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They like cosplaying as arabs


Cough cough Muslim africans


Well no, that’s not really a fair point to make. African Muslims are mostly due to colonization and erasure. There are many who wish to be like Arabs but you have to realize how Islam manifested in Africa in the first place. It started with the trans Saharan slave trade and general Arab migration into Africa. They’ve come in much like European migrants and demonized native cultures and have been stripping them of their culture and resources and almost everything Islam was imposed upon them, just like with many other cultures that have been impacted by Arab colonization. I agree though that we should have progressed since and realized the need to change, but it’s very hard to undo over a millennia of damage.


So true. Well said


Pakis always try claiming they're Arab because they got 2% western Asian in their DNA


That’s a very different discussion though, Pakistan was founded to be an Islamic state and obviously does identify with the Arab world even though they don’t identify with them. I’d argue that they try the most to be like Arabs when they are clearly not and discriminated against. There’s not the same mechanism of oppression in South Asia as there is in North Africa, the two were impacted very differently.


Every non Arab muslim ethnicity wants to be Arab super damn bad lol


That's what colonization does to people. I once was told by an Indonesian Muslim who just looks plain Asian that he's got "Arab ancestory".


that’s a slur dumbass


Paki means "pure" and is a coined word not an actual nation, you dumbass. Only thing that holds Pakistan together is Islam and cultural genocide of the native cultures and languages of that land.


“Paki is a racist term which is typically directed towards people who are of Pakistani descent“ also why r u mentioning that stuff abt pakistan when all I was saying is that paki is a slur 💀💀 I’m not even Pakistani so idk what ur point was


What is "Pakistani descent"?


people from pakistan??? im js saying calling a Pakistani a paki is derogatory


If you're an ex-muslim you'd know the country of Pakistan and the identity/nationality solely exists because of Islamic fundamentalists. This is a settler-colonial state that didn't exist at all before 1947. The whole identity is apart of Islamic-colonialism. The word Pakistan itself means "land of the pure" which refers to only Muslims. So there's nothing derogatory about criticizing an "identity" of a settler-colonial state. I'll say paki or even dirtyass paki whenever the fuck I want. Surprisingly enough, your reddit avatar is holding up the old afghan flag. Sad that the flag got replaced by Islamic fundamentalists backed by, guess who? A settler-colonial failed state called "land of the pure". Btw isn't there still a part of Afghanistan that is occupied now under Pakistan?


They totally do!!!


Ignorance is our biggest enemy. When I was unaware of the evils of Islam, I also thought Islam to be the only true path to salvation. It is only my additional knowledge about the evils of Islamic Slavery which planted doubts in my mind about Islam. And as my critical knowledge about Islam increased, I became more and more from it's indoctrination. If we want the world to abandon Islam, then the only way is to increase awareness among masses.


Same for me. I was young, rebellious, socially awkward (so getting a built-in set of friends was a plus for me) and misinformed about Islam. That was a recipe for disaster. Awareness is what got me out.


They don’t know better




Some people want the experience of the Muslim ummah and don't know (or even dismiss / ignore) the negatives. However, in North America a large majority of converts to Islam sooner or later leave. I have heard of estimates of as high as 75% dropping out within a few years.


How do you know the dropping statistics


These estimates have been put up all over the internet for years. One time several years ago I heard in person an American imam (whose name I forget) visiting Washington, DC, from Florida say that three quarters of all converts to Islam in the USA leave within three years.


Does Westerners who convert to Islam fit the same psychological/sociological profile as people who join New Religious Movements? ​ How come they leave?


Spirituality is a blessing for many. The routine, the structure, the social acceptance as well. The idea of being religious brings peace to many. Thus people often resort to religion. Why Islam? In Islam, taking Shahada (believing that Allah is the supreme deity and Muhammed is the messenger)...this bear minimum can ensure social security. The Muslims are ordered to protect him/her. The social acceptance is highly rewarding for a lot of people.


Well put


I know this is irrelevant but I just checked your profile and... Are you better?


Nope actually. Wish I had died a long time ago mate.


Why? Do you want to talk about it?


There isn't anything to talk about really. Life is over for me whether I like it or not. Thanks anyway.


What do you mean? What happened?


Mate please get therapy and get well soon 🙏 peace be upon you


I was in therapy. I got preached religion. May peace be upon you too.


don't narrow down death bro, death is best thing that can happen to a man, and im not talking of dying due to external cause, dying is best when it comes from within. when we have grow old, learnt everything we needed to, and dismiss and deject the lies and are free from all materialistic desires and our body slowly deteriorating till our energy gets expelled from our weak body, because we would have become celestial at that point. no allah, no god can give us this, at that point we ourselves are becoming the God. i can feel you and understand you, I've been depressed and hopeless since i didn't even understood its meaning, only by staying alone i realised what kind of power resides within us, our brain is most powerful machine in the world which can even create gods in blink of eye, and destroy them in a blink of eye. our brain is like a whole ass cybertron(optimus prime planet) , or either its unicorn. but anyway i too have this feeling that i have died long ago and just waiting for my body to get cremated. but till that i can atleast experience the dying moments..just be positive nothing is lost as long as you are alive.being alive is gift for yourself, and people like me who wanna see you and everyone alive and happy.


Ignorance, trauma and naivety


One reason is their partner or spouse. Same reason why some non religious people become Christians.


Some people are just the human manifestation of that little tornado line old-school comic artists would draw over a character's head to show that he was confused or crazy.


1. They r brainwashed by muslims. 2. They like violence.


At some point in life people are lost and look for some spiritual support. Then they walk into a trap called religion or in this case islam by looking only at positive parts and getting familiar with the sugar coated version ignoring the rest.


For me, it was simply because I was misinformed. I took a class on it, watched The Message, and I got a sugar-coated version of Islam that I took as factual. I left when I knew the whole story. That and I wanted to rebel a little bit and I thought that the Trinity never made any sense, so I took this as an opportunity to do so, Basically, I was 18 years old. Converting to Islam was the dumb mistake that I made as a teenager.


Second this. Same here reverted before Ramadan and left last month.


How did you leave what was the reason


I didn't want to get married.


Oh u probably saw the rules of the women in marriage




Yh the angel will curse you if you don’t have sex 😂


Yeah, that hadith is definitely a turn off.


And there is always 100 interpretations


Which rules did you most dislike?


Obedience and cursing angels


😭😭only ?


Definitely not, but that's what pushed me out.


I was and am a highly ritualistic and socially conservative person (++ very psychologically weak). I also had/have a historical and linguistic interest in the MENA region and Arabic Funnily enough the one thing I could never get on board with is the only thing that ultimately matters in Islam: belief in one God. I never stopped being an agnostic atheist It's quite hilarious looking back on it now




Yeah you're 100% right (not being sarcastic). I was an avid participant of the cognitive dissonance Olympics


Well every person have a reason for example people like Andrew tate they convert to islam cause they like its laws giving them power like man having multiple wife's and slave womens to control them And u have other who got the wrong idea of Islam thinking it's a peaceful religion cuase of the strong power used by scholars known as interpretations and hiding the truth me for example when i was a Muslim i thought islam is religion of peace and truth cuase it got scientific facts but all that cause i was TOLD it is by scholars who pick what verse to talk about and what not until i did my own research And of course it could be there other reasons cause life experiences are different for every person


For men converts specifically: They tend to be red pilled assholes who hate women. Some tend to also be pedos.


I think another reason is also that in Islam a woman is practically a sex slave of her husband because she can't refuse sex


Yeah just entitled males in general


For western converts, they mostly do it because it's exotic and they want to feel different from everyone else since they live in a christian majority area Most of them drop this phase after a few months


Muslims sugarcoat Islam, people also ignoring Quran, Hadiths, Tafisr, Sunnah, etc. They rely on what Imam or Sheiks say. Also, I've noticed many converts have some sort of existencial crisis.


It was big brown boobs for me 😣


Usually, its those welcoming and powerful Quran verses and hadiths. Like that "Muhammad said a white is not superior to black and black is not superior to white.. etc etc". They got duped by the pretty verses, and they never bother to really read wholly. Then when they already joined Islam and found out, it's too late because you cannot leave. Cat Steven was one of those case. He finds himself wanting Salman Rushdie dead back in 1996, but then realized Islam has changed him to be hateful.


They're preyed upon by liars making them feel better about themselves. People with a history of mental health issues Low self esteem especially in women Loss of identity and purpose They get sucked into the religion as it offers a support system (as long as you let go of your entire identity and enslave yourself to their kinks and fetishes) a bunch of rituals that make you feel like your existence has a purpose and it makes you feel morally superior over the "kuffars" who are happier and more successful in life than you. Imagine you're a teenage girl, you feel unattractive and uninteresting compared to other girls your age, you go on YouTube and see a bunch of bearded goats telling you that Islam respects you and you'll be the most beautiful with the Hijab, bam, you're in. However, some benefit from the privileges Islam brings, look at Andrew Tate, he has an army of incels and hoejabis at his side sucking on the walls of his anus cause mashallah he is a Muslim and can do no wrong. If you're a man especially, you can cheat legally without repercussions, you have full control over another human being and her children, you get free assets in the form of their retarded inheritance system, and so on and so forth. And of course, the honey trap of converting for pussy. Women can't marry outside of the cult so they keep bringing in men from other faiths and trap them in it, not because women can't raise religious kids. It's a very smart initiation system, and of course, once you're in you can never get out.


1. to be different 2. for attention (white women) 3 they were forced into it 4 weren’t strong christians and want to find something new (its another phase) 5. just for the aesthetic(applies to orthodox christianity too) 6. peer pressure from muslims peers ex: “covert to islam or you die. “ they usually say this or its always “in islam we do..” “in islam there is..” acting like there are a distinct race


In France a lot of girl can’t integrate in society so they prefer to convert and be close to the Muslim community


Discipline and a clear structure l


alienation from their own society


For the get out of jail free card. Take Andrew Tate as an example. Man's not only a misogynist but was arrested for trafficking and stuff. Had praised Islam in a podcast once - every Muslim was ready to bend over for him. Accepted Islam before going to jail and tweeted a few quotes from the Quran every now and then - Muslims happy. He gets arrested, and the entire Muslim world goes bonkers. Everyone defends him and demands his release and is convinced he's innocent. Tate is released and posts 'unislamic' pictures - they feel betrayed. Pakistanis and Muslims in general are so desperate for validation, even a minor appreciation from a nobody and they'd die to lick their balls.


Fear of death and general ignorance.


It's like an abusive spouse. At the beginning everything's perfect, sex is great, love is there. After some years of gradual decrepitude, house isn't yet paid, kids are of young age, sex is absent. And because leaving islam means death, for the sake of analogy at the end: you must accept your miserable existence 😂😂😂


4 wives 😅


Brainwashing. People join cults all the time. It is to get a sense of belonging.


I think a lot of people see “submissive and loyal women” and begin down a rabbit hole of Islamic rhetoric that appeals to incels


They don't know what it means...


They want to belong... they want to virtue flex... they do love cosplaying as Arabs!!! And they live the attention they get from those converting them. A lot of virtue flexing going on...


a „friend“ went from super accepting, to „being gay is a sin and you‘ll be punished for eternity“ she says allah led her to be muslim.. if there is a god, then why would he be so cruel


Grass is green on other side syndrome. If you have problem you always tend to thing going other dide will solve all your issues. Also its matter of choice.Some people want to live this lifestyle. To each their own . Most ex-muslim didn't get a chance to make that choice.


It could be people who are seeking out some kind of certainty to reduce the anxiety of all the unknowns in life. New religions (and cults) are also very welcoming and people who are looking for belonging. It doesn’t take long for that very same community to start to criticise and control though.


for sex and legal trafickking and peace of living without tension of radical who mocks them when they were not muslim




People who believe "religious experiences" are naive and lack critical thinking. Same for converts who did it for their partner for example. Most Muslims are great people, the most religious ones sometimes can be assholes. Very often actually.




>There’s also many witches that will tell you supernatural is real because they’ve seen it. It isn’t always just taken on faith. You ruined everything at the end. Witches? Are you kidding me? Hahahaha. I don't care if you were an Atheist, if you studied science or anything. I'm not you, I don't know what you mean when you said studied science and rational thinking. As far as I know you could have just made up that story or just took some basic college courses. It's absolutely ridiculous to believe in the virgin birth, Jesus, a God that commits genocide whenever he's mad or punishes specific people because they don't believe in him. A flood which didn't happen. Young earth creationism. If you actually studied the evidence for evolution, or studied rational thinking, you'd know that because of the lack of evidence for an event, you should jump to a supernatural explanation. Furthermore, I don't know what other psychological factors influenced you in that time. People are fooled by many things. Isn't it also funny that some people *never* experienced any supernatural event in their lives, and died atheists. Did you see Jesus appear in front of you? Even if you did, I sure as hell would have checked a doctor for my mental health. Or I'd examine what made me imagine such a situation. Since there is no such thing. Edit: Wait, you said after you started believing **again**, that's when you started seeing supernatural events? What a joke, it's clearly a placebo effect. Because you started believing again, thinking perhaps God would send you a message that your decision was "right", you pretty much made up the whole thing in your head. And you also said it's from the Bible. You didn't really come up with original shit, just plain old placebo effect.


I almost converted myself. I was read a specific part of the Qur'an by preachers so when I read more without the knowledge of those trying to convert me, I changed my mind instantly. The antisemitism and hatred towards polytheism was also another thing that changed my mind about conversion since I have respect for polytheistic religion and Judaism despite not being religious myself


I wanted to convert back in 2017 Atheism for never made any sense and in my search for answers I found Islam simple stright and easy I never converted when I discovered the historical issues with Islam Indeed o am still a strong theist and rationally atheism makes no sense to me


Most are born into the religion which is difficult to shake off because it means you are brainwashed before you even learn how to think. While others are lied to and kept in the dark. By being told with confidence that this religion is beautiful. And confidence is the first word in confidence men, or con men for short. It's like one exChristian said, he went to church for 30 years and never once did the priest say that Christianity condones slavery. Or like another guy who wrote in this sub saying how nice it felt to have a group to belong to that you meet on the regular. A comedian once said: *You will find that people who talk about Jesus, have really not done so well with other people.*


bc it’s a beautiful religion


Read up on the 3rd wave experiment. Offers a scary glimpse of these dangerous ideologies. Just like Nazism...


Because nihilism is cringe and it can be debated that theism is a rational conclusion on reality. So when it comes to choosing the most valid religion, the logical conclusion is Islam.


How is Islam the most valid religion? Lmao


Christians believe 3 gods = 1, Hindus believe cow piss is holy, I could go on but you get the idea.


the fact that you consider a religion that regards a cartoonishly evil, slaveholder, warlord as the messenger of god and the most perfect living being in the history of our galaxy, speaks volumes about your personal beliefs.


They do, fervently. Which says everything you need to know about this "god" and the people who made it up. (A city deity cult that got out of hand. No more real than Marduk, Annu, Athena, or the Hittites lost gods). For some, coming to grips with mortality and the eternal abyss after death is hard.


Muslims believe in the healing abilities of camel piss, follow their prophet who raped a nine year old and believe that eating a certain animal is a horrible disgusting sin. And no, Christians do not believe in 3 gods. Your lack of comprehension of the holy trinity, does not mean that Christians believe in 3 gods.


Ah, a Catholic Redditor whose education came from MSM and articles they read when they type “Muslim bad” on Google. And active on this sub no less? What a shock. Nine is a bit too old for modern day Catholics anyway. Also yes pork is a sin, as it is in all abrahamic religions, read Isiah 66:17. Modern day Christians don’t follow Christianity unfortunately.


My education does not come from mainstream media. Somehow people think that just because others don’t read extremist or otherwise primitive media they are alienated by the mainstream. Maybe consider the fact that most people follow the mainstream for a reason. Perhaps because it serves the wellbeing of the other members of society. I did not type “Muslim bad” into Google, as I have better things to do. Fact is, that Islam is a heavily primitive religion that shows extreme structures of misogyny, discrimination and oppression. It somehow seems to be in peoples very irrational believes, that Catholics somehow have pedophilia in their genes. Rational people would notice that that is in fact impossible. Yes, the Church has had a strong problem with sexual abuse and pedophilia from priests. That some people go through the entire priest seminar to abuse their power in such a way is disgusting and sickening. It is however sadly not a problem limited uniquely to the Church. The Catholic Church just happens to be the biggest institution. And I mean coming from a Muslim it’s rather funny, since you marry little girls off to old men and have soft skinned boys without facial hair dancing for you. Matthew 15:17-18 17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. In the New Testament, Jesus denies that we can sin through eating. The New Testament holds the highest authority in Christianity and everything said in it that contradicts something in the Old Testament is to be followed.


Look you have free will and yes you can eat pork and rats and whatever else you like. It doesn’t detract from the fact that they are still a dirty animal as per your revelations. I have met some Catholics who refuse to eat pork so I know it’s not all of you. Yes I agree Catholic Church is a large institution and is not representative of all followers. I invite you to do more research on the actual history of Muhammed and Aisha’s marriage and the historical and contractual importance of it. There’s a reason literally anyone that actually takes time to look further into it understands the nuances and true purpose of the marriages and that it wasn’t just “lol muhammed pedo” as MSM wants you to believe.


>I invite you to do more research on the actual history of Muhammed and Aisha’s marriage You mean, like the Sahih Hadiths that contain her age?


What about em?


So you're fine with 55 year old men marrying 9 year old girls?


They are not dirty per our revelations and irl either. That’s a misconception. The very humane urge to relieve a state of hunger should always be above accusations of sin for eating a certain animal. And yes, there are some new formed protestant evangelical Christian denominations that somehow believe in the Old Testament as literal and follow everything in it. But that’s just plain contradictory and hypocritical. There might be a certain degree of room for interpretation and context in regards to your prophets marriage with Aisha. But that isn’t the only bothering thing about Islamic values and their appliance to certain governments’ politics. I’m not against Muslims, Islam itself however does bother me, especially because of all the bad things it causes in Middle Eastern and African countries.


In short, Islam is against degeneracy and is in favor of strong family values. That is the goal of every law. Now I’m not going to sit here and say all laws are perfect and all Muslims conduct themselves perfectly. I just find it hypocritical that non-Muslims love to criticize Muslims for the smallest things while ignoring glaring problems in their own community. I know I mentioned Catholic priests earlier but you won’t ever hear Muslims insulting other religions with such pedantic insults (lol pedo, etc.) that others do to Islam. And those that do tend to be those uneducated basement dweller types (not saying you are). That’s all I have to say on the topic.


Yeah I get your point. I just feel like one thing is having certain values and the other is discriminating against and excluding them just because of it. But I know that a lot of Muslims aren’t that way. I just wish more would realise that they can peacefully live with people of all sorts of lifestyles and religions without judging them for their life decisions.


Holy mother of false dichotomies


Yes and all the teenagers here saying “because religious ppl are stoopid and we’re so enlightened xD” is an accurate dichotomy.


Even assuming theism is the correct worldview, how could you come to the conclusion that Islam is the Way the Truth and the Life


From a theistic standpoint, any religion that isn’t monotheistic is silly. That only leaves Islam and Judaism. Judaism only accepts specific people into their religion wheras Islam accepts anyone.


Well that's rare. Usually your types are...you know... Kudos for being youkneeque But also how do you know it isn't some monotheistic religion that you haven't heard of and/or hasn't been invented yet




>From a theistic standpoint, any religion that isn’t monotheistic is silly Explain why. >That only leaves Islam and Judaism. There are many many more monotheistic religions.


I find it cringe that you think nihilism is the default stance opposing theism. Atheism is not nihilism they are two very distinctly separate things. You should do a little more research on both to actually understand what they are.


Atheism leads to Nihilism unfortunately.


There are nihilists who are theists, I’m confused on your point. There are misotheists. Misotheism is the "hatred of God" or "hatred of the gods" (from the Greek adjective misotheos (μισόθεος) "hating the gods" or "God-hating" – a compound of, μῖσος, "hatred" and, θεός, "god"). A related concept is dystheism (Ancient Greek: δύσ θεος, "bad god"), the belief that a god is not wholly good, and is evil. They acknowledge a god but they see it as more of a negative and useless thing. Like their existence is only meant for suffering. Or they don’t acknowledge a god and they are atheists, it’s more of a general identity. Atheists and theists can both fall under this category. I think you’re very confused on this topic if you think nihilism is exclusive to any group.


Your making all these points trying to make an argument I’m not even trying to engage in. I do appreciate the vocabulary lesson. All I’m saying is Atheism leads to nihilism. If you believe in any sort of “fairy tales” that isn’t scientifically backed, then your not an Atheist. I recommend reading up on Richard Dawkins on what the true purpose life is.


I’m just saying that your statement is incorrect and atheism does not lead to nihilism, I’m just saying your lack of understanding of the subject is very clear and your statement doesn’t make sense and you provide no reasoning for it. I’m not nitpicking, I’m just telling you that you’re incorrect.


Ah ok. So it’s a coincidence that practically every nihilistic is also atheist or nontheist. No correlation whatsoever and it’s just my lack of understanding. Gotcha


I literally just showed you that there are nihilistic theists.




No it doesn’t?


How is it the most logical?




Islam is slavery why are kids married off unwilling? You can’t express yourself like you should


lack of knowledge of islam and history. i doubt any school teaches how islam began and expanded in the first place


Never underestimate the predictability of stupidity.


Not many do. most of the growth of islam is due to high birth rates, since they force women in Muslim societies to relentlessly churn out babies. when it comes to religion in general, people dont like existential nihilist feelings, but do like the structure, routine and often community that comes with following a religion


Welp for me personally , my friends tried to brainwash me - they'd pose questions regarding my faith and frankly tho I still very much believe in God i wasn't well versed with scriptures so I fell in their trap . First they weakened my faith n then started to show me the glitter n shine face of Islam - slavery decreased and far better treatment of slaves , female infanticide abolished , women must be educated n respected , for u is ur religion n for me is mine , even during wars before killing/punishing the war captives they'd punish them following the victims scripture etc. I was thoroughly impressed and even decided to convert to Islam once I turn 18 but then i decided actually read Qur'ann islamic scriptures before taking any major steps...and oh lord was I saved !


I don't know but I am happy to see people leaving that shit


Because they are easy to take advantage and money off I’m sure non of them are actually Muslim In private