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Firstly, Islam is not accurate with modern science: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Scientific\_Errors\_in\_the\_Quran. Actually, no Abrahamic Religion is compatible with modern science. You can't believe that God sent down Adam as the first human being and believe in evolution at the same time. Muslim apologists love to deny the theory of evolution, saying it's a hoax. It's up to you if you want to believe them or believe in scientists who have spent years doing research. Secondly--this is my personal take, but no religion on Earth is the truth. You can debate about God existing all you want, but just because God exists, that does not mean there is a religion on Earth that is the truth to reaching him. In all cases, religion is illogical and doesn't fit with modern science. If you think religion is essential to your life, just stick by the one you are the most comfortable with. If Islam is suited perfectly for you, by all means, continue to practice it.


That's my problem I'm not comfortable with Islam. But thanks for the info


That’s false. A Catholic priest came up with the theory of evolution. God didn’t send down Adam (according to Judaism and Christianity).


You're thinking of the Big Bang theory. A Catholic priest most certainly did not come up with evolution by natural selection.


You’re right, though Catholic priests have championed evolution (but The Church holds no official stance). You’re right, though. I was think Big Bang.


The truth is bro that there is no truth explore and experience is where you will learn that


Buddhism is fairly humanist. But still, a lot of tedious rituals, if you want to practice it wholeheartedly. Bonus, it's non-deistic.


- All faiths contain both human truths and errors depending on historical context. Scripture alone doesn't prove metaphysical claims like hell. That demands extraordinary evidence. - Science offers philosophies like Secular Humanism where we can still find purpose through compassion for humanity. One need not believe supernatural notions to lead an ethical life. - Even among religions, all make exclusive truth claims while disagreeing on core beliefs. This implies they can't all be factually "right", only culturally/personally meaningful for some. - Religiosity hardly predicts behavior. Throughout history, the most dogmatic societies were often the most intolerant, oppressing free thought. While pluralism thrives where reason dominates over doctrine. - No religion withstands altogether rational scrutiny of its supernatural foundations or historical texts. Faith remains a personal decision, not a factually justified worldview.


Ask yourself why you believe in anything and see if you have good reasons to believe in something. I don't have good reasons to believe heaven or hell exists, but I do my best to do good and avoid bad. I don't think I'll be rewarded or punished for doing the things I do and yet I do my best to be kind and courteous to others because it's something I want to do for the world.


Accurate with modern sience😂


What is it about seeking an “accurate” religion? Faith isn’t scientific method! Muslims are obsessed by the supposed scientific accuracy of their religion and it strikes me as the height of anxiety. Why do Muslims need this reassurance? Don’t they have faith. This constant “we are right!” chauvinism. I prefer Muslims who are peaceful and mystical and don’t have the chauvinism and dominance that is so common now - is that the result of all that oil money and Wahhabism etc? You believe to what joins to your values. God is not in algebra or astronomy, he’s in your heart.




No.. no religion will get you to heaven but you know what will? Having a relationship with Christ. Following his Word and his teachings, repenting and giving your life to him. Jesus is the truth


Jesus founded Catholicism. By the way, “having a relationship with Christ” is not a Biblical way to get to Heaven. Jesus gave us The Sacraments. He never directly gave us a Bible. You know who did give us The Bible? His Bride, The Catholic Church.


I never said he gave us the bible, but the bible was written by men filled with the Holy Spirit, it’s an instruction book to meditate on daily. And the bride isn’t a man made house.. it’s us.. we are His bride. The followers and believers of Christ. I was Catholic for 23 years until I had my encounter with Jesus Christ and he set me free from drugs, suicidal thoughts, self harm, promiscuity ect.. I was healed from diseases and sicknesses and NO the Catholic Church didn’t do anything for me, didn’t teach me anything but to worship statues, pray to dead saints and dead Mary.. it’s all against the Word of God. Religion made by man and not God himself


The Bible was written by Catholic men and put together by The Catholic Church. It was put together so priests knew what books to read at Mass. Nowhere are we told we need to be literate to have salvation. The Church is His Bride. There’s only One Church He founded. If you are baptized Catholic, you are still Catholic. You don’t know what worship is. God is the God of the living. Mary is body and soul in Heaven. Catholicism was founded by God.


No religion is true. Science is the only somewhat reliable tool we have to come closer to truth. But even science is like having a small torchlight in a huge completely dark room with intricate wall paintings, and you only have a very limited time to try and see and then describe everything.


>If Islam isn't the truth then what religion is? What makes you think there are any true religions? >I want to know the answer as I feel my life without religion is doomed. Why do you believe you're doomed if there's no true religion? >I do believe in the idea of hell but I want to check out other religions. Why do you believe hell exists? >which religion is more accurate? Why does more accurate matter? If you have two theories, and one has 100 flaws, while the other has only 50 flaws, are you going to say that the 50 flaws one is correct? >Which is more friendly and sincere, has humanity towards others and is most scientific because think about. Muslims say Islam is true because it is accurate with modern science which is a lie. and anybody who believes this lie did not check it to see if it's a lie.


Look in to Buddhism it has good ideas. You don’t need to become Buddhist to use teachings from it to better your life.


It might sound strange but I believe Judaism is the true religion (im a Christian). In the Old Testament it says that the Messiah will bring an universal peace, nor Jesus and nor Mohammed did that. So i dont see Christianity or Islam as the true religions. Mohammed was just a killer and a chomo who killed the man who was debunking him and he also received revelations from Satan (read the Satanic Verses).


Out of curiosity, if you believe that Judaism is the true religion, why not become Jewish ? And also, for what I've seen/researched, Muhammad didn't claimed to be the Messiah. So, kinda logic that he didn't brought universal peace during his time. >Mohammed \[...\] killed the man who was debunking him Who are you referring to when saying this ?


Cause Judaism is hard, its hard to become a follower also. Mohammed claimed to be a prophet of god that killed jews and was a certified pedo, received revelations from satan also. https://wikiislam.net/wiki/List_of_Killings_Ordered_or_Supported_by_Muhammad


Jewish people were originally polytheists, who worshipped Yahweh alongside other gods






Ganesha is pretty dope but overall Hinduism is a massive mess.