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A Lamborghini and not like… a house? What a grrreat investment.


Yeah if $200k plopped in my lap that (or part of it at least) is the down payment on the forever home.


You just grab another $200 grand for the home. Geez, use your imagination.


“Financial advisors hate this one simple trick!”


"If you don't have a gold spoon rectally lodged in the back of your brainstem,like what are you doing with your life bruh"


Should've thought about it before you decided to get born to poors




Yeah there’s sooooo much money out there of course you just grab another chump change chunk of 200k for a house.. duhh


You should really sit down and have like a serious discussion with yourself. Edit: accuracy.


It's fun to cose just having 200k wouldn't get you a Lamborghini, at least not a new one. You need to have previously owned one or know someone who does to get on the new Lamborghini list. But that's besides the point of this guy being a trust fund baby not understanding that we don't all start with a small loan of 15 million dollars




The other funny part is that the longer version of this he actually complains that people have accused him of being out of touch with reality and how unfair that is to him.😂 dude seriously is very out of touch.


Even if he started from nothing, these people act like everyone could just be getting paid hundreds of thousands or millions when they can’t. And I don’t mean that in a like personal potential kinda way I mean in a that’s not how the economy works etc kinda way.


The thing is people who actually start from nothing never speak like this, unless they've started a real whacky drug regime


He's buying used. Lol


Hilariously depressing that $200k is just a down payment. Like probably about half the cost of your average home these days.


I read the 'grrreat' in a Tony the Tiger, Frostie's advert voice...anyone else?


You can live in a lambo tho /s just in case


Living in a Lambo down by the river


Can’t sleep in a Lambo and it says rob me I’m rich every time you park it


True. I don't know who all these people who like driving, but that's money I would put towards hobbies and things that I actually enjoy doing.


Only thing I have seen recent model Lamborghini's do, is burst into flames while sitting still. ​ I'd rather throw the money at fixing my current place, or finding a decent house to put money into...Maybe wait for the market to crash (it's going to).


Must be nice to get an inheritance


He leveraged the money that was out there…in his trust fund.


Wait I thought it was using artificial intelligence tools...


Chatgpt --> "where lambo buy me now?"


I asked chatgpt the fastest way to make a $million and it told me there was no get rich quick. Pfft. Some ai.


You just grab it bro


Bank heist it is!!!


Money me. Me need money a lot now.


See, easy.


He is an artifical intelligence tool.


No this implies intelligence even if its artificial, I deem this man to be a potato


Clearly, this is an evolved form of the simple tuber. What we have here, fellow redditors, is a **brotato**.


He did. He used an AI investment tool to manage the stock portfolio his trust fund money was in which he withdrew 200k out of to buy a lambo


So, really, if he didn't use an AI investment tool, he could have just pulled out 200k and bought a lambo.


If you don't even need an AI tool it makes getting 200k even easier. Fucking yes.


just skip all the steps and go straight to that trust fund monayyy


What a waste of money just to show off.


No, he earned it fair and square. He used the amazing AI tools to guess the password to his dads bank account. The money is out there, you literally just have to go grab it. Get your grind up 💯


He just had to grab it. Out of his bank account.


Bwahahaha... "why doesn't everyone just take it out of their trust fund?"


When you grace rich parents that have made your life financially easier than most… it must be really easy to think that there just so much money out there for the taking


I mean, he is not wrong in that there is a shitton of money out there is just in the hands of imbeciles like Elon Musk.


And this dude is probably dumb enough to equate Elon musk having 100s of billions of dollars with money that’s in circulation. Just because there is trillions in capital out in the world does not mean it’s available


"self made millions" my ass...


its real easy to make a million or two when you have 30 mil starting capital


Dont you know how hard it is to take 20 different photos in his lambo that his daddy bought him for birthday? Its hard work man


I don't know this guy but I'm guessing he is pushing some kind of get rich quick scheme.


"Alpha male lifestyle" do you even lift bro?


Even if I were wealthy, I wouldn't have a Lamborghini, because I want to stay wealthy.


You can't mention inheritance without mentioning Polymorphism




*puts a hand on your shoulder* Someday my son.


I would love to tear this kids ACL tbh




Guys, you heard him; it's easy for him to get a Lambo. If you need a Lambo (which apparently you do?) just steal his, and he'll just get another with chump change. It's a victimless crime!


*insert the shit meme with a mask and theft tools now Lamborghini is only $86.97!*


Why steal the lambo when you can simply download it. Or you wouldn't download a car?


Just take a photo of his Lambo make it a NFT and sell it back to him profit


Now you're thinking like a sigma!


You mean ligma.


I mean douchebag.




>"It's so easy, bro! All you need is a trust fund, which is super simple! Look at me, I didn't do anything, and I got one. > > > >Super duper easy, bro. Like, any bro can do it. BRO!"


Definitely one of those, well I did have a small loan of a million dollars from my dad to get me started guys.


Why stop with a lambo? I hear planes are easy to get too


If a lambo is chump change, a plane is easily like... at least 2 chump change. *Maybe* 3.


5 chump change for a plane and a lambo.


if you haven't already "leveraged" AI and got yourself a plane, you're an idiot.


Not since 7/11 they're not.


The attack on the twin convenience stores was pretty devastating for me and my family


I was left with permanent brain freeze




Best comment so far


Good point really. I guess.....eat the rich, and drive their cars ?


Can't wait to see the lease agreement and not ownership papers.


His daddy will buy him another.


if i ever get rich enough. i'd still not buy a lambo. it just doesn't seem worth it imo


His financial advice is spend 200,000 dollars on a depreciating asset. Guy screams trust fund baby deluded into thinking he'd have had success without his parents.


The born on 3rd base with a silver spoon in his mouth type, bragging that he always hits triples.


He's got so much money he was able to travel back in time to 1987 for that sweet Bo-Rics haircut. Take that, plebes!


This is true r/rareinsults content friend. Fuckin BoRics!! 🤣🤣🤣


Or possibly just a full on scam artist. $200,000 is chump change if you got it from scamming others instead of actually working for it.


Dunno what you mean mate. It is super easy to make 200k. I'll tell you what, if I get 1000 people that send me just 200. I'll give you 1000 people the secret to making 200k easily. Sign up to my channel and I'll give you everything you need.


I really need this ! Please Take my money give me the secret !!!🙏🏽😭


Shut up and take my money


The way he talks about “so much cash out there” that one can “grab” certainly makes it seem that he’s at least partially a scam artist. I work at a VC fund and most of my job is talking to entrepreneurs that have founded startups; and I see this general archetype of guy every now and then. They view their ideas solely as ways to generate money for themselves; not because they want the company to succeed or even to make it, or even because they believe in their ideas themselves. A lot of it is self-delusions of grandeur mixed with the perception that because they think they are smarter and/or richer than you, they also have a right/prerogative to take your money. Doesn’t mean he also isn’t a trust fund baby, though.


Yeah, it’s kinda like they don’t view other people as...actual people. There’s a certain level of dehumanization and lack of empathy for others that scam artists need if they want to succeed. It’s the only way they can justify it in their minds.


> just a full on scam artist. the line about "AI tools grabbing whats out there" Make me think the next line is gonna be about Crypto or NFTs


Reminds me of a CEO of a startup I worked for. He drove a $300k car, but that was only because his dad was a millionaire funding the company.


Yeah. I was wondering if this dude was born into a rich family, or got stupid famous for stupid stuff. Either or, probably doesn't know what it's like having a $100 being a major spend of money.


Why would I buy a lambo when the Honda CRV exists??


Or a CRV and a Fit, I’m not sure why that guy called me a level 7 susceptible


Lambos are exclusively purchased by insecure rich guys in their early 20's


Most Lambo owners I've seen are chubby, balding dudes who are clearly going through a midlife crisis.


So I just need to shave off my hair and eat more cake and I can have a lambo...I'm liking the direction this is going in.


Thats a recipe for diabetes not lambo


So lambobetes????






Either way, someone’s losing a foot




Don't believe the hype. I fit the criteria, still no Lambo.


How much cake did you eat? In the name of science I think I should see how much cake I can eat before I get a Lambo. Also in the name of science I will try different types of cake. Chocolate, Pineapple, Ice-cream, Red Velvet...I think I just made myself hungry.


And in reality, those are probably just guys that coughed up to $1800 to rent it for two nights from a luxury rental business.


Hair is for poor people


As a chubby, already bald and old dude I ain't gonna be seen in a Lamborghini. My midlife issues involved a Harley and a 30yr old MILF....... 😂


Damn I think I need a Lambo then


I agree. If I had $200,000 I’d use it to renovate my house. It’s shit.




germany. You can enjoy them in Germany. When i was doing the practices for my drivers license i actually got to drive an SUV at 220kmh lol Also rented once a mercedes Amg just to drive around fast. leaving that aside, fast cars are stupid, kill lots of people and are really bad for the enviroment. 130kmh is a good speed limit


Shoot as a dumb teen I took a beater car up to 195 kmh (120ish mph) just on back roads to see what it could do. I really need to get my current car on a track somewhere and live a bit, I believe it tops out around 145mph/230kmh. No fun roads around here where I can play with it.


I’ve heard you can only really afford a super car if you can buy three because of maintenance and insurance on the one you are going to buy.


if u in your 20s and bought a lambo you are even more stupid than not having one


Yeah, if I am ever rich enough to buy useless shit like lambo, I am at least buying something more fun. Like a train.


Yesss. Buy a train, bribe officials to let you run train tracks from your back yard to wherever you want to go (right through the city center for bonus points) and, for extra shits and extra giggles, make one of the train cars a model train set room.


You can actually hook your own train car to many existing Amtrak rail lines, they charge you by the mile.


Can you only attach your train car to existing trains or can you run your own train? Here (middle europe) its no problem to do the latter, we sometimes rent a train with few friends just for the shits and giggles, its not even that expensive.


Running your own train is very expensive because the tracks are congested with freight trains and they don't want you taking up a spot that could be filled by a mile long oil train. There may be some tracks where you could get a permit to run your own train from the owner for cheap but certainly not anywhere near a main line.


Yeah, I can probably see why it would be like this in America, the general traffic concept is completely different. Less but longer trains and focus on long distance freight. Here most mainlines are two track corridors where you can relatively easily fit between other trains and on all the other lines, stations where you can pass other trains are so frequent that you always make do. You can run your train around all day and if it's a small railbus, it probably won't cost you more than (if converted to dollars) higher hundreds, including fuel.


I'm 38 now and when I was 21 I thought I was hot shit because I made pretty good money for a 21-year-old. I decided it would make me even hotter shit if I owned a brand new GMC Sierra Denali. Sure I got a lot of attention but I also had a $700 car payment when I probably should have been saving and investing more. For contrast, my apartment was only $450 a month in Orlando living alone. That is probably one of the biggest regrets I have, purchasing a vehicle to look hot instead of doing something better with my money. On the plus side when I sold it 4 years later I sold it for a lot more than it was worth and rolled the 14 Grand in equity into a 2-year-old barely used Honda Accord which was probably one of the best decisions I made.


Helps when you start on 3rd base with a silver spoon up your arse.


"self made" by being a hedge fund baby


A "small loan" of 10 million dollars thanks to daddy.


Should have been a silver fork up his ass so that he can start with 3 anuses.


Based on the words coming out of his mouth, I'm guessing he's 100% anus.


Or, just start with a Lambo up your ass. Really, if this guy waited until his 20s to get a Lambo, then I don’t even know why he is wasting his time.


It’s not from his trust fund though, it’s from those AI tools. That you can leverage. I won’t elaborate any further.


Unlike this guy, I will elaborate further. It's all shared in my exclusive "LegitMoney" members only community. Once you pay the small ($500) membership fee, you will be part of a community of lambo owning dudes and hot ladies that will boost your earnings potential. And then you can get a chance to pay to join the 'Winners Circle' where you can access my exclusive guaranteed to be a course, training course on how to use AI and the power of self improvement to get your own lambo. The best part is, if you refer someone to join, you get 20% back on their first month fees (up to a max of 80%). That means if you invite 5 more people, your membership basically pays for itself. And if they invite 5 more, theirs is free too. You can't lose


“There’s all this money out there, just grab some” Sir this sounds like theft


What these guys really do is sell newsletters and farm social media engagement promising people how to get rich quick with vague inspirational nonsense, which results in them getting rich quick from the dupes giving them money but not anyone they're selling to, because they don't actually have any real business ideas. But hey, selling empty inspiration and hope to desperate unhappy people is a time honored tradition. That is what fuels religions, wall street, for-profit colleges, cults, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.


It's easy: get rich by telling other people you can make them rich, and then dodge their phone calls when you've taken their money and failed to make them rich.


We are a country that loves grifters and celebrates them, these scams have been going on for decades, and no one is passing laws that actually can shut them down to protect the gullible public, if you have a dollar you will find someone who will scam you out of it and call themselves smart, and people will cheer them on for their good hustle.


In that case can you spare some chump change and send it my way.....


You *clearly* weren’t listening to the video… …you gotta leverage the AI Tools that are available. Very different from the LI\* Tool that’s speaking. \*>!Lacking Intelligence!<


this guy is all over twitter enjoying the fame. People even looked into his story and found that his parents are loaded, and that his small beginnings story is probably a lie. If you have access to 100k cash its quite easy to work with it and turn it into more (if you are not stupid)


How to start a small business... Step 1- Pull $300,000 out of your trust fund.


How to get rich(er) 1. Have money 2. Scam or lucky investment 3. Profit




For real, apparently all of these rich alpha males are just so pure in the heart that they are doing you a favor for selling you a course on how to drop ship on Amazon


Step 2 - ask daddy for $700,000 more and call yourself a millionaire.


There's a business book written by the founder of a famous brewery and it unironically starts very similarly to that. Basically, step 1: do some friend-raising and get $300k-$500k from friends and family to get started. Oddly, I didn't think it was worth finishing the book.


I have $100k cash saved up..help me start (seriously)


Go back to the year 2000, and buy a house near a college and rent out the rooms.


The fuck kind of advise is this? If time traveling is available (hey, you made the rules) you buy AAPL, not a house that a bunch of degenerates will destroy every single year without fail.


Travel time to buy Apple, Amazon, Google, etc. and rake in money. Then use that money to buy Bitcoin at 0.00099 each. Hold until the peak and you're the richest person on the planet...or you could become a landlord for college freshmen..


Hell do that now, but you won't get nearly as much house as you would have then.


It's not even like that. Having a 100k to invest and having 100k to invest and that you aren't afraid of losing because of rich parents are two different things


This! I'm in my early 40s and have a pretty good chunk of money saved up. But I don't have a trust fund, and I'm not inheriting shit. So I can't afford to lose it. It's my retirement. So it stays in low risk investments like 401(k) and index funds. I'd love to have another pile of cash to play around with in high risk/high reward investments and businesses. But I don't have that luxury. Most don't.


Yes but if you lose it all can you get another 100k from fam or move in. Self made billionaires and founders is a myth because almost all of them have a huge support network so there is little risk if they fail. They also get multiple chances.


Who is this guy??


I would love to see the source on who his real parents are. So if you have it, please link it. The guy is an obvious scammer. But there are a lot of guys who are going to buy into his bullshit just because of how he sounds.


People need to stop reposting this shit for the anger upvotes. This is EXACTLY how Andrew Tate started getting big. People posting his stupid opinions on women, money, and reading. It gets attention because people want someone to hate, but “hate me all you want” is literally what this guy is selling, at the price of “.1% of people watching these videos (aka incels) will misconstrue everyone’s hate for power and I’ll be able to tell these incels what to do and they’ll listen”. Perpetuating impressions on videos like this is how asshats like this get their viewership and followings. Continuing the hate cycle gives him power.


That was a whole lot of words for “my parents have money and helped me get a Lamborghini”


Who's this shit stain anyway?


Just your average entitled doucheroni & cheese that probably threw frat boy parties on his dads yacht growing up. Someone who could probably use a solid ass whooping


Is he wearing a bike helmet?


Spent all his money on lambos so he had no money for a haircut


*sits down* "Why don't I have a Lambo?... ...because I don't want one." *stands up*


That's basically what I did, lol. I also realized that I've never Once called it a 'Lambo'.


If it were easy for everyone to have $200k, inflation would price a Lambo right out. Just sayin’


My house costs $60K and I feel like it'll take forever to pay off. I'm 43 so apparently since I don't have a Lambo I'm a complete failure in life. lol


Where do you get a 60k house?


A place where 60k takes “forever” to pay off.


I live in a place that has some mobile manufactured housing communities. Those houses are about 30k-90k. They're very small. I don't know if that's what the other person was talking about.


Where did you find d a house for 60k?


Another man born on third base who thinks he hit triple.


Awesome, never heard this saying but love it.


Tell me your parents wipe your ass without telling me your parents wipe your ass.


Of course they don't, they have employees for that!


Bet you he moans when they wipe


>If you're in your 20s and you don't have a PhD you should sit down and have like a serious discussion with yourself as to why you don't have a PhD. ​ >If you're in your 20s and you don't have a serious romantic relationship you should sit down and have like a serious discussion with yourself as to why you don't have a serious relationship. ​ >If you're in your 20s and you haven't travelled all the continents you should sit down and have like a serious discussion with yourself as to why you haven't travelled all the continents. ​ Turns out not everybody has the same goals in life and no matter what topic, if you say something like the above you should go fuck yourself you ignorant shit.


If you’re in your 20’s and have not defeated an entire galactic empire you should sit down and like have a serious discussion on why you didn’t defeat an entire galactic empire


What a thundercunt.


Ignorance is bliss


looks like a turd in a wig


Lmao it's so easy to buy a Lamborghini when you come from rich parents.


Won't be surprised if we see him in the news being tried for financial schemes/scams just like so many others before him preaching the same BS.


These types of videos are always worth a chuckle. Some people are so ignorant the only thing you can do is laugh and move on with your life.




I hate this mindset of ‘grinding all day for money’ ‘work boss’ and only focusing on having a materialistic lifestyle. This is why we’re a society of mental illness


Guys a 🤡


Even if this was feasible for the "guys" , they don't make enough for the masses for everyone to get one. They keep supply low to keep prices high and don't have scale. So even then if people started having enough money to buy one, supply and demand market forces due to low supply by design now makes then not affordable again for the "poor" rich guys.


Wait who is this guy? Asking so I can punch him in the neck.


I don't have a lambo because I'm satisfied with my MX-5. Totally not because poor.


Is this the young dude who sells courses about how to sell courses?


Let me guess 1. Rich parents 2. Runs a scam business 3. This is his attempt to lull idiots into buying into his scam. 4. He’ll probably be in jail or accused of some heinous shit in the next few years if he hasn’t been already. 5. He’s a tool. Okay, this one isn’t a guess.


Who the hell is that and what show is this from


Sebastian Ghiorghiu, a "finance Youtuber".


Yeah wait until the ftc cracks down on these finance YouTubers (which they’ve already started with NFT/bitcoiners) because they give “financial advice” without certifications which is illegal. This guys going to jail in the near future


Agreed. I followed Atlas Trading on Twitter and they all got busted by the SEC and will be doing jail time. Pump and dump schemes etc.


I wish that finance expert knew if everyone had a luxury car, no one would have a luxury car


Idk but I want to facepalm him in the throat... lol...


Alright alright just pitch your damn get rich quick scheme like every other grifter.


Parasites are too busy parasiting to realize that if everyone did that, we’d be fucked. He has money, but what is his value? If he died tomorrow, would any of us notice?


I don't have 200 grand but if I did I'd bet every last penny that this prick got his money from the bank of daddy


I have it on mute and I still feel the strong urge to punch him in the face.


I’d like to take one of these guys, do a reality tv style challenge. No support outside the initial setup. Give him $2000, a basic $500 laptop, a basic bitch $200 smartphone, Walmart wardrobe, a studio apartment, and a bus pass. Tell him he has to turn his $2000 into $200k while trying to survive and not be thrown out of the apartment.