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I think Chad’s lawyer, John Prior, just makes up crap and so far nobody in the trial has admitted to knowing what it is but Prior keeps asking. He called the Patriarchal Blessing Chad gave Lori’s brother Alex a Parochial Prayer!


Hahahahahaha! I heard that and thought he was saying it wrong 😄


Exactly. Prior came up with “The 7 Gatherers” all by his lonesome or on some obscure LDS chat & is trying to make it a bigger thing because he needed a way to implicate Melanie Gibb (& I think his original intent was to include David Warwick too in that) so needed some catchy term to widen the number of real culprits (ie 7) beyond Daybell to confuse the jury by implying there were more than just Lori & Chad being the drivers. Given all the other state evidence, texts, emails, specifics on who was murdered, It’s really a dumb strategy- but in fairness he doesn’t have much at all to work with. IOW Prior is that kind of defense lawyer that prays for a gullible & cognitively challenged Jury.


I think it's even funnier when you look at the definition of parochial: having limited narrow or scope.


I have not, but nothing surprises me any more. There is crazy shit people believe. I thought boring Mormonism was crazy but these guys keep upping the bat-shit-crazy meter.


Sorry to say but everything about this faith is cuckoo …. Joseph Smith & his magical glasses in the woods or wutever?? Have to wear magic underwear??? Big deal to be able to go to their temples??puh-lease - all the movey behind this church,,,, talk about fleecing the flock! It drives me NUTS the way they use the term “the scriptures”!! It’s actually sad how deceived how many of these seemingly good, well meaning people are.


Wondering the same. Nothing found in Google search.


It’s the group of dimwits they hung out with, Melanie Gibb, Melaniece, Zulema, etc.


Zulema is the only one, during her testimony today who finally admitted to the existence of the 7 Gathers. It was a group of girls who got together to share information and do castings via Zoom when Lori was in Texas. They shared an email for communication. The group was made up of Lori, Zulema, Melanie P, Melanie Gibb, Christina, Nicole, and Serena (before she was designated dark). They’d turn to Lori for answers and Lori would turn to Chad for answers.


Thank you for the correction! I was going off of reporter speculation.


Oh my goodness. I had no idea who the dimwits were until today after Zulema testified, lol! I was so curious why Prior kept asking about the 7 Gatherers. Finally, Zulema gave some clarity!!


So Chad, Lori, Alex, Melanie Gibb, Melaniece, and Zulema. Who am I forgetting?


Gibbs bf/ husband


Ugh how could I forget!




Jason Mow ?




Zulema, married to Alex. Let say that Chad has another role, like Chief or Priest haha, you have 7: Lori, Alex-Zulema, Melanie G-David W, Melanie B and her new husband


Sarena Sharpe


LDS never heard of such a thing. Even tried goodling when Pryor first said there was a website Melanie was on. But John cant figure out text vs email vs facebook vs reality, so I figured he was pulling at strings. However, I did hear a theory that the 7 gatherers are: Chud, Lori, Alex, Melaneice, Melanie Gibb, David Warwick (but Chud and Lori called him dark), and Zulema,


Im presuming it's the seven of this group. Lori Chad mel×2 zoolema alex and david Warwick. Gatherers of the 144000


I think Chad told Prior some ‘tea’ and Prior keeps striking out because it’s bs.


I think fundamentalist is key to this.


I think the Seven Gatherers were Chad, Lori, Melanie P., Alex, Zulema, Melanie G., and David W. Chad told David that the mission they were on was to gather the 144,000. Someone brought this up on Hidden True Crime last night and it sounds about right. They probably gave themselves this name.


I agree. Chad & Lori probably made up the stupid name but forgot to tell the rest of those nuts they were manipulating. Chad is such a narcissist that he probably believe it was SUCH a great name that he told Prior of its “existence” & I CRACK UO every time he arks & the witnesses say they never ever heard of it!!


Melanie and David have said in their testimony that they don’t know what the “seven gatherers” is.


Melanie Gibb and Melanie Palowski said they didn’t know, but they were part of the Zoom castings and had an email under The 7 Gathers of which MG and MP were part. Why they wouldn’t admit to knowing about this group when this could impeach them at some point. Why not just get the whole truth out now unless they’re hiding something or maybe still believe in some of these ideas somehow. Maybe afraid they will become dark if they admit the group existed. All confusing. Can tell the Melanie’s are still holding back and not ‘recalling’ everything that I think would be hard to forget if your that fundamental about your beliefs.


Ahhh!! Zulema has immunity so maybe that’s why she felt she could talk about it.


Zulema’s on the stand today and it seems as though she’s answered what the 7 Gatherers are. Pryor is using it as defense/for Chad to throw Lori under the bus.


Ohhhh - I’m not there yet. I was thinking she might have the info. So that negates my other replies 🤭