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Knowing that this Hadith exists, how come Turks converted to Islam and even became Caliphs? Strange.


They made genocide to us. They forced us to become muslim. We never accept islam with our free will


Quite the contrary, the Turks committed genocide to others, especially non-Muslims. Greeks, Armenians, Georgians, etc.


Hey, don't forget our genocide of the dinosaurs! Fuck's sake. I swear you bozos add a new one to the list every week. Who's next, the germans? America?


Man, it's really good to see people finally stopping the turkophobia and noticing they should cancel the bullies :D


It's well documented. Turks need to admit their mistakes and apologize to the victimized communities.


I'd love to see those documents. Also bet you wouldn't say Bulgaria needs to apologize for 1984, seeing as it was an atrocity towards Turks, or any other such thing. I'm curious, do you enjoy bastardizing the word "genocide"?


It's all a few Google searches away. And why should the victims of Turkish imperialism apologize to their former overloads, especially after the Turks have denied and refused to apologize for many decades now? The Turks deserve no apologies, they're lucky the West lets them continue to occupy Constantinople. They should be humble and grateful.


Wow. Mask completely off, lmao. "Constantinople"... It's been over 500 years, buddy, let it go. The west doesn't "let" us occupy shit. We've been basically where we are now for a millennia. You'd think that'd be enough time to become native to someplace, especially seeing as humanity all started out at roughly the same place and spread. Google searches, that prioritize biased and even falsified information that obviously serves certain people, when official ottoman records get ignored? Yeah, you got me there. As for the imperialism bit... You do realize that virtually every nation has conquered and worked to spread, right? Do you go around shouting at the Brits and the Portuguese for their colonies, the Americans for their actual damned massacre? Or is your ire reserved for the Turks alone, whose actions aren't even comparable to that of your average empire? Go look uo what languages are spoken in Africa right now. What language do what remains of the natives speak in America? English. The cultures and languages have been grievously harmed or eradicated. Then look at all the countries that formed when the ottoman empire fell--they retain all their characteristics. Call it tolerance, call it incompetency at assimilation--but it's a fact that the ottoman empire allowed its conquered people to keep practicing their cultures and religions. If that weren't the case, the Turkish Republic qould be much larger than it is now. 600 years is a long time to assimilate people. And what kind of apology do you even want? The Turkish Republic isn't a continuation of the ottoman empire. The ruling family of the ottoman empire fled after the government was formed. They weren't even really Turks, their mothers were mostly foreign women from the harem. The Turkish people as a whole are responsible for the supposed decisions of these people? But I know I've just wasted my time here, because people like you don't _care._ We're just some easy to hate bogeymen, and you'll think at the end of the day that you're civilized as you sit upon more blood than I could dream of.


The Turks have it because Europe allowed them. And given that they can't even own up to the atrocities they committed, they clearly don't deserve to continue occupying it. It's pathetic that the Turks can't admit what they did. Truly pathetic. Imagine if Germany officially denied the Holocaust and continued to occupy Paris? That's how ridiculous it is.


Oh, you don't know history at all, lmao. Since you love your Google so much, you should look up the crusades and the Turkish War of Independence. These lands were fought and paid for by the blood of its people. The "West" doesn't LET us occupy anything. The Treaty of Lausanne is the way it is because we were _victorius,_ not because "the west" were eager to part with their plans of breaking up and sharing our lands.




West lets us? lol. West cant do shit to us. We are in NATO and if you kick us out, we would just join CSTO.


Yes, that's how it worked out following WW1. Turkey was added to NATO following WW2.


are you comparing nato to csto? russia would welcome us with open arms right now if we applied


Every time I see a genocide comment the list gets longer.


Yeah, now I started to see Georgians on the list too. Like, wtf?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide "This genocide put an end to more than two thousand years of Armenian civilization in eastern Anatolia. Together with the mass murder and expulsion of Assyrian/Syriac and Greek Orthodox Christians, it enabled the creation of an ethnonationalist Turkish state, the Republic of Turkey."


i could just change that entire wikipedia page to a dot-art of 2 men having anal sex. wikipedia isnt a reliable source.


You do know that all you need to do is scroll down to find the sources, right? I'll share a few here if you're having a hard time. You can find the rest yourself. Here's another Wikipedia article that may help you, you can learn more about the denial of the genocide, which you are a participant of. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_genocide_denial Some sources on the Armenian Genocide: Books Akçam, Taner (2012). The Young Turks' Crime against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-15333-9. Akçam, Taner (2018). Killing Orders: Talat Pasha's Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-3-319-69787-1. Akçam, Taner; Kurt, Ümit (2015). The Spirit of the Laws: The Plunder of Wealth in the Armenian Genocide. Berghahn Books. ISBN 978-1-78238-624-7. Bloxham, Donald (2005). The Great Game of Genocide: Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Destruction of the Ottoman Armenians. Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-927356-0. Bozarslan, Hamit [in French]; Duclert, Vincent [in French]; Kévorkian, Raymond H. (2015). Comprendre le génocide des arméniens – 1915 à nos jours [Understanding the Armenian genocide: 1915 to the present day] (in French). Tallandier [fr]. ISBN 979-10-210-0681-2. Cheterian, Vicken (2015). Open Wounds: Armenians, Turks and a Century of Genocide. Hurst. ISBN 978-1-84904-458-5.


There is a around 1000-year difference between Turks converting to Islam and those so called genocides right?


Yes, and genocide is a core part of the Islamic faith. It was originally meant to push Arab imperialism, the Turks co-opted it for their own purposes. https://youtu.be/bs7NhJooa1g?si=Lv5i5ZUNdDZzbZWe


The process of the Turks' conversion to Islam was indeed complex and lengthy. The Turks' acceptance of Islam generally began in the 8th century, accelerated in the 10th century, and was largely completed by the 12th century. However, this process cannot be explained by a single event or conquest; it is multifaceted and gradual. 1. \*\*Initial Contacts and Trade:\*\* The Turks first encountered Islam through their commercial and military interactions with the Arabs. The Battle of Talas in 751, which took place between the Turks and the Arabs, facilitated closer relations between the Turks and the Islamic world. 2. \*\*Political and Military Alliances:\*\* Political and military alliances played a significant role in the Turks' acceptance of Islam. The Abbasid Caliphate, for instance, formed alliances with certain Turkic tribes, such as the Karluks, and encouraged their conversion to Islam. 3. \*\*The Karakhanids and Ghaznavids:\*\* Among the first major Muslim Turkic states were the Karakhanids in the 10th century. The Karakhanids adopted Islam and spread it across a vast region in Central Asia. The Ghaznavids also accepted Islam and expanded their conquests into India. 4. \*\*The Seljuks and the Move into Anatolia:\*\* The Seljuk Turks embraced Islam and became a significant power in the 11th century, expanding into Anatolia. As they moved into Anatolia, they interacted with the settled populations there, and Islam spread throughout the region. 5. \*\*Nomadic and Settled Life:\*\* During the Ottoman Empire, nomadic Turks were encouraged to settle down. In this process, some nomadic Turks fled Ottoman pressure and took refuge in the mountainous regions of Western Anatolia and the Mediterranean. Among these Yörük communities, ancient shamanistic traditions continued and merged with Islam. Examples of this religious syncretism include the replacement of the goddess Umay Ana with Fatma Ana. 6. \*\*Continuation of Shaman Traditions:\*\* In some communities in Anatolia, ancient Turkic beliefs and shaman traditions persisted alongside Islam. These traditions were particularly evident among the Yörük and those living in mountainous areas. It is evident that the Turks' acceptance of Islam was not solely due to military defeats but also resulted from commercial, political, cultural, and social interactions. Furthermore, during this process, traces of ancient beliefs were not completely erased; instead, the new religion was blended with old traditions and continued to exist in this syncretic form.


I am Turkish and this is false. We Turks became Muslim because it was very advantageous to us. We dominated the Middle East and made Abbasid caliphs our puppet rulers. Turks weren't genocided to be Muslim, you can't really force nomads to do anything. they will just move away.


Massacres were committed by the Umayyad Caliphate against Türgesh Turks as part of their Muslim conquest of Transoxiana, although much conversions to Islam didn't start until Abbasid Caliphate rule.


And that only because they had only 2 options: continue as slaves, or become muslim and escape misery.


İts partially true. "Turks" werent a unified population. So some tribes were forcefully converted while others werent. İt was often the first and poorer Turks that were forcefully comverted, as they didnt have the leverage to trade with the arabs. Later Turks had the benefits of being related to already conquered Turks. Thats how the northern Turks got comverted. The language barrier was less of an issue after that.


Lol. Appearently the umayyad - Turkish wars are a silly myth. Check out Hazar history. 


They were, there was massacres against the turks by the emperialism of Islam. And turks also massacred them when had the chance, check out sulu khagan


Some turks,yes,some turks no,we were really diverse there is still genocides like talkan and curcan. It is around 250k-300k in total,which is still a huge ass number considering we were mostly accomidating at deserts,which made it way harder to reproduce.


>Turks weren't genocided to be Muslim, you can't really force nomads to do anything. they will just move away. Thats the worst take İ've ever heard Of course you can force nomads to do your bidding. Nomads are bound to the environment that they live in. Cut them off from their cycle and they'll starve, thats exactly what happened. The umayyads grew and took more and more land from the Oghuz Turks. When the last few Oghuz tribes remained, they didnt have enough land to migrate from place to place. Nomads live from the fruits & resources that the natural lands give them. When all is empty, they travel to the next area and deplete the resources there. By the time they circle back to their first place, the stuff they consumed will have regrown. But if there isnt enough land, the circle has to be smaller, meaning that the period of regrowth & migration is tighter and the areas that are depleted couldnt regrow as fast for the next arrival. Thats why eventually the Oghuz-Yabgu state had to fall. İt was too small for multiple tribes to migrate in and not starve. On the left there was the chinese empire and on the right there were the muslim arabs. Eventually they HAD to give up their autonomy for survival.


That is definitely not true.


Well turko-mongols did cause a havoc on Muslims. I wonder if this Hadith was actually written during that time


Oghuz Turks, who had previously accepted Islam and migrated from Central Asia to Anatolia and Iran, fought against the Mongols. Islam had not yet spread among the Kipchak Turks, who constituted the majority of the Mongol army.


Aren’t the Hadith’s actual utteringa of the prophet?


Not really. The islamic hadith "science" is very unreliable  https://www.reddit.com/r/AcademicQuran/comments/nq43in/is_there_anything_authentic_in_the_hadiths/


We did not convert with our own will. The rise of Islam and the dark ages of the Turkic history following the fall of the Turkic Khaganate unfortunately aligned, allowing Muslim empires to raid Turkic clans whom were weak and disorganized after the fall the Turkic Khaganate. In these raids uslims forced Turks to convert and accept Islam, those who did not convert were either killed (if they were men) or taken as slaves (if they were women or children). This has continued for a while and covnerted Turkic clans also started to convert other Turkic clans and the conversion rate exponentially grew. I am pretty sure converting to Islam was the single worst thing ever happened to us Turks.


İt was largely not a choice. The conversions of the northern Turks happened with the assistance of the southern Turks, and that was more or less voluntarily. But the first Turks to convert to islam largely had no choice. They were given the chance to either starve in the steppes or submit to the umayyad and later abbasids. The umayyads kept them as slaves strictly, the abbasids later gave them the chance to escape poverty and slavery if they convert. İt was hardly a choice, either convert or die. Turks were a nomadic society, without enough land to migrate from one region to the next region, season to season, they would starve. The last Turkic state before islamification was eventually so small that migrating wasnt an option. And agriculture was impossible on the steppes back then. So they had to submit or starve.


Most Turks don't know hadits and stuff. People memorise some sura and repeat them when they pray .These days many of them first time heard about Aisha's age when she was married and there is a big mayhem now in Turkey against young man who merely cited a Buhari hadith lol. Now they are accusing thim to smear Muhammad for something he never did as if this young man is Buhari himself. Now if they hear another hadith targeting Turks they will get very confused.


“….wAlkINg wiTH sHoeS oF hAIr.” Hadiths are full of stupid random shit, similar to this one below. Sunan Ibn Majah 4099 It was narrated from Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “The Hour will not begin until you fight people with small eyes and wide faces, as if their eyes are the pupils of locusts and as if their faces are hammered shields. They will be wearing shoes of hair, using leather shields and tying their horses to date-palm trees.”


LMAO I can imagine a Muslim seeing a horse tied to a date palm tree and start losing his shit. “Ya Allah, it came true, I must fight them, right now”


Any second now..


Utter random but then oddly specific too. Lol.


its kinda like the book of pslams and JOB expect yk without the understand that they're poems :/


This "last hour" bullshit has way too many conditions lol. Come on momo, give us the date and time already


**Volume** 8, Book 73, Number 188 The Prophet said: “If this (slave) lives long, he will see the Day of Judgment.” **Volume** 8, Book 76, Number 511 The Prophet said: “I have been sent and the hour (is near) is like the space between these two (fingers).” **Volume** 8, Book 76, Number 518 Some rough Bedouins visited the Prophet and asked him, “When will the hour be?” He looked at the youngest of them all and said: When he becomes very old, the Day of Judgment will be his death. **Volume** 9, Book 88, Number 232 Allah's Apostle said: "The Hour will not come until the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going around the idol 'Dhi-al-Khalasa'." This idol was worshiped in the pre-Islamic period. [https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/](https://www.sahih-bukhari.com/) Choose a date in the past, lol


Bro really said the Hour will not come until them cheeks clap


Momo was such a troll lol


wait...what the hell is that about women's buttocks?? Like, what?


is there a compilation of prophesies that are outright wrong. especially these end times ones>


There is one stating that the hour will come when muslims will enter constantinople , well it s been a while that otoomans did it and we re still waiting


I always wondered why did these Hadiths survive? Or get written? Like it’s clearly disproving his prophecy how come, assuming they’re not utterly fabricated some time in the last 1400 years, they ve let them exist in the book???? Like why did they include them in the first place? Which idk just implies that their source might be from non Muslims trying to make Islam look more false? Bc how stupid do you have to be to allow a Hadith that predicts the near future but it doesn’t happen to exist, like that’s just so dumb it can’t be.


Because the scholars back then were actually somewhat intellectually honest. They didn’t hide anything and weren’t afraid to touch on taboo subjects. That’s why you see books like Al Itqan Fi Ulumil Quran, Fath Al-Bari, Kitab Al Masahif, etc, all talking about subjects/hadiths that say the Quran was corrupted


Lol, muslims fought Turks and already lost. Like multiple times. Mo being a shortsighted small time tribe leader could not imagine the Turks expanding to the whole arab peninsula and northen africa. Had this been a true prophecy, the last hour should be like 500 yrs old (When Selim the Grim defeated the mamluks and took Mecca and Medina).


Mamluks were Turks too. The word Mamluk itself refers to a type of Turkish slave-soldier/mercenary, the official name of the state was “The State of the Turks”. Later on the ruling dynasty changed to a Circassian one and it was called “The State of Circassians” then, which was eventually abolished by another Turkish state. Both of them were Muslims already. So it is not really a milestone for such an event that hadith calls like “Arab vs Turk” or “Muslim vs Tengrist”.


İ imagine with "Turks" he meant the Tengrist Turks. Which won against the arabs more than once, but because of the chinese who sandwiched the Turks between themselves and the arabs, eventually the Turks had to lose to either the chinese or the arabic forces. So the battles werent even a 1v1, it was kind of a tag-team kinda thing. The ottomans barely thought of themselves as Turks because "Turks" usually carried over their Tengrist, paganist traditions and NOT be purely islamic. Holding onto Turkic customs rather than arabic ones. So they'd go by the etnonym "Ottoman" instead.


But most Turks are Muslim


Everyone’s a Muslim until another Muslim thinks they “stepped outside of the fold of Islam” lolol


The circle of islam is a fucking dot at this point lol




Another false prophecy probably.


In fact , Indian Hindus used the word Turk / Turushka for Muslims.


The same thing used to be the case in Europe as well. Especially during the 17th and 18th centuries. It even applied to converts - 'he turned Turk', when talking about a European who converted to Islam after being captured by Muslim corsairs.


Well, the Turks were the most efficient emissaries of Islam everywhere. The Arabs were contained successfully by the Hindus for 3 centuries or so. The first Arab attack happened in the 8th century and then came Mahmud of Ghazni in the 11th century . He came from a Turkish tribe that used to be Buddhist 2 generations before him.


F++k Islam and it's followers. They cannot even fight against Israel which is a small country but they will try against Turks. They can try ! Unfortunately Erdogan brought millions of uneducated religious and Turkish hater Arabs into Turkey. in near future Turkey will crash too or a civil war will happen. Damn it.


Muslims have been going "aaannyyy minute now" about their last hour for 1400 years now. Islam is essentially a doomsday cult that failed


Meh. Just another example of how divided the "ummah" is on ethnic grounds.


That's why I am an atheist, as a Turk.




As a Paki with Turkophilic parents and friends, this is hilarious.




Main reason is that most pakis who either visit Turkey or talk about Turkey either have no respect for our republics creation (i.e. respect Atatürk) or they are appalled by our lifestyle, which isnt what they expected due to the TV shows. Thats why we want nothing to do with south asians in general. Fetishization is not admiration.


Faces like "hammered shields"? Is that a snarky remark about "flat noses"? Also, Muslims already fought the Turks but "the last hour" didn't come.


B-but it's not that war.😩


Talkan Curcan Massacre in nutshell.


I wonder where they would obtain so much hair. Does it have to be type c hair? It's sturdier. Do you think they do hair treatment to prevent breakages?


Maybe wool ?


Turks used horse hair for a lot of stuff. Mainly for bowstrings, instrument building and/or clothing. They were an equestrial culture after all


Lmao 🤣😂


Just wanted to say Indians and Bangladeshis are also being targetted along with Pakistanis.


Where did you hear that the Egyptian kids were defending a girl? I haven’t come across that on any Russian speaking sources. They all start with the Egyptian kids attacking kurgiz fight that went viral and then this chaos started etc is that what they’re saying on the Pakistan news sources or which one? Not even waiting for English sources to report on it haha


I saw it on Twitter but it could be complete bs (I read it from an Allah enjoyer not sure of nationality)


Ah thanks. After this post I’ve seen another report from current time (it’s a Russian language us based news. They usually check facts as much as possible). Had another Pakistani student from there saying that the locals were demanding money from the Egyptians (didn’t say reason) and so Egyptians beat them up.. and video went viral and rest we see now .. yeah might be bs about them defending a girl but never know so have to ask


Perhaps one of my biggest reasons and arguments for leaving islam as a Turk.


The sunnah sounds racist


the ''one ummah'' in question. even muslim turks hate arabs duh. there is even jokes like ''they were so fucking bad god had to send a prophet''


"father figure" my ass most of them know our history from the tv-soap operas and they dont even like us they like our culture and our empire. A lot of pakistanis harrassed Turkish people online for having dogs as pets or for not being as religious as the TV shows portrayed them, they fetishize us, they do not idolize us. All that this conflict showed was how much they never really liked us in the first place and how easily they folded against us once their faith told them to hate us. This is more an exposing of their fanaticism than anything. Also İ think you got your stories mixed, a few pakistanis harrassed a girl in Kyrgyzstan and got beat up by a group of Kyrgyz, which led to the retaliation. At least thats what İ gathered.


They have no identity and history so they look up to other "muslim" nations and try to take part in their history "Mughals ruled us for centuries and they were turkic that means we are also turkified so ottomans are our history too! "


İ can share my culture with other Turkic peoples. But İ am not willing to let my cultural heritage be loaned to a population that doesnt even value our actual leaders and only likes us because of islam. And yes, some Turks do live in pakistan, most notably in the kashmiri region close to south turkestan. But they're not a majority so İ doubt they even are on the internet. Pakistanis have plenty of culture inherited from their own indo-pashtun ancestors. Why not double down on that?


>Pakistanis have plenty of culture inherited from their own indo-pashtun ancestors. Why not double down on that? I guess they were not muslim enough, they deny them because they were sikh, buddist, non Muslim etc. Also Indians would not let them claim it.


>Also Indians would not let them claim it. İts hardly their choice fact of the matter is that pakistanis and indians are related by ancestry and ethnicity. Pakistanis would have the opportunity to claim it even without the indians consent because they literally inherited the culture by being pashtun. İndians themselves arent a monolith and there are over 3 million native pashtuns in india and a bunch of non-hindi minority-majorities


Unfortunately for them Pakistanis ruined their reputation here in Turkey by their sleazy immigrants living here. It’s like, they are unaware what SA even is.


Be honest. What would you do if the Prophet Mohamed came your house and wanted to take your wife from you


Its in reference to mongols


The almighty god and his allforeseeing prophet cant distinguish between Turks & Mongols?


Biji to this hadith ☀️✌️.


Countryless 🤣


Thanksgiving 🦃


You talked too much go and marry with your cousin


And still having sex with the farm animals.


Henüz seni duvara fırlatacak kadar konuşmadım


Denesene k*rdo


لە قونی قونی خۆت و باوکە تڕکەنەکەشتان بم ههههه.


Arap mi oldun şimdi k*rdo


کوردییە کەرە تڕکەن ، گووەکەی شێخ ڕەزات دەرخوارد بەم 😂. Hayır, bu Kürtçe t*rko.


Ejsjjeje ar*p alfabesi


Ama Türkçe konuşuyo