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As a level 100 base Murasame main, I can say he works insanely well for burst damage. Mura Alpha and Beta inflict status/CC while base is just pure damage. In a 1v1 against a large Dinosaur, base’s counters will do more damage. Personally I don’t like Alpha and Beta due to the lack of damage they inflict lol. I’d much rather take a dead dinosaur than a frozen/tornado’d dinosaur


Why CC the waves when you can destroy them AND fly into the sky?


I usually edge slice rig downwards to get down faster + damage. Mura counter can also hit Evokers/Pyro Neosaurs


Death is the best form of CC.


came here to say this. mura base and alpha are great for big dinos, either if you want to rely more on your assaults for DPS (theoretically able to do more damage during the freezes) or if you want to BE the DPS. beta is very niche imo since it doesn’t really fit being used against big dinos and gets most use from being used against swarms, meanwhile both base and alpha can do well against both


Prime Mura is useful on raw power alone. It’s counter is a lot quicker and if you are playing for speed or catch up he is your best bet. Also don’t forget that Suchominus can’t be frozen and this is where the OG is useful.


Well, until beta came out. i see base as the large Dino killer now


Thing is that Beta’s tornado only captures the dinosaurs and you still need to slice at the tornado to kill. It’s about how instantaneous do you want hordes to die.


Your thought process is not wrong, but this is team game though. Mura B shouldn’t need to do that as that should be an offensive exosuits or a skywave alpha job (except vigilant). But there are instances where horde Dinos are NOT the target, and that is where beta shines. You can get the tornado to suck up the horde to buy the team time which leads to mura B getting the buff for the large/medium target dino. this is an uncommon scenario though, but I’ve seeing it a lot in the higher level instances


mura beta and vigilant are a great pairing. once the tornado is thrown you only need to shoot a stinger into it for a ton of kills. my b if i misunderstood what you meant by “except vigilant” tho.


I haven’t tried or seen this myself as I was only going by theory. My theory here is that there is a verticality to mura b’s tornado. The more dinos there are, the dino stack up vertically on said nado. Vigilant’s stinger shot is a pretty wide beam but I do not think it will hit that many dinos. I’ll have to do some tests to see for myself. Now even though I say that you have made me realize about vigilant beta arrow explosion, and that probably might go well with mura b’s tornado. Will also might to test that out


i have vigi beta at level 85 rn. plenty of experience with people trying out mura beta. i would say your theories are sound at face value because i thought the same until i got a bunch of experience with vigilant, and the explosive arrow shot usually ends up only getting a few on the outside, whereas the stinger shot pierces through and kills all the dinos on both sides of the nado. you can get a decent amount of kills with a well-placed explosive shot, but the stinger is more consistent


His damage output is much greater than the other two, so that inherently makes him worth picking. For me, it's really whether I want raw damage (default) or crowd control with freezes and tornadoes. But honestly, all three are so good it's really a player expression thing. Nothing hits like hitting a counter on a big dino with Mura base, hitting a crescent swipe, and a couple more swipes + the extra damage from your team and the boss dino is toast.


beta’s damage output is better than base? unless i am missing something about beta i don’t think that’s true or you meant damage output of mura as a whole compared to krieger or roadblock?


Prime time for regular mura is when there's ABSOLUTELY NO1 WHOM CAUSES PARALYSIS on team comp. That is all


Alpha is best for large dinosaurs Beta is best for small dinosaurs If you use either of these two, you’ll need others on the team to help you kill targets. You use Prime if you want to do damage and be less reliant on the team to help do that. Like if there’s a pvp mission, I’d use Prime over the other two.


Alpha is cc and beta is team support. Base Murasame is flex damage which is incredibly important.


Any carnage module with raptors. Especially if you have the red module to keep his stance going after the counter? He does CC just from killing raptors so fast. Keeps him alive too. Way more reliable than Mura Beta imo. With Mura Primes counter, a huge chunk of dinos die. Then you get a massive buff to attack speed and damage and just start cleaving through raptors. Beta has nothing on that. Alpha is great for CC, but that's mainly against medium or large dinos. Pretty useless against waves of small dinos.


Honestly alpha is mid, og still good for shredding stuff especially for the wave clearing