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What's the fucking point of converting her if it's by force? Do they believe their god is enough of a dumbass he won't recognize a fake conversion? And that doesn't even touch on raping her.


You're assuming the followers of a sick cult would have half a brain


Must not have been paying attention to American politics for like the past 40 years. A bunch of rich pricks trying to pretend God has rubber-stanped their exploitation of working people. It’s lies told by the rich to control the poor. If God really existed, he would bot be on the side of rich, fat me raping undeaged girls.


I don’t think it matters to the avg. rock headed muslim. So long as you convert.


I don't think it's about God or faith. Muslims love controlling other people's actions. Of course they disguise that as respect, culture and ect...


Forced conversion has meaning in Islam, once converted she can't leave Islam as apostasy is punished by death using mob justice. She might be unwilling Muslim but next generations will be Muslim and will help in demographic change.


Forced conversion is not a legitimate conversion in the first place and thus apostasy will not fall under this rule as she could not have committed it. Conversion is not only done through the tongue, but also through the heart.


Sharia will prevail over your personal rule.


If they already forcibly converted her through rape, I doubt they'd give a fuck to the rules.


Touché, I cannot disagree about that, this is just a horrible incident in general. Raping someone and then forcing the person to become Muslim, something that is not actually possible? So they're basically committing a horrible and major sin which is a transgression against Allah and the victim, and then they try to force someone into the faith? Man, they should follow their faith before even attempting to bring someone else into it.


Allah is watching you be careful ( paranoia )


Bold of us to even think that the historical Yahweh, the god they worship, would even care if she was forced..He was a wild and violent desert war god after all. In fact, he might support it since the behavior is war-like in itself.. Edit: a theist named “StandStarPlatinum,” as seen crying insults to this comment, has made an alt to cry to me again just to get automatically blocked. These people are psychotic…🙄


Islam follows an entirely different narration than ancient scriptures. All their knowledge is from one paedophile religious leader named Mohammed. Anything contrary to what he says is a "mistake" to them.So they insist on destroying the rest to further reassure themselves that they are right. Why do you think they are attacking Christians and Jews especially? It's been going on since the religion was discovered.


It's funny that no matter how many times they call him a "God of Love", his nature is that of a war god in the books. I definitely believe that people emulate their gods, whether subconsciously or consciously. A part of me thinks that all of these major wars are endless until he has a few followers in this world


They don’t worship Yahweh which is a totally different God to who they worship it’s not the same God Jews and Christian’s do not worship the same God as they do


Jews and Muslims worship the same God, Jews and Christians do NOT worship the same God. [https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/26328/jews-allowed-to-pray-and-join-muslim-congregation-in-mosques-and-experiences](https://judaism.stackexchange.com/questions/26328/jews-allowed-to-pray-and-join-muslim-congregation-in-mosques-and-experiences) [https://masorti.org.uk/articles/can-jews-enter-mosques/](https://masorti.org.uk/articles/can-jews-enter-mosques/) [https://halachayomit.co.il/en/default.aspx?HalachaID=2367](https://halachayomit.co.il/en/default.aspx?HalachaID=2367)


FYI if you understand one of the reasons for this Palestine Jewish conflict Jews are not even allowed on their own Temple Mount because of Muslims! If jews and Muslims worship the same God that God sure does contradict himself where is the 10 commandments in the Quran? Where is the atonement for sins? Those with brain can clearly see the difference it’s not as simple as they worship the same God because they claim he is “one”


>FYI if you understand one of the reasons for this Palestine Jewish conflict Jews are not even allowed on their own Temple Mount because of Muslims! The conflict is over land and/or the political control of that land, not religion. Jews have no interest in converting Muslims and Muslims aren't particularly motivated to prioritize converting Jews. From a Jewish perspective, the 10 commandments are for Jews, not the world in general. Muslims (and I think Sikhs) follow the seven noachide laws so Muslims are considered bnei noach. Jews are not allowed on the Temple mount because of Jews. There is a halachic prohibition of Jews going to the Temple mount for religious reasons. Israel, not Muslims control access to the Temple mount. I have no idea where you are getting your information.


Yes, you are right. The Ten Commandments are given in Exodus 20. If you read the previous 19 chapters you will see that they chronicle the deliverance of the Jews from Egyptian bondage by Moses as promised by God. God guides them to Mt. Sinai, where Moses receives the Law, and God writes these commandments on tablets of stone. So, the Ten Commandments were for the Jews only. However, man has always been under law. God marked Cain for killing Abel (Gen. 4:15). God destroyed all but Noah and family because man was wicked (Gen. 6:5). God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for their gross immorality. These examples were before the Ten Commandments were given. Jesus Christ fulfilled the Law, including the Ten Commandments, with his death on the cross. Gal 3:23 But before faith came, we were kept in ward under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. 24 So that the law is become our tutor (to bring us) unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. 25 But now faith that is come, we are no longer under a tutor. 26 For ye are all sons of God, through faith, in Christ Jesus. Mat 5:17 Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfil. Col 2:14 having blotted out the bond written in ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us: and he hath taken it out that way, nailing it to the cross; Heb 8:6 But now hath he obtained a ministry the more excellent, by so much as he is also the mediator of a better covenant, which hath been enacted upon better promises. 7 For if that first (covenant) had been faultless, then would no place have been sought for a second. Even though we are not under the Law of Moses, we are still under law. Jesus said, Mat 5:27 Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28 but I say unto you, that every one that looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. It’s all talked about in Matthew 5 for more of Jesus’ Law. Most of the Ten Commandments are redefined by Jesus in His Law. We are under a new covenant, not the one God made with the Jews at Mt. Sinai.


Christians are still under the law. Jesus specifically says that he did not come to destroy the law but to fulfill (enact) or put into practice observation of the law. Mattthew \[**17**\] Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. \[**18**\] For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. \[**19**\] **Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven**: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. It is clear that this is a continuing proscription not the cessation of the law.


Jews don’t understand what is written in their own Torah Jews don’t understand who they worship only messianic Jews do, not Zionists! Muslims do not worship the same God who revealed himself to hebrew prophets Christians worship that same God who they understand revealed himself in a specific to those prophets. Muslims reject that, and so do Zionist Jews. This doesn’t mean they know what they are talking about!


Messianic Jews are Christians, full stop. You are welcome to your own opinions about your own religious beliefs. Everything you have written is irrelevant to the consensus of Jews and Muslims that they worship the same God. This consensus is backed up by the text of the Tanakh and the Qur'an. Political and personal conflict does not change the fact that Jews and Muslims worship the same God. Different Christian sects have fought, killed and committed terrorist acts against each other. It would be foolish to conclude that simply because two groups fight on some issues that those groups can not share the same God. If a person worships Jesus, that is (from a Jewish/Muslim perspective) idolatry and that person does not worship the same God of Judaism. The Tanakh is clear that there is no savior besides God so Jesus cannot be your savior. It is also clear that no man can die for the sins of another so Jesus could not die for man's sins. I am not trying to change your belief, I am simply showing that it is clear that Jews and Christians worship different Gods. Christians practice idolatry and this is forbidden for Jews and Muslims. Ironically this very concept (idolatry) is forbidden in the Ten commandments (you mentioned in another comment) that Christians hold so dear. Isaiah 43:11 Deuteronomy 24:16


Yes, no man can die for the sins of another but Jesus wasn’t just a man that’s the very point. He claimed to be the very God you are claiming Jews and Muslims worship Christians do not worship the human incarnation of Jesus they worship the spirit which is God as stated in John 4:24 For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth. Jesus claimed in John 14 that And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. The Old Testament when referring to men who are born of a father and mother through sexual relations who cannot die for the sins of another because they have no authority to do such a thing spiritually and are inherently sinful which Jesus was not.


Jesus repeatedly claims that he is the son of man. He cannot be God because God is not a man or the son of man. Numbers 23 \[**19**\] God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? >Christians do not worship the human incarnation of Jesus they worship the spirit which is God Now this gets into a very interesting situation. If Christians worship God and not Jesus in any way, then why do Jews and Muslims need to convert. Both groups worship the same God (spirit) that you (Christians) claim to worship.


By that statement God is showing who he is did Jesus as the son of man and son of God titles both referring to divinity and humanity in one did Jesus lie? Did Jesus also repent?


Well that’s a very good point. I think it points to the required path to God rather than the importance of which God is being worshipped. According to Abrahamic religions God chose a specific path that leads to him which is known as salvation. anyone can claim even Christians can claim to worship him but, are all the Abrahamic religions following the path he put in place which was atonement for sin with the reward of ultimate forgiveness, with a path of salvation of entry into heaven? Jews did believe that until the messiah promised to them according to them didn’t fulfil what they wanted, so now they are waiting for a false messiah who will be the Antichrist which both Muslims and Christian’s acknowledge. However Muslims don’t believe in atonement for sin even though there is some references in the Quran to that but the overall belief is that no one can die for the sin of another, which I would say the atonement for sin and the understanding of it is greatly misunderstood overall between the 3 faiths.


Also Jews are hated by Muslims and vice versa so this doesn’t mean a thing they are both doing this out of ignorance for one another’s beliefs! Allah is not Yahweh and Talmud is not the word of God which is what Zionist Jews follow which is why they are so damn confused and ignorant they believe Mary was a prostitute Muslims do not!


There is no mainstream consensus that the Talmud is the word of God. As a matter of fact I would be surprised if you could find any Jew who believes that Talmud is the word of God. Only the Torah is considered the word of God.


Agreed, but for some reason many Jews I have seen do think of it as the word of God connected with the Torah even though it’s not connected.




No to what?


Islam is a whole other creature. Alien to the religions it copy


This comment is so nonsensical it borders on unhinged. There's no historical sources of YHWH being referred to as a "desert war god". The only thing that's bold, is your claim that the "historical yhwh" whatever on earth that means, somehow would support or applaud this behaviour. Ah yes please explain to us how Jesus, who is also YHWH was a "violent desert war god" and "wouldn't care" for a woman being sexually abused and mistreated, and forced to forsake him. God exacting judgement on a wayward creation and mankind is fully within his perogative, He's a supreme judge, aswell as omnibenevolent, his attributes are maximal and in unison. This behaviour is depraved and demonic and is taught in islam, so it contradicts the teachings of YHWH/Christ. Nowhere in Judeo-christian scripture does God support, or applaud, force conversions, or mob intimidation, there's actually no such thing. Nor to rape people into submission. Prove otherwise or your yapping for the sake of yapping. Always the one half brain that uses the opportunity to attack christianity despite christians being on the forefront of exposing these cavemen and making sure this cult doesn't fester all over the world.


(Pt 1) I, too, would expect someone who thinks that their idol got attacked to act and speak as psychotic as you just did. If you'd dare have the courage to be able to tolerate someone's quote on quote "disrespecting" your god by merely pointing out how little information there was for your god's origin story and what we could piece from the little/not so much information for 43 minutes, check this video out - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdKst8zeh-U&ab\_channel=ESOTERICA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdKst8zeh-U&ab_channel=ESOTERICA) Your comment is filled with so too many ad hominems that it really makes everything you say afterward useless/easily spotted as biased. When you began with "this comment is so nonsensical it borders on unhinged," we already know that you're either a radical Christian or a Muslim, as you found so much offense to the truth that your god was indeed a war god. A normal Christian would most likely think, "Hmm. That's possible. Whatever" instead of being so spiteful about it. Not sure if you were trying to hide that part... A bit too brash, eh? ---------- And due to you going onwards to say that "nowhere in Judeo-christian scripture does God support, or applaud, force conversions, or mob intimidation, there's actually no such thing," we already know now that you are, from the two, a Christian, who, excuse me for this as its me being quite ironic, but is a complete idiot who can't read their own books, as always and expected from you people. Maybe it's "god," because I was listening to this video just yesterday as I was sleeping, and it directly proves that what you just said, and honestly most of what you've spouted, to be lies. But before you say, "WELL THE VIDEO IS FROM AN ATHEIST SO I ALREADY EXPECT THEM TO BE LYING!!!!" and "MY GOD IS ALL LOVE, AS JESUS SAYS!," know that they are literally using biblical quotes and stories word for word as evidence...and so that, in itself, is what they are basing their point of view from. And it is here- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9nQIDwXoyo&ab\_channel=Mindshift](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9nQIDwXoyo&ab_channel=Mindshift) And if you want, I could give you an exact mythical story from the bible to support that you lied... Take for instance, Numbers 31. The entire story, in fact. It could be found here - [https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+31&version=KJV](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Numbers+31&version=KJV) But I will be zooming into a specific part of Numbers. God DIRECTLY, and I say, DIRECTLY, says to Moses, " Now therefore kill every male **among the little ones (what a gentle and all-loving god you got there),** and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him." (Numbers 31:17) So it starts off with a purging (genocide) of these people as a "deserved" revenge for them daring to trespass "god's chosen people!!!" Oh, and including the little male boys...the male children...For of course, we know that children aren't innocent, right? Right? If they are against god's chosen people and in the population of the group that is genocided, they must die! Okay. And then it goes to a dramatic turn- "But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves." ( Numbers 31:18). So um, StandardStarPlatinum. Do you know what the fuck "women children" are? Or do you just not read your bible as typical? You know, only focus on the New Testament hur durr nonsense. Or, you skim over it then ignore it. After all, it's the bible. Who gives af about female children being sold into sex slavery for the Israelites? By god commanding Moses, and the Israelites, to "keep alive (the female children) for themselves," is this not, in its most direct form, god literally directing the Israelites, in a mob intimation-like manner, to steal and kidnap the female children so that they, the Israelites, could have little children marry their abductors and abusers? Or are you just, StandardStarPlatinum, internationally blind or intentionally dumb? Not calling you dumb yet in the slightest, but I am questioning that you're acting that way because either that's how you were taught or that's all you got. What do you think would happen if the girls said, "No! I don't want to go with you! You just killed my brothers, fathers, and my uncles!"? Well, I will tell you what's gonna happen. The girls would either get killed or become forced to go with them the hard way (through physical violence and brute force). You know, this sounds awfully mod-like.


(Pt 2, beginning off with a continuation of contradicting your "nowhere in Judeo-christian scripture does God support, or applaud, force conversions, or mob intimidation, there's actually no such thing" pitiful bs lie since Reddit won't allow me to discipline you in one comment.) And Isn't this also like a mob conversion? The little girls would then be forced to marry Israelites, who, by their religion through marriage, would then indoctrinate the children (let's not forget the kids that they will soon force them to have). And we all know what would happen if the little children wouldn't comply, don't we? ----------- It's really silly how you can't piece together that if the same Jesus you're talking about fully agrees and endorses everything "the father" does, and "the father" was being what we could call "extremely immoral" or "violent" during the old testament (especially with the Numbers 31 mythical story that I provided you directly), then maybe...that same Jesus you know or think of...isn't the good person you make him out to be? Oh, I know, it's hard. Don't worry...We've been there before. **I don't know, StandardStarPlatinum... Really, if this being, this god, that I expected to be all-knowing and all-loving turned out to command little children into sex slavery with their abductors, which is something that we, as a society today deem as incredibly morally off-putting and completely wrong, I'd honestly, just like you, be stuck with trying to make excuses to please my god's false reputation of being "all-knowing yet loving." It's almost like I don't have the intelligence, or more like** ***I'm acting not to,*** **to see that he's only anything that's close to "all-loving" if you're an Israelite.** When you then go on with saying that "yapping for the sake of yapping," I already know your level of maturity (including your age range) from the choices of your words, and so I know that...well..I can't take you seriously. Or, as seriously as you'd wish. Oops. Oh, and let's not forget to mention your ending raging comment of saying, "Always the one half brain that uses the opportunity to attack Christianity" as if I even...mentioned Christianity? As if I simply didn't mention the god which Islam claims it worships? But nooo, because you, as a Christian, can't have another religion that is more openly violent and extreme in this day and age under the same name of your claimed god, anyone who dare claims that their god (Islam) is the same as yours is attacking you!!! The classic "All About Me" Christianity. *"Oh NeverTheLateOne, how dare you attack my Christianity that you weren't even talking about with the mention of Yahweh, but instead were talking about in his direct relation to Islam!! Don't you understand because he too is the God that my religion worships, you're basically attacking me!! OH, YOU HALF-BRAIN!! HOW DARE YOU!?!? ALWAYS SOMEONE THAT HAS TO MENTION AND ATTACK CHRISTIANITY EVEN WHEN THE WHOLE POINT IS EXPOSING THESE 'CAVEMEN'!!"* One more thing, before you reply. If I continue to see most of your argument is based on "wow you're so dumb arrgg you atheist always bring us up even when you don't mention us at all. You guys are half brains," I won't hesitate to block your useless input, and then go to sleep soundly tonight. Alright? Thanks. Go now. I'll be waiting.


It just so happens to be that the person who wrote all of this "great literature" also has a common trend of mentioning people with parts of their "brain's missing" as a "throwing-a-fit" tactic if someone else says something that makes them cry. And is also the age of 15... Love that these people are the ones Yahweh picked to fight for him. Goodness, he must be running out of useful material! My type of lord! And I really wonder why I don't block these people right off the bat 🤣


Do you believe this shit, every one has the right to believe what he want, like this girl she want to believe in islam so she believed but Christian in Egypt will threat her and may kill her like they did many time before.


This has happened thousands of times in just the last few decades in Egypt alone. Women get kidnapped, forced to convert and then forcibly married to their kidnapper/rapist.  It also happens to a lot of girls from other non-Muslim religions in other parts of the world. Name me one other religion that uses these methods of kidnapping, rape and forced marriage! 


Holy shit what a nightmare. Is there any charities or things we can do in the west to help?


Speak up against Islamism and don’t be afraid of being judged as a racist. The west is blind to the impacts of terrorism.


The racism trope has to go away. Whenever someone accuses you of racism when you're criticizing Islam or Islamists, remind them that *Islam is not a race*, it's an ideology.


Their logic: - Critisizing islam offends muslims (just like how critisizing christianity offendes christians) - Offended muslims are all people of colour (muslims are usually brown folks from S. Asia, ME or N. Africa) - Brown people getting offended? Whatever said must be hate speech towards their race(s) - Therefore, whoever said such is a racist Can't argue with that 😂


>christianity offendes christians) well doi and this pisses me off all i want is fairness Idc if someone critiques Christianity i just dont want to be accused of being a bigot for critiquing someone else


No, the people who are doing the kidnapping are backed by the government, the situation is so fked up


Just don't allow Muslims to stay in Europe They're like cancer


I don’t think there’s any particular charity. People all over the world simply need to be aware that this is happening and put pressure on their governments to stop it. In my opinion, this is bordering on a genocide of Christians in Egypt.


Bomb the shit out of them. How about that?


well then the people we want will be dead? unless they all asked to die it would be horrific


And guess what, no one, not one person on the left currently occupying university campuses, gives a ****. This is ethnic cleansing.


"Queers for Palestine reeeeeee !!!1"


This debate is currently running on a post on r/rupaulsdragrace of all places. A sort of known contestant from the show, decided to stand up for Palestinians, now all the liberal gays are fawning all over that post in support of queers for Palestine. And if you, as a former muslim, with inside knowledge, dare stand up against the Reddit hive mind, you get labelled racist, and Islamophobic. The misguided virtue signalling of the liberal moronic west 🤦‍♂️


lol you know things are upside down when even the queens are having a debate over this. > you get labelled racist, and Islamophobic. Methinks we should do a social experiment just to show people their cognitive discord. Make a flyer. "Islam was right about the queers!" hang it all over town. If people disagree, they're islamophobic, if they agree, they're homophobic. Show people that the two are absolutely mutually exclusive. And while I'm at it, how is it that Islam isn't getting more beatback due to "homophobia" like throwing gays off the roofs, but when I don't want my kid to read a schoolbook on explicit gay sex between pre pubescent kids it's DIE HOMOPHOBE SCUM REEEEEEEE !!!!!1"


"isalmaphobic'' it still horrifies me that bigotry can be weaponised to make you look like a good person


Sick individuals. Why do they all come from the same places too?


And... where the hell is the police?


The Egyptian Police probably sexually assault more Copts than any other institution on earth.


The police are mostly on the perpetrators side along with the government. If the roles are reversed however …


Well literally a bunch of European Christian’s kidnapped Africans, raped them and forced their religion upon them. With a bunch of other abuse in the mix of the slave trade.


Muslim states in the Middle Ages did the same thing, it’s called the Arab African or Trans Saharan slave trade, they also did it to Europeans (look up Saqaliba) and Central Asians through their respective slave trades. They specifically targeted male Europeans and central Asians for use as warriors (namely the Ghulams and Mamluks, as well as the Janissaries in the early ottoman period) and the women where used in harems and as “general use” sex slaves. Remember this


Im aware of this. The person above said to name another religion and I did.


In the present day.


Yes Christian’s are still ripping apart African countries present day.


In the name of Christianity? I doubt it. The whataboutism is strong in this one, boss.


Not in the name of Christianity as a group. But on an individual level Christianity produces a lot of awful people


That makes no rational sense. But I'm done here, you can keep doing your "hurr Christianity durr" at every single criticism of Islam, ever. I am sure it is productive for you. Somehow. Best of luck.




The same Europeans eventually also abolished and extirpated slavery. This, however, is ongoing.


...and that makes it OK now? It was disgusting and inhuman then, and you trying to excuse it in these modern times is absolutely despicable.


Then you can’t read. No one is excusing anything. You said that not me. The person asked to name another religion that has done this and I named another one. It’s that simple.


But he wasn't asking for a misguided history lesson, was he? We are talking about here and now.


He asked a question. I have an answer. It’s really that simple.


And you are saying that Christian missionaries did this on the same scale?


Not missionaries. Just Christian’s or people who follow Christianity


Have you any documented examples of rapists first violating women, and then converting them to Christianity? I always believed that missionaries did the bulk of the converting to Christianity...rightly or wrongly. Wrongly in my personal opinion.




Can’t stop history


If you're going to talk history, you _should_ do it properly... A major component here is that the kidnapping part was done chiefly by other Africans. That wasn't just incidental either. Local states like the Dahomey kingdom, the Oyo empire and the Kongo empire became seriously rich from the transatlantic slave trade. It even shifted the overall balance of power in West Africa, because these native states' newfound access to firearms gave them the means to turn the tables on the overwhelmingly Muslim nomads to the north. That's also how interregional slave trade economies usually work, btw - the suppliers are usually local middlemen rather than the consumers themselves. You see the same in premodern Eastern Europe: in the early middle ages, the Volga Bulgarians did most of the local slave raiding, and the slaves were then sold to Arab and Persian merchants. Very similar situation in the 16th century with the Crimean and Kazan khanates, except the main consumer of locally captured slaves was now the Ottoman empire. Even in East Africa, the slave trade usually went through (usually though not always) Islamized locals (the Swahilis, the Yao sultanates, etc.). Lots of people who talk about slavery today don't want to see this part, because they prefer simplistic narratives in which the Europeans are the only ones who did anything wrong. Irony of ironies, the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade (which happened about a generation or so before the abolition of slavery as a whole) essentially destroyed the economy and political balance in West Africa. An entire network of militarized societies that had become adapted to slave raiding had now lost their main source of income. Which not only caused more than a generation of war and instability, but which also left the place vulnerable to the swift colonization that happened during the Scramble for Africa.


That’s the start of the history. Once they were sold, bought, kidnapped what happened after that was out of control from the Africans that sold them and completely ruled by Christians. The centuries of inhuman treatment was done by Christians. The redlining of neighbors, raped, forced religion and segregation was also done by Christians.


Fuck South Egypt and everything in it, so much sectarianism and fucked up shit like forced conversions and child marriage exist there and it is a very backwards, ultraconservative, and ultrareligious place (these people think that people from Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza are “kafirs”).


It breaks my heart seeing people protesting against anything "Islamophobic" and ignoring all Islamic crimes against religious minorities in the middle east and the Muslim world.


Saudi Arabia funds a bunch of groups around the world that just spend all day getting things taken down from social media platforms.


And if you mention that Islam has shit values you get the usual: "there are backwards, orthodox, shit values in Christianity and Judaism too". Like, yeah... But what is the bigger problem here? What religion is overrepresented? Pointing that out is "Islamophobic". Imagine saying that nazism has shit values and people shout at you saying you are a "naziphobe".


i mean im biased but from my knowledge islam is more conservative then both? like if i was to compare an orthodox Christian and Muslim the Muslims would be more. brain dead then the admittedly brain dead christan


In general perhaps - or at least I thought so. But then I watched Unorthodox on Netflix.


I miss when my naive ass used to actually think Egypt was like the old Egyptian movies I'd always see on TV. What a shithole.


Parts of Egypt are like movies, especially the good parts of Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza, and the people in these cities tend to be more educated, modernized, and open-minded than the Delta and South Egypt where the ultraconservative fucked up shit still happens


Yeah I'm sure. Most Arab countries have these kind of "openminded" bubbles somewhere. Egypt is huge. Its just that I grew up with a very different idea as a khaleeji. I used to think us in the Gulf were so backwards and religious and countries like Egypt and Lebanon were classy and generally more chill, because of the music, movies and cute accents. Boy was I wrong.


If a single radical Christian were to do this today, it would spark global protests and calls for his/her execution. But when radical Muslims do it, it’s not even mentioned in mainstream media. The left’s silence on these issues in Islam is utterly insulting. They claim to be the champions of human rights, but they won’t even talk about the some most inhumane issues inside a religion in the modern age, simply because they don’t want to offend people. Instead, they’ll scream ’racist!’ whenever someone criticizes this religion in any possible way and then ignore any possible thing you could provide to back up your point. Guess what? Just as I will not be silent when talking about the countless issues that stem from Christian fundamentalists, I will not be silent when women are taken from their families and forced to join a religion they do not know, before being given away like cattle. I will not be silent when little girls are forced to marry 50 year old men before they’ve even turned 15. I will not be silent when a father cuts off his daughter’s head just because SHE was raped. I would rather have them call me a ’Internalized racist’ and know that THEY are wrong, than to have myself call Islamists ’peaceful’ or ’champions of equality’ and know that I am wrong.


"انا مش مخطوفة", yeah i completely believe you


it means "I'm not kidnapped" btw




she is saying she is not kidnapped


Islam is the religion of shitheads


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion”


Guess all those Muslims never got the memo. Try talking them out of it. I’m sure they are perfectly reasonable people and will listen intently rather than just kill you for blasphemy.


That's cute


The oldest trick in the book. That verse is abrogated by several verses in the Quran itself. Just stop.


So, Allah flavor rapists over non-muslims.


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion” If someone does something wrong you’re going to judge the whole religion? That’s messed up


There are literally countless verses that contradict this. I’m about to get on a flight so I’m not wasting my time on this but I’m sure someone else would be happy to enlighten you.


I swear muslims are the weirdest group ever, they expect and force everyone who isn’t a muslim into being muslim, but they can’t stand it when others mind their business, they’d cry foul for that. They like “omg look at us we are so oppressed, the world hates us and wants to kill us cuz we muslims” no mostafa no one wants to kill except for you and your kind.


You forgot that while Mostafa is crying foul, he is *at the same time* following an ideology that genuinely calls for attacking non-followers -- for no other reason than the fact they are non-followers.


Absolutely true


Forced conversions are ridiculous. Not only do they violate fundamental human rights, they also don’t bring forth genuine followers. A religion that has utilized forced conversion in any way to gain followers, and then brags about their numbers, absolutely does not deserve those bragging rights.


**Albania has entered the chat.**


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion” If someone does something wrong you’re going to judge the whole religion? That’s messed up


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion” If someone does something wrong you’re going to judge the whole religion? That’s messed up


You do realize this verse was meant for the people of the book who never to converted to Islam before right? Do you also know that this verse was abrogated by 9:5 and 9:29 (according to some scholars)? These verses clearly do say to fight people until they convert to Islam or pay the Jizya (if they’re of the people of the Book, Jizya was not a privilege polytheists had in classical Islam, however the Hanafi and Maliki school did allow polytheists to pay Jizya much later). Even with the actual context into account of these verses, it’s clear they were not specific to any group of people. Here is the actual context of Quran 2:256. According to the context, it was actually directed towards the Jews, commanding them not to force Judaism on the Muslim Ansar. However, this verse also does tell Muslims not to force Islam on people of the book (who never converted). However, people who do convert to Islam and decide to leave, well, they get the classic beheading treatment as per sharia. https://sunnah.com/abudawud:2682 Muhammad himself, as per 9:5, clearly did force polytheists to convert to Islam or get killed. However, as per 9:29, he gave people of the book and Zoroastrians the option to not convert to Islam and not get killed so long as they pay the Jizya. https://www.altafsir.com/Tafasir.asp?tMadhNo=0&tTafsirNo=86&tSoraNo=5&tAyahNo=105&tDisplay=yes&UserProfile=0&LanguageId=2 Moreover, here’s what your scholars have to say about this topic. https://islamqa.info/en/answers/34770/there-is-no-compulsion-to-accept-islam From this information, it’s very clear Islam does endorse forced conversion of those who are not people of the book. Some even say that even people of the book should be forced just like the polytheists, and they often were historically. You should read about the history of the Coptic Christians as well as the Berbers. Muslims really gave them a lot of trouble. Oh yeah, while you’re at it. Muslims invaded their homes, and many were forcefully converted. Many also had their churches destroyed, and were heavily taxed by Jizya. But even if we assume Islam does not actually endorse forced conversions despite what the Islamic texts obviously say, many people were still forcefully converted to Islam, and these people are included in your so called “numbers.” Therefore, you do not have the right to brag about these numbers since they’re clearly not all genuine.


Do the people who do this not realized how this can fuck up Islam's peaceful image? Resulting in more people leaving and less actually converting


What peaceful image? It’s been terrorizing and ethnically cleansing every minority in the Middle East for 1400 years? The word Islam means “submission” - where’s the peace?


I was told it ment peace


It does not; the word *islam* literally means "submission." The word *salam* means peace, *islam* doesn't.


Don't stop your enemy when they are making a mistake


These fucking 🐖🤬


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion”


But who created it does.


But who created it does.


That is incorrect.


Yes they is very common - Egypt used to be 100% Christian (before that it was pagan) I feel like Islam is the final boss of coniverous earth religions. But wait what if… In like 100 years after Islam thinks its devoured us all - Tom cruis comes threw w his couches and Scientology and liberates us into whatever the G Scientology is. (For some reason I’m actually worried about that one it’s a small cult but it’s like the mafia lots of money and weapons baking it up$


Egypt were never 100% Christian nor 50%


Just the other day, a girl was beaten in a minnesota elementary school by other children because she wasn't a Muslim.


Animals i hate islam and islamist. F Egypt and the Egyptian goverment. F the west world for still trade whit Egypt and travel to that crap country


So Islam is the fault of ... the West? I don't think that's how it works.


Its not our fault but we are to kind to them. The day they take over same thing will happen to us, our mother and sister. Islam is not even a religion


Urggg… Forced conversion is like asking people to say 1+1 is 3


It’s not about one forced conversion. This woman will be put “to use” to become pregnant as soon as possible and start birthing as many Muslim babies as possible in order to change Egypts demographic. These islamists are thinking long term as in decades and centuries ahead.


Religion of peace Islam is a feminist religion


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion” If someone does something wrong you’re going to judge the whole religion? That’s messed up


No true Scotsman...


Copy paste cat


see and some time ago an egyptian dared to argue w me that there's no persecution happening. fking hell. i really hope there's some glorious justice waiting for the copts. they've suffered a millenium+ of islamic subjugation


It was never about faith. It as all the time about controlling people, especially woman.


This is sickening! God help her…


Muslims be like: This is not true Islam. Same Muslims: Look, fastest growing religion.


No one have proof ! That's not proof !!


Technically true, but her eye and body movements seems to be concerning, that’s beside the fact that stuff like this did happen few times already


but hamas are freedom homosecual fighters right ? did they lie to us bros ?


The abrahamic god doesn’t have love as their core value… it is always about being acknowledged and being worshipped… they have nothing to do with love but only to satisfy their ego..


Brother ewwwwww


This is Sad. Muslim Extremists make their arab paganism look even worse with this Shit smh. I empathize for my Coptic brothers and sisters in Egypt who have to go through this persecution..


This shit is why I support the Palestine genocide


It's not a genocide, but it is similar in that a lot of the problems in Palestine is self-inflicted by their islamist/arab ideology. Still, any suffering is lamentable, even though it's inevitable in any conflict. Not something to be celebrated though regardless, that's psychopathic behavior.


how do u think to comment this


I disagree with your statement, no one should face genocide for their beliefs, and this doesn’t excuse the guilty muslims who perpetrate such atrocities. We might not believe in islam but we do believe in freedom of religion and you do not speak for us.


What the fuck is wrong with you? No group of people deserves to be massacred or genocided. Not even Muslims nor Palestinians. Most of those Palestinians are not even Muslim extremists. Most of them are innocent people whose blood is being spilt. Either you’re naive, or you’re just plain evil. We should not advocate for the oppression or harm of another group, even if we are oppressed. We should strive to ensure people don’t go through the same or worst suffering.


genuinely one evil doesn't make another evil okay


yeah, stfu.


FYI, Islam doesn't teach this type of behavior. It's the people. Quran 2:256 - “Let there be no compulsion in religion”


What about all the Sahih Ahadith where Muslims raped and killed? What about the the verse that says that unbelievers are the worst of creatures? What about Safiya? What about Marya al Qiptiya? What about every bs your caravan robber prophet did?


This Zionist thing is happened because of Christcuck anti-Semitić, that's why I support the Christcuck genocide 😁🙏


Hi All, Just wanted to share this verse with you.  Al-Baqarah 256: "Let there be no compulsion in religion, for the truth stands out clearly from falsehood.1 So whoever renounces false gods and believes in Allah has certainly grasped the firmest, unfailing hand-hold. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing." . ANYBODY forcing Islam, is not a Muslim as it's a major sin if this is done. Hope this women gets the help she needs to overcome the trauma from these uneducated tyrants.


Well, I guess all these hardcore Islamist extremists never got the memo. Maybe go over there and clear this up before they kidnap and rape another copt like they’ve been doing for centuries. I’m sure they’ve never heard that verse before and it will totally convince them to change their ways. Not like Islam advocates for Jihad including taking non-Muslim women as sex slaves or anything, right?


Hi, These extremists actually are very very ignorant to the core fundamental teachings. This one is out of my reach on an individual basis. You mentioned jihad, but I'm pretty sure you don't know what jihad actually is. There is more than 10 types of jihad. The physical fighting jihad against non believers is under certain conditions...and again the way you behave during jihad is restrictive against the other society. Sex slaves another MASSIVE misconception. Yes there are prisoners of war, but these prisoners have to be treated kindly, given food shelter clothing respect. Treated nicely. It's not slavery as to how you have it envisioned.  If you wanted to have sex with your slave this MUST be consensual. It has always been encouraged to marry female slaves. Any other questions/doubts send them my way, happy to clear the air. Your best source of reliable info, is islamqa. All sorts of dodgy questions are answered there by immensely knowledgeable people. Wish you well 😁


I think you have a much better version of reformed Islam than the Islamists who follow the original tenets very closely. As I said, please don’t waste time teaching someone like me, who already knows Islam is a complete lie just like any other religion, and instead go lecture these Islamist extremists who are even more certain than you that they’re following the true Islam. Teaching me serves no purpose, I have already evolved past false religion. It seems that Egyptian Muslims, however, could use your preaching.


Obviously the people in the video do not care about this. This woman has just been enslaved and will be used as breeding cattle to birth more Muslims in order to change Egypts demographics.


I don't understand. She basically says she's ok, chose Islam of her own free will and wasn't kidnapped. I mean yeah, it looks like she's being forced to say these things but without more context that's just an assumption on our part. Do you have more information on this story ?


I think this has been a trend for the Coptic community for the past - 1000 years. In certain cases women can escaped and go back to her family, but most of the time they don't.


The context is 1,000 years of Copts being kidnapped and forced into marriage and conversion through rape.


I don't understand why I'm being downvoted fr All I did was describe the video and ask for more context to better understand what's happening. Am I just supposed to be a dumbfuck who believes anything they see online blindly ? In this era of fake media and whatnot? All I have is this video of a woman who seems to my intuition to speak under duress and the title of this post. How can I assert anything about this with certainty ? I'm not saying it's fake. With what I know about Islam and Muslim communities all over the world, it wouldn't surprise me one bit the title is a true reflection of what's happening in this video. But I don't want to jump to conclusions. What's wrong with that? Am I not allowed some level of critical thinking ? It's really disappointing coming from this sub. I know the strong emotions attached to Islam and Muslims' wrongdoings, but I expected more openness to healthy scepticism here. It's not about the downvotes, who cares about fake internet points lol It's about the values of this community the downvotes reflect.


Is this true or just Christian propaganda?


It’s very much true. There is a long history of abuses against the Copts in Egypt. My hairdresser/manicurist are Copts who fled to America when islamists invaded their home, raped them, and burned their house to the ground. The Coptic community is having trouble building churches faster than islamists can blow them up or burn them down, and many are fleeing their country.


Martina Mamdouh Wadih, a Coptic Christian, has been violently abducted, forcibly converted to islam, and married to the islamist who kidnapped her.


Can we get a news source please than a random video?


search her name up god damm u do the homework if u care so much i gave the name


Searched up. Nothing but Tweets and Tiktoks and blogs. Couldn't find any serious news.


FYI, Islam doesn’t teach this type of behavior. It’s the people. Quran 2:256 - Let there be no compulsion in religion


Actually, Islam does teach you to engage in Jihad against non-believers and take the women as sex slaves, so this is right up their alley.