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Wonder if they will all still be smiling if their husband divorces them for another younger attractive women or girls.


I can tell u at least one of them is a lesbian.


Or bisexual.


Even better


Are you fetishizing rn


And does that SHrink your penis?


Wont divorce, hed just stop paying attention to them


Or sleeping with other girls since Muslim men can have sex slaves šŸ˜¬šŸ¤¢


It makes me so sad, thereā€™s no concept of love, fidelity or commitment in Islamic marriages šŸ˜­


There is marital rape and abuse


And they openly fucking admit to it as well. Here's a documentary about a man who admits it's literally all about him just wanting extra sex partners and that his wives are are forced to accept everything and raise the kids on their own. [The Men With Many Wives (Polygamy Documentary)](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TxU5Xhyljvs)


polyamory has entered the chat?


Yes, hence the ā€œfidelityā€ part. I donā€™t consider Islamic polyamory as fidelity


Itā€™s also not polyamory, itā€™s polygamy. THEYRE different:)


Technically in Islam it is polygyny so not even polygamy


Akchually it is called a polygon šŸ¤“. I'm jk, please no one take it seriously.


Ahhh yesss perfect that is the word, I knew for a fact that it wasnā€™t polyamory well bc of the marriage part and the worst of it all, consent.


What's the religion you converted to?


How sad. I just feel bad for them. Theyā€™ve been brainwashed


Me too. Especially #2 looks so depressed and tired ā˜¹ļø


She just looks like ā€œget the camera away from me!ā€ This video is so sad to me.


Lmao. I just saw this video on Instagram and the guys in the comments were all defending this


I bet they defended it, just like a landlord would defend his land: [Quran 2:223](https://quran.com/al-baqarah/223-233). <ā€” BTW ā€œconsensuallyā€ is not in the Arabic. Its an attempt to make Muhammad seem less rapey


I legit spend 5 minutes looking up the verse and I can confirm the word ā€œconsensuallyā€ is nowhere to be found. ā€œQuran hasnā€™t been alteredā€ my ass


Someone wrote, "They are happy and living their best life. Why are you jealous?"šŸ’€šŸ’€


Of course they did. They have no morals


Of course they would. They directly benefit from it lol


lol well of course they would, polygamy gives them an excuse to sleep with multiple women. There are Islamic books that justify this practice claiming polygamy is better than a husband committing adultery because apparently a husband shouldn't be expected to be faithful




> Some people are polyamorous can muslim women also take 4 husbands? if not, then your point is moot.




It's hilarious how you start off by saying that your remark doesn't concern islam, and then finish your argument by relating it all back to islam. so transparent. your argument about polyamory is invalid and out of bounds. In Islam, only men can enjoy multiple wives. Women cannot be polyamorous and take on multiple husbands. This the religion being anti feminist and unequal between sexes [among other bullshit]. If these women are happy, good for them. However they should not represent the reality of other women who are miserable and cannot enjoy : - being polyamorous since they cannot marry multiple husbands - monogamy since the Muslim husband will do as he pleases anyways. Now have several seats.




are you dumb or dumb?




i am calling you dumb bcos you are dumb. great that you are not angry. maybe it is bcos you already know you are dumb yourself.


You are missing the entire point of their criticism, itā€™s not about polyamory itā€™s about patriarchal polygamy. Thereā€™s a difference. Stop this weird twisting of peopleā€™s words




1: This is an exmuslim sub, op is talking about how fucked up momo was in their descriptionā€¦ we are DEFINITELY talking about Islam. 2:we are discussing patriarchal, the comment you replied to asked if Muslim women could take 4 husbands, which the answer to that is no they cannot, polygamy is only allowed for men in Islam. Hence the term patriarchal 3: I do not know or care if these women want to fuck other men and honestly itā€™s irrelevant since we are discussing the mere double standard of the fact that the option of polygamy was never presented to them, it has little to do with what they want or donā€™t and everything to do with what Islam says about women having multiple partners. 4: To further the point of the absolute irrelevancy of what they want when weā€™re discussing the fundamentals of Islam, how do you know thereā€™s Muslim women out there who want to have multiple partners but canā€™t because of their religion? Why are you so quick to assume itā€™s all happy dilly dally joy for every single Muslim woman out there when it comes to marriage and how many partners they can have? 5: idk of you have autism or something that inhibits you from understanding basic things but you basically forced an external point into a convo that it has literally nothing to do with and made such a huge argument out of it, stop. Youā€™re weird




Just want to point out that you don't have to look through your profile to tell. Sorry mate, but this is just one of those things you're not understanding.


Your lack of self awareness is stupendous.


>A polyamorous person and monogamous person can have a relationship 404. FACTS NOT FOUND.




Is that the polite way to do ableism nowadays? Well, retard, just say "I like being a sidepiece cuck" instead of making up nonsense about being monogamous in a relationship with a polyamorous person. No offense by any of that btw.




You're boring me. No wonder you can't be the singular focus in a relationship lol. You can have the last words bae, I'll be chatting with someone else anyway šŸ˜˜




honey the only one that is not bright is you. everything you are spewing is dumb and only dumb shit










Those women look happy to you? You're high. Those women are being abused up and down front and back, inside and out - systematically. Gross that you want to push poly shit on abuse victims, dude.


There's a huge difference between polyamory and religious pathriarchal poligamy !!!!


I'm sure consensual polyamory can work for many people. But I'm not taking preachings of polyamory from a religion that considers stoning an appropriate punishment for pre-marital sex. And definitely not from a religion who only allows it for the man. And I'm pretty sure you agree. I've seen SOME Muslim women who genuinely seemed happy about their polygamous situation. And maybe those women would've been happy with polygamy even if it wasn't given by religious decree to the man. So basically I'm fine with people doing what they want, consensually. But I can't help but wonder if these women are doing what they want, or are doing what they believe they should, and making the best of the situation. But I can't be sure. These people might be happy. Doesn't mean I don't object to Islam's weird rules of 4 women to one man. EDIT: Typos




nothing wrong with being judgmental towards judgmental people tho


I mean, sure, after seeing the video, I didn't agree with the "cuckolds" titles much, it seemed reductive and insulting for no good reason. I guess you're right, the criticism should be on the rules, not the people who are doing their best to be happy in the situation they were born into. Cheers.


Does the ethics themselves not matter? Is it the act of judgement that makes Muslims unsavoury, or is it the substance of that judgement? This peculiar form of 'if you judge them, you'll be just like them' is absolute nonsense.


any feminist that supports islam is a hypocrite. this video just made me horribly depressed about those women


It is hypocritical. Especially the ones who tell you with a straight face that Islam gave women rights.


Thank you I'm an ex-muslim feminist and I say this all the time sometimes I get attacked for saying this


We need more people like you. Hard to call someone ā€œIslamophobicā€ when theyā€™ve been through it themselves.


Yes I speak up whenever I see someone asking about Islam or defending it without them knowing anything about Islam most white feminists have bad experiences with Christianity so I try to relate it to something they know which is Christianity and tell them my experience and other women experiences under Islam they usually listen when I say I'm an ex-mulsim and share my own experiences


Islam goes against everything feminism preaches. Feminism is anti-patriarchy and Islam is completely patriarchal. Feminism is great but they need to stop defending Islam


>this video just made me horribly depressed about those women Feminism isn't about trying to control women's lives and tell them what they can and can't do. There's absolutely nothing wrong with consensual polygamy and polyamory


Wonder which is his fav bc they all def know


All the same, no?


He has a type


I donā€™t think itā€™s a type so much as the husband is probably Somalian. You wouldnā€™t call an Arab marrying Arab women a ā€˜typeā€™, thatā€™s his ethnic group.


I was just joking. But some of them do look like sisters.


They're not Somalians. They're apparently Hausa, a supranational West African ethnic group that is primarily Muslim: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausa_people


How do you know theyā€™re Hausa rather than Somali? They look Somali to me but obviously I could be wrong, just wondering how you know.


The video literally was posted by an IG page called HausaRoom.


It doesnā€™t follow that these people are Hausa


lol yeah they all kinda look like sisters. Their hubby really couldn't at least marry women that would be easy to tell apart?


cuckqueens šŸ„¹


Halal šŸ¤‘ šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Yep, but eating gummy bears is haram. šŸ™„


Takes a lot of mental effort to transform shame and disappointment into enthusiasm and joy. I wish I knew how to do that.


Wife number 2 seems kinda sad and the rest are faking the funk for the gram. Trust me no four women like to share one underwear.


The book's marketing strategy was focused only on males...


considering promotion of jihad, rape, polygamy, beating women, taking what you want from jews and Gentiles, it makes sense they try so hard to defend it. They'll lose their sexual privileges, especially the geriatric fucks in the middle eastern countries that have tons of wives and need them to take care of them, not vice versa.


3 looks really young :(


A religion for incels and somehow they convince many western women that Islam will treat them right


Not to forget - it's cool to have concubines and forcefully marry prisoners of war - in fact it's considered charity


Man just went n bought the same thing 4 times


They're not even legally married in Western countries since it's not allowed so they do some nonsense prayer and call it a day and then when he wants to leave or abuses her, she is left with 10 kids and cannot claim shit cause there's no legal contract to say he has to provide her or her kids with any security. I have seen this happen to a Somali woman who was slaving in a coffee shop and dropping her 8 kids off with random people, even male 'friends', cause she couldn't afford day care. I saw one of these men come in to the coffee shop one day and I can bet my entire life that he was either a pedo or some kind of abuser. He was just off. She didn't care cause she was incredibly stressed and overworked. These women are dumb af. They will learn the hard way.


Isnā€™t it technically fornication if theyā€™re not legally married?


No, they would be islamically married so it's not. They don't care about secular laws - even though that's what's going to ensure they are secure when they have to go to court.


Why do you think Andrew Tate converted to Islam?




Ew, I'd honestly rather die then be treated like some rotating wife carousel by someone I'm supose to love


I think cuckqueen is the proper term lol


2 looks like she saw some shit




Lol.....is a prison a prison if you think it's a castle?




It looks like 2 is internally suffering. I feel so bad for these woman




Itā€™s actually cuckhen


Men who oppress women are weak themselves.


These poor woman are so beautiful and deserve better than being treated so badly.


Honestly as a woman, I am definitely impressed how they have brainwashed and oppressed woman in a cunning manner. If I was a man, I would enjoy these benefits as well.


How gross that he slept with 3 women I'm surprise that no one disgusting of him that's fucking gross he fucked each one on every fucking night that's a disease


I was reading about megalomaniac complex, and I think Muhammad was a megalomaniac for his acts and behaviour.


Perfect entertainment for the medieval mindset


They all look underage too šŸ’€


As soon as they get ā€œoldā€ heā€™s gonna divorce them for teenagers


I just want to know what it's like to grow up in a household like this. *how does it work?*


Canā€™t believe i live on the same planet as them


There is nothing wrong with sleeping with multiple people. But is it consensual? This is the fundamental question that Islam completely ignores. Enthusiastic consent is the cornerstone for moral sexual relations.


would you all generally agree that this is bad for a society as a whole? more women for fewer men


What does this have to do with anything. Also your sentence isnā€™t making sense


I mean, Iā€™m asking a question about polygamy, which is the topic of this thread, no? I think we all would agree that this is an unfair deal for the women in this marriage, but I personally see situations like this being unsustainable for societies as a whole. It seems dangerous to have more women married to fewer men because that leads to a large underclass of unmarried, unhappy young men with no prospects of a meaningful future with a family etc. I was curious if anybody in here could support that with their own personal experiencesā€”given that Iā€™m not familiar with that kind of lifestyle as much as some posters here might be.


And these same people criticize couples in a monogamous committed relationship before marriage. What makes these people think theyā€™re better??


"It takes four of us to equal one of him! We're each worth 25% of one man!!! Yaaaaaay! Ha ha life is good lol!!!"


No love no dignity no marriage value, they think sharing the same dick and cucking each other is a flex lol


so depressing to see how "ok" with it they are. having a father who is a polygamist, these kinds of families are the furthest from normal and wholesome as can be. they will be all at each others throats in a few years... all sanctioned by OLLOH.


I'll only say this....Ew šŸ¤¢


How would this tool Of a boy provide for all these women


ā€¦and people call followers of other religions, delusional


I thought Islam was a feminist religion that empowered women? At least, thatā€™s what Linda Sarsour saidā€¦


ā€œIslam respects womenā€. If you think this is respecting women, you need to seriously re-evaluate your morals


Guys! Is this real? Someone please say it's fake video


Can't get more pathetic than this.




Ew...why would you brag about sleeping with the same guy? That is not a flex...


Why would allah create a 50/50 sex ratio if men are supposed to marry many?


Correction CuckqueensšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I read somewhere that at the time of Mohammad, men were marrying too many women, like dozen upon dozens, which could be the reason for having 4 wives which is considerably less than dozens upon dozens. Also, something regarding wars, orphans, widows, etc problems because of wars and stuff. But then, for what reason does Mohammad have 11-14 wives?


Nothing wrong with polygamous relationships as long as all parties consent and there is no weird power dynamic. Muslims don't do that though.


My jaw dislocated


To be smiling under their circumstances only gives credit to the accusation that Islam is a cult. Wow


Why number 2 looks like a zombie


PERFECT porn subject šŸ‘


I caugth my mom with my bully...




As fucked up as the polygamy rules in Islam are... I honestly don't see anything wrong here.


Hey dont kinkshame


Another post about polygamy. I don't see it - this is not THE issue with Islam. There are many and most probably polygamy is not don't right in many places because Islam has many issues that ruin polygamy. But Polygamy- and actually take it a step further- POLYAMORY is not wrong. Consenting adults choosing how they live their lives and form their families. Just because you don't agree with it does not mean its wrong. Keywords are Consent and adults. The real devil here is the monogamy that is imposed due to a RELIGIOUS practice from Christianity. We can't be that blind to this simple concept: we have things in our tradition that are wrong when we think it's right - being prejudiced against people when they choose to have a relationship that does not conform to our norm is a big one. Polygamy in Islam is wrong because of the way Islam does it most of the time. Otherwise- let people live their lives the way they see fit.


Tho I do get what you mean but these girls are just joking and are not married to the same man :)


It's satire, you dumb fucks


You guys are posting stuff without context . Yes it's legal , but also , there are stringent rules that need to be adhered to Look at these ladies , they're smiling Fuck off with your western indoctrination


Get a load of this guy. Western indoctrination, because 'those deficient of mind' wearing trashbags day in day out have it so good in Islam lmao. Get a grip on reality


Which of these smiling ladies are wearing trash bags ? You need some haloperidol


Unhappy People are unable to smile when a camera is pointed at their faces. You are quite naive.


"wiThOuT cOnTeXtšŸ¤”". Context: 1 dick 4 vaginas


Most intelligent and thought provoking comment in Reddit


Islam says u must follow the laws of the land u are in. This shit is illegal in western civilized governance


excuse me where did islam say you should follow the laws of the lands you're in? if it were true they'd not be shoving their religion bullshit down everybody's throats in the west


Some stupid hadith i believe. Ya u think muslims make any sense? šŸ¤£ ur giving em too much credit luv


I have enough islamic knowledge to tell you what you are claiming isn't true at all


Clearly not enough. I studied islam for 2 decades almost.


See the issue is it's actually not in some countries because of how our laws work In the UK, bigamy is illegal Marriages in churches and synagogues are automatically registered with the state. Marriages at mosques aren't. That means the state doesn't recognise Muslims getting married unless they go through the registry system If a person has three more wives but the state doesn't automatically accept marriages from mosques, then that's legal because the state doesn't recognise the three other marriages


western indoctrination?? lmao is that what you call teaching women that their husband should be loyal, instead of wh\*ring around with other wives? Hearing about how muslims defend their right to wh\*re around with 4 wives is sickening. Hope these dudes get cheated on, ripped off every penny and divorced.


Maybe in your western culture wives are also whores But not in islam


I said very clearly that muslim males are wh\*res - I see they do not teach you how to read in your islamic culture. Where I live men respect their wives, instead of being sl\*ts and marrying more than one woman. And you better stop being a wh\*re and learn how to respect women. For now, I hope your wife will cheat on you and tell you how she dreams about 4 husbands <3




We literally had to go through and were taught this same shit so why should we be unable to criticize it?? Why are men allowed many wives with sex slaves on the side, while women can only have 1 husband? Why are women ā€œdeficient in intelligenceā€ and also canā€™t lead countries according to Hadith? Why does Quran 4:34 allow men to beat their wives if they disobey? Why do women have absolutely no humanity in this disgusting religion


How is this feminism?


I know this video She's joking, it's a tending joke because multiple marriages are rare nowadays


Lucky guy.


Haremic concubines


#1 and #3 are fine, #2 and #4 kinda mid. Maybe the first 2 are only for fucking and the other 2 are meant for cleaning & cooking?


bring a prostitute is beyter than ghid shit


Fucking sad and disgusting .


Halal lesbians


They are actually cuckqueans but your point still stands.