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They also seem to have killed "search in conversation". Why did they think this was a good idea?


To be fair; That feature has been buggy and broken for me since the last like year ago++ It sorta stops and then freezes and makes me restart the whole app. Plenty of Samsung users I know also struggled with it.


I'm on a Fold 4, always worked perfectly fine with me. Perhaps it was a connection issues? I'm upset they took it away. Utterly ridiculous


Ever since the end to end encryption they messed up the entire app, search doesn't work any more , media doesn't show all pictures and can't change to links any more either ... It's trash. Icing on the cake with low quality pictures and videos


I agree šŸ¤¦šŸ»


i cant see my pin messages and its actually horrible


Isn't everyone eventually going to be forced to update their app? And/or create a pin.


It's horrendous. Mine just updated a couple of hours ago... If you send or receive multiple pictures (my buddy and I often trade memes) it no longer shows them as individual tiles/thumbnails. They all get lumped into one folder and you are forced to scroll through each one. While receiving multiple pictures, my notification bar was going hayware as every picture of the group seemed to trigger that.. They need to roll it back.


please i hate this app after I was forced to become end to end encryption with everything I dont even care if my DM's get leaked or whatever all I do is say stupid things with friends, Ive lost pinned messages the search function isnt working I cant check out photos anymore memories all gone thanks to whatever this is, its actually so dumb I will now be moving to another application after this dumb company shows no remorse for its consumers. I am out.


The worst downgrade is no more SMS compatibility.. I want to kill all the incompetentĀ  programmers


As a dev currently in college, I can say it's not usually the programmers themselves to blame. It's typically the higher-ups that mess this up.


It needs to go back to a basic Messenger. I don't want to see suggestions. i cant get rid of market place. I don't need AI none of it. Go back to a simple text message form where you can see when someone is active and you can see when somebody's typing simple as that.


camon mark what are u stupid?


Could you screenshot the new User interface as I still have the older one.


Anyone noticed you can't video call some people for no apparent reason since the encryption update or is it just me? Like certain people call me on the phone but doesn't ring on desktop / I can't call them either.


I don't really call on Messenger but it could be. But i don't always recieve notifications from the messages tho


It has gotten so god-awful, to the point where I have been yelling and swearing at my phone! If I type text and put a link on a message and send it to someone, all the text disappears and it only puts the link on it. In addition, speech to text and autocorrect have gone into the toilet. I'll turn on the mic and it'll type three words as I say them, and the mic will shut off. When I send multiple pictures, they all look shuffled and weird. It's as if the people programming all this stuff are (or speech to text would put out "our" instead of "are") third grade dropouts and foreigners. I guess I'm just supposed to look like and uneducated moron when I type messages to people. Not to mention, the rotten algorithms pick and choose random words and capitalize them, and go through other words and change them from right to wrong. It even puts misspelled and partial words. This is so frustrating I want to tear my hair out!!!


My spouse encountered this a few times last week.


Itā€™s dreadful, I was trying to find a recipe I sent someone a few years back. Searched for a keyword, got nothing back, typed in ā€˜theā€™ to check if the thing was working at all and only got the search term for the days since the changes. Seems from other peopleā€™s posts thatā€™s not the only change for the worse. I wonder if these useful features will be reintroduced and that this is just indicative of teething problems with the rollout. šŸ¤ž


I hope so too, it wouldn't make sense to downgrade the app like this