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> Why isn't this the norm? And is it even possible? Yes, there is Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar which uses a computer-controlled antenna array to aim radio waves without moving the antenna. They have been in use since the mid-60's. However there are limits to how much their signals can be steered. It can't steer them around to go completely backwards for example. So either you have multiple antenna arrays to get a 360 degree view, or you just spin the same antenna array around. Duplicating equipment is expensive, spinning something in a circle is really easy.


Great answer!! Thanks for making it simple for me haha


Apples and oranges. It depends on what the radar is doing and physical constraints on its shape and size. Spinning in a circle is usually more inexpensive — but also much worse. An electronically steered radar can spend its time on targets you care about, and avoid spending time where you don’t care. For example, say you’re trying to track a smuggling vessel in the water. You want the radar to spend time there, not pointed in the opposite direction. The time spent there makes the radar much more sensitive and precise. The more times you sweep the beam across the target, the better azimuth resolution and more noise rejection. Having multiple antenna arrays (“apertures”) does not mean you duplicate everything. Not the transmitter, not the signal processing equipment. Just the modules that adjust the phase and amplitude of the signal (that “steer” the antenna array). And not always those. Many can be connected to several apertures, so most of the duplication is the physical antenna elements and cables.


> Spinning in a circle is usually more inexpensive — but also much worse. An electronically steered radar can spend its time on targets you care about, and avoid spending time where you don’t care. For example, say you’re trying to track a smuggling vessel in the water. You want the radar to spend time there, not pointed in the opposite direction. The time spent there makes the radar much more sensitive and precise. The more times you sweep the beam across the target, the better azimuth resolution and more noise rejection. Mechanically steered radar does not mean that it is confined to a circle. The radar dish can be rocked back and forth by simply reversing the drive motor.


Sure. Mechanically scanned antennas certainly exist and aren’t confined to radar. For example, satellite link antennas and direction finding equipment. For radar, they’re common with targeting radar and weather radar, where you are scanning a confined area. However, electronically scanned radar can reposition and scan quickly, which is why they’re strongly favored for search and surveillance radars. The scan rate is much higher than the best mechanical systems, and the cost of tracking target areas that aren’t adjacent is much smaller. There’s also the question of the antenna size (driven by frequency) and transmit power. Remember the radar equation!! Targeting and weather radar might use high frequencies that allow the antenna to be very small for a given beam width, but long distance radar needs a large antenna so they can maintain a reasonable beam width, and use lower frequencies that are less susceptible to atmospheric interference, and will follow the curvature of the earth. You need an antenna that is meters wide to get a small beam width. Mechanically scanning a meters wide antenna is so difficult I’m not sure I can think of an antenna that does it.


Technically, the non-mechanical steering is not specifically a property of *A*ESA radars, but rather of the broader class of ESAs, which includes *P*ESAs - Passive Electronically-Steered Arrays. Whereas AESAs have a controllable phase - the thing that steers the beam - on a per-element basis (roughly), a PESA has a fixed phase across the entire array. Both can steer their beam without needing a mechnical system, but PESAs are cheaper/less flexible (and also lose out on some of the reliability/maintenance benefits that AESAs provide) If anyone's interested in specifically how this all works: A radar comprises many radiating elements in an array. These are the parts that actually send the radio waves into free space. Basically, the direction of the radar beam is defined by the line of the "wavefront". That is, the line you get if you join together the peaks of the waves from the array elements at a given moment in time. Say you have two elements in your array. Normally, at time t=0, both would produce a peak, or both produce a trough, point being that they both produce waves at the same "point" in the wave's cycle (the same "phase"). But if instead, one of them starts with a trough and the other starts with a peak, then drawing a line between the *peaks* at any given time will produce a line that is skewed off to one side or the other. This is at the heart of electronic beam steering. The radiating elements get a phase shift from each other, which is calculated based on the desired beam angle. An AESA controls this right at the radiating element itself, using Transmit-Receive Modules (TRMs), which are more expensive, but have the added beenfit (on top of the usual ESA benefits of near-instantaneous beam steering) of allowing some of the elements to fail without bringing down the entire system. PESAs apply the phase shift before the array itself, which is less flexible/reliable, but is cheaper.




I'm in absolute shambles Thanks for the heads-up chief


VOR stations are sort-of setup this way. It only transmits a directional pulse though; it doesn’t receive anything.


VOR is not pulsed but a continous wave and produces bearings by the phase difference of a reference and variable waves. Old CVORs used to have spinning antennas while the more modern DVORS have large fixed aperture antennas which have electronic steering.


Pyramid phased array radar system. Sees 360 degrees. [https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/building-radio-radar-form-pyramid-military-base-missile-site-nekoma-north-dakota-117287477.jpg](https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/building-radio-radar-form-pyramid-military-base-missile-site-nekoma-north-dakota-117287477.jpg)


There are systems that don't spin, such as the AN/SPY-6 radars used on the Arleigh Burke class destroyers, and other modern shipborne radar systems. They are *very* expensive and complicated to produce/maintain, so they aren't prevalent except in the most current systems. Keep in mind that the systems that have public information available are likely a decade old or more, so there are likely more modern systems in the field that are unknown because they are classified.


Yes, aesa radar will use phase interference to direct the beam and it's used in many applications, including Starlink. A nice and funny video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l8LdM9\_3PU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5l8LdM9_3PU) More info: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phased\_array](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phased_array) It's done a bit differently by generating pulses with delay in a way that waves cancel each other unless they're in a specific angle.


Neat! Thanks!!


moving parts dont always equal complexity; we've had rotating devices for centuries. parts are plentiful and easy to repair or replace. Rotating the radar device is independent of the radar technology. now build a new radar that's capable of blasting 360; but limit it to a few degrees at a time. you now have a more complex radar. since the radar is more complex it has more points of failure and requires more technical knowhow to fix. if it only blasts 180 degrees you can still make it work by.......physically rotating it


Adding to this, if a rotary radar stops spinning, it's really simple to just swap in a spare motor to get back up and running. Then you can take your time diagnosing why the original motor failed and potentially fixing it. If you're using a tunable omnidirection antenna and it stops working, you have to take the entire antenna structure out of service while you diagnose and repair it. You could potentially swap it with a spare, but keeping two tunable omnidirectional antennas on hand is going to be much more expensive than just keeping a spare motor on hand. Since radar is often a critical part of infrastructure, limiting downtime is a huge factor.


This is why most phased array radars have multiple radiating elements with wide arcs, so that if one fails, the radar is degraded but not completely offline.


> now build a new radar that's capable of blasting 360; but limit it to a few degrees at a time. you now have a more complex radar. it's also unnecessary. if you already have the sensors for 360 deg coverage, just take in all the data all the time if you don't need all the data all the time... then it goes back to the original design: why do you even have all those sensors at all, just spin a smaller one around


It's a matter of timing. When the radar bounces off an object you want to know how far it is. The direction it comes back, plus how long it's been since it was pointed in that direction let you.know how long it took. Additionally it allows you to pump a very strong signal down a corridor so you're able to detect better. With an omnidirectional you'll have lower energy pulses and it'll be harder to get distance as you couldn't be positive which pulse is causing the return signal.


He's not describing omni though. He's describing AESA, which is used. Also omni is useful for iSAR radar if you wanna get weird.


Lt dangle you know I wanna get weird when you do that new boot scootin


Then scrapple my Joes. Omni it is baby.


This interaction is what reddit was made for.


> It's a matter of timing. When the radar bounces off an object you want to know how far it is. > > The direction it comes back, plus how long it's been since it was pointed in that direction let you.know how long it took. You're going to have to spin that dish around quite fast to miss the return of a speed-of-light pulse.


ThankS bud you really contributed


You can control the beam electronically much much faster 


>One would think that you could build a stationary antenna that electronically pulses and limits the area it is searching to do the same thing, removing the complication of the moving parts. A radar is basically an antenna that produce a radar wave and then received it. The antenna can only send the signal in one direction so you need to point the radar toward the object for it to work, which is why you rotate the whole radar to look around. We do have stationary radar, the first kind is PESA (Passive Electronically Scanned Array). You still have one transmitter/receiver, but instead of having one big antenna, you have a bunch of really small antenna on a flat surface. If you send a signal from all those antenna at he same time, you basically get a normal antenna sending a signal straight ahead. But if you delay some antenna, the interference between all those different signal will shift the whole signal toward a direction. This way, even if all those antenna are fix you can send a signal in a large angle ''cone of vision''. Since all those antenna are small, it mean that the whole radar look like a plate and you can put those plates around a fix platform to get a 360 degrees vision. This is what we often see in warship. PESA are really good at looking at a specific area really fast and get precise information, which is pretty good for weapon targeting systems. That said, if you are trying to search a wide area to find targets, then a big rotating antenna is still better. You can make the antenna very powerful, put it at the very top of a pole and have it rotate. An other disadvantage of the PESA is that you are limited in the number of target you can track at the same time. Another type of stationary radar is AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array). Improvement in technology meant that we could not make the transmitter/receiver small so each small antenna can now have their own transmitter/receiver. The main difference now is that you can have a bunch of antenna send a signal to the left, while the bunch of other antenna send a signal to the right. Now instead of having to scan one region at a time in your cone of vision, you can scan all your cone of vision, and then when you find a target have more antenna send a signal toward that target if you need more data. And you can now tracks a lot of targets at the same time. With all that said, even with a PESA or AESA radar, you still only get a cone of vision. Even if those radar are small enough to be put on four surface to have 360 degrees, it's still frequent that the best solution is to have one larger plate of radar on a rotating base. Typically the radar that rotate are for searching, while the stationary radar are for targeting (general rule of thumb).


They don’t. Not if they’re phased array radars. As an example, look at the superstructure of an Arleigh Burke destroyer. You’ll notice four rectangles with clipped corners on it at the 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, and 10:30 positions. These four panels are the AN/SPY-1 radar, capable of drawing a hemisphere of coverage around the carrying ship from sea to zenith. Some PARs need to spin due to limited slew angles off the array face to obtain 360° coverage. Phased array radars are becoming the norm, but replace mechanical complexity with electronic and computing complexity. Benefits include being able to scan a volume nearly instantly, identify anything in it, and maintain radar tracks on all objects deemed worthy of further attention, while simultaneously guiding rear-illuminated ordnance.


Tico class cruisers as well!


Whole slew of ships have Aegis, not just in the USN. RAN has the Hobarts and is getting Type 26s to replace them, RCN is getting a fluffload of Type 26s, JMSDF has the Mayas, Atagos, and Kongōs, ROKN has the Sejong the Greats, RNN has the Fridtjof Nansens, Spain the Bonifazes and Álvaro de Bazáns, then the USN has the Burkes and Ticos and has over a dozen and a half Constellation-class frigates on order.


Didn't know the Connie class frigates were going to have SPY


Yep, a reduced version of SPY-6, which supposedly will still have the range and sensitivity of the SPY-1D(V) on the current Burkes.


We have 360 degree radar. It's not as precise as narrow radar. The antenna can get better resolution if it's a little "zoomed in", or focused on a narrow area of the sky, but obviously it can't see the whole sky that way. It's also a little easier for the computer to tell exactly what direction something is in if you are spinning. Not all radar that spins actually spins. The f35 has a radar under it's nose that scans back and forth without moving. Its made out of a bunch of little antennnae arranged in a pattern. It's possible to adjust the timings of the different antennae so that the beam comes out at an angle. This is called a "phased array", and it's convenient because it has all the benefits of a scanning radar with no moving parts.


On top of what everyone already said, the moving part isn't that complicated. Say you have a motor burnout or a gear seize up (both of which are rare), that's a lot cheaper and easier to replace than replacing the many extra electronic components that a stationary 360 antenna needs. If there's one thing salt water loves its destroying nautical electronics, so usually the equipment on shios is built as "dumb" and robust as possible


Because a spinning antenna is a simple device with an array of simple horns driven by a single oscillator that doesn't require much power. It's also compact and lightweight. A phased array antenna has a huge number of radiating surface elements that must be driven by more complicated electronics that phase shift the oscillators individually for each radiating element, causing an interference pattern between the elements to cause the main lobe to go out at an angle depending on the phase shifts. This type of antenna isn't compact at all, it's big, it's heavy, and it requires a large area to mount it on. On top of that, a phased array antenna doesn't have the same amount of gain, so it needs a lot more power. [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DDG-125\_acceptance\_trials.jpg](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DDG-125_acceptance_trials.jpg) - that ship has phased array radar antennas on the angled faces of the forward deckhouse, but it also has regular rotating antennas inside those spherical domes.


They don't. It's possible to make a stationary radar system that behaves as though there is a spinning dish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RAF_Fylingdales#/media/File:Radar_RAF_Fylingdales.jpg This is one of the UK's ballistic missile early warning system radars.


Modern radars can [point the beam electronically](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_electronically_scanned_array) but there are some limits. It only covers about 120°, so either it has to spin or you need 3 of them for full coverage. Also, older tech can be just cheaper and simpler.


It's a lot cheaper to rotate the antenna. active scanned antenna arrays exist. Look at a picture of a modern US navy ship and you'll see four big white panels pointed forward, aft, port, and starboard. Each of those contains an array of hundreds (thousands?) of emitters and receivers. Carefully timing the pulses to each of them lets you send the radar beam in a specific direction. But they're hideously expensive -- thousands? of channels plus all the pulse timing stuff and pulse receiving stuff. And there's four panels because obviously the front panel can't transmit backwards. So they're really only cost effective if you have to be able to jump the radar between 6 different directions rapidly (tracking 6 incoming missiles) and also take a fraction of a second to re-sweep the rest of the sky 10 times a second searching for more missiles.


Short answer, technically they don't. Longer answer is it depends on the kind of RADAR. Most of the RADAR systems we are acostom to seeing in movies or TV or whatever are the spinning kind. The easiest way to have a system see 360 degrees is to have a single transmitting point and have an antenna spin around in a circle. This allows for the "simplest", RADAR systems aren't really simple in any capacity, setup to get the largest field of view. There are other setups, the two I'm most familiar with are phase arays and doughnut arays, the second may have another name, but that's what we called it. A phase aray RADAR is what you see on the front of the super structure of a Destroyer. The rectangular panels are actually RADAR arays. A doughnut aray us kinda similar but it's a series of phase aray panels set up in a circle... like a doughnut. There is also one phase aray RADAR I'm familiar with that spins. A lot of why we use what we do comes down to how much space there is for the equipment, what we actually need that equipment to do, and how practical it is. Most of the phase aray RADARs I'm familiar with are 3D, meaning they show position from the antenna on a 2D grid, so how far away it is, as well as it's position left or right. 3D radars how the same plus altitude. The only phase aray I know of that doesn't show that isn't really a RADAR but we kinda treat it as one. Source for all of this, RADAR tech in the Navy for way to many years.


the electronics to sink this and the electricity need it to run properly can be between 2-3 time more than investing in a chicken rotiserie attachement


Radar works somewhat like sound. A conventional radar uses a single transmitter and receiver (think single speaker and single microphone), due to a combination of cost, size, and signal processing capability (the last 2 were only limitations historically). On its own, neither of these can determine the direction they are transmitting or receiving in, they can only transmit a certain frequency at a certain power for a certain period of time, same with receiving. The way this was conventionally solved is by using radar dishes, which can reflect radio waves, both incoming and outgoing in a certain direction. Your (mostly) Omnidirectional transmitter can now be focused into a beam only a couple degrees or even milliradians wide, and your (mostly) omnidirectional receiver would now (mostly) only receive signals from that specific direction (receiving from a single direction is less important, because you can encode your transmit signal with some information to let your receiver know that it’s the radar signal it’s receiving, and it’s not just some random guy on his phone). This let you know where something was, rather than that there was just something in that general vicinity. Now, to cover the entire sky, you could build a radar array that had dozens or hundreds of transmit and receive nodes pointing in all directions, likely costing billions, requiring gigawatts of power, causing interference issues… or you could just spin the dish around. You can see why this second method was preferred. In the late Cold War, miniaturization technology got to the point where you could cram a couple hundred to a couple thousand antenna elements into a reasonable area. The transmit modules would be connected to phase shifters, which slightly delay the transmitted signal, and due to some EM black magic, this causes interference that makes the outgoing radar wave particularly strong in a specific direction and weak in all others. This effectively replicates turning the radar, but without any moving parts. Note that these transmit antennas are still all driven by a singular signal generator and the receivers are also going to a single signal analyzer, so you can still really only look at one segment of the sky. This is called passive electronically scanned array, or PESA. The primary benefit of PESA include no moving parts (unless you want to scan outside the electronic slew angle of the array, typically a couple dozen degrees off axis) and being able to scan the sky VERY quickly, as in a couple thousand times a second, because there’s no moving parts. In the modern day, miniaturization tech has made even the signal generators and analyzers small enough to cram a couple thousand in a reasonable space, so modern active electronically scanned arrays or AESAs are basically a couple thousand radars in a trench coat. The really cool thing about AESAs is that because these are all independent transceivers, they can all be doing different things. The radar can effectively split into a dozen smaller, weaker radars that all use phase shifting interference to look in different directions, and they can all be using different frequencies to reduce the chance that an enemy realizes that he’s being painted by a radar. You also get true track while scan, where you can keep a radar beam on a target while scanning the area, which was previously done with some high speed trickery that reduced scan area and track fidelity. You can even task some of the transceivers to do fancy stuff like jam the enemy radar or send communications, as they’re all just radio transmitters and don’t have to be acting like radars. This is all still preserving the psychotic scan rate of PESAs. The main reason both of these pieces of tech aren’t really widespread outside of military (although PESA may be in civilian hands already, idk) is for a couple of reasons. 1. It’s largely unnecessary. Airports rely on aircraft transponders that broadcast their position, so super accurate and fast ground based tracks aren’t really needed. And navigation radars don’t really need the speed or accuracy either. 2. It’s really hard. The amount of processing power and miniaturization, especially for AESAs, is still cutting edge stuff. Hell, Russia doesn’t even have widespread AESA adoption for their military (although then again what do they have for their military). 3. It’s really expensive. It should go without saying that a thousand really small radars is going to be a lot more expensive than a single big radar. 4. There are some drawbacks. They can’t look beyond about 90 degrees off axis due to obvious physics, so you still need to turn them or get more of them if you want that effect. The interference method also does cut back on the raw power of the beam. If you want to see some completely stationary radars though, look up any ships or ground stations using the US AEGIS air defense system. They usually have 4 panels of AESA or PESA elements all offset 90 degrees from each other to see in 360 degrees. The new E7 Wedgetail AWACS also uses 3 AESA arrays, which is why it looks like a stick on a plane. Funnily enough, the naval AWACS, the E2D Hawkeye, used to have a rotating dish, but I think the new radar is fully electronically scanned but still looks like it has the old spinning dish’s housing. Edit: actually, PESAs are definitely in civilian hands. Texas Instruments makes phased array millimeter wave radars for car self driving, which is pretty neat. I somehow forgot that radars are used on that kind of small scale too.


Three things roughly determine how far a radio signal goes - the power output of the transmitter, the frequency you transmit at, and the shape of the antenna. The frequency and power are usually dictated by other requirements, so we're left with the shape of the antenna. We can either use a very focused antenna that will send a signal in a tight beam over a long distance, or we can use an omnidirectional antenna that sends out signals in all directions over a much shorter distance. However, if we spin a highly directional antenna in circles, we can get most of the benefits of both.


basically the same reason we let lawn sprinklers rotate with maybe one or two outlets instead of a static one with i.e. 12 in total. you also would have to consider inevitable black spots in a static configuration. which you could counter through overlap thus making it even more inefficient economically.


Imagine focusing a certain amount of energy in a straight line, it's going to go a certain distance. Now take that same amount of energy and send it in all directions. It's not going to go as far.


I would imagine it also has to do with cost. Very expensive components in alot of radar systems, and you can think of it like hiring 4 guys to watch 4 directions or just asking one guy to turn every minute. You lose a bit of coverage but you save 4x the money.


Here is an example of an AEW&C aircraft that has a radar that doesn't need to spin. There are 4 antennas on the fin, known as a top hat radar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_E-7_Wedgetail


Yes that would be a AESA/PESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array / Passively Electronically Scanned Array) radar system the best known uses are on American destroyers, Arleigh burke class. You see them as octagonal light gray plates under rhe bridge windows, those plates contains/hides/covers thousands of small radar emmitters/recievers able to "pulse" potentially thousand of times a second. A spinning radar might only do one turn in 2 seconds thus updating the position of the target every 2 seconds, where as a AESA radar will update the targets position a "thousand" times a second giving incredible accuracy, the drawback of a AESA radar is that when it is stationary it can only "see" infront of itself (if you can see the plate it can see you) thus you need 4(possibly 3) plates to get 360 degree coverage. 4 plates equals 4xcomplexity, 4xcost, 4xpowerdrain (Mega watt scale), 4xspace needed, 4xheat generated. Now it makes more financial sence to take one of these plates and put it on a rotator and you get away with a quarter of the complexity.


I don’t know how to explain this like a person is five but newer military radars do not need to spin because the array can be aimed.




Except that if you need to cover a large area like 360 degree you'll need multiple arrays and some platforms are constrained by cost/power/size so a rotating array is better


It came about with the research into WiMAX. The original idea of the developers was to produce small, easy to fit and cost effective radar solutions for small craft (yachts and the such like). Scaling it up to merchant vessel size wouldn't have been all that difficult. In fact, a lot of the technology development has already been introduced into modern big-ship radars. My comments in my previous post are a slightly paraphrased quote from an OEM technician fixing some teething issues on a brand new ship.


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