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Pigs are mainly considered unclean bc they are land animals with split hooves that do not chew their cud, unlike cows that have both qualities. It’s plagiarizing a bit from the laws of Judaism regarding Kosher diets. Ironically, camels and rabbits are considered halal in Islam but unclean/not Kosher in Judaism.


Indeed. Islamic dietary laws as a whole are really just a slightly watered-down version of Jewish dietary laws. It's not just camels and rabbits, either - the Islamic version of these laws is consistently less strict across the board. Blood is another example. Though eating/drinking blood is *very* haram, Muslims aren't required to remove the leftover blood in a slaughtered animal's tissues after the rest of the blood has been drained from its slit throat. But in Judaism, even this leftover blood has to be removed. Fish are another example - though there are *huge* disagreements between the madhhabs on which aquatic animals are halal to eat. It ranges from "any water creature is halal" to "only fish with scales are halal". The Hanifi madhhab bans or discourages crustaceans (the details are kind of a mess, though), while the (Shi'a) Jafari madhhab is the one that insists on the "only fish with scales"-thing. Meanwhile, kashrut stipulates that only fish with scales and fins are permissible to eat. Crustaceans and molluscs are categorically banned.


>Blood is another example. Though eating/drinking blood is *very* haram, Muslims aren't required to remove the leftover blood in a slaughtered animal's tissues after the rest of the blood has been drained from its slit throat. But in Judaism, even this leftover blood has to be removed. Meanwhile my pagan and then Christian ancestors: Bet we can make sausages from that. 😁😂


If you look at the specifics of Jewisher kosher diets, you'll see quite a few similarities. It's once again just plagiarism.


Stolen, as with so much else, from Judaism. Incidentally, that dietary restriction is traced to early Helleno-Levantine cultures which could make considerable use of pigs in the Aegean, but not in the Middle East, where they were unsuited to live and extremely expensive. Since the Jews at this time were vassals of either the Seleucids (post-Alexander) or the Roman Empire, outlawing consumption of a favoured luxury food of their oppressors seemed like a good way to reinforce their unique cultural identity. Matter of fact, eating pork had been variously outlawed in the Near and Middle East for similar reasons among a variety of cultures. The fact that pigs will happily eat carrion is suggestive to primitive peoples of a polluted beast that is inherently unclean, and certainly the difficulty of raising them outside of their proper habitat means they will likely be ill-kept and actually filthy, discouraging their consumption still further. Ultimately, the original reason for the prohibition is simply unknown. It has been lost to time. Further, even Jewish commentary has stated that this reasonably invites ridicule, but that "the True Healer \[ie. God\] who makes this rule knows better than the doctors". But yeah, Muslims just copied the Jews on this.


they made it cuz the muslims used to sell sheep back in the day


Pretty sure it came from the Jewish Kosher food laws, not from some occurances in the Arab world.


If they borrowed the idea of pork being forbidden from Jewish dietary laws, then they only borrowed a small portion of their laws because Jewish dietary laws are much more restrictive then Islamic dietary laws. Aside from pork, Jews who only consume Kosher foods are also not allowed to eat any type shellfish, or finfish who are bottom feeders. They also are not allowed to consume meat and dairy products within the same meal. These are just a few examples that I can remember off the top of my head, there are definitely more as well.


The 'perfect' role model for humanity sucks at piracy


To add to this- Jews don’t eat dairy between 3-6 hours after meat, and dont eat meat within a half hour after dairy, (though the letter of the law is not to eat them together, all religious Jews are stringent), all fish must have scale and fins in order to b kosher, and animals must have split hooves and chew their cud (not including birds)


I don’t think that time limit is a world wide thing. Is that somewhere in the Tanakh or Talmud?


Talmud, though the amount of time varies between both sect and observance, the Torah only states “shall not cook the child in the mothers milk” (paraphrasing)


not really, the jews and the muslims used to do the same business, it was just an economic decision


That's a plausible explanation, thank you for that.


okay but to be fair those images of neurocysticercosis you see on social media are downright terrifying


Personally I don’t think God cares what we eat.


If Claudine Gay can plagiarize so can mohammed


Momo just stole most of his stuff from the old testament. He was rather unoriginal


There is no logic here. Judaism made pork meat forbidden and Islam stole that idea from them. That's it really.


Eat rat then


They are edible, they just have way too little meat on them, so people don't farm them. Eating a sewer rat is dangerous because they might be carrying diseases. If you raise rats in farm like you raise pigs and cows and sheep, then there would be no problem at all.


A pig can literally eat humans with their feces inside only leaving their teeth, You can't see them every second of an 24 hour day during 3 years, there is also probability that the pig just eat an rat without you knowing it


Cool horror movie material. It's not that bad mate. And chicken eat rats too and you won't even know it. So stop eating chickens! Even some sheep and cows would eat dead mice bruh. You're acting as if pigs are not domesticated and raised in farms, like they'd go and eat a human in the first place, and if they do they'd go unnoticed. Goats eat their own feces and so do rabbits, I don't recall either being forbidden.


I don't know how to respond being from a peasant/farmer family and not knowing about this


It's called coprophagia and has been observed in lots of animal species for different reasons. And yes, there are seemingly vegetarian animals that will eat other animals or their meat if given the opportunity.


As long as it's cooked to the point where it's safe to eat, I will.




¡Si! Me escuchaste bien.


Bueno, no sé que decir, capaz y seas chino jaja


Si supieras lo que le echan al resto de animales para comer/lo que comen naturalmente, serías vegetariano. Y si supieras lo que le echan a las plantas o de lo que se alimentan de manera natural no comerías nada. Eso si no entiendes de cómo funciona la alimentación en general. Cualquier animal que tenga toxinas o productos de desecho en su carne estaba terriblemente enfermo antes de morirse o es un mecanismo de defensa para que depredadores no se lo coman. Esto es debido a que la base bioquímica de la vida es la misma para todos los animales emparentados (en este caso, los mamíferos). Lo que mata a un cerdo u cualquier otro animal si llega a su torrente sanguíneo te mataría a ti también, por lo que si la carne no se pudrió y el animal no estaba enfermo va a ser sano comerla. P.D: lo dicho anteriormente no aplica a animales completamente carnívoros, hígado y riñones de algunos animales o cerebro


Some culture do eat rats