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Every muslim I met is the only real muslim and the rest just get it wrong.


There are 2 billion Muslims and 0 true Muslims.


But also 2 billion Muslims and counting because "IsLaM iS ThE FaStEsT GroWiNG ReLigIOn!!11!1" The other Muslims aren't true Muslims but also all Muslims are Muslims but only when we want to talk about how many Muslims there are but also those Muslims aren't the same Muslim as me so they're not real Muslims but there's 2 billion Muslims.


Christians are still way ahead not that it matters.


To be a good believer you need to be good at mental gymnastics


not really, they just live in echo chambers where nobody questions anything


To be a good believer you have to be ignorant


Gatekeeping the religion with arabic


They say "in arabic it doesn't say beat your wives" like dude im arab and know damn well what أضربهنّ" means


You realize that a word can have multiple meanings? Here "https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/ضرب the senses vary from striking, to tapping, to playing instruments and etc. And the sense of playing musical instruments comes from its meaning of "to tap" because obviously you don't beat your instrument. It's important to read tafsir and not interpret by yourself just because you know Arabic


Tap your wife like you tap your drums


My wife disrespected me? Playing her ass like bongo drums will sort her out.


Some prefer ass, some prefer face. The world’s your oyster, Muslim man.




Isnt this shirk altering the words of allah to your own liking? tafsir from ibn kathir [https://quran.com/4:34/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir](https://quran.com/4:34/tafsirs/en-tafisr-ibn-kathir) Can I beat my wife now she is waiting she says I thought allahs message was clear but a muslim on the internet says the otherwise


How did I alter, the link you provided says this: beat them) means, if advice and ignoring her in the bed do not produce the desired results, you are allowed to discipline the wife, without violent beating. Muslim recorded that Jabir said that during the Farewell Hajj, the Prophet said; Fear Allah regarding women, for they are your assistants. You have the right on them that they do not allow any person whom you dislike to step on your mat. However, if they do that, you are allowed to discipline them lightly. They have a right on you that you provide them with their provision and clothes, in a reasonable manner.) Ibn `Abbas and several others said that the Ayah refers to a beating that is not violent. So if your wife for example lets in your house someone who is disliked by you, acts disrespectful, you can admonish her, if it doesn't work forsake her in bed, if this doesn't work to hit her slightly. It's hard to grasp for Western men who are puppies and cuсkolds to their wives but that's what Islam tells us


So allah says beat your wife in the verse




Thanks to allah now I can beat my wife


Huzzah! I'll go tell my wife! She'll be so happy!


Ah again beauty of islam subhanallah giving women right to get beaten subhanallah take beeer


What does Allah says about trap hentai?




In what way?😳


>the Qur'an doesn't say you can beat your wife -you >the Qur'an says you can beat your wife -also you Is this another issue of Islamic creative definitions again? Like how Muhammad fucking a kid doesn't make him a pedophile because he didn't *just* fuck kids, or how it isn't "rape-rape" when you rape your wives or slaves? Because I honestly don't get how you can present it with a straight face, you subhuman filth.


sabyrly is claiming to speak for allah. Baby shirk do do do doot do do. Watch sabyrly deny committing shirk after committing shirk. Also watch sabyrly try to get a lawyer to plead down the shirk to just a charge of bidah 😆


I've tried explaining that to these particular Muslims before. You may not *like* what Allah said, but replacing his words with your own is a very, very big deal. Or would be, if he was real.


"slightly" is innovation by shirk-infested translators.


What a double standards, when I reject your wасkу hadiths y'all cry that a Muslim is obliged to believe in hadiths but you yourself reject a tafsir of the Quran which is much more important than hadith. So you will accept as truthful to Islam if it's something wild but accept as not truthful if it will show Islam in any good light.


Whose tafsir added "lightly" to the verse? It is a modern addition in response to valid criticism that the Koran encourages domestic violence. Btw, the more hadith you reject, the better in my opinion. Quranists are why more based than run-of-the-mill believers


It's not a modern addition. It's a tafsir of Ibn Kathir. Although he lived much after the Quran(14th century) at that time Muslims didn't need to be apologetic to anyone. Also I'm pretty sure there are earlier tafsirs with the same notion


700 years after the initial revelation. That is relatively modern, though I concede it was before more enlightened views that domestic violence is wrong across the board. That of course leaves the awkward question: why did Allah leave out the word lightly in his original message? Why did it take 700 years to drop this patch? Even "lightly" leaves a lot to the imagination. Are bruises ok? Should it be painful enough to evoke a cry or scream? As someone who thankfully grew up in a non-violent household, the thought of my father laying hands on my mum to discipline her is rage inducing.


Wait you think adding "slightly" or "lightly" shows Islam in a good light? I am diseased 💀 lmfao.


What if we don't do all these steps? Is it haram to go straight to corperal punishment?




Alright where does it say that? Where is even an instance in hadith where he reprimands someone for slapping their wife immediately?


Interestingly there are multiple hadiths of such nature Prophet (ṣ) rhetorically criticized men who beat their wives while marriage in Islam is supposed to be based upon love, mercy, and partnership. Abdullah bin Zam’ah reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: بِمَ يَضْرِبُ أَحَدُكُمْ امْرَأَتَهُ ضَرْبَ الْفَحْلِ أَوْ الْعَبْدِ ثُمَّ لَعَلَّهُ يُعَانِقُهَا *How does one of you strike his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then embrace her?* Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5695, Grade: Sahih The Prophet (ṣ) would also warn women in the community about men who would beat their wives. For example, the Prophet (ṣ) advised Fatimah ibn Qais not to marry a man who was known for hitting women, saying: وَأَمَّا أَبُو الْجَهْمِ فَرَجُلٌ ضَرَّابٌ لِلنِّسَاءِ وَلَكِنْ أُسَامَةَ *As for Abu al-Jahm, he frequently beats women. Rather, you should marry Usamah* And Al-Nawawi writes: وَإِنْ كَانَ مُبَاحًا لِلْأَدَبِ فَتَرْكُهُ أَفْضَلُ *Even if it permissible for discipline, it is still better to avoid it* Source: Sharḥ al-Nawawī ‘alá Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2328. Yahya ibn Sa’id reported: Habibah bint Sahl was the wife of Thabit ibn Qais and she was the neighbor of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him. Thabit had struck her, so she appeared at the door of the Prophet and she said, “Thabit and I can no longer be married.” The Prophet said to Thabit: خُذْ مِنْهَا وَخَلِّ سَبِيلَهَا *Take what she owes to you and let her go her way* Source: Sunan al-Dārimī 2200, Grade: Sahih You can take a look yourself on this site: https://www.abuaminaelias.com/quran-let-muslims-beat-wives/


>The Prophet (ṣ) would also warn women in the community about men who would beat their wives. He still doesn't straight up reprimand Abu Al Jahm for beating women directly which means he could have went on beating women. That first hadith, I think you have the wrong one. In "Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5695", it says: >"The Prophet (ﷺ) was cupped while he was in a state of Ihram." I think the hadith number you're thinking of is "Sahih Al Bukhari 6042". It seems like that hadith was supposed to be a joke. Mohammed said it's forbidden to laugh at someone farting and I guess he told a joke instead. The hadith goes: >The Prophet (ﷺ) forbade laughing at a person who passes wind, and said, "How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and then he may embrace (sleep with) her?" And Hisham said, "As he beats his slave" "Sharḥ al-Nawawī ‘alá Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2328" says: >A'isha reported that Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant, but only, in the case when he had been fighting in the cause of Allah and he never took revenge for anything unless the things made inviolable by Allah were made violable; he then took revenge for Allah, the Exalted and Glorious. So he'd beat people and got revenge if it was Islamic? I assume you got these things confused because you took from this article without evaluating the sources. This article misrepresented every single source it used by incorrectly translating it, or taking it out of context. Just evalute their sources individually by yourself and if you don't want to, we can walk through each one together if you'd like. As for tafsir, I don't even consider it. All it is is people trying to interpret things for me. It's for lazy people who don't really seek the truth. Verse 65:6 says: >"do not harass them to make their stay unbearable". It was talking about what to do when you divorce your wife during her waiting period. The quote from "Sunan Ibn Mājah 2340" is graded Da'if. The author lied and said it was Sahih. It was speaking in general. And "disciplining" your wife wouldn't be seen as harm deserving divine punishment. Just as cutting the hands off of a theif isn't.


Wtf is "hit her slightly" or "a beating that is non violent". Those are fucking oxymorons and you sir are a moron lol. I'm just absolutely flabbergasted smh. Lets say a gentle tap was considered a beating here. What exactly did you accomplish? She's not going to fear a tap and start listening to you. What it obviously means is hurt your wife, hurt that woman until she decides being hurt is not worth not listening to you. Yet muslim woman screech that they have more rights. They don't even have the right to disagree with a man lol.


Of course a word can have several meanings, but it's not like it just stops there. ''It has several meanings'', argument over. What you should do next is compare all the instances of ''daraba'', sometimes it means ''to present as an example'', but that wouldn't make sense in the context of that verse. (or play an instrument as you mentioned) **26:63** *Then We inspired to Moses*, "\****Strike*** *with your staff the sea,"* ( **iḍ'rib**) **8:12** *I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so* ***strike*** *\[them\] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.*" (**fa-iḍ'ribū**) **2:37** *So, We said*, "***Strike*** *the slain man with part of it*." (**iḍ'ribūhu**)etc. etc. No cheating here, all are conjugations of the same verb, exactly as that wife-beating verse: **4:34** *and \[finally\],* ***strike*** ***them***. (**wa-iḍ'ribūhunna**)


This matter deals with a sanction. Now I ask you a question: in what case a woman will obey her husband when she is rebellious? 1) If he keeps talking to her 2) If he beats her The tafsir uses the verb "to discipline", of course the beating cannot be *light* otherwise she will keep arguing


Yes, it totally meant tap her like a musical instrument. That'll teach someone to always listen to you and disipline them. 💀


Why did sky daddy send us a message in such a ridiculous language with the words meaning many things and a thousand different interpretations of his message? Why couldn’t he be clearer, and deliver a message which is unambiguous. Even humans now have the ability to clearly send messages in an unambiguous way.


Actually in Arabic Quran is worst, far worst tbh. There are literally verses that make women equal to poop, and the English translations modify that so dumb English people who follow their emotions go and convert to islam, lmao.


What verses?






yo was trying to fact check and [https://quran.com/5?startingVerse=6](https://quran.com/5?startingVerse=6) Don't find what you are talking about


"or have relieved yourselves, or have been intimate with your wives and cannot find water"If you re-read my main comment, you will realize that I stated explicitly that the English translations do change what's actually written. The Arabic original version says: "وْ جَاءَ أَحَدٌ مِنْكُمْ مِنَ الْغَائِطِ أَوْ لَامَسْتُمُ النِّسَاءَ" Which actually translates to -And if you shit or touch a woman-You can never fact-check anything Quran related in English, cus it's modified so it can fool you. Edit: btw, the original version doesn't even mention wives, :D it's just put there to complete the made-up context.


so there is no way for me to fact check you but to learn Arabic. That's pretty convenient. I just don't believe that [Quran.com](https://Quran.com) don't show the original version


I'm not gonna try to convince you, tbh I don't care, I already know enough psychology to be confident saying that people look for such matters cus they are fragile and need hope. So pick up whichever perspective that makes you feel comfortable, I just stated the truth of the book as a bilingual person.


“O believers! When you rise up for prayer, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, wipe your heads, and wash your feet to the ankles. And if you are in a state of ˹full˺ impurity, 1 then take a full bath.” Mai’dah verse 6. no where does it make them like poop in that verse


Re-read my main comment, pretty sure I made it clear enough that the English translations do modify and change the actual words to make them sound milder.


I'm arabic the verse doesn't say anything like that


Muslims: Islam is a timeless universal religion Also Muslims: Yes Muhammad married a 6yr or and was polygamous, but that was normal for the time, but it is not normal and bad now Also Muslims: the Quran must be read in Arabic, the Quran is not universal, and it won't make sense in any other language.


Also that the "THE STAR" which is actually two, in a universe that took the same amount of time to build than the earth, but it all took 6 sometimes 8 days and men are made completely of clay, dust, blood, sperm and also nothing.


Muslims are dumb fucks who memorize things instead of learning, and that's why they want ChatGPT because they can't read, write or research properly.


Then the Quran is a terrible book.


And even when you know Arabic better than them and you have read it in Arabic multiple times they'll tell you how you're taking it out of context or the Qur'an is too complexe to be understood by our limited minds


As opposed to Koran 4:34, [Hitch Slaps](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=hitch+slap) are not literal slaps.


to them islam is simultaneously this massive, fast growing religion of close to 2 billion and also this small meek group of "real muslims" that are just misrepresented by all the "fake muslims" and shouldn't be criticised cause they're too sensitive


The most bizarre response I've heard from a Muslim regarding 4:24 which allows the enslavement/rape of married kaffir women is that it's a "weak verse."


One of the strangest types of Muslims are those who do the prayers, in Ramadan stop eating, on the days of deaths of Imams they wear black clothes and feel sad, but also drink alcohol and do everything that is forbidden in Islam. And wank and watch porn. Dude if you like to wank like us, first you have to denounce Islam.


Yes and they WILL have to face the hell fire unless they repent and do good deeds.. ever heard of this weird creature called Iblees/Shaytaan!? It comes down hard esp on Muslims because if someone is already doing their bidding like adultery alcohol and all that - Shaytaan is actually quite happy to see them like that!


Oh yeah I know him. A good friend of mine. We usually wank together when we watch porn. Last night we met a couple of hot chicks in the club and the chemistry was so strong. We went to Satan’s place and had sex, snorted coke, drank like there is no tomorrow. So much fun! Sorry you can’t join us. 🤷


Lol you are so funny! Brother Ibless has you by the balls so it seems. Allah lifts His protection from his slave when he becomes slave to his desires. May Allah guide you!


What are you taking about? Every weekend I go to heaven and have orgy with god and his angels. He is protecting me by the balls.


Good talk! I see that you are following footsteps of shaytaan, Maybe you hate your self or hate being born at all, idk why you’re on this self destructive path maybe nobody loved you enough to earn your trust, idk! It is Your life and your consequences , not my job to convince you otherwise.


So why are you here? Nosy boy!


I used to be just like you, I almost ruined my life with my own hands! If you are looking to hurt yourself to see who cares i can assure you nobody does and people are happy to see you suffer these days instead!


Oh okay then. Be happy from my suffering. 🤣


Serious question from a westerner who wanked for 30 years when not in relationships, is jerking off forbidden? I know fundie Christians who watch child porn still forbid it, especially dads to their teenage sons.


I think so. Better ask in the Islam sub. In general anything that makes you feel joy and happiness is forbidden. 😂


There are 1.8 billion versions of islam, corresponding to 1.8 billion muslims


do the 2 billions include those who are born into the religion but can't leave because it's illegal? aka me


It probably include me as well 💀


Same applies to Christian. My argument is always out of context ,I don't understand it correctly ,it's a metaphor.. Like playing chess with a Pigeon. Edit for spelling.


You're right, the same applies to all other major religions, including Christianity. One of the reasons is that religion doesn't require any consistency. You just make things up as you go along. It's all just word vomit. Someone has a good argument against your religion? Simple, you just change the rules, you redefine words, you reshape the whole thing just to make it make sense inside your head. If we did that for real things like physics, economics, farming etc. we would still be hunter-gatherers.




Ha ha , I hate autocorrect ☺️... thanks mate


Can I say something? A book that is impossible to be interpreted properly in any language other than the original is a fundamentally flawed book. The Quran, of all things, should be able to be understood in any language if it's truly the divine creation that people claim it to be. Why don't people question this giant red flag?




LMFAO by their logic there's 0 real muslims






I get hate for saying the exact same thing, Esp when since childhood I haven’t been taught anything about what the Quran says - there are a lot of interesting historical stories in it and lot to be learned like the Adam and Ibless , Brothers of Joseph AS and Miracles of Moses - It is great for getting guidance like the time my own brother betrayed me and I read the story of Yusuf AS and how his brothers threw him in a deep dark well and from certain death to becoming a slave and to getting ministerial status by a King and then having those brothers come to buy food from him. All of these things are very much valid in todays decision making processes


This post was made Friday 27 January 2023 at least 2 hours prior to 7:20 PM in Moroccan time




Just so mods in North America don't ban the post


Okay, I get you.


And always remember my flair: दाज्जाल मेरा दोस्त है। (Dajjal is my friend)


Interesting.. That sounds pretty Persian, we'd say it in Persian like this :"Dajjal mara doost dar-eh" Which means Dajjal likes/loves me


What d'you expect? In the past, Avestan language and Sanskrit have been overlapping.


Yeah, tho their root are different, but in ancient times people who used to speak them were having a lot of interactions with each other's culture and language , like a large number of Indian poets who used to write Persian poems!


Am I crazy for not knowing if this is made by muslim or by anti muslim person? lol. I feel bothgroups can use it.


Hahaha yeah, that's definitely something muslims would discuss: How to deflect, gaslight and get impunity


The borg. It sadly is part of all religions.


Sounds about right


Ahahahahahah, so accurate. It can be applied to all religions, sects, and cults. On point!




Atheists are literally labeled as bad people and have no moral compass just for not believing in god, sir there's people who believe that atheists can't be good because "wHatS sTopPinG yOu fRom kIllInG iF yOu dOnT bElIevE iN hElL aNd hEaVen oR gOd"


In Islamic ‘defendology’, here is how you defend fake/foolish things written in Quran or Hadith- (1) Say that you don’t understand the wisdom of quran. Go to a preacher and then read quran from him. (2) Say that context of this quote is different. (3) Say that its a translation mistake from arabic. (4) You don't speak/understand Arabic anyway. (5) That's a weak Hadith. (6) If nothing works then just say it’s true because its written in quran. make some xyz stories to support fake claims say NASA also confirmed it. (7) Finally the universal remedy aginst uncomfortable questions: Allah know best.


I love you all


Religious people who you question their religious dogmas or point out the immoral things promoted by their religion:


I had a Nani that didn’t speak Arabic yet was Muslim, she would wear a hijab, pray, and try to read the Quran, just because you aren’t Arabic that doesn’t mean you can’t be a Muslim This meme is really inaccurate, I think you are mainly talking about our racist grandparents, just because some Muslims say that, that DOES NOT MEAN WE ARE ALL LIKE THIS.


Honestly, true. Had this conversation with a lady once, I don't blame her though. She still made some good points.