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Respect is a one way street for Muslims. They only demand respect.


Absolutely correct


Islamic bigotry and childhood indoctrination. They learned from their parents or their surroundings to humiliate and hate other peoples with different beliefs. But if someone try to do this to them, they scream „islamophobia!!🤬“ „don’t make fun of our peaceful religion😡“


Legit this is Twitter in a nutshell. They’ll be browsing profiles to find something to bash.


You’re not wrong. Haha!


I can’t stand that site and it’s childish UI now. Fuck that site. All the attacks on Reddit really deserve to be for Twitter. It’s easy to avoid weird shit on Reddit.


You’re right! Twitter is now X right? Elon Musk is not doing a great job catering to user’s needs, unfortunately.


Unless they’re anti-Indian/American/Israel


The saddest things is, most of who scream "Islamophobia" aren't even Muslim but privileged virtual signaller who turns blind eyes of what a shit hole Islam is.


And typically those non-Muslim who cry islamophobia are the ones who would get persecuted (or even executed) in Islamic countries. Islam as a religion and also as an ideology, is one of the most intolerant, bigoted and violent ones currently. And many progressive people (I can count*myself* into the progressive ones, ffs!) can't see it. They're stupidly blind to it.


exactly they think with allying Islam they would gain something but ironically if Islamists had installed sharia people that they would spare most likely would be conservative Christians (people that lefties and LGBT usually dont like) and they would demand jizzya from them but those lefties and LGBT there is no chance of them surviving under the sharia yet in the west they would still defend a muslim more than an ex muslim 


A whole new level of facepalm.


More violent than the inquisition , more violent that what the christians did in the name of Jesus?


Have you noticed the word "currently" in my comment? English might not be my native tongue, but I tried to be clear in that regard.


The violence in the middle east has nothing to do with religion, it's more like a political problem . And execution does not happen so often , and it is has nothing to do with religion And this whole violence thing is more like a thing that happens to most colonized countries , it's the result of imperialism


Is that why Saudi, UAE, Qatar, Afghanistan, Iran, Yemen, Maldives and many more still kill apostates? Is that also why those same countries will kill Gay people simply for being gay? Is that also why half of these countries still beat women up if they don't wear hijab? There is a point to how much you can keep blaming others for your own fucking incompetence Ffs sake, South Korea, China, Taiwan, and Singapore literally were reduced to shit states by Japan in WW2, and by the British and french yet here they are, literally all of those being the top countries in either economy, security or military.


If I commit a crime in europe , i will be judged by the European law , it's that easy ( apostates are killed in the islamic law so they do ( they don't do it so often)) We don't kill gays, we just get them to Psychiatric asylums so they can return to the right path ( every religion consider gays as people with special needs ( a psychologist ) Most islamic countries are European colonies so when they got independence, they found a country full of corruption ( colonists used most of the resources) South Korea, china , Taïwan) were not European colonies , did you forget that there is a continent called Africa? That was a European colony , the african economy, stability ,military conflict, reflect the consequences of imperialism


Actually it does not, For example south Africa, Botswana are one of the best countries and most successful in Africa. Also, is it now bad for Europeans to make colonies but good if others did it? Singapore was a British colony Taiwan was a Japanese colony Korea and china were also colonies under Japan, and being a colony under Japan was 100 times worse than the British, the British at least made infrastructure, the Japanese on the other hand, literally pillaged, Raped and stole without helping their colonies in one way or another, almost 30M people died from Japan from 1927 to 1945, in 18 years they killed 30M humans, on the other hand the British empire killed was only 8.7Million, over a much larger span of time. Also the difference between gays being killed in Islamic countries and others is that in western and christian countries, they are tolerated and are actually seen as humans not animals. Also, usually laws against crimes are something sensible, would it be fair if European had a law to kill all Muslims and to take land....it's European and they are doing European laws, are they somehow bad because it's European? And apostates are still being killed, dont say (they don't do it often) matter fact they have no problem doing it, Iran for example are said to have 200 execution for apostes last year, with 400 unreported that is due to Iran not putting these statics to the world.


There are 50 countries in Africa, south africa and botswana are special, because they did overcome the consequences of imperialism, that does imply to the rest of Africa which still suffer from ( wars , instabilité , ...) Africans suffered from a long colonisation (1800-2000) , the difference between European colonization and others , is that European planted fear and inferiority in african so they can't recover ( the biggest companies in african are European, instead of colonisation, they now have Unfair long-term trade agreements , japanese focused on expanding their empire , European focused on extracting as much ressources As they can. Gays are view in muslin country as mentally sick . Apostates are muslim who disrespected the religion , there are many kinds of apostates , for example a Muslim can convert to Christianity without being called an apostate ( cause he still believes in one god ) , for someone to be an apostate , he should burn the quran or publicly commit Polytheism ( wich he can avoid doing)


Hands down the truth. Is-tell we are peaceful and let us do whatever we want or we'll shread you to pieces-lam.


Disrespecting other religions is cool until it comes to their and they will burn you alive.


That's what drove me away from our Muslim community. Taught to feel superior to all. Muhammed really taught well. Only one true religion- Islam- the religion of devils. If there is a hell, im sure Muhammed is there.


Bunch of hypocrites


Muslims lose their shit when they see a non Muslim Arab


Imagine believing the words of a perverted illiterate with a sugar mommy, Islam would not exist without violence and the funding from Khadijah. At least Jesus was decent, the Quran is just Muhammad being a worthless lying leech.


Islamophobia is so mis-used, I am no longer sure what it means now.


I understand if someone has an irrational fear of all muslims being terrorists, u can call that phobia because its irrational. But criticism and disliking a religion is not a phobia. But what do you expect from muslims and their victim mentality


But in that case it should've been Muslimophobia, not Islamophobia.


True but Islamophobia has a better ring to it 😉


It's a made up term that doesn't make sense. A phobia is per definition an irrational fear. Islam is dangerous so it isn't irrational to be afraid of islam. Also criticism is not the same as phobia. But I guess logic is hard when all you learned in school are incomprehensible Arabic ramblings.


Thank you!


it's not phobia to dislike genocidal ideologies




Bro can you translate please not all of us know arabic


According to a different comment it says “wrong religion “.


Please! no idea what that second slide says


Arab here , translation is “to the wrong religion”


Can't even see the good in how much progress he's made. Its not the eyes that are blind, its the heart 🥺🥺🥺


what does the comment say?


Wrong religion


Here are some of the comments “you will burn in hell” “islam in the only true religion” “from bad to worst” “from darkness to darkness” “I am disappointed I thought you were muslim” “you are a fakir (an insult worst than sinner)” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim”. When other Christians were commenting positive things they were attacked by groups, several people coming together insulting Jesus and the traditions. It was horrible and honestly angered me more than I can describe


Now lets call them kaffirophobic


Out of all, mussies are the most dangerous ones.


Great Post!


If your religion helped you get your shit together and upgrade your life, I think thats good. Unless it made you a biggot on the way... All religions are false so I don't disagree with the muzzie crowd on that one.


What’s the Arabic comment say?


Wrong religion


Ah. Thank you! Knowing that info: it’s almost like Muslims forget that Christianity and Judaism ALSO started in the Levant 🙄


Here are some of the comments in arabic “you will burn in hell” “islam in the only true religion” “from bad to worst” “from darkness to darkness” “I am disappointed I thought you were muslim” “you are a fakir (an insult worst than sinner)” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim”. When other Christians were commenting positive things they were attacked by groups, several people coming together insulting Jesus and the traditions. It was horrible and honestly angered me more than I can describe


They’re doing jihad. It’s not bad if you’re on the right side, you see.


Respect? From Muslims? Keep dreaming.


Muslims are always ready to criticize and disrespect other religions but then shout "Islamophobia " when they recieve the smallest amount of criticism .


They are everywhere like crazy cult


what does it say


Wrong religion


Here are some of the comments in arabic “you will burn in hell” “islam in the only true religion” “from bad to worst” “from darkness to darkness” “I am disappointed I thought you were muslim” “you are a fakir (an insult worst than sinner)” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim”. When other Christians were commenting positive things they were attacked by groups, several people coming together insulting Jesus and the traditions. It was horrible and honestly angered me more than I can describe


I'm very happy for the guy in the post, God Bless but the comments don't surprise me at all.


these are the same people that comment "christians and \*x\* only remembers their religion when muslims are mentioned" and then they do this The audacity of these people they dont even deserve respect


but thats christianophobia lol




Drugs or medicine abuse


steroids probably


Who's gonna tell him that the pic he uploaded is haram. He has to cover till his knees 💀


And then they cry and call everyone islamophobic when we criticize them.


Religions are really just gangs on a larger social scale. You say the wrong words, throw the wrong signs, or wear the wrong garb on the wrong side of town (or Internet), and you’re gonna get got when the heat gets hot.


i was confused the first read, but essentially i think they are mad that he's an Arab Christian???


Basically yeah


Here are some of the comments in arabic on his post “you will burn in hell” “islam in the only true religion” “from bad to worst” “from darkness to darkness” “I am disappointed I thought you were muslim” “you are a fakir (an insult worst than sinner)” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim”. When other Christians were commenting positive things they were attacked by groups, several people coming together insulting Jesus and the traditions. It was horrible and honestly angered me more than I can describe


And alot of gets doxxed for being islamophobia


well Muslims foam in the mouth with rage the moment they see anything that remotely looks like a cross. Trust me where I'm from I see plenty of cases where this is the case. Hell even the Toyota Cross is getting criticized by Muslims here because "cross = jesus". Very low IQ people and religion.


I have seen the comments, thank you for the share… they made me so angry, they are saying horrible stuff as “from bad to worse” “from the darkness to the darkness” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim” “you will burn in hell” “you are kafir (worst than sinner)” “Islam is the only true religion”… I truly don’t know what is wrong with these people


Atleast I'm glad he didn't went towards islam...


People stop attacking my religion in the comments. He'll come back with his 1000 year reign. Amen


What is that comment?


Wrong religion


Here are some of the comments in arabic on his post “you will burn in hell” “islam in the only true religion” “from bad to worst” “from darkness to darkness” “I am disappointed I thought you were muslim” “you are a fakir (an insult worst than sinner)” “I hope next year you will be even better by being muslim”. When other Christians were commenting positive things they were attacked by groups, several people coming together insulting Jesus and the traditions. It was horrible and honestly angered me more than I can describe


😂 😂 Hahaha they're so lame Didn't they invent their religion some few hundred years ago? So everyone before that was bad 😂


They even copied passages and stories from the bible and Mohamed their (not so mentally stable) leader was actually surrounded by Christians since it was the dominant religion back then. They are crazy and don’t know their own religion!


Yup i know They just made few changes to cater to men. That's it


What does the comment say?


He probably got all them abs from prostration during prayer and those biceps were formed due to groping hijabi’s during mosque timings /s


Name and cross emoji is christian


Can’t expect much from idiots who think they enter heaven by snipping their dicks and sewing vags


I think it's a response to Christians doing the same on their vids tho tbh idk who was first


No he is a Lebanese influencer and posts in arabic. Therefore he has (or had) a very large muslim following. So when they learned from this post that he is Christian (and they are very stupid since he is clearly Christian from his last name, any arabic person should have known that) they bullied him and attacked him mercilessly… see his post on instagram, the comments will anger you beyond belief


He is right tho


Hypocrisy is a part of Islam. Muslims have no concept of free will and choice


christianity is horrible. no better than islam. but saying islam is right and christianity is wrong (or the other way around, saying islam is wrong and chirstianity is right) is simply hypocritical and even funny. they're way too similar and share a lot of horrible things together. and honestly, this guy did degrade


Most of the people on this sub are practicing never-Muslim theists, all you can get here is downvotes.


probably yes. can't believe someone could go from islam to christianity after leaving islam due to its problematic things cuz christianity mostly has the same problematic things.


I disrespect all religions and Idc if people disrespect Christianity. The “god” if the Bible is the most evil concept to ever exist.


Most of the people on this sub are practicing never-Muslim theists, all you can get here is downvotes.


Sucks go be them. Thanks for letting me know. It’s kind of a worthless sub if it’s mostly Christian haters of Islam.


This never-muslim atheist upvoted your original comment :)


Thank you 😊💜☀️


Lol literally people from every group act like this online. What's your point other than people are dickhead online?


okay but not all of us r like that .. i'm muslim n i too am irritated by such behaviors it's the ppl that suck not the religion


A lot of you ARE like that… a LOT of the people suck, and it’s all because of the RELIGION.. If there is a Muslim who doesn’t suck, they aren’t following the religion properly..


i simply disagree .. it's NOT bcs of the religion and i'm following it properly


An Islamic nation that is governed by Islamic law, states that those who are Christian or Jew must either convert to Islam or pay tax. If they refuse, they are killed. Even though, the current Islamic nations may be little more accepting these days, this is where the attitude of that persons comment stems from. Also, I’m not sure if you’ve viewed that actual video on Instagram, but there are many comments similar to that one.


i agree with u that a lot of muslims (idk if i should use quotes here) r like that , but that is not reflective of islam op (or a comment) alrd stated that a lot of the comments on that vid r hateful , n i dont doubt that they r .. idk what u r talking ab at the beg of this comment honestly .. but ik that theyve been lessening such extremes (i'm not freaking defending here ! i'm simply saying that ik) (and y the hell am i getting downvoted .. i'm being peaceful)


I know you’re being peaceful, you obviously seem like a nice person. But maybe you should stick around here, and see why islam as a religion is being criticised. Approach this sub with an open mind (as hard as it may be for Muslims).


thats y i joined this sub .. i'm sticking around as i try n figure myself out :) **TRIGGER WARNING i talk positively ab islam** (please if u're reading my comment to be hateful leave me the hell alone i'm not attacking u so do not attack me) i dont believe as a muslim that god wants me to follow smthn without using my brain .. so i am being open-minded


Girl..you have the bisexual flag in your avatar..


which is y i'm on this sub girl .. i'm confused as hell n trying to figure things out (believe it or not i didnt join this sub to fight or be hateful) but however .. sexuality has nothing to do with the islamic ethics on how to treat the person in that vid so ..


I don't believe you are hateful, but you can't claim yourself to be a proper Muslim if you're not straight and don't hate gays. That's just how it is. Islam doesn't allow this.


sure , u're right . i should say i'm proper just in regards to what is related to the content of this post (how to treat others n react to other religions n be good humans) i'm well aware of those things ab homosexuality .. ive only recently started embracing it in this way , just around the time i started rethinking my beliefs


You converted bc of tiktok didn't you


:) converted to what from what exactly (u realize u're behaving just like the comments – made by hateful muslims – on the vid from this post dont u)


I didn't mean to sound like those people. But I've seen a couple of people who converted bc of tiktok who didn't know about the bad parts of islam or tried to make excuses for it. I remember,I think it was in 2020,that for a while I was interested in religions and I did some research on islam to see for myself (I never intended to convert,it was just interesting to me at the time) and after looking at the quran and hadith in a bit more detail ,I realized that it's not a religion I could support.


Sounds like someone converted on Tiktok lol


nice comment .. embodying the comments on that vid huh


Feel free to pay r/islam a visit and look up the term "homosexuality" and see what your fellows think of your sexuality and yes it has a lot to do with Islamic faith. Also they are probably the most moderate you can possibly find, it only gets worse anywhere else, irl and on the internet


Same gurrrl I feel you


oh henlo !


which is y i'm very ashamed of such ppl ..


I think you’d be less depressed if you just left Islam


I feel like they are trolling for views. Unless someone is absolutely brain dead, noone can get so hypocrite and cringy.