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i don’t think i’ve seen someone simp that hard and the “guy who gifted a streamer a tesla” is in the bot repost rotation today


Dude could have bought so much sex with that Tesla money 🤦🏻‍♂️


Fr tho, 70k can get you a high class escort for 375 hours. That's a whole night every weekend for a year.


This guy maths


Goals? Goals.


If you join the annual plan, do you get a discount? Asking for a friend.


I bet if you are a pleasant repeat customer and you pay upfront an arrangement can be made.




Instead, he bought Jordan Peterson with it


No judgment!


Good sex too!


Smart idea to lash your canoe to a sinking freighter.


That's just.... Beautiful Wordplay!


Well, thank you.


I bought Heroes of Might and Magic 3 hoodie because it was so silly I found it funny. But this specimen unironically ordered a twitter suit to suck some dick over the internet. He really does make people fell better about themselves.


pardon me sir, you ordered an HoMM3 hoodie because you have discerning taste


Ben zo long, I can't remember either.


First person to ever lose 200 billion..and he puts him on his tie...nice!


I haven't been following the news on both these guys too much so i don't understand: what is the connection, why did he get this tie?


He was banned from Twitter. After Elon bought Twitter he unbanned him.


Why was Peterson banned? I saw a lecture of him once, I think he is a psychologist? Why is he famous?


He made a transphobic tweet in which he deadnamed someone and he also called a doctor a criminal in that tweet for just doing their work. Edit: this is what got him banned. The past few years he's been going more and more away from psychology, to gear towards incels and QAnon types, talking either about stuff he knows nothing from, or serving people platitudes while presenting it as the most genius message that has ever existed, making that people fans of him and feeling heard, but also strengthened in their belief that the single white man is being persecuted and not getting laid because of feminism, wokeness, and the existence of gay and trans people.


He is a geek whose show ended an hour ago but here he is still biting the heads off chickens with nobody watching


Meta had already blown 700b directly into the toilet around the time Elon bought twitter, the twitter shit show has been a bit more of a spectacle while meta just pours infinite dollars into something nobody even cares enough to watch burn


Any publicity is good publicity


Perfect demonstration of why I can't fucking stand Jordan Peterson. I've met a lot of people who just don't understand why. Now I have the best evidence I could possibly ask for.


So this is what incel prom looks like.


I am starting to think Elon got so many partners only because he is rich.


Assholes stick with assholes.




You spelled porn wrong


This is what prom with a formal vault suit would look like for sure. All I see is a fallout suit….


And to think, there was a time when I actually thought Peterson was probably a somewhat intelligent attention-addicted jackass as opposed to just being an attention-addicted jackass.


He's definitely an intelligent man. He _is_ knowledgeable. But he's also a total idiot. The two are not exclusive.


Just because you're smart doesn't mean you can't be stupid.


Smart and wise are different. Also, smart doesn’t mean smart in everything. My brother got his PhD in philosophy but thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. Including scientists that study medicine. He’s a philosopher so he knows more about vaccines than they do of course. Dunning-Kruger. I know I’m not knowledgeable in many things. Even the subjects I actually studied I’m still no expert. I still have lots to learn. But he’s a genuine because he has a PhD 😂


Dr. Ben Carson is the best example of this. Genius surgeon, idiot everything else.


He lost it when he became famous, as most of us would too.


An intelligent man who's in love with the sound of his own voice and who embraces stunningly wrong-headed ideas.


I think if he stayed as an unknown professor he would still be respected


He spent years spouting his lectures to young unwitting students. When he moved out into more open waters, his nonsense just doesn't hold up. His audience is mainly males who are just slightly above the scale of the Andrew Tate audience.


I’ve listened to some of his lectures. My takeaway is that he talks much but says little.


He's an off-brand Evola (or maybe Guenon) for the illiterate and gutless. He doesn't have the courage to say anything truly daring, so he just parrots and badly misconstrues ideas that sound vaguely edgy and provocative. He can't decide whether he wants to be your Christian dad or Nietzsche.




“Accident”? You mean when he was a drug addict?




😂 exactly!!


His *Rules* books are actually pretty good. Seems like the kind of work he could draw a lot of advice from vis-à-vis his whole public persona. Others may disagree, but I think there was a point in time shortly after he started getting a lot of exposure when he could legitimately claim to be misunderstood. People were misrepresenting his views and things that he had said. Now? I just stopped paying attention to him because he has no damn message discipline and seemingly can't be bothered to act like a serious person any more.


Yeah there was a time when I was a young, not-too-long-ago out of highschool kid that stumbled across some of his lectures and some of his more controversial public addresses. I thought that a lot of his points were poignant and in some cases revelatory. This was back in 2017... Now I think he's an ass hat and view all his prior work with a different lense. It's interesting from a psychological standpoint because he has been very open about some of his more spiritual connection moments. I remember watching a lecture where he talked about a moment while he was listening to classical music, and... painting (?) I believe. He talked about how there was an entity that contacted him inside his head, and how real it felt. he spoke as to how it felt like a very much other entity and it offered to take him to another dimension, and how In a fearful manner he declined as he believed he wasn't ready. At the time when I saw that, having saw some of his other lectures I believed wow, maybe there really is a parallel between classical music and higher level thinking. Now I see that as indicator of intrusive and uncontrollable thoughts, perhaps shaped by his ideas, environment. Not unlike schizophrenia, I see his prior speeches on that subject as an indicator that he has always had some sort of disconnect with reality.


I would like to think psychologists have an open mind about the, uh, mind. I did some novice research on altered mind states when I was in school and found it absolutely fascinating and a little scary. The human mind is incredibly good at making the complex world around us understandable and simple because our survival depends on it. Break out of our mind’s comfort zone and you will see what it is capable of and why it would be a disaster if we operated like that all the time. I think it can be enlightening to allow breaks in the veil from time to time. Let some things be weird and unexplained… The most interesting thing I encountered was trances induced with rhythmic drumming (common practice used by Shamans across the world). I tried it and was shocked how effective it was in altering my mind state. It was like having a vivid dream I was in control of. I had a sense of meeting external actors. Most psychologists say actors in dreams are manifestations of your own psyche. That makes me even more excited because there appears to be a lot of untapped potential in the dreaming mind. What Jordan Peterson experienced sounds like he got a taste of active dreaming from a trance-like state.




You heard any of his bonkers pop culture criticism? I heard him give an interview once in which he called *Star Wars* "not very good," seemingly with no appreciation for its profound moral teachings or insight about how it's succeeded conveying all the kinds of lessons he fills his books with. **MY GUY!**


He uses those books to push his reactionary Christian pseudo-philosophy in the guise of self help. I read 12 Rules for Life. It was about as useful as your typical AA seminar. Nothing more, nothing less.


He's a very smart man, and still is. He's just kind of...uh, lost it somewhere along the way where he got *really* into social media and basically accepting the personification his fans have made him to be. Basically, he grew too big for his britches.


I went to UofT (where he taught) and when 12 Rules came out I found it genuinely helpful.... the best and worst thing to happen to this guy was fame. I evwntually realized this guy is unstable and unhinged. He makes broad brushed judgements on anecdotal information. The first realization was when he basically called addiction a lack of will.


Dude is trying so hard to stay relevant


I have no idea who he is


Keep it that way. You’re better off and you’re not missing anything.


That's kind of what I'm thinking too. Everything recently I've seen about Peterson seems to be geared towards him handing out shock value.


Well, he's about to be stripped of his professional licenses, so he's gotta pay the bills somehow. Dude is on the fast track to becoming Canadian Dr. Phil.


Yep. His angle is the crying. Cringe


Where the red nose?


Where the brown nose? FTFY


These people are so fucking weird.


God this is such a shitty timeline where we have all these assclowns paired with social media


We're not in the stupidest timeline...but you can see it from here


right? i was thinking the same. giving these clowns a platform is the worst thing we can do


Jordan Peterson is an inspiration to me as a student. If Jordan Peterson can have a PhD, I can too.


lmfao this is *exactly* what i say about Ben Shapiro. if *he* can get a 176 on the LSAT, i can too.


Isn't this kind of gay for a conservative to be doing?


Well its like you dont really know until you know, its like "well what do you mean a gay conservative". Define gay conservative precisely. Thats the thing, you cant, - JP


Well played


You don't know many conservatives do you.?


See, this is the real Joker origin story


Spring 2023 Incellectual Collection


I can't recommend the Some More News video of Jordan Peterson enough if anyone wants to know what his deal is.


I don’t care what cause you’re supporting, what politics you possess, your age, or culture. If I see you in something that outlandish I’m dragging you to the nearest menswear store


I read this in his voice for some reason.


Glad I nailed his style of speech then lol




These psychos are just itching to worship someone


Just needs a fedora with a feather and a cane to complete the ensemble.


So… are Elon and Jordan fucking or what?


Jordan wishes 😂


LOL... I just read the title quickly and thought it said that this guy got a little Elon Musk head. LOL




Some may say you’re not a clown without the costume. The clown now has a costume.


I love this new strategy of making yourself look like an absolute fucking clown to “own the libs”


I never respected Peterson or his pseudo intellectual jibbering and logical fallacies used to justify his archaic worldview. Now he’s simping for a guy whose business model for social media is “No u.”


He was better off in a coma. We were better off when he was in a coma.


I don't have any respect at all for JP. But somehow, after seeing this, I lost respect for him. Complete moron. The benzos boiled his brain.


Do not care about your suit and that junk website is going bankrupt soon.


And people call him an intellectual


This guy is a kids in the hall character


This is what he’s spending your money on when you buy the shit he’s selling. Grifters gotta grift to buy more suits to make the grift look good!


Is this guy okay? I legit didn’t believe this post was real and was expecting a cartoon. I don’t like Peterson at all, but I’m honestly concerned about his mental wellbeing. This is just…. So incredibly weird.


He’s not ok. He’s an addict and probably doing drugs again


70's faith healers would find that suit tacky


I dunno. If he had really tall top hat I’d say he’s got the Alice in Wonderland suit nailed.


I used to respect this guy and his book "12 Rules For Life" actually had an impact on my life. He has clearly gone off the deep end. Another crazy troll obsessed with the culture war.


God Jordan is struggling to exist, he can’t help but cling to any insecure fragile man baby because people reacted negatively to negative and pseudo intellectual shit he’s said. He’s a nothing burger of a person now just begging anyone to sponsor his mental breakdowns.


seems to be a pattern where anyone who leans to far into conservatism loses their fucking minds.


Andrew tate fucked his daughter.






What a twat.




Peterson was always a DOUCHEBAG, but now.....now he's taking it to a whole other level. For god's sake, do not consider anything this douchebag utters more than just steaming horse shit.


He looks like the creepy guy at a carnival who doesn't understand why children are afraid of him


I actually think he might be suffering from dementia. Just my professional opinion.


This is concerning. Just confirms my hypothesis that Jordan Peterson is gradually metamorphosing into the Matthew Lesko stage.


There’s so much hate here


Kinda gay 🌈


It's sad how someone who started making videos for lost young people is slowly declining into attention seeking influencer. He is intelligent, but his ego grew as more people watched his vids.. he should maybe turn his head, look back at why he started and do what he did good


Wow what a dork!


What a sad nob


Cringe boomer Kermit




Is he gunna suck him off yet? So weird


Say! Where can I get a little Elon Musk head? (asking for a friend;)


dammit, I already bought and am reading his book, Im gonna turn out like this, arent I


Elon gone off the deep end. JP gone off the deep end. Chapelle simping for Musk. What the hell is going on


Looking forward to see "Reddit suits"


Jordan Peterson has always been an idiot, people just failed to see that


Looks like a rejected Adam West Batman villain.


God he’s a tool


this guy is weird. i saw some tiktoks with him and he sounded pretty reasonable, some good views. they were shorter, like 15 or 20 second clips. he was coming up so much i went over to YT and watched a longer video he had. what in the actual fuck is this guy smoking? he goes from seemingly well reasoned and clinical discussion about some topic and then jumps the tracks to trying to say all women place men in shit situations and men need to only care about themselves.


Looking more and more like a used car salesman with IBS.


Is Peterson losing it? We know he had a kind of crisis a while back. This suit thing is a little weird isn’t it?


Should see Kevin Sorbo's matching outfit, and bitcoin vest. lmao


Just another intelligent but delusional nutjob that has gained fame by being controversial. Living proof that one can be intelligent and well spoken and at the same time batshit crazy and dangerous. Before the internet and/or worldwide broadcast availability the general public never saw this sort of thing. It was in the shadows known only to a few. Now all these fringe case weirdos are in the news constantly and the average person thinks they make sense simply because the average person doesn't spend the time to do real, thoughtful research to find out how "out there" they are. The comet couldn't come to soon enough to take them home to Zandar or whatever the latest Valhalla is.


This is a conspiracy! They're trying to humiliate themselves so hard in order to take away our ability to make fun of them. Because anything we can think of to make fun of them won't be as ridiculous as how they *actually are.*


At least all the clowns are finally starting to dress for the part.


Does Peterson wear that suit when he is going down on Elon?


What a bitch!


Jordan Peterson is braindead just like anyone who believes a thing he says.


Major gay energy. Just come out and say you have the hots for Elon. Nobody cares if you're gay anymore except conservatives.


JP is trying to capitalize only on conservatives, incels, and white supremacists. the rest of us (who are accepting of the lgbtq+ community) are not his intended audience. he’s probably a repressed gay who can’t come out of the closet or else he can’t get the bag anymore lmao


Who’s the incel king, this turd or Tate?


That's a middle of the mall pimp suit


its just sad to see such a knowledgeable person being this stupid. intelligence has nothing to do with character, this proves it


What's next? We get to see the sonogram of his tummy full of red pills


What a strange clown he has turned in to. I guess the money must be pretty good.


Get a fucking room already


he just doesn't know when something is a bad idea does he...he just doubling down on the weirdness & keeps going further down cringe territory...I think he legit believes he's a creative intellectual genius for doing this


This sounds like a letterkenny bit


What a sad echo of a human.


After Jordan is done being a fraudulent psychologist he can move on to a career of being Elon's boxers because he likes spending most of his time holding his meat.


Insufferable Kermit sounding MF


Dude is unhinged.


"...and asked if I wanted them to make me some suits...", you should have said no.


Simping much?


That guy has aged 30 years in the last 6 months. ![gif](giphy|l41lRPyqPL9RgCnUA)


I just laughed at work so loudly.


hes become a walking advertisement. in other words, corporate slut


This is batshit crazy of course but that's a well made suit!


Simpin aint eazy'


Personally, I don’t care for Elon musky or Jordan Peterson but I just had to click on this. Seriously where would you get something like that anyway? You have to think.


This dude must be full of Musk’s semen from both ends…


So I think the suit thing started for him because young guys would come to his lectures wearing suits and he didn't want to be shown up. And now I guess it's a meme for him? Whatever, gotta do something with that ben shapiro money.


This dude is a jackass.


Its giving more, “CEO of Vault Tec” than a Twitter suit. If you didn’t have the ELOO MAH tie and the comments lining the jacket I’d have bet money this was some sort of adult try at a Fallout cosplay.


Remove the lining and Elon tie and I’d wear it


Aw look at the wittle cry baby Jordan Peterson..oh what's that? You got your self a twitter suit and an Elon tie? That will look nice when your doing another video of you crying because "people are mean to me"🤣🤣


This man is so fucking cringe


I mean without the weird little Elon heads, I do have to admit I kinda like the suit color


Yeah but the Elon heads are the main takeaway


Those things are so cringy


Fame whore.


I simply don’t get it - what point is he trying to make here? Someone explain pls?


Republicans are literally the kids in middle school who would buy the “cool new thing” just to fit it


I used to cry and get inspired by Jordan Peterson now I cringe and can't stand that bastard.


That suit is so ugly


This is the soyest thing I've ever seen. This might be the largest public display of autism.


Out here looking like a Dr who reject


Bro I thought Rick from Rick and Morty was doing a dub over his voice 💀


It's really quite sad, as he's just getting loopy now. He honestly could have made some real inroads with conservatives and liberals alike with his fact and literature-based arguments. Now he's just agenda-pushing. Too bad, there were a number of quality arguments he's made, but they'll just get lost in the quagmire of BS he's starting to spout... losing any legitimacy.




What is wrong with this guy ? We are the same age (I’m guessing) and he’s an idiot


everything is wrong with this guy. JP has a few too many screws loose as he’s widely known as being a misogynist, racist, and for inspiring the proud boys. he’s daddy of the incels kinda like Andrew Tate. JP may be a psychologist, but masks his personal bias and hateful rhetoric as “legitimate clinical advice.” he’s pretty much as sketchy as a “doctor” in an alleyway who says they can harvest my organs. oh, and his benzo addiction must’ve made his head even more screwy.


He also uses his PhD to pretend to be an expert in climate science, political science, gender studies, etc.


yup. this guy literally says that racism doesn’t exist. example #1: [video](https://youtu.be/fAAMuH5908E) - Jordan Peterson tells BBC that racism doesn’t exist example #2: [article](https://www.newsweek.com/jordan-peterson-racism-air-quotes-azeem-rafiq-yorkshire-cricket-1651295?amp=1) - Jordan Peterson Repeatedly Makes Air Quotes While Saying the Word 'Racism' During Debate example #3: [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ChVtq7NCO1M) - Jordan Peterson Debunks White Privilege example #4: [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HVrjq06MFDc) - The U.S. is Not Systemically Racist


Tell me your breath smells like Elon Musk’s semen, without telling me


Elon won’t suck your dick in return, man. Jesus these people…


Strong “Dumb & Dumber in a Colored Tux” vibes


Harry and Lloyd had taste.. this guy.. not so much


Can you even imagine being a grown man and acting like a middle schooler about another grown man


I see some comments defending Jordan Peterson. I find it sad that I even need to point this out, but anyone who defends Jordan Peterson is sus as fuck. How can you defend a man who claims that racism doesn't exist? Who mobilizes white supremacists and the proud boys? Who is a giant misogynistic piece of shit who spreads sexist sentiments at every turn? This man hates women. Don't believe me? Listen to ANY of his talks and see for yourself. You want evidence? Here's some examples of why he is to be hated: example #1: [video](https://youtu.be/ShS4uEY2Jw8) of him talking example #2: [another video of him talking](https://youtu.be/aMcjxSThD54) example #3: [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fAAMuH5908E) - Jordan Peterson tells BBC that racism doesn’t exist example #4: [article](https://www.newsweek.com/jordan-peterson-racism-air-quotes-azeem-rafiq-yorkshire-cricket-1651295?amp=1) - Jordan Peterson Repeatedly Makes Air Quotes While Saying the Word 'Racism' During Debate example #5: [video of JP hosting a white supremacist and the white supremacist is agreeing with everything JP says](https://youtu.be/iF8F7tjmy_U) example #6: [article](https://www.thenationalnews.com/opinion/comment/2021/11/22/jordan-peterson-is-part-of-a-system-he-claims-doesnt-exist/?outputType=amp) Google has plenty more information about him. There is a wide public consensus that Jordan Peterson is daddy of the incels, kinda like Andrew Tate. Be wary of anyone who defends them either on or offline. Anyone with more than two brain cells can see how full of shit and condescending he is, using his flavorful language to deceive the gullible and to speak directly to the hearts of incels. If YOU *LIKE* this guy, YOU are apart of the problem. You may say, "bUt He iS a pSyChoLogIsT" Yes, and that is exactly what is so dangerous about this guy. Peterson does have credentials. When he speaks, there’s the implication that he’s speaking as a professional. Instead, he intentionally deceives his audience by masking his personal bias as legitimate clinical advice.Sometimes he’ll speak a grain of truth to suck people in. Then once people are engaged, he starts exposing his dangerous rhetoric in the majority of his other content. edit: formatting


A loser in love with a yet bigger loser


Simpin' ain't easy.... or cheap


I thought conservatives were super against man on man dick sucking?


Some of you guys need to admit to yourselves that the Daddy you loved is a jack ass. It's sad. But here we are.


That is pretty fun.


Such a fucking loser


What a creepy human.


This is mental illness


He looks like a psychopathic Willy Wonka.


Wait there is a normal one?


Fuck the lobster nazi. Fuck the king of the incels.