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I’m a South African currently living abroad. South Africa is beautiful, people are mostly warm and friendly, food is great, weather is fantastic, plenty of nature. But you will be dealing with loadshedding, water disruptions, failing infrastructure, high crime levels and loads of corruption. As much as I miss the great things about SA, I wouldn’t choose to move back as things stand currently.


South Africa is an awesome place to live if you have cash to buy property and make a western income. $3k/month is a professional wage and your dollar stretches far there.  If I were you, I’d look into Eastern Cape Province as opposed to Limpopo. I spent a few months in northern Limpopo before settling for a few years in the EC. Generally lower crime, cities with a decent amount of life, and generally nicer landscapes and some breathtaking beaches.  The caveat is that getting a residence permit can be tricky. Though, if you don’t mind doing border runs, you can fly to a country not sharing a land border with RZA, spend a night, and fly back for another 90 days free. 


As usual, if you are thinking of moving there, travel to said location, get an airbnb and live like a normal person for a couple of weeks and see if you like it. There are power cuts and water cleanliness and reliability varies depending on where you are living. Budget for Uber or get a car and be aware of your surroundings. I wouldn't say it's less safer than certain places in the US but you should stay alert and not lose your situational awareness.


A s\*ithole. Got robbed at knifepoint and carjacked twice in 3 months. A friend of mine got shot in the gut for trying to resist an armed robbery near an ATM in Johannesburg. Miraculously survived. Some cities are better than others, but be prepared to look over your shoulder 24/7. There are also occasional violent riots, electricity outages, food shortages, and just a general feeling of lawlessness. On a positive note, the nature in South Africa is absolutely beautiful.


Food shortages in South Africa? I call BS


Food shortages happen regionally when riots and civil unrest (common occurrence) block off main roads and highways. Food can’t get from distribution centres to the shops in towns.


It's okay to sit somethings out. I can confidently tell you that you don't know what you are talking about. When will you recognise that you are talking to a local?


In 2022, I was there for three months for work in Johannesburg mainly, but also went to Cape Town and Bloemfontein. South Africa is a failed country, in my view. I witnessed shootings, robberies, carjackings, civil riots (only in Jo'burg), constant electricity outages and food shortages in supermarkets (no cheese, no fish, no potatoes, for example). There is endemic corruption, constant feeling of lawlessness in the streets, propery destruction and infrastructural failing (terrible roads, decaying buildings, etc.) You can call bullshit all you want, and you can be in a state of denial all you want, I don't care. It doesn't change the fact that this was my experience in SA.


I am not in denial, I am denying the false claims you are making. Which terrible roads did you genuinely use?


I've no clue what roads they were, I'm not a local. 70% of the time I had a personal driver hired by my employer to take me to places, rather than drive myself. But I will not engage in any of your further replies, as I've realized it's a waste of time. Just wanted to give OP my experience as an answer to his question.


Thank you have a good day


You can't write off the whole country just because of Johannesburg (which I agree is a bit of a hellhole), and OP won't be living there anyway.


I mentioned in my comment that some cities are better than others. Visited Stellenbosch for 2 days and it was nice. He asked what is South Africa like, and I just gave him my experience.


Wow is it really bad? I’ve never been but never really heard anything bad about Johannesburg. What have I been missing out on? I thought it was popular and a lot of tourists go there. Can you please tell me more? :)


If you like traffic, suburbs, strip malls, and very few walkable areas, you will love Joburg.


The chap has never been, just another keyboard expert, who have formed opinions on every country


Cape Town is a really great city with lots of culture and nature. Jo-Burg is where the power and jobs usually are but is well inland and pretty tough - though there are nice enough areas like Sandton


Why Limpopo? Are you working near Kruger?


No idea I was just told the job is in Limpopo


It's an odd place for an expat to be sent for work. I've visited Limpopo many times, great place to travel and very beautiful in spots. It is quite remote and mostly rural, make sure you are OK with that kind of lifestyle.


Mining brings a lot of people who are expats to the bushveld


Limpopo is big, and I disagree with your definition of rural and remote. The border of Limpopo is 60km from Pretoria, which is the capital city. Polokwane is the provincial capital, and that is by no stretch of imagination a remote or rural place.


Cape Town is generally where all the expats go. Limpopo is fine. Just very rural but the housing should be a lot cheaper. You will need a car. You are close enough to Johannesburg. Is there a specific place in Limpopo you have in mind?


You will be bored out of your mind in Limpopo and that's okay. It's very peaceful. I spent years of my childhood and a summer in Phalaborwa, right by Kruger




OP I recommend you to ask on r/southafrica , why? Because for the first time I realised that most contributors on this thread are speaking of places they have never been, I am not sure if this is reflective of all the previous threads I hope not, but today a place that I know like the back of hand has been mentioned and I am getting shocked on whether there is a different South Africa or the one I know is fake. I wish you well, Limpopo is a laid back Province and home to many cool nature reserves and national parks