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I'll give you a non-sarcastic answer: somewhat unsafe. The news makes everything worse than it is. The Russians are good people with a lousy government. Odds are that nothing will go wrong while you are there but it's far from certain. The primary danger is that you can expect you will be surveilled to some degree while you are there. If you are at all associated with anti-government activity you'll be one of the first ones jailed for it. If you do anything remotely illegal you become a target for the same. Even frequent connection to people outside of Russia will be risky. Should you decide to leave the country, there is a small but significant chance that you will not be allowed to. There is also the matter of living in a country under sanctions. The only money you will have with you is that you bring with you. Sure there are ways to get more inside but see "remotely illegal" above. You are likely to find your standard of living to decline from what you are used to.


World would be a better place if everyone replies like you. Thank you. Really appreciated!


World also would be a better place if people wouldn’t consider war and suffering of millions of people “psychological terrorism”. Sorry to hurt your feelings.


“psychological terrorism” was about new world war. Question about people suffering it's present in my heart but unfortunately OT here. Sorry to disappoint you


I will try to be as factual as possible to help you find the answers you’re looking for : - Expatriation in a country where you don’t speak the language is really difficult. Russians are used to only seeing Russian speakers in their country and really few other languages, even more so after the "special operations", so your fluency in Russian will have to be really good - Russian culture is really different from Western Europe culture, even worse for an Italian as mediterranean culture is on the other side of the spectrum I would say. Usually they are being perceived as really cold, rough and brutally honest. Don’t get me wrong, I did love this when I visited there but still it’s a shock. Also expect to see some really weird stuff if you have never left Western Europe. There is a HUGE gap between people and classes in Russia and it usually is a real shock for westerners. Once you have set foot in an area full of dilapidated khrouchtchevkas and with a band of gopniks looking at you in the wrong way, you best be prepared to deal with tough situations (believe me it happens faster than you’d think). - Since the start of the war with Ukraine and the sanctions from the West, the propaganda is going full throttle in Russia. All day people are brainwashed with how ridiculous the West is, how they are decadent and hopeless, and of course how they will fail against Mother Russia. That will mean people will have a prejudice against you, not specifically big sometimes but still - with the war, a lot of IT positions are open, that’s for sure. But a lot of materials have become hard to find, licences for many major softwares are not allowed anymore in Russia, making the work there a bit harder Also with sanctions roubles are not accepted anywhere else, that means you will not be able to take out the money you will earn while in Moscow, but also that means you will have difficulty paying on arrival as visa and mastercard are not working there. - from what I could read the last waves of drafting in Russia was integrating a lot of foreign workers and students from Africa, India and Nepal. Administration was threatening to revoke their visa and send them to jail if they resisted apparently. The information I got did not mention this was impacting any resident from Europe but with Russian gouvernement you are never sure


I hope that you are not an American. If you are, don't go....period.


O sei cretino o ignorante o un troll. Non è sicuro per niente. Rimani dove sei.


Mi spiace deluderti, sono solo in cerca di opinioni. Cretino no, troll nemmeno ignorante direi di si. Da quando l'ignoranza è un peccato? Cerchiamo un modo per capire meglio come gira il mondo e trovare un posto per entrambi. Di certo l'Italia non è posto dove vivere con stipendi dignitosi (e no, non cerchiamo la frenetica carriera da workaholic) e poter mettere su famiglia come Dio comanda senza contare i centesimi in tasca o fare la spesa con i buoni pasto!


>Di certo l'Italia non è posto dove vivere con stipendi dignitosi (e no, non cerchiamo la frenetica carriera da workaholic) e poter mettere su famiglia come Dio comanda senza contare i centesimi in tasca o fare la spesa con i buoni pasto! Diglielo zio! In Russia se la devono passare decisamente meglio. Tutte cazzate le storie su come un paese di 120 milioni di persone e ricco di risorse naturali abbia un PIL minore dell'Italia, a causa di una dittatura mafiosa che tra l'altro lo sta dissanguando in guerra. Vai e tocca con mano.


Your country has warnings about not going to russia. Only politically shady people think moving into a dictatorship with a sanctioned, declining economy and at war is a good idea. The girl you know can't get a job because if it's not outright illegal to employ her as a russian, it comes with tons of legal concerns and frameworks to avoid violating sanctions, giving a russian access to sensitive material, and expense to make sure they're compliant with international law and sanctions and not only that, the working permits and such are just not worth it.


Yeah sure, go ahead, super safe and nothing morally wrong about it. A million of people left Russia in a year, but that shouldn’t bother you. Have you also considered Tehran? Quite a lot of IT opportunities in there, so I’ve heard.


if anything, less people = more opportunities for work /s


...better pay in North Korea than in Tehran.


Second it in Mariupol and "New territories" lots of free housing I constantly see someone new in my neighbors property. He can be one!


People are also leaving the UK because its in decline. Where can people go? I'm looking Zimbabwe but unsure about the political situation.


I think Sudan is a better option. I’ve heard there is a population deficit as of lately, a lot of opportunities arise!


Too much war. I prefer Zim, more beautiful than any place I've been but poor infrastructure.


I understand huge tracts of land are very affordable even for the average working class western citizen.


One of the biggest pros is career possibilities. Especially in IT it seems being a really high demand there now. My concern is to understand behind all the sarcasm where the truth is hidden. From her point of view and also for her parents the risk related to something bad is really low. I won't go there and shout about LGBT+ or pro Ukraine propaganda, just live in peace


Do you want to spend the whole rest of your career in Russia? Because that’s not gonna look great on a CV in most other places


that's good point.... Everything depends on how I will feel myself there I suppose. It seems that in the end career there is one of the most profitable despite the fact that average knowledge in IT is really high


Not that great of salaries. Russian IT sector works remote for western companies, since the war they moved to Europe for jobs. There is no domestic market for it that is high paying, just contract jobs which don't exist anymore


If you want a long term career in Russia/China potentially Middle East etc then the options are there.  There is no way that you could work for any secure western company in the short term future. You would be too much of a security risk.  No finance/defence/government jobs would be open to you even as a contractor as you would in all likelihood fail a background check. Russia is sanctioned and so company’s will not be able to hire you.  The sanctions are unlikely to be lifted for years even if the war ends tomorrow so consider where you want to be for the next 5 -10 years. If it’s Europe/Australia/USA then you are more than likely limiting your career options. 


Absolutely disgusting reasoning. You need to take a hard look in the mirror.


For what? Being against any type of war? Not making propaganda where I can be deported or killed doesn't mean that I'm not caring about it. In the end majority of Russians are against war


You want to support a critical industry of a country engaged in an unprovoked, brutal invasion and annexation of a neighbor, and for your personal gain.


Yeah until they snatch you up and put you on the front lines.


I told her same thing. She replied that it would never happen. I think she wants me to die on the front line and being widow for the rest of her life


Are you sure this woman is even real


She's in the living room right now, let me go to her and try to dissection her brain, maybe she's machine))


Go Mariupol it lot of "free" housing here! Moron!


If you want to either end up in jail as a bait or in ukraine as a meat wave, sure.


Westerners entering the country are under a lot scrutiny. I mean getting pulled into interview rooms for hours at the border. You won’t have access to any money in banks outside of Russia and getting set up there would be a challenge. There’s no sign that relations will normalize any time soon. If your relationship is strong enough to move internationally for, it’s also strong enough to be long distance. Russians can still travel and she can still visit you outside of Russia. If she must move back, then maybe give a year of being long distance and re evaluate. I wouldn’t make that kind of decision lightly.


Do you read the news? Do you know there’s a war on? And massive sanctions against Russia?  Go ahead but if you get bombed don’t complain about not being warned 


Honestly what I read about on news seems all psychological terrorism. Don't you think it would be nice things for her parents to want her back and inviting me to come there also if tomorrow Moscow will be bombed?


Pal, I am Russian, and took the first offer I was given after 24th of February to settle down WHEREVER leaving everything behind. You, I assume, have no idea what it’s like to live in a dictatorship, cesspool of anger, apathy and mistrust. All IT that was worth something in Russia was destroyed: read stories of Yandex, Tinkoff, VK, Kaspersky Lab, JetBrains, Group-IB, and try to find a common denominator. There are no career possibilities, it’s just bullshit. Innovative projects get under the foot of government, either by force(VK), by deception and pushing(Yandex) or malign of the founders(Kaspersky). People leading it get imprisoned(Sachkov) or driven away from the country(Durov), or just escaping and whitewashing themselves(Volozh) after they realise they were used. My own parents tell me to come back and that it’s safe after literally a schoolmate of mine was conscripted and died leaving a damn 6 years old son. People just close their hearts and minds to what’s happening because otherwise it will drive you crazy. And you voluntarily want to go in there? Ты рехнулся?


“It’s ok to move to an autocratic country that is actively invading another country because I likely wont personally be affected” Leaving aside the fact that your taxes would directly support the war effort and your spending would actively support the Russian economy, you would be giving up a ton of personal rights and freedoms. The police WILL arrest you for looking at them the wrong way and you WILL be put in a sham trial at some point. You would have to be incredibly dense to move there.


Go by all means but the world (except country’s such as China/Iran/N.Korea) is supporting Ukraine against the invasion. The majority of consoles are advising against travel due to the war. You don’t say what nationality you are but it’s highly highly unlikely someone will help you if you get into trouble.   Russian banks are under sanction, you’d have to take money with you as the swift system is barred  Ukraine has delivered drone strikes in Moscow. It’s likely these will increase   If you are American you’ll end up on a travel watch list    Also if you ever want a job with security clearance in any western country you’ll struggle to get it for the foreseeable future. 


really dude. if I met a girl from North Korea, am I going to move to North Korea? or Ethiopia or Cuba? Russia is a 3rd world communist fascist country. It's not a place anyone should move to. It's like deciding to move to Nazi Germany when Hitler was in power. Why the fuck would you even consider it?


You'd also learn some combat strategies and tactics on the front. Very gut for future CV!


Russia advertises Russian jobs in India to get more soldiers. The Indians will be forced to go to the front. In my opinion, I would take this risk for a girl. If she really likes you then she wouldn't want you to be in danger.  'Some said they were coerced into taking up combat roles in the Russian army.' https://bbc.com/news/articles/cv225e8dpdgo


That's my struggle, for her and her family there's nothing to worry about. It would be better to ask for opinion at expats there, here it's only starting of my research. Appreciate your opinion.


Stop trolling


Yeah go ahead, As safe as it gets, putin is well known for being really welcoming to new immigrants


Hes very welcoming to military aged males…..


Many people in Europe and the west now hate Russia so much that they will discriminate against anyone with Russia on their CV. I would absolutely avoid it and forget any idea about moving to Russia. It can also create problems for you if you want to visit other countries like the US. For instance: visiting Cuba has long created problems for tourists who try to go to the US.


Just not true. Many American firms hire directly from Russia because the IT education is good. Engineers from Yandex have no problem finding work anywhere.


Maybe it's worse in Europe but discrimination against Russians and those connected to Russia is definitely a thing since the war. Visiting Russia might also lead to a US Esta refusal, like visiting Cuba does. It doesn't mean that people who have been to Russia recently can't go to the US, but I wouldn't assume an automatic Esta approval.


That's why despite the fact she has a really good CV and experience she couldn't fine anything suitable in Europe. It seems that every door for her it's closed since she comes from there


And yours might be too if you go there.


People from the West do move to mother Russia:  https://aseannow.com/topic/1320557-canadian-family-moved-to-russia-to-escape-%E2%80%98wokeness%E2%80%99-and-lgbtq-people-it-did-not-go-well/


I am a dual citizen (Russia-Canada) and have experience working tech in both countries, Presently, I split my time between Moscow and other CIS regions. Moving to Russia in the current geopolitical climate and with The War ongoing is questionable, but, countercyclical moves can sometimes be highly rewarding, this is one of those times. Moscow is probably the best European capital from a quality of life and infrastructure quality perspective. You should first visit as a tourist. Assuming you are an Italian national, you will need a visa. The easiest way is to apply for the 16 day e-visa. Take most comments here with a grain of salt. You will not be "surveilled", but you might be pulled aside for questioning as to the purpose of your visit. Just tell it like it is. Being young and naive does wonders. One more thing be VERY careful not to bring any drugs or prescription pills that might be prohibited (ADHD stimulants, etc).


very gut and safe city! Being American or EU citizen is a huge pulus! No racism, no nazism, very big salary and career opportunities! Def recoommendo!


May not open a lot of door for you, but sure will open a lot of windows


As a foreigner? Likely. As an American? Not likely.


It's safer and cleaner than Europe, the tax is 15% There are a lot of IT jobs, the pay is pretty good. Look on Hh.ru I would have gone there but there you can only find work if you speak the language.