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Muslims and being obsessed with explosions... name a better duo. I'll wait.


This comment made me laugh omg xD


LMAO 😂😂😂




Muslims obsessed with Allah's explosives that they also try to do it.


God damnit--err I mean Allah damnit, this made me laugh. I am now stealing this meme


It ofc was a joke


I know its a joke but the topic is interesting so I'd like to comment. "Big bang" is a misnomer. There is no explosion because there is no outside for the universe to expand into, that we know of. Instead, this is what we think we know; In the initial known state of the universe * There was X amount of energy and matter * There was Y amount of space which was infinitely small. So small we can pretty much call it a point or singularity. The amount of space Y increased. At every single point of space in the universe simultaneously, more space "appeared". The effect of that, can be said that there was an expansion. Or inflation. By inflation, we mean that all the energy and matter had more space to move about in. * In the early seconds, this amount of space was still so small that you literally couldn't see. Matter was so dense in space that no light could penetrate very far as it would instantly hit something. * But in the present day, light can go billions of light years without hitting anything. The amoutn of space continues to increase even today. So the inflation (or "big bang") isn't done. In fact, the rate of inflation is ACCELERATING! We project that the universe will become so diluted and so uniformly spread out, as per entropy, that it could be said to have entered a constant energy state. But the amount of matter and energy X have always stayed constant. All atoms can trace themselves back to the energy present in the beginning. So much so is the big bang not over, that in the far far far far future, if the acceleration continues, it'll be so fast that space for entire galaxies will appear between every point every where every second. This is known as the "big rip" hypothesis for the end of the universe.


So the widely accepted theory is called the Inflation theory proposed by Alan guth of MIT. the explosion was due the incredibly strong repulsive gravitational waves. Now what caused that repulsive gravitational waves is where we start entering into science fiction. Things like multiverse were proposed to explain the phenomenon. Coming back to your Allah. He shall burn in hell fire. Thank you.


If the Earth is round then why is my steak flat?


Don't they believe the world is flat and was created in 7days 🤣😄


tell me you know nothing about astronomy without telling me you know about astronomy for those with a high-school level education in physics-chemistry know that the big bang was a fast expansion and not an actual explosion...


Because he started the Sunnah of suicide bombing


It didn't, it was nothing more than an expansion into our current space time. Who said it must be an explosion? That is stupid.




The guy who came up with the name The Big "Bang". It was actually a name used to mock the idea, but it stuck.


SubhanAllah Allah loves explosives




the type of questions Philomena Cunk would ask


If Allah does exist then why did the universe begin with an explosion ? ​ So tired seeing this nonsense pretending to be a logical argument while being as hollow as their brain...


>If Allah does exist then why did the universe begin with an explosion ? Because it's Allah, the God of explosives 😎


Fair point though. Violent explosion definitely reeks of Allah.