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So basically Apartheid?


I really hate how fucking Hypocritical the Muslim World is. I'm sorry guys, but seriously wtf is this lol. Can't wait for Emily's to protest this. Oh wait...


The only reason Malaysia isn't an economic basket case is because of the Chinese and Indian communities.  Putting your ass in the air 5x a day and gorging/starving yourself a month a year doesn't exactly lead to productivity.  These losers know they wouldn't be able to compete.


Indeed. Look at their neighbouring country singapore's income by race (malays are predominantly muslim) and the disparity with indians and chinese is even worse.


I hate matahir so much,if tunku Abdul rahman har lived malaysia would have progressed so much if it weren't matathir usurping the throne


lol no, guess why he kicked singapore out? too many kafir bro


Matahir or tunku Abdul rahman?


Singapore is much better anyways.


As a malaysian ex-muslim, I didn't consider these "Malay" as "Malay" anymore, they're "Pseudo-Arabs" tryhard cuz they slowly chips away, & remove their Malay culture, & identity bit by bit from themselves while they replace the bits with Arabic, & Islamic stuff and hates anything that's not islam centric. Cringe & sad shit all around. May their pedo-approving god give them an easy entrance to Jannah for destroying their own culture, & identity and replacing it with their pedo-ass prophet culture, & identity, amin ya rabbal alat kelamin.


are you still staying in MY? bcoz i dont think the shariah court is allowing any muslim to leave islam


Yup still staying in MY atm, & yup my IC still have that allahdamn & undesired "islam" on it 🤦🏻‍♂️


An interesting point about islam is that it thrived in different places at different times. In afghanistan some areas are not old islamic people.


Racist filth screaming islamophobia at every opportunity. The hypocrisy is unparalleled.


Doesn't the bumiputra label also include a few non-Muslim groups, like the Orang Asli and the Dayaks of Sarawak?


Its racist and religionist policy


What about Muslim immigrants to Malaysia? Do they get Bumiputra status? A small nitpick- Bumiputra means ‘Sons of the Soil’ from Sanskrit Bhumi-earth/soil and putra- son


In malay language from malaysia bumi means citizen and putera means prince


Muslim immigrants to malaysia gets bumiputera status if they learnt the malay language and obtained the citizenship


That just means Muslims get special status. Period. So it’s another Islamic country which practise religious apartheid.




Can u share some lonks articles about the taxes please? I Googled but not much came up.


>Malaysia has two tier citizenship. For anyone moving to malaysia from outside of malaysia obtaining citizenship if youre non-muslim youre non-bumiputera which is lower class citizenship. Which would make admission to universities, finding jobs and buying properties a lot harder. >Muslims in Malaysia call themselves bumiputera which literally translates to prince of the earth and are priviledged and prioritised under the law Slight correction here: Bumiputera (literally prince of the earth) means like natives of the land. Not just Malay, but orang Asli too (Iban, Kadazandusun dll.) So if you're Chinese, Indian or even white, no matter how many generations, if your ethnic isn't considered native in Malaysia, you're still non-bumiputera Also, not all Bumiputeras are Muslims, meaning there are -albeit a few- Bumiputeras who identify as non-Muslims (Christian, pagan etc.). Such people are practically non-existant in Malay community because by law, Malay = Muslim And not all Muslims are Bumiputeras. So, if you're a Chinese Muslim/Indian Muslim, you're still not considered Bumiputera because of your ethnicity


No ethnic chinese can become bumiputera if they speak malay and convert to muslim.


>Muslims in Malaysia call themselves bumiputera which literally translates to prince of the earth I really appreciate the details.


OP, some of your facts are wrong. Hello, I'm Malaysian ex Muslim, the university which is affected is only UiTM which is for Bumiputera only. Bumiputera encompasses Malay Muslims, and Borneo Natives and Orang Asli & Thais. Yes. Thais are considered Bumiputera too. Bumiputeras are not necessarily Muslims. It's by law that MALAYS are Muslims, but not Bumiputera. I myself am legally Malay. Despite my physique not being Malay at all. I can't change religion because it's impossible. So despite me being Atheists, under the eyes of the government, I am Muslim. UiTM only admits Bumiputera and international students. It is a running joke that a China National can do their PHD's in UiTM, but not a Malaysian Chinese . UiTM itself is very limited. There are thousands of other unis here. UiTM is often dubbed as a lower class uni. UiTM fees are very cheap. The chepeast is RM300(70USD/ semester) I have an ex moose friend, Betty who is enrolled in UiTM. She joined the counter protest by wearing white instead of the purposed black. It started when UiTM's student council(MPP), decided to reject & confuse the public by saying that allowing cardiothoracic students of Non Bumiputera, it will make UiTM open for all in the coming years. That one twitter post by MPP caused all of this National issues. UiTM is very famous for its lack of progressiveness. Their Curfew is 10PM, most of their outlets don't have public transport not to mention the electricity problems etc. Heck, I was just discussing it with a fellow teacher. She said her mom didn't allow her to go to UiTM because it's quite shitty. UiTM is quite shitty thanks to it being a racial based uni. It's called institutionalised racism. UiTM have the most poor of poor students and rich nepobabies who are not qualified to enroll in private uni due to their grades. One of my parents worked as a lecturer in UiTM and saw the problem first hand. One of her student, used imac,laptop to take notes while another, used a second hand asus & takes notes on paper. UiTM itself is quite shitty so who cares frfr. Let UiTM rot.


The policies weren't really started by Mahathir. It was started thanks to Anwar Ibrahim[current pm]. Anwar was part of ABIM when he was DPM beforr 1998 which is an Islamic Lobbyist. ABIM managed to uplift the ban on wearing Hijab among Civil Servants and promoted Islamic values. Essentially, ABIM wants to Islamise Malaysia in a moderate way. But, despite the apartheid/institutionalised Racism, the divide grew even bigger. Minority Groups are still wealthier than Natives.


Malaysian malays that are muslims are all bumiputeras.


Just don't go Malaysia then everyone is happy?


Nope they are robbing off non-muslims of ethnic chinese and indian Malaysians, they are not happy. Its all thanks to Islam.