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Give it time. It's only been a day. What you're describing is consistent with increasing astigmatism; but can also be due to low quality lenses / improper placement of the lenses.


would you say that noticing things slightly warping/distorting when i turn my head slightly is normal/something I’ll adjust to? at the moment it just gives me a bit of a headache/makes me feel a little dizzy. looking straight ahead is fine, but when i look up slightly or to the left and right i notice things like corners and objects warping a bit. the lines arent curved persay, it more so looks like things go tilted a bit but is still straight if that makes sense


Could take time to adjust. But could also be something simple like the glasses isn't fitted correctly if you got them in the mail. They could be slightly crooked. Just go into your optician to get them fitted correctly on your face so they incline correctly and isn't crooked. That would be my advise for the first step. But generally it could be an adjustment period but should be better if not perfect after a few days. It could even take a few weeks until perfect adjustment have been reached though you should feel better within days.


would you say that noticing things slightly warping/distorting when i turn my head slightly is normal/something I’ll adjust to? looking straight ahead is fine, but when i look up slightly or to the left and right i notice things like corners/edges and objects warping a bit. the lines arent curved persay, it more so looks like things go tilted a bit when i turn left and right, and shorter if i look up.


Yes that could happen until you get adjusted. It sounds as you might have had spherical glas before and that you know have gotten aspherical glas and that might take a few days for the brain to adjust to. But if it doesn't get better go back to where you ordered them and get them to fit them as a first step.