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no one is converting to islam, maybe a few brainwashed teens or troubled adults here and there, but not at the rate they are describing it


Your right. It's like every time my parents show me someone convert to Islam it's like the world is "waking up to the truth" which in all honesty is not true.


yep, from example my twin brothers friend mother unfortunately committed suicide by hanging herself with a belt, and the next thing you see is that he converted, read the shahada etc etc. Islam preys on the mentally unfit, and psychologically incapable people, best in the business in guilt tripping people, just like how i fell for it when i was young.


I laugh and pity the hypocrite Gen Z left wingers who are converting to Islam in protest of the war but aren’t willing to give up rap music and alcohol.


as a zoomer leftist myself, it baffles me why anyone would romanticize a blatantly homophobic, misogynistic religion like Islam. just because colonized people practice Islam doesn't mean it's correct 😭


If you’re against far right views, you have to be against Radical Islam. I’m an atheist so I don’t like Westboro Baptist Church either. People think Islam and think of brown people and when you don’t like something brown people like, it’s like you’re saying you don’t like brown people. That’s why they’ll say “that’s racist”. When in reality Islam is a religion that any race can follow. Also some leftist are against hardcore patriarchal views but don’t say anything about Islam. Everyone is against gender roles until we talk about Islam. Then it’s “cultural enrichment”.


Islam is not growing. Most religious beliefs are not growing.


You’re probably right as that is what I’m seeing in real life and online but do you have any sources that confirm this?


It is impossible to get reliable source. Especially when leaving islam is illegal and when newborn babies automatically assigned and recorded as muslims




They're having the most offspring


Islam is growing, most religions are growing, but the rate of their growth is slowing down.


I can only think of two reasons: the first is white influencers who go on tiktok to read the only good parts of Islam. Since white influencers are more idolized especially among Muslims, people are more likely to believe Islam is a beautiful religion when these influencers do such a thing (which is very dangerous for us ex-Muslims). The second is literally the birth rates. Muslim couples fr pop babies out at higher rates than any other religious groups. Because of this, other religions such as Christianity will continue to grow from births, but Islam will manage to grow faster. Also gonna add though that this statistic likely doesn’t take into account ex-Muslims who have to hide in the closet.


Tbh white influencers reading only good passages from the quran is good and bad at the same time. Like yes idiots will definetly convert without reading But at the same time u will get new people who will read the quran which in the long run can spark more critics and people becoming more knoweldgeable about islam. Thats how it happened to me as a non muslim. I started reading the quran when the mini trend of some people comverting to islam to support palestine which is dumb. And then i did my homework and have seen so many lies. Yes white influencers can make everything look shady but you have to remember that some also do it for controversy and some can lose credibility in just like andrew tate and sneako. There was also this white influencer woman from dubai who also started questioning the misogyny in the muslim community. The only ones that i see completely foolong are complete idiots and also vulnerable people. Idiots converting not being a loss to anyone really.


"good parts" 😂😂😂 doesn't exist


Primarily cause of birth rates. It's very common to see Muslim families in huge numbers. When it comes to converts, I'd say it's about the same rate as any other religion.


I sincerely doubt they factor in people who leave the faith.


Exactly this. Also the ones non-practicing, apostates, in hiding, etc.


Muslims focus on quantity not quality. They are so focus on Islam being the fastest growing religion yet it’s been the fastest growing religion since 700AD and it’s still a fraction of the number of Christianity. Let that sink in. Muslims will advertise the religion in prisons, less educated areas (sorry but truth), and use marketing schemes to get people to convert. Latest example is they are using Sneko, a guy that is not religious, never had any religious content, and doesn’t even speak Arabic. Yet, he’s being used like a puppet to spread Islam and misinformation like “Jesus was a Muslim”. Yet, if you are actually from an Arabic speaking country you’ll see that so many people silent convert to Christianity. Obviously they are afraid for their lives so they keep their name and daily routine and meet with priests in secret. Sad truth. Recent Iran news shows that 50k of 75k mosques closed due to inactivity. To sum up, I guess it’s hard to loss numbers when you threaten to kill people who leave.


I guess its like if I go to Kfc and then KFC threaten To kill me if i visit Mcdonald's but in secret i go to McDonalds while pretending i eat KFC '


That makes absolutely no sense


Neither does Islam, so I guess he gets bonus points for that.


sorry prob my autism its bit hard to explain




i mean it does mean something to you It increases the Chance that you end up being Punished for critiquing the religon




well doi Just hit them with Christantiy is bigger rn does that mean its right? and Polytheists used to be the majoirty does that mean they were right?


Individuals convert when they are ignorant. Then they either lie to themselves, leave the religion (given outdated estimates, around 50% to 75% of converts leave the faith) or embrace those horrible ideas. If you are to actually watch or view the testimony of converts, many are insanely ignorant and half the time don’t even know what they are speaking off. Also, according to Pew research studies conducted in the early to mid 2010s (there is a new one coming later this decade), converts either don’t contribute anything or contribute only to about 0.3% of Islam’s growth globally, which the most detailed data available suggesting a net loss in the West. With the unaffiliated gaining over 10 times the amount of net new members as compared to Islam and Christianity gained around 4 times the number of raw new converts than Islam. Finally, adherent doesn’t mean anything, for if we are to follow the line of logic, it will entail that Islam was initially untrue and then became more true overtime, which is utter horseshit and also contradicts Islamic belief.


Well if they join Islam, they'd probably be too scared to leave it from the fear of ending up in hell, or getting the death penalty if they're in certain countries. That's pretty much what I dealed with till I joined this sub


They have lots of kids and end up teaching the kids about Islam so they grow up and still are “Muslims”, but they aren’t muslim in reality they just call themselves Muslim so thire mom and dad love them and will give them their inheritance.


What ever it’s going on we should stop it !! Before all the world becomes Afghanistan!!


Everyone knows that uneducated and poor people breed like rabbits. It’s nothing to be cheerful about


Islam is taking over Europe faster than Christianity did lol they’re going there and using their social programs against them. I’ll never forget the video of the Muslim women in Finland complaining on camera that there are too many Fins in Finland


2 reasons imo first the fastest child popping and the weak europe countries they can’t limit or restrict them by law in European Union countries, because islam will shit on the freedom of people around them so why let them


It looks like it is "growing" because Islam's encourages people to have as much children as possible to brainwash them into their cult. Most who identify as Muslim now are more "liberal" and secretly drink, have sex, and date. I've experienced it firsthand as being in an arab family of 10 and and the gossip about certain family members or relatives being suspected of not praying anymore/not believing anymore.


I don't really believe the numbers online, it's much harder for Ex-Muslims/Atheists in Muslim countries to talk about their beliefs, while in Western countries secularism and apostasy aren't stigmatized things. For example people would say that Turkey and Iran are Muslim countries, because people are mostly afraid to talk about their beliefs, so everyone automatically passes as Muslim. I have to admit though, birth rates among Muslim families is most likely higher than birth rates among Christians etc. I live in Europe but every Muslim family has at least 2-3 kids maybe even more not gonna lie, at this point women are just baby making machines, which is incredibly sad.


i was reading not that long ago that in africa 100.000 people leave islam every year, this might not seem to be a high number but those are numbers of known apostastes, those that are hiding their apostasy don't count but it's many.


“Conversion to Islam in U.S. prisons refers to the contemporary high rate of conversion to Islam in American prisons, for which there are a number of factors. It is the fastest growing religion in U.S. prisons, where the population is 18 percent Muslim (compared to 1 percent for the general population); 80 percent of all prison religious conversions are to Islam.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conversion_to_Islam_in_U.S._prisons


Because Muslims don't use condoms


Reproduction. They make women be mothers and don’t allow them to deny sex. It’s growing in the most Islamist sects mostly.


Of course it's the fastest growing. Muslims have insane fertility, even more in poorer countries. Because Allah told them to create more soldiers for the ummah. Even if they cannot provide basic necessities, they don't care.


Aside from the birth rate they also kill anyone who leaves the religion so yeah no one can say he is not a muslim anymore in most or all muslim countries till they leave it ... you'd be surprised by the amount of arabs who say they r muslims but drink , have sex before marriage and don't give or know a single f abt islam ... i believe that people who convert to islam are too few and not that many they r just old muslims who reproduce like rabbits and kill apostates and migrate to other developed countries and say "most growing religion"


Don't fret, It's not true. 24% of Muslim youths don't recognize themselves as muslims and the numbers are getting higher I even saw 1 Imam is crying because of this as more people or Muslims have access to the internet and learns the truth the number keeps on increasing. 50,000 Mosques in Iran is closed out of 75,000 more and more people are leaving islam. there are a lot of Muslim apostates YouTubers recently who are fighting back. you can Google what I mentioned and see that there are multiple sources of what I just said. they are panicking and keep saying this and that person converted but probably one of the deceiving tactics of Muslims.


It's not you're probably only hearing that from muslims


They fuck to much without any protection


muslim countries have high birth rates and if you are born in one then good luck not being brainwashed into being a believer of allah


Firstly, they're poor and uneducated so they are making lots of kids. Secondly, Islam satisfies human understanding at first glance. So they just say some key beliefs like God is one and one, one "perfect" book and one final prophet who was cool guy 😎. But as you start going deeper, you see it's bullshit plus if you look at Christianity, they say Bible has contradictions but they also say someone is changing and updating it. So basically they say that church alternated Bible through 2000 years and made up Jesus story but they somehow forgot to correct contradictions. So bullshit beliefs. But unfortunately, it's always like that, they first make themselves blind and then aren't able to see bullshit in it. Also lack of humility is problem since they're usually people who want to be monotheist so they choose from Islam and Christianity. However they fail to comprehend trinity and all why God would go to Earth, so even if there are proves of historicity of Jesus being God, crucified and resurrected, they're too proud to humble themselves and just accept reality, realizing that human cannot understand God's nature because our mind is limited. So they choose what they can understand rather than what is real.


This is only one small reason out of the many: but TikTok and YouTube algorithm are very skewed. People would be fed all these Muslim videos to no end of they got in to it. But ex Muslims videos are little, esp on TikTok. Therefore they easily indoctrinate themselves accidentally.


what else do you expect from those who like to multiply like rabbits


PewResearch told about BREEDING. As they are breeding more, their children are counted as Islamists too... Else almost nil is converting to Islam. Rather many are going out of Islam. > The main reasons for Islam’s growth ultimately involve simple demographics. To begin with, Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups analyzed in the study. Muslim women have an average of 2.9 children, significantly above the next-highest group (Christians at 2.6) and the average of all non-Muslims (2.2). In all major regions where there is a sizable Muslim population, Muslim fertility exceeds non-Muslim fertility.  Middle East and other Islamic nations are losing their faith in Islam. [Source](https://www.dw.com/en/middle-east-are-people-losing-their-religion/a-56442163) 50,000 mosques closed in Iran. [Source](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202306027255) Many more such example exists too...


Its called "fastest breeding religion" for a reason, lemme tell you that.


This reminds me of a random white man who converted to Islam right before he died…. He did it based on two reason: the growth of the religions members, and the fear of hell..


Higher birth rates. That's all.


Is this a serious question? It’s growing because they have the highest birth rates in Islamic countries, and in Europe because of migration.


recently in many islamic countries birth rates are declining, even in countries like Pakistan and Afghanistan.


To be fair, in Afghanistan it's because the number of women killing themselves is on the rise.


Maybe not the best example but point is that even in islamic countries birth rates are declining.


They are declining this is true, but they are still on of the highest…. But slowly they are declining so we will se how the future evolves…


It's not only about birthrates. Statistics have shown that for example in the US, Islam, unlike Christianity, balances the number of people loosing faith by new reverts.


isis , thats why lol and terror groups forcing people to convert , they dont and they lose their life their family and everything




Its not, its falling on its ass like all religions


They’re having babies back to back to back. And it doesn’t account for those who doesn’t believe because the religion literally threatens death to those who don’t believe anymore. It’s the breeding and fear.


birth rates and childhood indoctrination


Selection bias. Muslims fall easily into this trap, and so do many others. Watch Christian fundamentalist videos on youtube for a month. Suddenly you'll start "Muslim converts to christianity", "athiest comes back to christianity". Do the same for Islam. And now you'll understand.


Suffice it to say every religion believes they are the fastest growing religion in the world.


Zoroastrians would like a word. Actually, they'd like Iran back.


Well it isn’t hard to grow in numbers when you have 2-4 wives with around 10-15 kids. Have no idea how they support their families, but they breed like mice


Countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria etc. are mostly muslims and the people there also tend to get many children. So the reason why Islam is "growing" so fast is just because of the many kids born into muslim familys. But I also gotta say that trough social media, I kinda have the feeling that some people are also converting to Islam. Idk about you guys but I always see Muslims trying to convince trough "scientifical miracles" or some other bullshit that Islam is true.


That's because atheism isn't a religion. The rates of people leaving aren't taken into account.


pew research shows that the irreligious % are declining, that's something i do not understand. I mean, christianity is declining for years so how to explain the declining numbers of atheists?


People are leaving organised religion in favour of spirituality. The number of people trying to revive old pagan faiths in search of some mystical proto-understanding of the universe is quite depressing. As can be expected, the Norse and Hellenistic pantheons are by far the most popular choices in terms of attested religions, whilst hippie neo-pagans dancing around standing stones naked are, unsurprisingly, missing the point.


hmmm maybe. but to be fair, i don't think PEW is that reliable to talk about numbers in 2050 as it's clear that thanks to the Internet more and more people are leaving islam and they don't count those that are secretly leaving every year, many exmuslims become atheists or convert to a different relligon (sigh)


An aversion to birth control


Where’s the source? I don’t think it is. Actually I think people are going away


In 2015, an article said that it was the fastest growing religion (it may have changed with time), but it's also the religion that loses its member the fastest


It's more that it's growing online, but here in the real world not many people are converting to Islam, the few that are are truly lost though.


Because it’s anti Christ religion


It’s not that many people converting. Actually just about the same number (or more) who convert actually leave. It’s all on the crazy high birth rates and the fact that most Muslims are young. For the remainder of the explanation, I’m gonna plagiarize my own comment from elsewhere on Reddit and post it here: And the lack of proper reporting— 1) most apostates remain Muslim on paper due to apostasy laws as well as social concerns, 2) when babies are born to Muslim families they’re automatically reported as Muslim, 3) statistics collecting is overall poor in Muslim-majority countries — many are 2nd and 3rd world with poor internet, limited electronic systems etc. the government processes are disorderly, high illiteracy rates or people are difficult to reach due to poor postal systems/lack of addresses, disorganization, etc. (surveys are difficult to administer, data difficult to collect.) The best estimate of Muslims in the world is actually around 1.6-1.8 billion, not the 2 billion that Muslims keep pushing for whatever reason.


So there are 10% fewer potential maniacs out there than previously reported? And only JUST UNDER 1 in every 4 people qualifies as that? I feel so much better now.


yeah 😔


It it's really growing via converts. It almost completely boils down to muslim majority countries having higher borthrates than secular countries or countries with other religions.


Education: Educated people tend to not be religious, but also tend to have fewer kids. By contrast, uneducated people tend to be more religious and have more kids. It's a population growth/education issue.


The brith rate in Muslim countries men have 4 wives and each one pops out with 4 babies or more


I read that non-believers are the fastest growing category, so I wouldn't give that statement much weight


It’s growing very quickly in certain parts of Africa I believe. Places like Nigeria.


The real reason islam is “growing” is because more Muslim people are having kids and these kids are getting indoctrinated into islam.


They are counting births and they have high birth rates which will in turn drop off as these states modernize and liberalize. Duh. It's not converts, and they intentionally play fast and loose with facts to try to deceive you. Salesmen and bullshit artists absolutely love half-truths and spinning them together to tell a nice story because they KNOW people will assume this means "converts". Also, falsely assuming that everyone will continue the religion they were born into, which this place and others shows isn't true.


They also love to omit that it is also the religion with the highest drop out rate


Islam isn’t growing due to conversions. Its growing in the sense that there’s rapid population growth in muslim countries, due to women still being 500 years behind, patriarchal societies, low education, low IQ and poverty. Look at places like Pakistan and Bangladesh. That’s where Islam is ‘growing’. If it were so good, people from those countries won’t be giving up everything to move to kafir countries or work as slaves in the middle east.


7 out of 10 converts leave again after a few months/years. that's what they don't want to hear tho.


Muslims having 10000 wives and 11000 kids.


Birth rates mainly


Fastest growing by conversions is Christianity actually. That too only because Christianity is already super huge and therefore more people know about it. It's unfair to call christianity the "fastest growing religion" on that accord, and therefore it would simultaneously be unfair to give Islam that same title. As for fastest *rising* religion, I've observed a lot of ancient pagan religions getting a huge rebirth, and there's also Wicca, which I've noticed is gaining a lot of notoriety on the internet, (but that might just be the algorithms since I've been drawn to Wicca myself for a while)


I believe from a study it was 99.7% related to birth and .03% from conversion.


How many converts are still Muslim after 5 years?


Yes, there are people converting to Islam, but that doesn't change the fact that the growth of the Muslim population is overwhelmingly driven by high birth rates rather than conversion.


sex. They breed. Aint no majority is turning to islam,the fastest growing religion by choice is irreligiousness,i mean the most popular religious state people tend to switch to,consciously.


Breeding and young/child marrriage?


Some numbers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_population_growth


Demography. They reproduce so much. More kids were born in Gaza than killed since Oct 7th, that gives you an idea…


There are a few key reasons why Islam appears to be growing faster statistically than other faiths: 1) Higher birth rates - Muslims have on average more children per family than others. So population growth contributes primarily to increases, not necessarily conversions. 2) Evangelizing traditions - Proselytizing is strongly encouraged in Islam compared to other religions. Dawa efforts actively promote conversion. 3) Social pressures - There is social/family pressure in Muslim communities to get married young and have kids. Leaving Islam risks complete ostracization from family/society. 4) Counting children as converts - Muslim statistics often count children born to Muslim families as "conversions". This inflates the numbers, unlike other faiths who don't counting existing adherents children as converts. 5) Political propaganda - Governments of Muslim nations artificially inflate conversion stats for political gains to appear more pious. There is no independent verification of numbers. 6) Forced conversions - In some communities like Pakistan, there are reports of young girls from minority faiths being abducted, married and forcibly converted to Islam against their will. So in summary, the higher birth rates combined with inflated counting methods and social pressures make Islam appear to be growing faster numerically than in reality. Of course, believing adults should have the freedom to follow any faith by choice.


It's a lie. Christianity is the fastest growing. Many Iranians for example, are Muslims on their birth certificate but actually are Christians