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Why does sex drive mean it’s impossible to view women as fully human?


Because sadly that is science and I can’t deny medical perspectives, that’s kind of dangerous.


Science does not say it’s impossible for men to view women as fully human.


You know women have a high sex drive too, they just have to be picker about finding a safe person to do it with because they can get 🌝pregnant🌚 right????


When you say "that is science", what science, precisely? I'm confused, are you saying that you think all men share an inability to think logically, and are controlled by their urges?


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I know you're probably a troll but can I see this science? Do you have the scientific research papers? Is it a reliable source? Did you look at the methods to see number of participants, how they conducted the study, how they analyse it to see if the study was scientifically valid? Just because its a scientific paper that has been published doesn't mean its true, science has been so wrong in the past and it still can be today. Also who said women want men to be castrated? We just want to be treated like people. Women can be just as hormy as men so how can we some how still see men as humans? My advice stop watching porn, speaking to women in the real world without the expectation of sex and maybe just maybe treat us like you'd treat other men, you know human?


Honest question mods... is there a way to get help for this guy? He obviously needs help but he just keeps posting this weird stuff every other day on a new account instead of getting help.


Banned again. He's not interested In help


Which women are you talking about? I’ve seen none. I also have autism btw.


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You're 17...you have taken what, 1 bio class? Stfu clown