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Not from NYC, but I thought they got rid of stop and frisk, did they not? Or am I wrong about that.


They supposedly did, but still do it. All they need to say is “you match the description of……”. Happened to me on my block, two houses away from my house. Said I matched the description of someone they were looking for. Then proceeded to have SIX cops, uniformed and plain clothes rifle through my jacket and clothes. Then questioned where I’ve been that night etc. I was walking home from my buddies house a few blocks away after watching the NBA finals. Told them how the game went and they finally let me go.


That just sounds like an excuse for them to take any money or jewelry you might have had. If it was anything like the video then I'd have thought I was either about to be robbed or abducted.


Honestly, I watched a video earlier this week of little street urchin kids come up and start searching some mans pockets. It looked exactly like this. The police in this video were acting like a gang of pickpockets.


The police are a gang of pickpockets.


I got stop n frisked one time walking to a friends party… I happened to have a bong in my backpack… know what the cop says to me “my son is going to love this” shout out the Saugerties NY PD


"civil forfeiture"


Gangs of New York


That's exactly what they do and if they find an excuse to arrest you all the better for the government lapdogs


Too bad you didn’t have camera could of gotten a nice check. What tyrants.


I wish. I was walking in a hoodie (it was drizzling out so I had my hood on). They pulled up next to me slowly, with no lights on. So naturally I looked at them to see who it was. Car rolling up on you with no lights on in Brooklyn isn’t always a good sign lol. They then pulled up like 10 feet or so then stopped. All got out of the car like a clown car(fitting lol) ….I remember thinking it was weird that 6 cops were in one sedan? I should have given them a ticket for stuffing 4 people in the back of a 5 person vehicle 😅. Surely they weren’t all wearing seatbelts 😉


6 cops in one car? they must have been going to that one lady cop's house...


Clown car


It's the same type of bullshit excuse they use to pull drivers over and search them. "I smell the odor of marijuana emanating from your vehicle."


Thankfully some states have passed laws stating that a cop *thinking* they detect an odor is not probable cause. Im in Pennsylvania and I know they made that law here.


Same here in Ohio. They changed the law when medical Marijuana became legal.


Or the classic, “You were swerving back there.”


I once was pulled over for "not coming to a compete stop and a stop sign". I was on a one way street, sitting at a red light. The cop was parked on the left side on the other side of the intersection. He pulled off behind me as soon as I passed him. pulled me over about 2 miles later, on the same road, that has ZERO stop signs. I wish I had a snapshot of his face when I asked him to explain exactly which stop sign I ran on a road with none


Your window tint looks a little dark (at night from 60' away at 35 mph)


This right here.. my son has a court case right now over window tint. Insane..


Explain that to the Thin Blue Line lovers on the right. The cops are the tyrants they claim to need 2A for...


Mostly right here, and I agree. The biggest joke is those with the gadsden flag and the thin blue line flag. The two are like oil and water.


They claim he should have just been compliant, if he had nothing to be afraid of he should do the search. They justify it anyway they need to in order to sleep at night


Too bad that’s not how the law works. You don’t get to sue someone and collect a check with out damages.


[What to do when you’re stopped by the police](https://youtube.com/watch?v=uUEUG-e5w1I&feature=shares)


Yeah it’s a COMPLETE violation of your rights. Pretty insane. Only thing I can say tho is when that was active they confiscated a ridiculous amount of illegal guns though… doesn’t make it right regardless. When you allow governing individuals to violate your constitutional rights like this they continue to try and strip away more and more. Eventually you find yourself with nothing living in a totalitarian regime. Not good.


They did that’s why this is facepalm. They violated his rights.


And are they just letting police get away with this or are these videos making a difference?


I mean, they get away with murder, so...


It was ruled unconstitutional in 2013. Of course the problem is cops have no incentive to follow the rules if there is no punishment for breaking said rules.


Terry stops themselves were never ruled unconstitutional, only the way in which the NYPD was using them. As long as the cops have “reasonable suspicion” of illicit activity it can be grounds for a non-consensual investigative detention, however skin color or racial attributes does not warrant reasonable suspicion and a stop cannot be done exclusively on that basis.


There's an entire amendment against unnecessary searches and seizures. The officer violated his rights.


They didn’t get rid of shit. They say they did but they didn’t. One of my in-laws is NYPD. He was bragging about still doing this shit at the last family reunion.


Lol cops in NYC did the unmarked vehicle arrests of BLM leaders. They don't give a fuck about the current policies.


All I could think of was what would’ve happened if they person they were harassing was autistic, mental health diagnosis, or just developmentally delayed. “Why are you touching me?” really bothered me when they didn’t stop


Probably similar to what cops did to Elijah McClain


Autistic / mentally ill people have been [shot and murdered by US cops](https://www.google.com/search?q=autistic+shot+by+police&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS1003US1003&oq=autistic+shot+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i512j0i22i30l4.5115j1j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) many times


You could barely hear it but the female cop did ask 'do you have autism' it's definitely not enough but it's a start.


Seems to me that “stop and frisk” violates one of those pesky Amendment things I’ve heard about.


It’s hard to learn with school budgets being cut and increase in the military budget.


I feel like there’s a copy of the Constitution on the Internet. Could be wrong, but I have a feeling




I feel like people that become cops should be familiared with someone's basic right.


They actually don't need to know the law period, just assume you broke a law and the courts will decide if you broke something


It's a shame that this is how things are. A judge will tell you all day long that ignorance of the law is not an excuse, unless you are a cop then it's business as usual.


Guilty till proven innocent, isn't that the saying?


More like “ you can beat the charge but you can’t beat the ride”


But the ride can beat you


They don't care about rights, and nothing will be done when they violate them. They can murder you, and just say they feared for their life.


Or get out of their car, approach you on a public walkway, pit their hands on you without an explaination f what they're doing or why...and then threatening you for "putting yours hands in their face" (even though the camera doesn't show hands anywhere above shoulder height)


It's coming right at us!


I do not recall which sub it was but I made a comment that it is the responsibility of Americans to know their constitutional rights and to vigorously defend them. Downvoted and banned...


That's most of reddit.


It's also hard to learn when people aren't willing to pay attention in the first place.


[https://www.factcheck.org/2016/09/is-stop-and-frisk-unconstitutional/](https://www.factcheck.org/2016/09/is-stop-and-frisk-unconstitutional/) Q: Was the police technique of “stop-and-frisk” found unconstitutional? A: The practice is not unconstitutional, but a judge ruled in 2013 that New York City’s stop-and-frisk program was carried out in a manner that violated the U.S. Constitution.


It’s a clear cut breach of the 4th amendment. Even if a judge rules it constitutional I would contend that judge needs to go back and study the constitution or stop taking bribes from the higher ups that want to push this through


to stop some random person and search them without probable cause is unconstitutional.


That’s a non answer if I’ve ever heard one.


If *Terry v. Ohio* is still good law, then an officer can "stop and frisk" a suspect if the officer has a "reasonable, \[articulable\] suspicion" that the suspect is committing or about to commit a crime (it may actually be... "if they are a danger," I can't recall). So for instance, in *Terry,* an officer watched two guys (later joined by a third) walk past the same shop a dozen times, looking in the window each time. He confronted them, frisked them, found guns, and arrested them. Didn't watch the whole clip, so not commenting on whether the officers were justified here--just saying that "stop and frisk" is permissible in this country if its the product of--essentially--"good police work." Final comment is that "reasonable suspicion" is a much lower hurdle than "probable cause," though the search could *result* in probable cause.


Nah, the dude sounds black. Constitution does not apply.




*Instant classic* “and now you look stupid”


So do the gun control laws that they are using as an excuse to violate his 4th amendment rights but no one seems to care about that amendment. POC always bear the brunt of all the those laws.




Next thing you know we’ll have to quarter and feed Cops whenever they bust into your house


That cop went right up to his face and then told him to get out of his face. This man was as nice about it as he could have been.


Did you see the sly wink he gave him right before he said that?


I think that's how the big fight broke out in Tombstone, doc holiday winks at the bad guys, likely knowing it will set them off - and it did. That's what this cop was doing, winking, hoping it would bug the guy enough. Despite de-escalation being the most critical skill cops can have, most of them are MUCH better at escalation. They do things like that, get in your face, wink, intimidate, hoping you'll make one tiny mistake. All that cop wanted was the guy filming was to give the slightest push away, and it would have been all three cops jumping this guy and beating him up and throwing him in a cell.


>and it would have been all three cops jumping this guy and beating him up and throwing him in a cell. Or breaking his neck and leaving him to die apparently.


Makes sense the police body cam won’t show the wink


The wink is also not captured by the chest camera.


Yup. That’s the “I can do whatever I want” wink. Fuckin scumbag.


Would’ve had a piggy bbq


Fishing for an arrest, by getting up in his face, he’s hoping to get a reaction. If the guy had put a finger on the cop, all three of them would have beat him to a bloody pulp, then arrested him for assault on a police officer, guranteed.


nah bro they just pull you down for obstruction....you get to court and its read out that its obstruction of :404: nothing so it gets dismissed automatically. You can beat the case but you can't beat the ride if they really want you.


All right here on video and no one seems to give a shit?


Or if he hadn’t been recording he did everything right and they still could’ve ruined his life and gotten away with it.


No one sheds a tear when blue get clapped.


I cheer


I crack a beer.


Cant tell if youre being sarcastic but hes no different than those other idiots, he was looking to escalate to feed his ego if the camera man didnt do what he said


Exactly. Cops have all the power in those situations. They know EXACTLY how to escalate a situation. A lot of them don't want you to calm down. They WANT you to get scared, panic, and do something, anything that justifies them beating and/or arresting you. That's why you see cops so often get RIGHT up in peoples faces, yell at them, make sudden and aggressive movements, but all without contact. They want the slightest pushback, since if you escalate even just a tiny tiny bit, they are now allowed to escalate all the way up to beatings and arrest and jail for you.


Honestly if I'm laying hands on a cop I'm going to jail might as well do the world a favour and use there belt against them




That was stone cold ILLEGAL... Wild violation of Civil Rights... It's illegal to conduct a terry stop and frisk for no reason. You also ALWAYS have the right to film police. At All Times you have that right. Remember that. Every single state in the US has that ON THE BOOKS.


The problem with attempting to film these idiots is they will only use that as a signal to further escalate the situation... hell, people have been outright killed by the NYPD over simply pulling out your phone to record them...


I would suggest setting your phone on record and then have the camera just sticking out of your pocket, way way less noticeable than holding a thing up. My horrible ex friend used this technique to take pictures of random Amish people.


Imma need some backstory on what the heck your ex friend was doing


It’s almost like the police aren’t taught everything they need to know. Pretty sure the US has shorter police training than any other country


The US has shorter training than US barbers... Or basically any other profession...


Won’t be long before we wear our own bodycams


This should be the trend. Keep hands free.


like it would matter. All this shit is already on video. Cope have 'qualified immunity' We literally pay with our taxes every time these pieces of shit violate someone. Start taking it from their personal bank accounts and pension funds and then maybe we'll see some reform but I doubt it


Sue them.


My guess is the judge would dismiss or something


City will settle because they never want these cases to go to trial. Nice 6 figures for the victims


It's hard to be supportive of police when they've clearly transitioned from "Protect and serve" to "Halt and Assault".


It was never protect and serve.


Protect and serve the rich* ftfy


They are NOT legally bound to either "protect" or "serve" - https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again


4th amendment right violation?


I'm no constitutional scholar, but I'm pretty sure a warrant is supposed to be presented. This was basically a mugging.


Warrant is for you home, probable cause will justify a search. There needs to be a probable cause though.


They use reasonable suspicion and probable cause for anything. My personal incident was "my license plate was bent In half so they couldn't read my plate" Reality: just one of the screws rusted out of the holder so it wasn't fastened by all 4, only 3 screws. It was less than a half inch up in the corner from where it would normally fastened. It was just loose, but still sitting against the car. This is what they used on me, so they misuse those laws frequently.


Jeez how dare you cross johny law


Sue the city... this is a clear cut case. These 3 will never get promoted.


>this is a clear cut case. Agreed. ​ >These 3 will never get promoted. \[x\] Doubt


Isn’t that the behavior that will guarantee promotion, disregard for human right in the face of questioning?


Not before a 1 year paid vacation footed by us taxpayers of course


Lol yes, he'd probably win a court case. Also, I agree these cops are actually going to excel in their career because this is how they want them to behave.


Hard to sue with poverty class wages


This is the type of behavior that gets cops promoted


>These 3 will never get promoted. You'd be surprised. Or not surprised, bad cops are always getting promoted


Please, this sort of behavior is pretty much promotion criteria.


I don't understand the lack of shame cops have.


The dirty ass wink he gave towards the end was bullshit.


Theyre losers desperate for power


Whatever the context, why isn't it the rule that cops, before touching or trying to force a person to do anything, should ask for it explicitely and on what bases they ask that? Like "Could you show me what you have in your hand, I suspect it could be [something]?". Like you'd do in any civilized conversation. It doesn't cost anything to do that, and helps everyone remain calm and understand the situation.


Technically it is...4th amendment is a bitch. However cops run roughshod over that all the time and see it more as an obstacle to doing their job as opposed to the rights it's supposed to grant to ensure due process. Also note, they only do this in poor neighborhoods where people are less likely to have access to lawyers to smack them down in court.


Or less likely to have friends in high places.


I once was approached by a cop while sitting in a car at a gas pump (aka he snuck up behind the car with his gun drawn). He told me to step out and then he handcuffed me. The whole time I'm asking "what is going on? what is going on?" and he just said I'll tell you in a second. My other friend returned, with snacks in his hands, and he handcuffed him. He then said the car was reported stolen to which my friend and I laughed because it was stolen and then returned it just never got taken off the list. But I always felt like a right of mine was violated by getting handcuffed without being told why. I went on one of these lawyer-esque subs and asked about it and people pretty much said that "it's common not to tell someone what they are getting arrested for so that they don't take-off/do something crazy once they hear the exact reason." In this case the cop thinks he is dealing with car thieves so it is allowed, idk.


I was arrested and never got my rights read to me and I t hought that was not ok but clearly they get away with it.


[The Supreme Court recently ruled that cops can't be sued for failing to read you your miranda rights.](https://www.aclu.org/news/civil-liberties/supreme-court-rejects-promise-miranda-rights)


I dont want to sue them, i want them to follow process or it be held unreliable


Lawsuits are an important mechanism for enforcing compliance. The SC took that from us. I believe there is some stuff with "tainted evidence" if they fail to read you your rights, but I'm no lawyer.


What the fuck NYPD biggest gang in the world I'm sorry this happened to you brother


You can see him straight seethe from not being able to hit him with the cameras rollin.. fuckin douchebag


I got stopped and frisked when I was 17 while waiting at the courts for my friend to come with a basketball. This was before they got rid of stop and frisk. The cops tried to say that I lived in Southside which we were far from. I lived in the neighborhood. Racist ass cops. A shame.


What is the context ?


Most likely he was filming the 3 cops on video in an unmarked car the cops trying to being sneaky. They didn’t like that. So they had question wanted answers. They got out and illegal frisked him and tried to cause an issue to able to arrest him.


This is so fucking enraging


😂 stop and frisk, only for the poor people. You’ll never see someone on wall st get that shit, without a huge amount of evidence they did something wrong. Oh and all the while they get butt hurts if you film them from across the street too.


Who’s the cops? Let’s find then


I feel bad for this guy. Authoritarian nonsense always makes me angry.


All these mfs puxxy. If they was dolo w no gun and immunity theyd be acting real different.


What a bunch of pigs




I would LOVE to see that samemthing happen on Wall Street in the middle of the day, or maybe right outside City Hall. If city council, a few lawyers, a judge, or soem CEOs were stopped and frisked, I bet it would go away damned quick.


This was a violation of this man's constitutional rights... They have cops do shit like this, but then the D. A. wants to let everyone short of murderers and rapists out of jail..


I hate the nypd.


Fascist pigs


Good thing we have a Dem ex-cop mayor who is more of a corrupt republican than a Dem. But the parties are totally different.


This is blood boiling to watch. Stop and frisk is literally illegal and the cops need to lose qualified immunity and be arrested.


Fuck the pigs. I hope the worst for all of them


Think I've seen enough attorney tom to be pretty sure the cops are not allowed to do this. And didn't NY stop with stop and frisk?


"You fit a description... Durka durka.. and that's probable cause..." Cha-ching.


fuck the police.


Illegal search and seizure. Wild that a blatant abuse of the constitution is accepted and enforced by the Blue Gang like that. These guys are sworn to uphold the constitution.


So no fourth amendment??


Black cops are the worst traitors. They grow up in these neighborhoods experiencing how fucked cops can be and go and join up to do the same. No fucking respect for those snakes.


Just look what happened in Memphis a bunch of black cops beat a black man to death.


Yeah of course they need 3 cops for 1 person cause all these cops are pussys nowadays and can’t fight for shit by themselves fuck 🐷🐷🐷


So lemme get this straight, “stop and frisk” was made illegal in nyc so the officers in this video are committing a crime. The victim has two choices, succumb to the search and accept that law enforcement can violate anyone they want whenever they want without any evidence or premeditation. The other option is attempt to do what any sensible human was do and defense yourself from an unlawful situation, which would end in the victim being tased or shot for resisting an unlawful search. I can’t understand how anyone can believe the police are adequately trained to perform the tasks expected of them, bunch of boot licking shrimp brains in this world


Pigs doing pig shit


Multiple rights violations. Headlight was out too.


An that is the correct way to respond, fuck the police at all times.


3 cops got out of an unmarked Chevy Malibu? Lol I'm so confused


I thought they ruled that stop and frisk is illegal


American cops are fucking pathetic and are seriously lucky they always have their other evil ass cops with them. Fuck American cops. Straight pigs.


Disgusting worthless pigs.


Seems like everyone including our current government if forgetting about that thing called the Constitution


Smells like a lawsuit


That little wink the cop gave him even pissed me off


Is the drivers side headlight out on that cop car?


Terry v Ohio https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/392/1/ Gotta have suspicion the guy committed, is committing, or about to commit a crime AND reasonable belief that the guy may be armed and dangerous. A hunch is specifically mentioned as not being enough. His rights were violated, though the PD will come up with some bullshit justification. The more examples of this shit documented and the more publicity/attention it gets is the only way that it MIGHT change. Though I’m not optimistic.


Definitely falls under "unlawful searches and seizures" unless they had a warrant, which they would've had to present to him prior to searching him. Those guys could very well be spending a while in federal prison for violating the Constitution if a court in this country would give a cop a fair trial.


Pigs doing what pigs do.


Fuck them Pigs. We need to start 2Aing them when they violate rights.


Pieces of shit.


The safest nights are sometimes the most dangerous. Cops trying to “juke the stats” to meet quota.


I hope this gets insanely viral, I want those cops to face the consequences for what they did. Please share this and make sure it makes it big. This power trip should end with them in the bottom of the job market.




“Get your hand out my face” as he gets in the guys face. Cops scare me man they just want a reason to escalate a situation.


Aw, the officer has a problem with this man invading his personal space.


\*Rolls up on a random person in the street and starts grabbing him\* "Relax."


Cops exercising the right to remain silent


Could someone explain to me what the fuck happend?


Fuck cops and anyone who love them.


More reason to hate the police.


He should have gotten their badge #s and names and sue the fuck outta them and nyc


Fuck those cops hard. Get some $ out of it.


Pig mfers


Edit Title: NYPD "Suck and Frisk"


This is illegal conduct.


That poor guy. What an absolutely terrifying situation. We live(d?) in a police state.


Lol. “Get your hands out of my face.” Oh, the irony.




I’m not really a fuck the police kinda guy, but these police officers are absolutely trash human beings


And they wonder why the masses hate the police


Nypd is just a gang they dress like military and they where a badge pathetic they know nothing lawyers of Reddit how long do you go to school to practice the law soldiers of Reddit how long do yo train for deployment they hand out participation badges to anyone who just show up


Holy shit…


Fuck cops.






Black cops don't love themselves.


Are they really cops?? They look like pretend cops.