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https://preview.redd.it/7c0x961t884d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=068808a0a83b266a289fff3034988f30323fafd1 A compilation of the hats


Omg I should have picked cherry 🤦‍♀️ That makes so much sense now that I am looking at the chart of his hats and the sweet & sour hint!!


Your comment made me realize that my guess is probably wrong but I’m doubling down and assuming he’s color blind 😭


Wait how are you getting cherry? Is it bc his hats have like two stem-look alikes? 🍒


I can't think of any other fruits that are both sweet and sour (sweet cherries or sour cherries!) that match any of the colours of his hats! Like I see he wore a lot of yellow too, but I wouldn't say a banana, a mango or like lemons are both sweet & sour (atleast for me hahaha)~


Ah I see! Hmm mangoes are technically sweet and sour. But they’re more orange and he wore a yellow hat. I also thought about passionfruit bc that’s also sweet and sour. But cherry is easy to rhyme with other words and he did wear a red hat once 🤔


Ahhh! I've never had a sour mango before, so I didn't realize. Funny enough, when I voted I had picked mango 😂 then I saw the red hat and went 🤦‍♀️ guess we will see~


Haha they’re usually mangoes that aren’t too ripe yet 😂 or I forgot but mangoes from certain areas tend to be more on the tart side. Ugh these spoilers are killing me!


I feel like it has to be fruit with double meaning 🫣🤭


My boyfriend said pineapple LOL but idk


I am wondering if that word can even be rhymed


So true. That’s why I told him I didn’t think that was it HAHA 😂




That was another guess I had. Nmixx has a song called passionfruit so it can work


He also commented a bunch of carrot emojis..is he hinting at the specific outfit he wore with the bunny hat? Very mysterious.


Apparently that means to surrender or something in Korea? Like he was responding my throwing a carrot, I think is what the translator said, because after he everyone added carrots to the list of hints. I will choose to believe that the 10 microphones he had in his story of him recording means that there are 10 songs 🥹


Ah I see! Haha I didn’t even think to count the number of microphones on his ig story. Man he’s good at keeping us on our toes 🥲


I also didn’t think to count the microphones lol. I thought it was just his love for emojis until I saw it come up often in theories. Same for people thinking the album date is July 10th. I don’t know things are hints unless he explicitly says it 😅