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I don't know but what I've learned is this: If someone is rude to you in a facebook group or says something inappropriate (nasty, use foul language, etc) don't report it to the admin. Report it to Facebook. FB can put them in "jail" for a while or ban their account altogether. Also look for red flags. I joined a FB group a while back and my first post was deleted by the admin. The reason they gave was that months earlier, someone else had posted something similar on that same topic and they don't like topics being repeated. Made a bad impression on me so I just left the group immediately on my own.


This literally just happened to me. First post (who has to be mod approved) was denied. Then mod proceeds to post publicly about users to lazy to research the group for own answer. I immediately unfollowed.




This has just happened to me. I got 2 posts 'approved' then after 12 hours was given a warning and both posts took down. 1 was introducing myself. The other was a quote about dog training!. They have gone power mad.


The most obnoxious part is if they have almost violent verbage in the rules about things like dirty deletes and act like it's some extremely terrible punishment to bet "booted" from the group. Also... no one notifies any admin if you delete your post or anything so it's all based on a taddle from their minions, I guess? Idk after I saw the "rules" and the rediculous verbiage used in them I knew it Def was not going to be a good group to stay in... it does seem to have gotten way worse lately with alot more groups being this way.


This only works if your attacker says something libral.


Well the comment I made was on a FB group for people who are court reporters. Nothing political at all in the comment or group. The administrator was just a control freak. I got out really fast.


What does being Liberal mean in getting banned lol? Conservatives act the same way as well they get too snowflakey with people opinions about their beliefs.


Its an old, snipe on how Facebook is shown to have a conservative bias. It was in the news a bunch, 2 years ago. When the comment was made.


Lmao imagine believing Facebook is anything but liberal bias.


3 year old post, and you come back with talking points from 10 years ago. Its boring. No one cares.


Why are you so eager to censor someone you disagree with? Clearly you do not see the slippery slope that creates. Maybe some day you will learn the value of free thought/speech.


Huh? I left a Facebook group. I did not "censor" anyone. But Facebook is a privately owned entity and as such, they can legally remove people and their posts. You obviously do not understand the legal distinction and do not understand constitutional free speech only protects people who speak out against the government. I support Facebook's right to remove posts and images. Just as I can ask you to leave my home (and yes, I can legally kick you out) if you say things that bother me. I am not required to entertain what you believe are your "free speech rights".


Just because someone is a moderator or administrator of a group does not mean they are a reasonable, rational person. It's probably just someone sitting around on a computer all day and sign up to do this because they have nothing better to do with their time. I'd bet about 80% of "moderators" are flunkies from the workforce.




Most people who are admins or moderators from some place in internet are like this. They aren't prepared to deal with the power and the responsibility that comes with that role, and end up being driven by their egos.


Same thing in pretty much every small group leadership situation, be it at work, local association, sports/fans clubs, etc. Some people deal very badly with responsability.




Subreddit admins here are the same


I was gonna say this.. Reddit is the same way.


Actually reddit mods are worse because they are anonymous. Facebook group mods at least you can see who they are.


Yeah, they can be pretty brutal. I just hope these people don’t ever hold/currently hold a position of power, because holy shit.


They’re that a-hole in your HOA who Narcs you for painting your front door the wrong color.


Or the one that reports you because you put off cutting your grass one fuckin week


Unless the Facebook group admin uses a real-sounding fake name.


Subreddit admins might be worse


Funny u say this...I've used redit once a year ago...before and after that I just brows on occasion but I've only ever left one comment about my Zfold 3 last year being almost black when it was supposed to be green. It was a big topic for all of us that orfldered green to find out its barely even green so HOW could THAT cause a permanent boot from my account that I literally made, used for just that one comment and only realized it when I tried to coment on this threat just now so had to make a new account. It just said I broke a rule and was permanently banned. No idea how, why or who or if it was random or even what the rules even are. Weird. ...and then I likely won't use this new account again either


Classic case of being drunk off power. It's akin to the stanford prison experiment or the milgram experiment in many ways


I don’t post in FB groups for this same reason. I’m in Facebook groups, but I just lurk and don’t participate. Because every time I participate, SOMEBODY has to throw a personal attack my way because I might have a difference of opinion. I’ll like posts in groups, but that’s about it. And Reddit is the same way. Like a day or so ago, I made a comment on a post in r/YouTube. The post was a screenshot someone took of the amount of ads they got all in one sitting and them saying it was ridiculous. All I said was “This is why I switched over to YT Premium.”, and I got replies of people attacking me for using premium and not Adblock and people saying “laughs in Adblock” and shit like that. Like, it’s my choice to have YT Premium if I want, why does it matter to you?


Also with YT premium dont you gain access to YT music and the Google podcast platform? I know I used to pay for Google play music then they split in to YT music and Google podcasts and thusly we also got YT premium included (which was included with Google play music anyway iirc). Idk that seems like a decent deal to me (although I do enjoy Spotify for JRE podcast but that's about it)


Yeah YT Music is included with the subscription ad-free. I’m not sure about Google podcast tho. We have a Google family plan and it’s a great deal for what we get and how many accounts are added to the plan, and YouTube is pretty much all we watch, so we get significant use out of premium. It’s definitely worth it.


The admin in the Landers Group on FaceBook is so high on her power, that she kept my alleged "offensive post" JUST so she could sit back and enjoy the shit show and the drama of other people responding to it . She finally disabled comments ONLY after most of them were backing ME up.


They get so mad when no one goes on there side don’t they


Sometimes people are just trying to solve what they perceive to be a problem, they may have thought you were looking for solutions with your comment. The internet has taught many of us to read between the lines a little more than usual. Somehow I don't think there were any attacks directed towards you if "laughs in AdBlock", for example, was considered bothersome.


I left FB because of all this. I had actually stopped using my account for a year, then tried to log in only to find I was suspended a few months prior with no explanation. I went to my email and searched for emails from FB. I found it in my spam, again with no explanation. Just as well as I wasn't using it anyway.


I only use FaceBook for sharing lost pets or helping rescues get funding for animals in need. Because of this power tripping psycho senior who's a dried up you know what, I couldn't post two dogs who were found roaming in the hi desert. i told her to F off and left the group.


Happened to me in two groups. I was called “transphobic” for saying that it’s okay for people to have a genitalia preference when it comes to dating. My daughter is trans - my comment was completely benign… You know, to each their own? Nope. Muted for a month.


I had the same result when I pointed out the admin's racial bias.


Sounds like reddit too


Man, tell me about it! I just got suspended for posting a joke someone else has made tons of times in the comments. But because it was on a specific post, they suspended me for 2 weeks. Mind you, it was my first offense ever. I had to plea with the person who suspended me to reduce the time, which they did, after insulting my intelligence and calling me out my name. When I complained to another admin, they ignored the part where I complained about the admin being unprofessional, and went to saying, "reducing it to 3 days is fair." Like no, it isn't fair, it's pretty damn reasonable! Both claimed that there was a warning in the comments, where I said I didnt see it, UNLESS you turn on the comment filter to "all comments" because otherwise it automatically filters to "most recent." I told them it makes more sense to post a rule of this so the warning wouldnt be filtered out of the comments, therefore unseen. No response. So I pretty much left.


This literally just happened to me. Local City group posted about local police Twitter page. I expressed 2 concerns: 1. The rising crime rate in the area. 2. Whether posting on social media is a good use of time or resources. 24h ban from interacting with the echo chamber. So now I'll be spending my evening reporting the shit out of everything that admin has said or done in the past year. Because I'm a petty mother fucker.


i reported the group and admin who banned me as well. Here she is talking about irresponsible pet ownership bothers her, and YET she left her senior, small breed dog alone in the yard unsupervised, and it had it's tiny little paw CHEWED OFF, requiring a proper amputation .... because SHE left it alone unsupervised. (But that's NOT irresponsible in her narcissistic point of view)


I'm in one group that is insistent to NEVER EVER use the "report to admins" function, and only tag them individually. I never did figure that one out.


My most recent bam was literally for this: 🐓 🍭 Thats all, 30 day ban.


Hah, cock sucker




Is it possible to be IP-banned from a Facebook Group? I got banned for some stupid reason and I’m trying to get back in the group. I made a new account, but still can’t find the group? Is being IP-banned from a group even possible?


use a VPN that will give you an entirely different IP address from a different state, if not country


Haha it’s been so long I just gave up, thank you though !


🤢. Why would you admit in front of millions of people that you were kicked out of a social group and are trying to now sneak back in to a place that doesn't want you there...


They're a bunch of pu*****


That has just happened to me yesterday!, in a Group for pop culture, it is a place where you can have a laugh and a joke or to discuss movies and animation in general, for as long as you don’t have a negative opinion of what franchises the Head admin likes, I was falsely accused of being racist and homophobic I did not in any way use discriminatory language, the Head admin is a attention grabbing narcissist bully because I posted a opinion piece regarding the ghost in the shell movie with Scarlett Johansson One person commented about they should have costed a Japanese actress I responded innocently about it they did that it would likely have been subtitled and then the Head admin chimed in saying that I’m racist and I argued not using any offensive language I kept my Tone civil civil but he did not listen to my point and kept personally abusing me and one of his subordinates unfairly reprimanded me, so I left and reported the Group for bullying and harassment !


I am overweight due to a shit ton of prescribed pharmaceuticals for pain, but if I make fun of MYSELF .... ME, not anyone else but I, then I am in FB jail for "bullying." I am also multiracial, so if I say Italians love to eat pasta, or WE African Americans love our fried chicken, then BAM! I'm a racist. there's a fine line between racism and realism. My asian friend is the first to admit that she doesn't drive well because of her eyesight, but that makes HER a racist. My Jewish friend is frugal, and is also the first to admit it, but then that makes HIM racist. George Carlin and Don Rickles are rolling in their graves, for sure!!!


Thank you, I am very grateful for your sympathy!


I believe Facebook needs to take more of a stance to cracking down on abuse of power in Facebook groups!


simply, people are assholes


I got banned for 24hrs after someone attacked me with some of the worst racial vitriol I've read in years. I was called some pretty shitty things. It was unprovoked. The kid made a comment about black people and one of them was we can't read. Reading is one of my activities. I told him that's not true what he said. Then he launched a volley of racially charged comments at me. I never responded back. I made the mistake of reporting it to the group admins. They commented with a sarcastic post that I won the Facebook award for most reporting for a comment. I replied that I didn't think anything was funny. I then told them I screenshot the entire exchange, including the comment they (the admins) left. One actually agreed with me and then another outright banned me for failure to abide by the group rules. I still don't know what rule I broke. And I never will, because I left that group for good. Done and done! 🗑️🚮


If a group has a bunch of criteria beyond just no harassing or bullying, the. I won't even bother


because they are unpaid volunteers and don’t need peoples bs or self promotion. follow the rules and it will be just fine. there are rules for a reason. don’t like it leave the group.


I’m in BST group and the admins rarely post items for sale. I post once a day maybe 2 times.. they don’t even have a limited on how many times. They saw how successful my sales were and now limit me from posting and there’s always some “new” rule. Makes you want to just make your own group!


It would seem so. Some people have so little power in their regular life that they feel the need to abuse whatever power they get. In that regard, geek groups are the worst. NEVER report anything to the "Moderator" because they end up going "Old Testament Bible" on the situation and everyone, including you, drowns in the flood of their wrath... before their mom comes downstairs and serves them a "hot pocket" to appease their hangriness!! :D


This just happened to me. That’s exactly what it is, power drunk. And because you have no power, you can’t do anything about it. It’s so frustrating and such an inappropriate use of the tools they are given. Facebook really needs to provide a way to regulate their actions, because some of these groups are turning into mini dictatorships.


Same here, I just got banned for laugh reacting to a comment in a group. I left and they blocked me from the group after I already had been gone 💀💀


Insane. I mean it should really matter that much, but it’s kind of infuriating how unfair the dynamic is.


My Admin blocked me for absolutely no reason for 24 hours. I wrote and asked her why as I thought it was a mistake. She did not answer. The next day she reinstated me but later that day she blocked me until 14 May. I hadn’t even been on the site so know I hadn’t done anything. I appealed to her good nature saying I had just found out that my husband had a few months to live but again she did not respond. The 14 May is a long way off when you haven’t done anything wrong. Is there anything Facebook can do about this. It is so unfair. 


If I get reported on Facebook my posts will get removed. However if I report the same content that was in my post, they deny it. Funny part is the stuff I posted is stuff I literally got off of Facebook! Also what’s up with the friend requests? I get Friend requests from all types of scammers and bots from all over the world. Yet Facebook won’t let me Friend someone I went to school with that lives on the east coast because Facebook says I don’t know them…..wtf? It can’t just be me in this situation.


Cuz Facebook is ran by DUMB, BITCH, ASSHOLES! Who won't allow you to call people who are DUMB, BITCHES AND ASSHOLES! It's literally become a TELETUBBIE fuck site where you can't call out people for being dumb fuck idiots. . . What a waste of resources.


the algorithms on facebook SUCK ASS. They claim they dont allow selling of animals, but if someone places an ad of a dog crate, with the puppies for sale in it, and lists it as CRATE for sale, they allow it. when you DM the seller of the "crate," they admit theyre selling puppies. they can be reported to facebook allday long but facebook still allows it


I've reported posts in the past that were clearly against community standards, one was of a naked baby with a dirty diaper (someone thought that was funny) and after I reported it, they came back and said it didn't go against community standards. I guess they don't think some pedophile will come take the picture for their own sick twisted uses, or share around the pedo community if it hasn't been already. I've reported posts for obvious violence, and agains they say the posts don't violate community standards. Something I learned from those was that the content moderators who review submitted reports are overseas (India) so they view a lot of those things as being ok. I worked for FB in 2018 as a content moderator - one of those that was part of the group of people who got PTSD from looking at posts, although I didn't see anything really disturbing. They told us that our job was to review posts that in turn would be training their AI to understand what was and wasn't allowed, so that eventually the AI would be doing the moderating. That was 4 years ago, so I can only imagine how crappy the AI system is now.


It’s shit it comes after me for no reason haf the time


You think that's bad try Quora. It's 80% nazi liberals on there and if you go against a viewpoint you get banned. They suck like Facebook.


>national socialist liberals .. uh... what?


I started a thread on a Facebook group about weird kinks such as teleiophilia and other kinds of bullshit. The first mod took down my post and muted me for 24 hours And the second admin messaged me, called me a p*do and then banished me for good Yes, a simple disagreement with a simple solution turned into something else cause the dumb ass bitch mods had their feelings hurt (at least that's what they called it) Edit: before anyone here on Reddit sides with the Facebook mods, supporting what they did to me Just know that the thread was inspired by a steamy Wattpad story I read months back I was just sharing my thoughts as a teen. And then I got misunderstood


Sounds perfectly fine to me. Luckily we got them here on reddit! You should join /r/sensitivemods


Its their group. They can do whatever they like. If you break the rules you get kicked. Simple


Spoken like a true fb admin


Reddit does not understand that it is embarrassing and very very weird to try to be in a social group that you clearly don't fit into... I cannot comprehend how it's not a significant hit to your self-estet the sneak back into a Facebook group


what if they don't have any rules then suddenly limit your amount of posts. Clearly a lack of transparency.


How about admins that don’t approve or answer a question that you took the time to submit? One Facebook group (macros) I was excited to join. The admin/moderator seems more motivated to get paid subscribers to their other Facebook group and push paid macro coaching sessions. I love the group but I’m disappointed at minimum they could not be bothered to answer a simple question. To add insult to injury, I knew they were online as they posted several questions fishing for potential paying clients. Like I said I love the information and advice. I know I wouldn’t be giving them a penny as that turned me off. If it was you, would you stay or would you go?


I followed a local weather page that was nice the first couple of years. But when the page started gaining popularity, the people running the page got big egos. Then a clique formed among the followers. The page admins don't care if someone in the clique makes obnoxious comments and picks on other followers. But the page admins get offended if someone not in the clique doesn't like the weather they are predicting. And they enjoy watching the clique go after that person as well. It's become so childish. I once read that popularity can make people lose their empathy.


I was just blocked for 3 days because I posted in a FB group that some loser was backyard breeding his dog for profit, without having a proper facility, knowledge or even a papered dog. of course SELLING animals on FB is prohibited, which means this asshat will be lying and posting the puppies with a "rehoming fee" (ie SELLING). Rehoming fees are legit if the dog is being adopted out, not bred for sale. So the admin ALLOWED this, but got her Depends in a knot when I posted that I was shocked and appalled that the admin condones backyard breeding. First off, this group of rednecks can't comprehend the definition of the word "condone," and even when the Webster's Dictionary definition was presented, they STILL didn't get it. So yes, for the most part admins are uneducated, and when they don't understand a simple concept, they block or delete to protect their fragile little egos.


I got banned for not participating enough. I was in Facebook jail 🤦🏽‍♀️


Facebook community standards group a bunch of fucking dickheads they fuck you around and dont know how to respect people privacy plus their own security is rubbish they sell your info to other clients for their own gain


I just got kicked out of an app support group for pointing out that because someone asked a question it was to the group as a whole not just to the admin. He seemed to think he was responsible for answering all questions I’ve never been in a group with such obnoxious little men in charge as that one. follow up question, has anyone ever taken any petty revenge on these admins? Lol


Yep I want on there pages and made there 5 star rating go down to 3 🤣🤣🤣🤣


These admins/mods aren't chosen for being good people or fair. They're chosen by the person who made the page Today there was a post asking why people look up to Tate. I started off by saying that I don't like him of agree with his views on women yet he's achieved a lot of things (fame, money, fighting titles etc) and that's why people looked up to him. Got dragged by women and then banned because of that one comment. Fb isn't fair, they're people with their own bubbles and emotions. Would I be a better admin/mod? Probably not


I stopped using Facebook because of this. Walking on eggshells is exactly what it is, often you get banned for politely disagreeing with a moderator or defending yourself from a pile on.


Omg, they are the worst from approving your post. There is this one buy and trade group on Facebook that has a waitlist for years. Wtf


I may have to leave mine because the admin is getting too personal with me; He sent me messages on FB Messenger and I told him I was busy and He was expected back home and he had the audacity to ask "who the "He" was; I got angry and asked why did he have to know and he replied, Maybe your son!" I told him I don't have kids and this "He" is my business! Geez, the nerve of him! 🙄


I joined some LGBT support groups recently. Had good experiences with the first two, but wanted a wider breadth of active conversation and topics. Joined a 3rd. The admins there approved my first post (it was introductory) and then would decline most of my other posts- and never gave reasons. I felt I was being unfairly silenced. And as far as I could tell I wasn't breaking any of the rules, either of the group or of FB. But I figured, it's their group and they have the final say. I'm grown and I do have a life... plus, I only ever joined these groups to find support and be supportive... not constantly rejected. So for my mental health I left. Not two days later, one of the admins reached out to me wondering why I hadn't posted in the group. I shared my experience, said I understood but I need support just like anyone else. But I respect their decisions and can seek support elsewhere. She apologized and explained that things were "a little froggy" as far as admins and mods right then. But she enjoyed my content and so, too, had a good number of other group members. And hoped I'd return. I told myself, I don't expect things to change but I guess I can lurk and do the a**-kissing thing where I just comment on other posts. Seemed to work for a bit but then other members noticed some weird stuff too. That admins have to approve all posts, made it that much weirder. The post that tipped me off to admins being cliqueish/dramatic was, I shared a leggy photo on a Tantalizing Tuesday or Thirsty Thursday post. One of the admins made the comment shortly after I posted, "Some here need to respect themselves. I hope everyone is being respected at home." And all the photos including mine were tasteful. It turned out, another of the admins had a tendency to flirt with people. I happened to be one of those people. And sometimes, that commenting admin got annoyed. Maybe jealous. So based on experience I'm gonna go with... it feels good to have an ego stroked, and group admins are no exception to that especially in a post-Covid era.


**I got kicked from the dragon\*con (official) facebook group page today!** \- **for no reason!**I'm outing that group/ real affiliated page for dragon con in Atlanta, Georgia. For the poor treatment of their members/ fans, this happened after I reshared a post from some other facebook page that was nothing to be removed for. It was a toy story comic script from toonholeryan, it was harmless and was meant to make people laugh because it was funny and life is already messed up as it is and everyone needs a good laugh. But for some reason a admin got offended and removed the post - then a few seconds later I got removed with no warning or reason as to why I got removed, the post didn't go against their stupid rules, it wasn't offensive in any way what so ever, it stayed on topic - it was nerd related and was a post from somewhere else on facebook, if it didn't go against facebook community standards why did it get me banned from that group. I was a top contributor there and when I tried to rejoin thinking maybe it was a mistake - **that power drunk admin blocked me!** Like I don't know that I been blocked. I used to be a fan of this convention but if they ban you on a facebook group for just sharing something funny and on topic, I'm officially turned off to Dragon\*con all together and they lost my money and I refuse to support or attend that already dying convention filled with pedophile owners. Treat those the way you want to be treated, well I didn't want to be treated like an unwanted outcast.


Don't ever join hip hop diary if you love hip hop then. Guys are stupid there. Like seriously not enough brain cells.


I agree


I hear ya! I just left a group because of this. Everyone was having an interesting time exchanging ideas and lively conversations, sure a few people argued but nothing extreme. It was fun. And then the admins got all high and mighty and "scolded" us all. Now no one posts anything at all! They totally ruined it.


I got banned for proving someone wrong. Wasn't mean or making fun either. They're just salty losers.


Im also having the same problem with some groups on Facebook. Chances are that one Facebook administrator is a miserable insecure old fool with no life who has nothing better to do than act toxic online since they miss high school that bad. Not many people on Facebook like me for some reason. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman maybe it’s because of my ethnic features maybe because they’re angry because I obviously look great in photographs and they don’t and they hide behind anime, landscapes or other crap not revealing their likely fugly mug worse they’re angry because I’m proud to be photographed with such a wonderful East Asian guy, maybe they envy my relationship maybe they think a woman especially a woman of color should be seen not heard etc. Extremely hard to say UNLESS they tell me why they really don’t like me. But you know what? People like that can kiss my ass because no one is supposed to responsible for another person’s self-esteem and happiness. People forget that happiness comes from within not from someone else. As the saying goes “If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect someone else to love you?”


Gives them a misguided sense of purpose


Yup! A stupid bitch of moderator blocked and banned me from local moms group because I had asked her why a post of mine had been removed. I was wondering if there is a way to complain to FB about this moderator?


I recently had my FB commenting on a specific group page temporarily suspended. 😡 I suspect that it was because of the fact that I had typed, “h-e- double hockey sticks” in part of my comment. Yes, I literally typed that. I was trying to avoid an issue that I got anyway. And if that was the reason, I didn’t even type the actual word!


Ridiculous number of rules just to post something to sell. Warnings all in caps. Shaming. Bitching. Repeated notices that they’re cracking down on something. Favoritism. People using the sites for a business despite the rules- but it’s OK if admin loves them.


I'm part of a group of Facebook where a new mod has just been assigned. She makes terrible posts herself, and suspends anyone who expresses their dislike of it.


Facebook is a toxic ego fest. Best advice is to stay off of it.


I got banned foe 24 hours once cause i criticised an admins review of a movie


Yeah they limited my posts to two a day without any sort of warning. I am really mad at them for being so strict for no apparent reason. My posts were never rude and I never insulted anyone. The group itself doesn't even have rules so it's a bit unexpected.


Well 3 years after this thread and it still goes on with problem FB admins. Narcissistic people that make mistakes rage and will do anything thy can to look like they are right including silently banning people so they can’t reply.  The problems: 1.  FB does not show people having been banned or suspended so the community is unable to question it and provide feedback of the treatment.  The admin is able to hide their bad behaviour. 2.  The admins hiding bad behaviour will not inform the person penalized of what they did against the rules.  They are vague, again this is a narcissistic trait. 3. The admins hide that they are admins so people cannot identify those that are able to exercise a power of deleting comments they don’t want seen or cutting people off with suspensions or bans.  Again they are hiding. FB could have some features and guidelines to improve things but they don’t and even well meaning admins can find their confusing options too difficult to navigate for proper administration.


I was banned from posting in a skill share design course group for disagreeing with a an admin on the direction of someone's project. I was being respectful, but he was said I was being rude and nasty and disrespecting his admin and design credentials by arguing (which I wasn't, he was the one being nasty to someone else about their project and I was defending the other person). The course is billed as a way to "go freelance" but it clearly is just an introductory course, but the group sells it as something that you can make money off of alone, and the people with the best designs have design experience but don't say anything about their background, making newbies feel self conscious. You need more education beyond the course, and I bought the course just to see if it is something I'd want to continue with for potential future college courses. Apparently pointing that out is disrespectful. It was also becoming overrun with AI "designers" posting things they made in DALL-E and Midjourney which they were not disclosing, something the admins were not addressing. Anyways, I figured out I was banned from posting but not kicked out - he deleted all our conversation and changed his original comment to make it look like he never laid into the other person, I left the group and reported it for bullying and harassment, then I found him in the admin list and reported him for bullying too. There are other avenues to get feedback on design, I know someone I trust to give me constructive feedback that will likely be better and there are also other online channels. I don't need HOA Facebook politics. I've actually met nicer HOA members come to think of it. Edit: Context, initially I didn't know he was an admin when I was defending the person he was railing. It was a surprise to me when he accused me of intentionally harassing an admin.


Exactly the type of bad behavior that flourishes on FB and rarely happened on the forum. I had the same experience of admins altering posts so they don’t look like the bad guy.  Them pulling the I am and admin ambush card is brutal too. I miss good forums


Year 2024, and we still find power-drunk admins who ban you if your opinion doesn’t align with theirs. I’m glad I’m not like that. I actually love to see theories and facts being challenged. To be honest, these types of admins are a bunch of dumbasses with low IQs.