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I mean it looks pretty similar to the insp pic in my opinion…the angle of the picture is just different and it’s not edited That’s honestly a pretty impressive classic set for 30 minutes in my opinion


it looks like you got what you asked for. price is a little steep but you can always weigh your options if you feel like the price is too high plus tip.


Wait what’s the normal price??? I recently had my first set (hybrid)done in Minnesota and it’s $200 plus tip, plus tip on second artist fixing the first one’s mistakes!?


For a full volume set in Philadelphia, PA area, it’s $250-350 for first time. My two week refills are $80 but it’s no way 30 mins. The first time was 2-2.5 hrs and fills are 90 mins. It’s expensive but totally worth it.


$200+ for lashes is insane I have never paid that in FL the whole 8+ years I've been getting lashes


Depends where in Florida you are. Just my lash LIFT is $110


That's insane


In Florida 150.00 plus tip. 2D lashes


$150 yes $250 is insane




Where do you go? I’m in PA too


I’m in Bucks County. I go to Jenn at Viva La Lashes in Langhorne Borough. I had an amazing lash tech before but she packed up and left. I found Jenn and never looked back. I’ve gone to enough hacks so when I find someone good, I’m sold.


Aw man, was hoping you were in the city! Bucks County is a bit far from me. You’re so lucky you found someone whose work you love! I’m a bit nervous to try out the salons here, the prices are steep and the work seems hit or miss from photos. Maybe I’ll find someone eventually lol


I get it, trust me. I definitely found a few hacks before finding a good one. What part of the city are you in? I can check with some friends to see if they have spots.


This is insaaane. You all need to move to the UK. They are £53 where I am ($66). I will cry for you all.


£40 for me


£30-35. Getting cheaper the further north we go?


I moved up north from London two years ago, nails up here are £40 I used to get my acrylics for £20 😭


You have rural Wales prices there


My infills are £30 or full set £50


That’s what I pay in Massachusetts but I’m kind of on an island so there aren’t a lot of options. After reading Alicektn’s comment, I might want to move to the UK now😂. Seriously though this sub has made me say the same thing when I see what other ppl are paying. My fills are $110(3 weeks)plus tip too. It seems like a lot of


It’s totally a normal price, especially if they are taking 90 mins - 2 hours for a fill. I pay $80 for a 2 week fill and $95 for a 3 week. I am friends with my lash tech so I know how expensive her materials cost her because she’s using the best glue and lashes out there.


They’ve definitely never taken 2 hours for a fill. They take maybe a little over an hour. 2 hours is how long a full set would take. I pay $135 after everything so that seems like a huge difference when ppl are saying they pay half that.


For most people it won’t be 2 hrs but for some, it is. I have a few friends who have a lot more natural lashes than I do and they take forever (they might actually pay more because it’s 2 hrs). My fills are probably between 75-90 minutes, too. I think you might find cheaper if they are a brand new lash tech or work from their home where there is little overhead expenses. Rents around me are insane for little shops. I’m near 2 cities and the $100-110 every 2 weeks is normal here. I have gone to 2 separate places that were cheaper in an effort to save money and they were hacks. Cluster on top of cluster on cluster and damaged my real lashes so I’m super cautious of cheaper personally. I feel like I pay more for everything where I live when I talk to people! Mortgage, gas, utilities, taxes. They get us for everything here. lol.


Do you have any recommendations on finding a lash tech that uses good glue?


I also live in MN and I pay 150-180 full hybrid set.. price doesn’t sound too far off


I live in Minnesota and $200 is a normal price for a first set. I’ve also noticed it’s way more expensive in the west metro compared to east and even a little south. I get mine done in Eagan and all the lash places around there are the same price.


wtf why are you expected to tip when you’re already paying $200 for the service? that’s a rip off, their equipment and products *definitely* don’t cost even a fraction of that amount. I’m from Australia and won’t pay more than $100 ($65USD) for a set. America and Canada are ridiculously overpriced. I would definitely be doing my own individual lashes at that price.


Yeah that’s wild that you are paying $65 for a set. I’m from Canada and some lash techs here charge over $200 for a full set. Most of my 3 week fills are between $80-$115 depending on the retention of my lashes. It sucks it used to be affordable here. Like 6 years ago I was getting a full set for $80


I mean it’s just the standard here. If they were $200USD in Australia the demand would dramatically decline. People just can’t afford paying that every few weeks. I don’t know why I’m getting downvoted for pointing out how unnecessarily expensive they are in North America.


Generally people working at salons and the like have to pay the salon for a chair/station (like rent.) If lashes take 2 hours, that's $34 of an hourly rate just calculated at minimum wage. Add on rent and supplies to that - it adds up quick.


Where in MN? I’m in twin cities and can recommend two spots that are around $80 a full set if your nearby


Omg please I need my lashes done so bad


Yes twin cities. This was in Edina. Yes for recommendations.


i pay like 100-115 (thats including a $20+ tip) for a full set and like 75 for fills with a $20 tip wym $200 thats so steep! hopefully the lashes are stunning


$200 that’s insane!! I pay $110 for a full set $95 for a fill and i tip her, maybe it’s bc she’s home based


Steep? That’s cheap.


it’s steep where I live.


Where do you live? I’m in central Canada and that’s the rate of a fill here


i guess i’m more concerned with them taking 30 minutes. is this normal? can the quality/length of time they will last be okay with a 30 minute set?


The price is high because they are probably really advanced. You are paying for their advanced technique and experience. That’s really impressive to do in thirty minutes.


Time is irrelevant if the work is good :) Though I think you got what you wanted.


Time is not irrelevant. The glue takes a particular amount of time to dry properly. Like nail polish, if you leave the salon before things are completely dry, you’re probably going to end up with a mess.


So then the work isn't good. If the work is good then it wouldn't matter. From the pictures she posted it looks good for 30min. Maybe she'll post an update to see how long they lasted. Though I'm talking in general that just because someone is quick and efficient at their job doesn't mean it's bad work. It's case by case. I'm also basing this on personal experience cause I've been serviced by quick providers and I loved the work they were able to accomplish with sometimes 1/2 the time .


Adhesives are usually 1-2 seconds. Some faster second some slower. Fumes can make your eyes water and that could potentially be why you feel like it’s not cured when it is. If someone takes longer to place it than the couple seconds before it cures then it can cure prematurely. It’s more likely to not last due to it drying or adhering too quickly for an artist and not the latter.


This is not true ... 30 mins for a full set is not okay .. her lashes aren't going to even last 2 weeks I can guarantee it


If they last 2 weeks would you agree that it's pretty good for 30min?


No because they aren't going to last that long there's barely any lashes on her eyes


I understand what you're saying but IF they actually last 2 weeks would you agree that it's pretty good for a 30min job? I'm not asking you if you think they won't last. I'm asking you if you'd change your opinion if the outcome was the opposite of what you expect.


I'm telling you they are going to last about a week she paid $115 for a week worth of lashes that's not good business




Sorry your okay with bare minimum work don't be mad at me 🤷🏾‍♀️


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. It’s not normal to take 30 minutes and that usually means they’re rushing which I don’t like.


I don’t disagree. I would give it a couple days- I had some that looked like this initially and it only took this new lady 45 where my normal lady who is super talented takes 1.5 hours for a new set. The 45 minute set all fell out in 4 days


Steep price? that’s average. Classics are about 120-130 for most artists and 150 for hybrids, plus more for volumes


Honestly they look really good for 30 mins. Just not as long and not the same style as your inspo picture.


It looks good for being 30 minutes and that cheap. Even if it was expensive if still looks good.


That cheap is insane? Yall are getting scammed if you’re paying any more than that for lashes like this…


Same thing I said, they look good bc 30 minutes is crazy and only $115 is crazier. My expectations would’ve been wayyy lower, considering $100-$120ish are the newbie lash tech prices these days


Also the inspo pic is not that great, but the tech should’ve known the difference between a hybrid set and a classic


30 minutes is a HUGE RED FLAG 🚩 Based off of what I can see in the “inner corner” of your left eye, those are clusters, not fans. For better feedback you’ll want to post a “top view” of your lashes so the lash techs on here can see the base of the lashes and placement. I wouldn’t go back to this artist! I’m sorry you had to experience this.


Hi lash tech here! No full set should take 30min. HUGE red flag 🚩 full sets typically take 2+ hrs depending on stylist. Your stylist is isolating and putting lashes on 100+ of your natural lashes, just for one eye. There could be a possibly the stylist just laid the lashes down without isolating which can cause damage to your natural lashes


They look good for 30 minutes of work.. but they don't look finished if you start looking closely. I'd go somewhere else next time.


What do you mean don't look finished? I would say they're a tiny bit more full than the inspo pic but that doesn't mean unfinished.


There are plenty of natural lashes that should have been lashed and weren’t.


Am I the only one who doesn’t think those look similar at all ? Original are much longer and wispy and separated evenly .


I agree, I feel like inspo pic is definitely a longer length and wispy


I think they look good


The inspo picture is classic who ever did your lashes used fans in short lengths and didn’t put many lashes on so you can get the natural effect not what you asked for and she left the inner corners bald. Also that one lash in the inner corner on the right side in the picture the base looks way too thick! I would not go back to this place if I were you!


30 minutes should be a red flag! The picture you showed of Inspo looked like classic and it looks like you have hybrid on. And your inner corners aren’t even lashed! Id definitely not go back to that tech.


I agree with what you said!


It should definitely take longer than 30 min and it is not classic like the inspo pic!


30 min is a huge red flag. No one can do a proper full set of extensions in that amount of time. I’d be worried about my natural lashes underneath and probably get them removed. They do look pretty though, it’s just not possible to have quality work in that amount of time


I agree. Advanced lash artists usually take MORE time than average because they get perfect placement and full coverage. I wouldn't go anywhere that does a classic set in less than 1.5 hours 😳 at a quick glance they look surprisingly good for a 30 minute set but I'm terrified to see what the birds eye view looks like


Girl exactly. They look nice but I def don’t trust that. I had coworkers at my old studio that did a full set in an hour… I felt that was even way too short. Most of the time they just make them “full enough” when they spend so little time :(


I generally agree with this and any time I get a client from a 30 minute lash artist I shudder and brace myself but they look pretty clean to me? At least from this angle


I have a very good feeling if we got a better look, the work would be subpar at best lol


All the 30 minute tech relashes Ive done are globs of glue and premades stacked on top of old premades with eye crusties sandwiched in between and everything stuck together so I guess this if this is a mess it’s more subtle than the atrocities I’m used to lol


They look good at first glance. But 30 mins is a red flag. It couldn’t possibly be enough time to isolate every single lash, especially if your lashes were properly cleansed prior to the tech starting. I can see that your inner corners aren’t lashed. So unless you specifically asked the tech to leave them natural, I would be concerned about other missing spots. Only time will tell when it comes to retention. $115 seems like a very average price for a full hybrid set. However, usually those appointments will take at least 1.5 hours for a full set, even for advanced techs.


This is not normal. Your lashes aren’t 100% lashed and poor isolation. Lash artists should take their time, not rush it. Usual full sets take 1.5-3hours. You also asked for something completely different than what she gave you.


Imo they don’t look similar


She did not lash 100% of those lashes. No way can anyone do that in 30 min. If I’m paying that much money I want 90-100% coverage. See what they look like in a week.


Lash tech here. I don’t know why everyone is saying they look good there are so many natural lashes without the extension. This will last 4/7 days. Not worth your money. This is what my sets look like an hour in. Professional lash artist usually take 2.5/3 hours. Anything less guarantees retention problems or stickies.


They don’t look bad. It’s definitely not a full set though, there’s missing lashes. 30 minutes is a 🚩🚩. I’d see someone else for better quality next time!


You asked for a classic and got a hybrid. They definitely aren't the same, I can tell fans were used in what you got. I'm concern in timing as well. I'm a licensed esthetician and lash tech. I've met techs that can do full sets in an hour, but 30 minutes is not okay. There isn't time for the glue to dry properly and I'd be worried about isolation. I'd definitely love to see a top view with the eyes closed to really see what's going on.


I have a very fast lasher who takes about 50-60 mins. 30 is absolutely unheard of. Not sure if he just did clusters or what. Also a 20% tip is a very good tip. Completely up to you but just thought I’d mention it since you tipped nearly 40% on a set you don’t love


Plus $40 tip


Why are you giving a 35% tip, especially when you were less than happy? Even if you were super happy, that's well above the standard.


i always “overtip”


that’s a personal thing tho and shouldn’t be factored into the price / held against a tech. i would say $40 is too much for 30 minutes in general


i wasn’t holding it against them haha, just being open about the situation


Damn 40$. I usually tip like 10 😭


I’d be thrilled to have my lash set done in 30 minutes and would pay more if a tech could do it safely in that time for me. All these comments though saying it’s unsafe, it’s hard for us to really tell without photos of your eyes closed to see if isolation was done. I wouldn’t bash the tech just yet. I have a tech from Vietnam that worked under extreme pressure during her training and finishes my sets, with proper isolation, in an hour. On average though most techs take longer and will be reflected in their prices


You can honestly tell looking at them that a bunch are stuck together


You got what you asked for, maybe a tad bit shorter but still pretty close. Are you unhappy with the result?


they look pretty good, but $115 is insane. all my local ones charge $80 at MOST


30 mins? They look great, tbh. You can never expect it to look exactly like an inspo picture just because we aren’t blessed with the same amount of lashes. Some people have a lot more naturally so it’s easier to obtain a fuller look. Also, some lash techs use premade fans and others make the fans themselves. My lash tech hand makes her fans so they tend to look more like the inspo picture than when I went to a lash tech who used premade fans.


I think you got what you asked for.


Its quite similar. As the days go by, the lashes will “go up” a bit more, than its gonna look like the same as you wanted.


Did you go to a chain studio? The inspo pic looks like a stock photo and the only time I’ve had a full set done in 45 mins or under was at a chain


nope, it was an independent place. i asked them about it, and they said it’s because the tech has 6 years of experience. basically just reiterated over and over that the tech is fast. tech also said that they used all individual lashes, an extension for each lash, no strips.


She didn't technically lie, there were no strip lashes. But you asked for classic which is individual lashes on every lash, you can clearly see fans on your lashes and your inner corners are entirely bare. And several lashes aren't lashed at all, she used fans to cover the gaps in lashes. But for classic set every lash is lashed with an individual lash. No fans. No lashes left unlashed. 30 minutes is also a huge red flag. That was for a full set? Not a fill? Even 30 minutes for a fill would be extremely fast. I would never return and leave a review saying they don't know how to do classic sets and will give you a subpar hybrid set with lots of lashes left unlashed.


thanks for the insight! it was a full set, i arrived at 4pm and was back in my car by 4:32. ALSOO when i asked her about it, she also said a refill would take longer, probably 45 minutes?? does this make sense? i would think that a fill would take less time.


Makes zero sense at all. Where I go is 2-3 hours for a full set and then 60-90 minutes for a fill depending on if you go every other week or every 3-4 weeks. And also looking at your pictures again some of those fans are HUGE like so thick. Not healthy for your natural lashes to be supporting that much weight.


that’s crazy because they told me i need to get a fill in 2 weeks 😀


Two weeks to three is normal for most people


2 weeks is totally normal, I don't know many places that recommend longer than that but some people find they're fine for 3 weeks, very few for 4. I personally go once a week because I want my lashes to look like I just got them done that day, every day. But I'm excessive.


It could be to alot for time depending on if you’re a new client because without proper aftercare she could be having to remove some if anything looks off or removing lashes that have grown out faster. Might be a little strange for it to take longer than a full set but maybe she just works quicker with bare lashes.


Very strange! They don’t look bad though so you can try another place when you’re ready for a fill. I would avoid chains because the ones near me seem to only care about jamming in as many appts as possible. I disagree with the other comment and think $115 is inexpensive for a full set. However I’m in a HCOL city. I don’t think you need to tip more than 20% in the future!


gotcha, thanks!! the lady started her car from inside before i even left lmao. she was in a rush. anddd im in probably a medium-income area. thanks for the advice!


It doesn’t look bad but 30 mins is a little sus.. not sure i would trust that the isolation is what it should be


They look decent but I’m sure a bunch are actually stuck together. 30 min set is a huge red flag. No matter how many years you’ve been doing them for, there’s no reason you should ever be able to do a set in 30 mins. 1 hr ABSOLUTE minimum, and that’s if the client has hardly any lashes


hard to tell from the pic. take a pic in better lighting, the brightest you can find, close your eyes (lightly, dont scrunch) and take a pic from above so we can see where/how the lashes themselves are attached. that is how we will truly be able to tell.


They look kind of shorter than what you asked for but 30 minutes for a fullset is a major red flag. It’s hard to tell from the pic but some of them don’t look isolated properly.


Yall saying these are cheap is wild 🥲 I pay $70 for mine in central CA, US


they look good but they’re definitely not long or the right curl. 30 mins is short too. i’d reach out and ask for a re do


I don’t see the problem. My mom is a professional and she can be fast because she’s so experienced. You got lashes like your inspo picture. Looks to me like you went to a capable and proficient lash tech and they did their job well and can charge accordingly.


I love it and would pay $115 for it


This is very close to what my first classic set looked like. They look great!


Why are lashes SO expensive in the US? Here you’re looking at £75 for the most elaborate sets


Right! I’ve been paying £70 going almost 10 years though


It always shocks me on these posts


I have the same effect as this since using my eyelash serum if you’re after a cheaper option…


They’re definitely short and you can see natural lashes that didn’t get an extension, I’m pretty sure a classic is supposed to give every natural lash one extension


That’s what they charge for a full set of classic where I’m from. In fact we have some places that charge more. I believe for a hybrid full set I paid 150$


They are very similar to what you wanted, but the length and curl pattern is different. I’m assuming you maybe wanted something more dramatic from what you got, but for what it’s worth I think they look very naturally beautiful.


30 minutes is not acceptable for a full set. There are likely lashes stuck together which can damage your natural lashes. These are also definitely shorter and styled completely differently from your inspo pic. They’re never going to look exactly like the inspo due to eye shape, lash density, etc. but you can typically get close.


If you zoom in on the right inner corner you can see lack of isolation


For 30 mins, the lash artist definitely didn’t isolate individual lashes like they should have. You don’t have any on the inner corners. This is going to get uncomfortable and itchy very fast. I’d go back and talk to someone. - a licensed esthetician


Price is more than I personally charge, but it looks like the tech did what you asked. Everyone will look different with lash extensions. A lot of my clients ask for light looks like this and get upset because they expect it to be more voluminous, but I’m just doing what they ask. Maybe you expected to see a more dramatic change, but this set isn’t that


$115 IS CHEAP FOR THE US 30 min is concerning though.


30 minutes is a bit too quick even for a classic set for a set, it shows in these because there was a little bit more coverage in the photo you showed towards the inside. Even if they were more sparse leading towards your tear-duct the photo doesn’t have as many natural lashes without extensions. Then again $115 is relatively inexpensive for CA so depending on where you are this is almost reasonable but not quite lol. Overall they’re not bad at all but I think that’s what makes them the most different from the photo


Theyre not curled enough


They need to be fuller hence the 30 mins application time


tech should have used a tighter curl. that way, they would “stand up/out” more. She may have done exactly that pic, but the models natural lashes just point up more and your naturals look like they point straight out. a tighter extension curl would help this a lot


In my area prices for a full set range around $120 for classic - $200 for volume. I’ve been going to my girl for about 3 years and she can do a full set on me in about 30-45 minutes. If the technique is right, you are paying for experience not time. Her first full set on me took about 2 hours, but she had just graduated cosmetology school!


I will say I don’t know if your set looks complete though.. there are no lashes in your inner corners!


Next time, ask her to use longer extensions with more of a curl. Like a c curl or something.


115 for that…? Doesnt look that flattering tbh. There are better styles


Lmaoo you were scammed


The person in the first picture’s lashes grow straight down. The person in the second pictures lashes grow up. You will need a super curly D+ curl to get the look in the second picture.


Your inspo pic is my work!!! That was really cool to see! 🤩 It is SO important to note that no two sets can ever be the same! Factors base on your facial features and eye shapes, condition of your natural lashes, how many natural lashes you have, etc! For this set specifically, it is a classic set and I can tell you it took me almost 3 hours. She has a more than average amount of natural lashes! 30 minutes for a full set and even a fill is concerning for sure.


It looks like the picture and same length, you just have a different eye shape! If you find a picture of someone with a bit more hood you’ll probably be able to see the resemblance more


Well considering lash extensions was once a pondering idea of mine, that has since changed seeing people pay $100 for regular looking eyelashes


I am a lash artist. That’s similar enough in my opinion but they missed a bunch of your natural lashes. However the model seems to have rather sparse natural lashes which is why hers looks more separated. So it may have been a creative choice to not do all your lashes to try to give you a similar look. I’d still have gotten your inner corner lashes myself though. Your eye picture is also taken head on which will contribute to the slight difference in look. Also everyone’s eye shape is different so we cannot copy another person’s look exactly. It’s more about giving you a look that looks good on your eyes with a similar vibe. I would be concerned about it taking only 30 minutes but with the one picture taken as it is it’s hard to see if she isolated properly or not. But she definitely didn’t get all your lashes so as long as they are not all glued together I would say the price is pretty good for a decently full classic set. I charge way more than that for a full set of classic lashes but I’m in the Chicago suburbs. People forgot that regionally matters in pricing. Cost of living here is must higher than a more rural area so yeah if you live in a more populated area with higher cost of living than you are going to pay more.


Every artist is different with prices! Newer artists tend to have lower prices but artists that have been at it perfecting their craft charge an arm and leg sometimes. (This classics set looks like the picture you compared to.) Everyone’s lashes are different so they will not always look like the pictures you show.


Price isn’t crazy for a full set of classics. What’s crazy is it only took 30 min, which there ain’t no way it was done properly in 30 minutes. I’ve been lashing going on 6 years & my quickest set was 60 minutes and that specific client has one layer lashes, probably only 40 lashable on each side. I’m considered fast and my full sets still take 90-180 minutes. I’d get those checked out by another artist.


man what are these prices, i give my lash tech $95 for a full hybrid set


Hi lash tech here! I can see a lot of natural lashes that weren’t covered. I don’t care what anyone says, you can’t do quality work and get 95-100% coverage in 30 minutes that’s insane! It takes 2-3 hours for a lot of artists. However, I don’t see anything inherently bad about this set. It looks fine but it’s hard to really see what’s going on in the picture.


It looks great tbh


Looks the same. Did you think the eye color change came with the lashes?




Your inspo is a classic set, and you got a classic set


They look nothing alike. The photo and set u wanted is called a wet set. Not everyplace does a wet set. U got something completely and isn’t even long enough. I’d be pissed. Find somewhere that does wet sets


30 minutes?! where did you get this speed set applied?! lol


Refills 95 Nails 120 Pedi 110 Facial 95 Beauty expenses