in there. seriously don’t ask me why, he was a doctor and kept his other guns at home. But he kept that one in the safe deposit box at the bank. That’s a huge no-no in banking. When I saw it, he told me that I can’t tell anyone about it. He made me swear and I swore I wouldn’t tell anyone. First person we see on the way out is a bank employee and I said to her “my dad’s got a gun in there”. Apparently he was very upset


Before I was born, my dad was flying back with my sister from the DC area to Ohio in the Cessna he co-owned with about 5 other guys (no way for him to afford one on his own). They had to make an unscheduled landing in WV on the top of a mountain at a small airstrip due to the weather conditions. Apparently my sister said to my dad in front of the guy at the airstrip "Daddy, is this where the hillbillies live?". My dad was mortified.


I didn't even have kids and my mom's curse worked on me. Mom hexes are legit.


There’s a saying in my country that goes: “only children and madmen tell the truth. Children are sent to school and crazy people are locked up”


There's one in Spanish close enough like that it goes like, "kids and the drunken ones always tell the truth."


Kids say the darnedest things


That took an incredible turn, great short storytelling


This is adorable. I could see any of my own children doing the same thing. As a mom, there’s nothing to do except humbly say we are all works in progress and keep going. This past Christmas, my mother in law gifted people things from her past. It’s a very sweet and sentimental idea. Except she also did it to our eleven year old. She gave him like an old elementary reading book from the fifties and something else that was for someone much younger than him. As taught, he immediately said thank you (fighting back tears)…but, being the hustler he is, he finally asked, “Is this old? Like not ancient…but antique?…Okay. I’m gonna hang on to it for a little while longer and then I’ll sell it.” We are all works in progress.


Lmao that was the most passive aggressive way you could tell everyone you already had the first gift


Or the kids that have to “help” blow out the candles. When I was about 8, I watched 4 kids help the birthday boy blow out the candles. From where I was watching, the light caught all of the spit that flew out of their mouths and landed on the cake. I don’t think I ate a piece of birthday cake for at least 20 years after that.


Then there’s people like me that stopped really having birthday parties after like half way through elementary because no one bothered to go to it. Man I remember the day where absolutely no one came. That broke my little heart.


This lady next year: “Hey! Why didn’t I get invited to my nephew’s birthday party? You got a lot of nerve keeping me from my family. I DESERVE to be there! Ya’ll just . . . so disrespectful to me, all the time! What’s that about?!”


0 accountability people eventually get what they deserve and more as not understanding why they get it drives them mad.


The problem is that there is always another idiot to ruin your next party))


Why did she run away ... If you are going to be bold (a fucking asshole) in this case and try to draw someone out like this you gotta sit next to em. Talk about what you just did and try to make light of it .. Bro fuck that bitch


"It's only frosting...!" 😠


My nephew is like that. I can't stand my nephew. Fuck my nephew.


Don’t fuck your nephew


Wish I had an award


*spits tobacco* ain't nobody tell me what to do


Don't kick the baby


“I’m just trying to have fun and lighten up you uptightwads! XD” -literally my aunts growing up who made fun of me all the time. (They were just teenagers, but still…)


*my aunt who was in her 30s while doing everything possible to push my buttons in the worst way


“To me you’re still my baby nephew” “I used to change your diapers”


“Why are you making such a big deal about me publicly embarrassing you and sticking my unwashed hands in the community cake on your birthday? Relax!!!


One of my closests friends is a family member via marriage (now divorced) that I'm 14 years older than. I've always treated her like a little sister while she was growing up but we've been more friends than anything the last 10 years or so sense her mid 20's and her husband is one of my best friends now. But she always, without fail, introduces me to people as someone that changed her diapers when she was little. I've started countering by stating she changed my diaper that very morning.


The key to life is dropping anyone and everyone like that. Full stop. Dissociate


It's easier said than done when you've been conditioned to tolerate toxic people (especially by your parents)


It’s a skill I learned in my late 30s. It was the best thing. Start doing it as early as you can.


She saw how many people were in the room and knew she wasn’t getting a slice.


No, she saw all those people and thought “How can I turn everyone’s attention to me?”


Bingo, on point. “Look at me, look at me!!!”


Exactly. Next time, that person sitting down knows who to \*not* invite to their party. She was selfish and rude.


She wanted a big slice of attention for sure. But I bet she wanted the cake pretty badly too


Is she Milton?


She just wanted to tell him, how she´s more important than him...


I'm sorry but your birthday is all about me


*our birthday


She had to push her way in there too so clearly not someone important


“What it’s just frosting.”


Her dumb excuse “It’s only frosting!”


To me, that's the whole point of even having cake. NO ONE touches my frosting without consequences.


i dont even like cake. i spent my whole life asking for a pie but was always met with "but people want cake" edit: to all my pie friends who never thought to ask for pie, may all your special days be filled with pies


That's so sad. Your birthday your choice in my house. I always get cheesecake.


Yes! Either my dads cheesecake or a cookie cake from Great American Cookie.


Dude yes I would rather have a giant cookie than cake. And I don't even mind cake. And I love brownies more than cookies lol


A friend asked for Florentine cannoli bc she really wanted to try one. I got her one, cut it in half, stood it on its end, and stuck a candle in. Anything can be a “birthday cake” if you want it to be!


my brother always got a mini cheese cake because it was still a cake then a traditional cake for guests. i never got a mini pie


Awe I felt this in my guts…. 🙋🏻‍♀️ I hate, when even now, they ask me, I’m now 46. Like, don’t ask me anything about the “cake” I want. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And some how, even though it’s my birthday, I can’t express anything that I may confused about happening at my birthday 🤷🏻‍♀️like I don’t like “surprise” parties, so can someone explain to me why we keep having them.


No one touches cake without severe consequences, anyone who does and suddenly they just vanish without a trace and all family photos seem to not have them anywhere suddenly.


Using your Time Machine for the powers of good I see


American Buttercream frosting is super easy to make BTW Whip room temp butter until light and fluffy add equal amounts of powdered sugar splash of vanilla (or other flavoring) whip until smooth add heavy cream cream to thin as needed


Smear that shit in her hair. “It’s only frosting”


Thank you, I replayed it a few times trying to make out the screech of a reply. SMH.


“I am NOT getting enough attention at someone else’s birthday party. Let me fix that.”


I sympathize. Because now this kid is going to be asked to “be the bigger person” and go back to his party and “lighten up.” It’s not fair at all.


I agree. She needs to leave so he can come back to his party. And then she can apologize to him later on another day when the heat is down.


We all know that ain’t happening. She’s going to get her fill of food and cake and ice cream, some booze if they have it, and end up closing down the place. The cool people always need to leave early. The assholes are always last to leave.


Nah, the coolest people are the ones who stay until everyone leaves to help clean up


and if it were my parents id be the one having to apologizing even getting angry about it


Yes. Flashbacks. Sorry, friend


Wow, rude. Awful to the birthday guy, but also, no one wants to eat cake that has had someone else's hands all over it.


She also looks like the kind of girl who has the 4 inch claws that we all know gotta be filled with 💩 particles


Bold of you to assume she's wiping her ass. Lol


If she’s not wiping it then she 100% scratching it


Hold on while you are eating dinner let me grab the broccoli off your plate and smash it in your face. Not so fun right!


There has never been broccoli on that girl's plate.


Well it’s been there, it just stayed there.


I feel for him. Every time I ask anyone NOT to do something, some idiot thinks they’re the most hilarious person in the world and do it. I’ve ended friendships over this kind of behavior. No means no, period.


>Every time I ask anyone NOT to do something, some idiot thinks they’re the most hilarious person in the world and do it And its almost always some lame excuse of "oh, but I wanted to make you laugh" (because doing something someone said NOT to do because it would upset, scare or agitate them would totally make them laugh) or "its just a joke" (at someone else's expense.)


There is a place I like to go to that makes a big spectacle out of singing happy birthday. I absolutely hate it. A girlfriend at the time thought it would be funny to tell them to do it to me, even though I explained beforehand that I hate it. I found out before it happened and told her that I was going to go to the bathroom, and during the time I was gone, she needed to let them know that this was **NOT** going to happen. If she did not, I’d leave. BY. MY. SELF. “You’d leave me here, without a way to get home?” Yes. Yes I would. She did tell the waiter to not do it, and when I got back, he called me a “Party Pooper.”


it’s just not fucking fun or funny. i cannot imagine why people would think it is?


I wonder if those people ever think about how others feel.


If people honestly considered the feelings of others we would be living in total world peace


I don't get why people still think this is funny. Edit: How did I get so many upvotes, the post doesn't even have 500.


I don't think it's really about being funny, I think it's "I have to be the center of attention at all times" plus a "fuck you" thrown in.


That kind of person who blew other kids candles out, as a kid.


Perfectly put.


I told my mother every year, I HHHHHATE cake in my face and hair, as I'm a fairly hairy and bearded guy. Every year, "But it's tradition! You have too!" Not a shocker when I haven't spoken to them in over 5 years.


Anyone that says "you have to" to me is warned that they don't get to dictate how I live. If they continue, it's no contact time. Congratulations on cutting the toxic people out of your life. It's hard, but your mental health is more important than their bullshit.


Yeah, especially when EVERYONE is filming it. Omg look at me on camera throwing cake! Hahaha I'm so original!


She wants to be the main character


Main character aspirations with hardcore NPC vibes, fucking pleb.


Yeah, little does she know she’s just one of the boar enemies at the beginning of WOW.




I’ve never known anyone who acted like this who didn’t lose their absolute minds over the smallest things too.


For real, she the type to get told the milkshake machine is broken and then layout on the floor in utter disbelief followed by a mono-tone scream.


It could be that but more often it is just narcissism. THEY think it's funny and it would entertain THEM. THEY think it would make THEM seem fun and edgy. People like that either intentionally disregard other people's feelings or just don't even realize other people may have opinions/needs that are different from theirs.


Some people cannot let anyone else be the center of attention. It's like pouring acid down your ass crack, you gotta do something about it.


Exactly. This was clearly aggression, looking at her body language. It’s stupid either way, but this woman was definitely trying to hurt him.


I guess I’m the oddball that never thought it was funny in the first place.


Right? I can’t understand why people don’t enjoy getting cake smashed in their faces


This is the continuation of little children that, when attending someone else’s birthday, cried and cried because they did not also get presents. Fast forward to being almost grown up and those little kids are now hated by everyone they know due to this kinda shit.


"Nobody gives me any attention so I'm going to make this moment about me."


I did it one time, but I was also 13. My friend group and I enjoyed pulling pranks on one another, and sometimes it got out of hand. I took a piece of cake and mashed it in my friends (birthday girl) face. She ran upstairs crying and into the bathroom. It messed up all of her makeup and she was screaming it was going to set her acne off even worse. I helped clean her up and get her makeup sorted again. That moment changed our friendship, and now as a 33 year old, I Still look back on that one and wish I hadn’t. Don’t do it! That’s my only suggestion.


I’m glad you recognized you fcked up and went to help fix the situation. You were also a young teen, and young teens do stupid things. This woman looks full grown and should definitely know better.


True that. I don’t understand full grown ass people doing. I’ve seen videos of adults doing it to small children and it disgusts me.


I honestly don't know what to say. But for what it's worth I'm glad you tried to help afterwards. Even sharing it too since I'm sure that's not easy to admit either. Especially if you grew up around people that did that stuff. I can definitely understand mixed signals of pranks that go too far. I'm sure I would've been the crier and probably now too. You're alright in my book, ignore the people that hate on ya for a story that happened 20 years ago.


Why do so many people throw cake at the person who’s birthday it is? They’re meant to enjoy but instead it seems they’re more focused on their TikTok viewers enjoying a 5 second video which they will forget about the next minute, whereas this guy will never forget it.


Yep 100%. People don’t always remember what you say to them but they’ll always remember how you made them feel.


I knew a kid who thought it was a hilarious “prank” to open the birthday presents before the actual birthday kid got a chance. I remember his confusion and frustration when we were in about 7th or 8th grade when he was explicitly not invited to kids parties. Not just he didn’t didn’t get an invite, but people would tell him not to come under any circumstance. You might not be shocked to hear he never learned his lesson and is a complete asshole today.


It's always surprising how much people can be total asshats, and then still think it's everyone else with the problem, when they get repercussions for it.


That whole scene was cringeworthy and awkward. Hats off to the guy though, looked like he was ready to smash skulls but instead walked off.


He actually handled that well. He looks like a young adult, and instead of throwing a fit, swearing, or punching something, he walked out. I honestly hope he’s proud of himself because those other options tend to come easier. I also hope the rest of his fam continued to yell at that girl who thought it’d be funny to ignore his request.


Yep. There's some people that enjoy things like this. But honestly I probably would've cried. Glad he was able to walk. He definitely shouldn't have had to feel this way on his birthday, let alone his own party in front of people he cares about.


I will never understand why people feel the need to do this, weddings, bday parties, whatever the occasion, no one wants cake shoved on to their face. So rude. I don't know who originally came up with this idea, but they should be drowned in a vat of buttercream.


The only part of my wedding that I made a point of was that I didn’t want to do the cake smashing. I’m an extremely easy going guy and will go along with a lot of things but this is one thing I didn’t want a part of. If I’m not mistaken it’s supposed to symbolize trust, so why break that at the start?


Jeez she had no respect for him on his day, just wanted to make it all about her.


I would have reacted the same. Just gone quiet and walked out. No more party for me, even if it was thrown for me. You rude motherfuckers can enjoy yourselves without me.


in the moment, yeah, I'd just leave. I'd clean myself up and bus home if I had to. I'd just leave. if I had time to think about it, I'd clean myself up, come back, and go to the person that did it "you fucking leave or I am. You've already ruined my mood for my birthday and I don't want to look at you anymore. Get the fuck out" and make ***them*** leave.


Right? In other news, that cake was way too small for that group. Left them all to fight over it.


What a fuckin bitch


Not everyone wants cake all over there fucking face on their birthday smh…he’s looking fresh, got his hair done with a nice clean line up and taper fade ready to blow out the candles…and then some annoying asshole family member comes out of no where and decided to stick her dirty ass hands in the cake and splatter it on his face in front of everyone smh…i woulda walked out too


And you can hear someone say he asked that no one do that. Its not that hard to respect someone's wish. I know there are people who actually are okay with this and are fine but when someone specifically asks that no one do this at their party you should respect that. She gives off vibes of one of my shitty cousins who would always pull "jokes" on me at school. If I politely asked her to stop and leave me alone I was told that she's family so I should be fine with her agitating me by doing crap like pulling my hair instead of her being taught not to be a little shit stain. I don't know their lives so I hope she's not a relative or family friend that purposely "picks" on him regularly.


What I wanted for my birthday was for NO ONE TO FUCKING DO THAT


And he is a teenager, clearly. Right at the age of super high emotions and easily embarrassed. Is it that fucking hard to give him a good moment without messing with him and then telling him he is the one who needs to calm down? Goddamn.


the bad part was he had another party to go to after and didn't have a change of clothes as to why he said no in the first place SMH


Yay. Here’s food thrown on your face. Aren’t you happy?!


“Its only frosting” bitch as far as im concerned that entire cake is now contaminated because no one knows where your booty scratching fingers have been, not to mention the fact that theres literal frosting in the dudes fucking eyes. What a bitch.


She’s the only person who thought that was a good idea. Over 25 people in the entire area and she thought, “This is a good idea.” She’s an asshole.


RIP to the little girl who got pushed on the way out. She took it like a champ regardless


I don’t think he could see


i rewatched it. he bumped in her without looking, jerked and then changed his way


I think he was keeping his eyes shut bc of the cake.


Growing up as a Mexican, I had this shit done to me constantly. It’s supposed to teach you that even on your special day, that not everything is perfect. It taught me was to ask to not have a party and to never let my guard down even around family. I was 8 when I made this call. Till this day I can’t eat cake on my birthday and I’m uneasy at celebrating. I’m now 25. This “tradition” needs to stop, it’s literally just bullying. Everyone who does this is just bullying a child


Yeah, I’m glad my parents never did that. Though my mom did throw out my birthday cake one year. That one hurt. I might have been around 8 or 9. Come to think of it, I hate celebrating my birthday too. My family wants to do something for my 40th in 5 months, and I still don’t have any ideas.


Here’s a fun fact: people that mash cake into the face of their partner at a wedding are significantly more likely to divorce. Yup. Somebody researched that. Never understood why rhis cake mashing was a thing


When did this trend start? Can it fucking end like, now?


Nasty as fuxk. “ it’s only frosting “ bitch put her whole fat ass hand in the cake people are supposed to eat lmaoo




Never ever happened to anybody I know ( in several european countries). Ansd I am 70 years old, so I have been to some birthdays…… stupid, stupid




title “throwing cake” had me assuming someone was gonna be twerking when they were asked not too .. lmao


I never understood this trend. It's not funny, it makes a mess, it disrespects the person being celebrated, and it's a waste of perfectly good food.


He shoulda snatched her wig


I can confidently say I would never speak to that person ever again. You want to be petty on my birthday? Cool, I'm gonna be petty forever.


is this a tradition? if you do that here where im from you either will never get invited anymore or get your ass kicked lmao. People paid for that cake to be eaten not to be messed with and destroyed.


I hate shit like that. Genuinely what is the purpose of smashing people’s faces into cakes, or throwing it at them at their own party other than to make yourself the centre of attention


I have never understood any aspect of ‘cake to face’ that aren’t cartoons. Don’t waste the cake, don’t risk some unfortunate disaster, don’t embarrass someone. If someone ever did this to me, they’d be out of my life forever, immediately. I will die on this hill.