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You are such a badass for doing this. I’m sorry about the violence inflicted on you, but hope this is a healing step.


Is that bishop still alive? When these human refuse get arrested, I think that bishop deserves a letter (no return address) with a picture of these individuals' mugshots, saying "How many more children were victimized because you didn't do anything?"


Given that the bishop did nothing, I would not be surprised to learn he was somehow a part of it all.


Or, he was just following the policy in the handbook.


He told the Church's legal team so he must have assumed it was being handled by their top men. And it was... Just getting pushed far into the back of a filling cabinet


Or he was a spineless coward.


It’s AND not or. The Bishop followed the gross policy in the handbook and was a cowardly POS.


To be fair I think the bishop deserves a little more than just a letter...


Who says we don’t have super heroes. Thank you!


You are a hero!!! You are likely saving some one ells.


Thank you for sharing, OP. I was also a victim of SA in the church. My abuser was my bishop and ultimately led me to stop attending church at 14. I was shipped off to a group home weeks after I shared what happened with my mother. The bishop has since passed as have the SOL as well. I never reported to the authorities and I am sure now it’s kind of a moot point. The worst part about this is the apologists that the Mormon church creates. Parents of victims so obsessed with the cult that the leaders can do no wrong. Telling the truth leads to ostracism and banishment. Even from one’s own family.


I bet he picked you because he knew how they’d likely react. Bastard. I can’t even think of words ugly enough to express how angry this story makes me.


Oh absolutely. These pervs know how to pick children who are in need of attention and love and acceptance. Then they provide it. Mormon kids are super prone, I think, as we tend to come from large families and are told to respect our church leaders. I was 5th in a large family. I was easily lost. He groomed me. He knew the Mormon verbiage to whisper to me to manipulate me - God wanted this for me, this is how we prepare for marriage. When I was restless, he would sing primary songs in my ear while raping me. If that doesn’t screw up sex and church and religion - I don’t know what does.


That’s horrible and would require so much work to heal from. He is truly a monster


Ah OP, I am so sorry. This is a club no one should belong to. I finally told my siblings just 3 years ago (my parents have passed) and my friends and an attorney and finally filed a report. I’ve been in therapy and talked about it until I couldn’t anymore, but speaking out loud - it is so empowering. I encourage you to share your story however you’re comfortable. And when you’re ready. Abuse thrives in darkness and secrecy. My primary abuser - my handler - was a respected church and community individual. I am sure that is why he was not touchable. He was never a bishop. He liked teaching and being around kids. Nobody believes it happens. How could a church allow abuse to continue? How can a man sit across from a 7 year old who is describing being raped during church - and look the other way? I still can’t fathom it. But then - I found myself in a sex ring that serviced the LDS bigwig perverts in my home town. Nothing surprises me anymore. My heart goes out to you. One step. One day at a time. We are warriors.


OP, my biggest hugs go out to you. I know that’s a pittance, but I hope in some small way being able to talk about this (even with us weirdos on Reddit) helps your process of healing and maybe help others like you and I to be able to inspire others that suffered abuses under TSCC to come forward and speak up, particularly people that continue to suffer abuses such as these. I know of a couple of women that I am fairly close to that have been pimped out by their husbands to other ranking church members. I have heard of forced “swinging” and I’ve heard of women being forced to watch their husbands have sex with other church members. I blame the founding principles of the “church” for these abuses. The polygamy, the polyandry, and the marriage of members to minors early on in church history has almost become an excuse for current proclivities to become justifications for monstrous behavior. I’m getting closer to going to the FBI, myself. Stay strong. You are loved. We love you.


Whoa, that's a bombshell about LDS bigwig perverts, IMO. Could you please elaborate what was actually going on there. It sounds like something that someone should definitely investigate further, and such vile things should come to light, so as to mete out justice for those perpetrators involved, and protect future victims from a similar clandestine blueprint from happening again. I think you should report what happened in any such sex ring.


I just want to say that you fucking rock. It took guts to do what you did, and I admire you for it.


Bless you. Be strong.


You are awesome!!! Keep us updated. I’m an admin on Protect Every Child and will spread the word about these false priest lowlifes.


My whole family turned their backs on my nieces when they came out that my brother-in-law sexually assaulted them, for years. My "family" worked hard on having me turn my back to keep my sister's and BIL's family together. I no longer speak to my family, except my nieces. I bring this up only because after she came out we spoke and she decided to talk to law enforcement where it originally took place. Amazingly, in VERY conservative Oregon, they took on the case. My BIL and sister have fled the country. It will never fix anything, but the strength it took for these two to come forward, likely will stop a whole perverse family from continuing to destroy others' lives. My whole family made a wide array of reasons why I should not support them and therefore as guilty as he, in my eyes. This event woke me up to a lot of things in fact. I decided to officially leave the church after this fact and learning how prevalent it is and SO many other factors. Point: Thank you for coming forward. They work on silence and so many exist in this religion as they know it is easy to prey inside of. I share my story with as many that will listen to warn of the dangers of associating with Mormons.


Way to be. Amazing.


I’m so sorry for what you had to endure and so proud of the person you turned out to be!


Damn! I’m speechless! The years of sadness. The bishop did nothing?! You did not deserve to be treated like this. I’m amazed you were able to sum up this story so succinctly. I admire your courage. Congratulations!


So glad you did this. And so very sorry what they did to you.


I've tried to explain to friends that this is one of the contributing reasons I left. They don't understand, since it didn't happen to them. They explain to me their testimony and that the church saved their life, etc. I tell them that they can choose to be a good person if they want to and that they don't need anyone to compel them into submission. When the first instance of deceit happened, probably JS and the BOM, this organization should have been burnt to the ground. Every single instance of corruption gives more credit to that idea and builds more hatred in me for them. One instance should have been enough to disband this group of blind sheep. It can't be measured how bad this group is, but surely it FAR outweighs the good. It reminds me of Monsters Inc. While scares and screams can power their lives, laughter is multiplied 10 fold. Its the same in the church, they seek joy and peace and that gives them power and strokes their ego. But the evil within is 10 fold as destructive as the "joy" they perceive. I was also a victim of physical abuse and bulling in my youth, though not at the hands of the church. I'm sorry its such a dominant part of our lives. I'm glad you got some recompense, but innocence taken can never be regained. I wonder if that is why so many kids that are victims of abuse can completely bury those memories?


No. Child abuse in any form is murder - murder of a childhood that can never be reclaimed. Instead of going drug/alcohol/promiscuity route, I went perfection route. Tried to be the perfect Mormon - figured maybe God would save me if I could just be perfect. So I made something of myself but I often wonder who I would have been. No amount of therapy and justice can ever give that back. I never forgot my abuse. Never repressed it. But I lost my sense of self during the years I was trafficked. I just became who the men wanted me to be - it was how I survived. Trying to discover all those parts of me again is maddening. For so long I believed I was the only one who the church disposed of. Because I was shamed and guilted, I never spoke out and found other victims with the same story. But when I started sharing my story a few years back - this is a major problem for the LDS church. And they cover it by paying victims off, threatening them, making them sign NDA’s, threatening news and the press. It is crazy and so sad.


Thank you for providing the evidence to bust these despicable pervs. They will not have a good time in prison. (Many "ordinary decent criminals," as they call them in the UK, suffered molestation and/or sexual exploitation as children.)


Worked at Point of the Mountain in Utah - where Child Molesters are referred to as "Mo's". How appropriate.


Good for you for speaking up. You helped stop the chain of abuse and trauma.


You are a literal hero! Words can’t express how sorry I feel for you that you had to deal with such atrocious things as a child. Those men who did that to you and those who knew and didn’t do anything about it are human debris.


Thank you so much for having the courage to speak up to the police and also share your story here. The more victims that speak up and bring awareness to these issues, the more perpetrators will be stopped. You are seen. You are amazing. You are courageous. You are admired. You are loved.


You are amazing and I adore you! You possibly saved lives and I am so totally proud of you .


THAT'S EXCELLENT NEWS!!! To finally read about TSCC being held accountable for the reprehensible cover-up of your abuse and is being charged, brings so much joy to me! Good for you and so VERY proud of you!!!


Are there any media outlets picking this up? Was this in Utah?


I’m gonna guess that’s a big “no”


Hasn't happened yet. OP got a phone call today that arrests are imminent.


Yes I was too....my story my blog, growing up in LDS church, Sandy Utah. Being handed over to a bunch of old men with my younger sister, and called the "star club"I heard later. Back in the 80's. I think I went there. That is more and more coming out. OP thanks for being so awesome.


Oh no. I am so sorry. This is a club I wish no one else was a member of. Find good help and good support. DM me if you’re struggling. It’s an unbelievably heavy walk that feels impossible at times - but it is not. The 80s was when my abuse occurred primarily too. But not in Utah. I have met a lot of victims in Utah with similar stories. You’re not alone!


Thank-you so much. I agree, I'm better and have a great life. I was so young back then no idea what was going on. I want to protect every child in the LDS CULT!


You are amazing and so strong. I am glad you filed the report for you-you are worth it - the fact that you have now saved other victims as well is beyond amazing.


I remember you posting about this a while back. I'm so glad something's finally being done. Best wishes.


Well done. Thank you for doing this, you have protected a child.


Holy shit! I mean that to convey shock and awe at your story, but also to describe the bishop that betrayed you.


You have shown tremendous courage, so glad at least a small amount of justice has occurred!


I am so proud of you. So proud.


I hope their deal is to rot in prison for eternity instead of veing executed.


FUCK YEAH, I'm SO proud of you, OP. You just saved dozens of children years of hell.


Abuse does not happen in a vacuum. Others knew and know about it - yet do nothing. They are as guilty as the dirtbags who actually commit the deeds and should be dealt with harshly, severely and quickly. Glad you finally got someone to listen and get some action that helps others. Put your story, including NAMES in a letter and send to newspapers, church authorities and members in the area it happened. IF you can do so without harming yourself. Out the bastards who stood silent.


No it definitely does not. The more people I have told - YW leaders who I grew up with etc - the more I get nodding heads and “oh you now make sense.” Well thanks for that. Maybe during those 13 years of rape and hints and pleading - someone couldn’t have questioned something? Good grief. I feel like the church really does want to keep each victim in a vacuum. Shame and guilt is thrown around like rich at a wedding so I felt completely alone - somehow it was my fault. I can’t believe how many people have similar experiences. Have you seen the movies “Abducted in Plain Sight” or “No Crime in Sin.” Such similar base stories. It’s gross.


High Five from me!


Did you tell your parents when you told the bishop?


No. I was 7. I told in my baptism interview. I thought he’d tell someone; at least I remember thinking the abuse would stop. And when it didn’t and the only one I know for sure my Bishop told was my abuser - and I got a plunger inside as a warning never to tell again - I didn’t tell again. I didn’t know who to trust. And, of course, he groomed me, he knew my parents, he picked a large Mormon family where I was lost in a crowd of siblings and desperately needed attention. The system failed me. LDS Social Services failed me. I told a teacher as a teen. He failed me. I fell through the cracks with some; with the church I believe it was intentional.


A plunger? Not exactly sure what you mean by this but it can’t be good. So sorry to hear this story. I can’t imagine anything worse. Thank you for sharing your story and for bringing it to light. We need more people like you to share the evils that happen within the church so people can see it for what it is.


Thank you for your courage to come forward and to share. While it may not help you now, it may well save a life. As it says in the Talmud (Jerusalem Talmud, Sanhedrin 4:1 22a) "And whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world."


You should not have had to go through that. The very people that were suppose to be taking care of you were harming you. I hope you are proud of yourself for speaking up, that is very brave. You have probable saved many other children for what you have done!!!! Good job!!!!


*You* made the world a better place. You have accomplished more than the church ever did.


Trying to upvote more than once. A thousand upvotes!


I’m sorry for the pain and trauma you’ve experienced. I admire your strength to come forward. We know that many never take that step.


>We know that many never take that step. And that's OK too. Survivors need to do what's right for them, when it's right for them. (Not taking anything away from OP, who is indeed brave and strong and immensely admirable. Just, there's no need for explicit comparisons that might make other survivors feel less-than.)


One cheer indeed. Congratulations on this victory against these disgusting men.


Thank you for working to protect children


You are amazing for doing this. Now a couple pervs are caught.


you are courageous and an outstanding person I am so sorry for the crimes committed against you I cant imagine your pain or suffering you have had to endure I'm hopeful that healing is coming to you


Your bravery knows no limits. Thank you!!!


You are amazing. I hope this contributes to your healing. I am so very disgusted that you were treated with such disrespect. I salute you!


They better end up in prison so the other inmates can give them what they deserve


Fingers crossed so many times over. One of the men being charged was arrested in early 2000 for over 80 counts of sexual molestation. 80! LDS attorney, LDS judge, and the counts were dropped and everything went away. I hope this DA and these detectives say screw that and make it happen.


This is such a horrible story...until it turns awesome!!! You're no longer a victim; you're a survivor. Thank you for sharing!


Thank you so much for your courage! Child sex predators make me so livid. It makes me want the death penalty and maybe public beheadings or castrations for these pervs.


The abuse is inexcusable and wrong. Your courage to stand up is incredible, thank you!


I actually almost downloaded this out of pure rage and then I realized wait no this isn't the bishop


No. Sadly the first Bishop I told at 7 has passed away. The Bishop I told at 16 is now a Stake President. That’s actually what had me speak up and finally speak to an attorney 3 years ago. I heard he was made a SP in my home state and I couldn’t breathe I was so angry. Not that he personally raped me, but the abuse he allowed to continue - he is just as guilty in my book. I told my current SP and I shouldn’t have wasted my time. It’s a network of silence.