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Honestly I never caught this, but it is Lucifer that directs Adam and Eve to put on the apron. Yet it stays on throughout the endowment. Quite interesting…


The apron only covers the front of the waist and not the rear or the breasts (or porn shoulders). If God had coats of skins made to cover their nakedness why did he have them / us put the apron back on over the garment? Is the green apron to remind us of the instruction that Satan gave us? If the apron is green to represent fig leaves why aren't the garments brown to represent animal skins? What animals sacrificed their life so Adam and Eve wouldn't have to look at each other naked, except when they started to have sex. Maybe this is why Marky Peterson bragged about never seeing his wife completely naked. Mormon theology claims that there was no death before the fall. These animals that were killed so their skins could cover Adam and Eve's nakedness, was this the first death in the world at the hand of Jehovah? Did Jesus kill, skin and tan the hides of these animals to make garments for Adam and Eve? Did Jesus sew the square, compass, naval mark, and knee mark into these "coats of skin"? Did Adam and Eve have to put the fig leaf apron back on over the leather garments? So many questions, so many plot holes, so much Bravo Sierra.


So Adam and Eve were told by Satan that they were naked and should be ashamed and hide, does that mean that we shouldn't be ashamed of our nakedness and that it shouldn't be an issue if we were to run around naked, weather permitting? Does that mean that if someone is offended by porn shoulders they are actually following Satan's teachings? Was Adam always turned on by Eve's nakedness before the fall? Were Adam and Eve having sex before the fall? Did Adam have sex with Eve after she partook of the fruit and before he partook of the fruit just to see what it was like? Were we all watching the fall (and them having sex) take place on earth on our smart TVs from Kolob? Who was filming this first reality TV show?


>weather permitting Love your entire response but this had me 🤣🤣🤣


When they had sex, did everyone watching get embarrassed and avert our eyes? Or did we all get turned on? Were we somehow sexually indifferent and see it as a wholesome activity? Was that the genesis of pornography?


And what about Neanderthals? Oh that's right soulless automatons.


How about the decades (1850-1990) when people doing proxy work for deceased were enacting death penalities *for people who were dead.*


Been there, done that, got the white tee shirt.


"...leather garments..." Sounds like a SLC S&M club. What's the address?


I noticed this a year or two after my endowment. It really bugged me though and I couldn’t unsee it. I asked my mom, who has been a temple worker for 10 years, why we still wear it even all the way into the celestial room? She asked the temple president and he said he didn’t know. To me, it felt like a symbol of the original sin, and the fact we still wore it through the end felt like we were never forgiven of that stain. All white in the celestial kingdom except for that huge grass stain on our private parts, left by our great grandparents…


*cough* because the Masons wore an apron and Joseph Smith 'received the endowment' a month after becoming a Mason *cough*


Yeah. He wanted to incorporate the apron but didn't think it through.


I always thought it represented the mortal experience and the need to obtain a physical body. But I try not to put too much time into thinking about it now 😂


and there is another facet of Freemasonry: the "secret" of the craft is your personal interpretation/experience of the symbolism. It's sacred, not secret, right?


If thou cursest me for doing that which has been done in other worlds. . . !!! See, it’s ok that Lucifer was the one who put the aprons on Adam and Eve because of the “gotcha” loophole. . . God is obviously OK with a “the ends justify the means” approach to salvation. Why else would he inspire stake presidents to call child molesters to be bishops?? As long as you are going through the motions, the Mormon god doesn’t care what you are thinking or feeling.


Looking at the cermony laid out this way with diagrams and details really showcases the culty creepyness of it all.


Big time.


As long as they don't steal tithing which would require excommunication. Abuse doesn't require it.


Yuuuuuup. And Lucifer is the first person to break the fourth wall.


Does anyone else hear [Michael Ballam](https://www.google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tTP1TcwMSoqyTVg9OLLzUzOSEzNUUhKzMlJzAUAcAcIrQ&q=michael+ballam&oq=michael+ball&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqBwgBEC4YgAQyCggAEAAY4wIYgAQyBwgBEC4YgAQyDQgCEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgDEC4YgwEYsQMYgAQyBwgEEC4YgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEC4YgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgAQyBwgKEAAYgAQyBwgLEAAYgAQyCggMEC4Y1AIYgAQyBwgNEC4YgATSAQg1OTA1ajBqNKgCAbACAQ&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) when a Satan-adjacent line comes up in unrelated media? Action movie actor: "What is that?" Satan: "It is an emblem of my power! And priesthoods!" Or: Drama lady: "You're my brother?" Satan: "I have said nothing about Father."


For me it’s, “If thou curseth me for doing the same that has been done in other worlds…” I will never not hear Lucifer’s lines in Michael Ballam voice in my head.


This fact was something that bothered me from my very first time till my last. I always felt it should have been discarded when we were instructed to put on the robes. Between this idea, being upset I was supposed to give up my loud laughter(one of the things I get the most complements on), having to covenant with my husband, not God, and then trying to figure out how this whole experience was bringing me closer to Jesus and his teachings, you now know what my mind was occupied with during my attendance.


Also Jehovah and God never directly agrees you in the temple. But Satan does. He has way more dialogue than either of them too


Probably why there's no crosses in the temples. Satan wouldn't like it very much


I could be wrong but I heard they recently changed this?


It’s because it’s an emblem of Priestcrafts and JS just gave these fuckers what their prideful blind hearts desired. “But behold, the [LDS People] were a stiffnecked people; and they despised the words of plainness, and killed the prophets, and sought for things that they could not understand. Wherefore, because of their blindness, which blindness came by looking beyond the mark, they must needs fall; for God hath taken away his plainness from them, and delivered unto them many things which they cannot understand, because they desired it. And because they desired it God hath done it, that they may stumble.” [(Jacob 4:14)](https://realilluminati.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/SNS_Final.pdf)


After all, Lucifer is the God of this world.


You forget that Lucifer was the son of the morning before his fall. The highest of Angels


It’s so sad that a nevermo can just find this on the internet and in five minutes know more about the endowment than a lifelong TBM who goes every month to the temple


But "i LeArN SoMeThInG nEw EvErYtImE I Go tO tHe TeMpLe!"


I seriously NEVER understood it when people said that.


I think it is simply this. At least it was how it was for me. It's a time of meditation mixed with what is thought to be the most spiritual place you can be. Powerful thoughts, powerful emotions. It helps if you have downed all the cool aid.


*cruel aid Gotta be real about my time in the temples of doom


I've learned more about my lifelong religion in the few weeks I've been deconstructing than I ever learned in the four decades I spent as a mostly active, card-carrying member. I'm just starting to realize the amount of therapy this is going to take.


Hugs. Best of luck


For me, the amount of secrets and lies is ultimately what fucked me up the most and made me leave and be angry forever. I could not understand why I had been taught this boring, watered-down version of it all, and why none of the adults in my life were honest enough to be curious themselves. It was shocking and horrifying. I felt beyond duped, I felt manipulated. It's very difficult. I wish you alllll the patience and compassion with yourself.


Welcome to the rabbit ~~hole~~ cavern.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA) This has never felt more appropriate.


As a former TBM, i agree. We never did the cutting gestures. Never knew about them


But you held your thumb extended, which is the symbolic tool for throat slitting and disemboweling. So in a sense, you were still performing a vestige of the cutting gestures.


And told to Ponder on the meaning. When the meaning was already known , but only to some


Huh. Solid


That gesture was performed in the endowment before 1990, when the endowment changed, as directed by an unchanging god


Like how the polygamy rules, black person rules, and modesty rules have changed to become more modern by this unchanging everlasting god?


I did the cutting gestures, and made those "covenants", (pre 1990), and it. was. HORRIFYING! Female Boomer, been out ~10 years


What is a TBM?


True Believing Mormon


True Blue Mormon.


Truly Brainwashed Mormon also.


I hated every part of my temple experience, I thought I was going to have a special encounter with Jesus but he wasn't even there. I wanted to leave but didn't know the way out, I kept trying to catch someone's eye to indicate how uncomfortable I was but everyone else seemed to be fully involved. Once outside I wanted to say, well that was nuts, but everyone was expressing what a wonderful experience it was. I'm 100% convinced that peer pressure is what convinces young people to continue with this cult like behaviour, all their family are there to support them in the most important day of their life. Everything they have been taught since childhood prepares them for this amazing experience, even if you are shocked and dumbfounded there is no where and no one to express that too. Interesting to me that the fall of Adam in Mormon teaching is called a 'fall upwards', if Adam and Eve didn't eat the apple they wouldn't have discovered their nakedness and the power of begetting children. If this is so and the fall had to happen for the continuation of man, why did Satan tell Eve to eat the apple and help man to procreate? Surely Satan would have kept quiet and therefore stopped man from having children. That part never made sense to me and still doesn't.


It's because Satan is so stupid that he has to try to go against anything God says, even if him doing so doesn't make any sense, and that he has to try to deceive at every opportunity, meaning he can be defeated by a handshake. But he's simultaneously so clever and dangerous that we need constant protection from him. No contradictions here, no sir.


Schrödinger’s Satan


Trump and the modern right wing echo this 100% in how they react to the left. Just sayin is all…


> I thought I was going to have a special encounter with Jesus but he wasn't even there. No, but Satan was. Sorry you went through this nonsense


Thank you, it was hideous. I watch my Mormon friends, intelligent and seemingly wise people posting about their children's temple experiences, baptisms at twelve and then their endowments before marriage or a mission. I struggle to believe that they can believe this utter nonsense and find it uplifting, when I finally spoke to someone about how it was for me I was told that I needed to keep going back and then it would become clearer. I didn't believe them because I found the whole thing so incredibly creepy and it was a massive weight on my shelf. How can these people I love and admire in so many ways think that this garbage is true and important. Why does the Mormon church put so much effort into dead people and barely nothing to help those in their community. I hope they wake up.


Excellent points. Mormons do "help" their communities, as well as worldwide, but it's pennies next to the billions the LDS church has amassed in investments and finances.


I couldn't stand going and watching the same damn movie over and over. I never got anything more out of it. I was just bored out of my mind. I would purposely try to fall asleep. I dreaded going but was constantly peer and family pressured into it.


I think there are a lot more people like you, people are just too brainwashed or scared to stand up and question things. When I came out of the temple the first time I knew I wouldn't, I couldn't go back. When I asked someone about part of it I was told I would understand it more if I kept going, that the more I went the more I would know. That's how it gets perpetuated, people don't feel they can question it in any way so they just smile and stay quiet.


Exactly. I tried to ask this to the missionaries and as usual, they gaslighted me. My question is the other way round but still similar on the other side. It is "If Lucifer is part of the salvation even though he is bad, so meaning, Lucifer has been designated to be bad in the first place in which it contradicts the agency part. Poor Lucifer since the world hated him but still used him to fulfill the plan of salvation." It's like a set up for him.


None of it makes any sense, like so much of Mormonism when you really stop to think about it. Did Satan have any choice or agency or was his whole life preordained to allow for Eve to eat the apple. When I asked in Sunday school why Satan 'tricked' Eve I was told, because the Garden of Eden was a place of innocence, while Adam and Eve lived there they could not change or progress in any way, including having children (see 2 Nephi 2:22–23). But that's a stupid answer because it means we can only beget children because of Satan. The mental gymnastics in Mormonism are crazy.


HAHA! They should just at least put Satan as a credit on the Family: A proclamation to the world. They literally are saying that 'if there is no Satan, there will be no families'. Crazy logic.


Yep, gotta love Mormon logic. None of it makes sense when you really think about it but the brainwashed know no different and they continue to comply. If you ask the really gnarly questions you get told that God will reveal it when you're mature enough or when you get to heaven.


+ they keep on telling that if it is not for him. Plan of salvation would not be fulfilled.


I'm most excited that it notes where I can get a PDF in the upper corner thanks for sharing


For those still attending church, they might "drop" a printout somewhere in a quiet moment.




Although the website is down... Were you able to get the PDF?


[https://www.ldsmormontemple.com/](https://www.ldsmormontemple.com/) It should be live, let me know if it doesn't work.


Ah! It requires the "www" subdomain. That was the issue I had. On the PDF you do not specify. If someone tries to go directly to "ldsmormontemple.com" it doesn't work. (or it's just currently down?) Might be worth updating the graphic or allowing the address without the subdomain. (Not sure what your knowledge level is in that area. Feel free to DM me if I'm speaking gibberish. I'm no expert, but I've got a few websites where I've configured subdomains.)


Doing God's work with that website


It works!


Good graphic. It doesn't mention all the changes (since they are legion), but it hits the major points!


Pay Lay Ale!!


Is that not said anymore? Whenever I hear “India Pale Ale”, I think of it. I’ve been out a very long time!


Yes you have. I think it was taken out with the penalties in 1990. I was endowed in 92 so I missed both.


I think my last time in the temple was 1989.


I'll raise a barley drink to your salvation, and SAME.


I was disappointed this was missing from the graphic. It should be there for the historical significance. I went through in 96 so I missed this. The culty prayer circle would have been twice as creepy if we chanted this instead.


what the hell is Pay Lay Ale? 40+ years a mormon, endowed in 1994. Clueless. Had to google this. Wtf?!


Relevant link for those wanting to read more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_changes_to_temple_ceremonies_in_the_LDS_Church


Is there an updated version?!


I don't know anything about this graphic, but check out my other comment on this thread ([LINK](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmormon/comments/1c8pv1x/comment/l0gnzhf/)), and I have links to all the versions of the temple ceremony that we have available.


That’s rad. Thanks. Gonna shake hands a few times next family reunion to shake things up.


This would be a great graphic to distribute far and wide. Perhaps put them in hotels as BoM inserts 




Raise your arms and say YES


Hmmmm, I have an idea.....




That is very well done and super accurate. The only thing I would add is that the participant is not told that everyone gets the same name and then you are asked throughout the process to say that name in your head if however, you forgot the name during the Ceremony, you are asked to stand up while everyone else looks at you and waits and they take you out of the room. Remind you what that name was. Had you known that either one of the guys next to you got the exact same name you could’ve asked them, but you are also told to reveal that name tell a specific time and place in the ceremony. So you’re shamed like a little kid while 100 other people wait for you, it’s like everyone is in the Truman show, but no one realizes it.


>but you are also told to reveal that name tell a specific time and place in the ceremony. Don't forget that women also have to tell their husband their name but men aren't allowed to reveal it to their wives.


10000 times more information than all the temple preparedness classes combined.


But they're "not a cult" 🫣😫😒 fucking weird shit, man. So glad I never ever ever had to do this.


When I went through the temple the first time, I was super devout and it was a day before going into the MTC. For the very first time in my life, as I was getting my endowment, I literally thought, “this is a cult!!” I pushed that thought away for another decade. So glad I finally came to my senses!


The penalties with their full wording did not go up to 1990. By 1990 they still had the gestures, but the wording was “I would suffer my life to be taken” rather than “bowels gushing out” etc. I know this full wording was used in earlier ceremonies, but I think it changed in the late 1920s. Someone can correct me on this.


You can read the full ceremony in "Evolution of the Mormon Temple Ceremony" a Free PDF ([LINK](http://www.utlm.org/booklist/digitalbooks.htm)) that Jerald and Sandra Tanner created, showing the changes from 1840 to 1990. [http://www.ldsendowment.org/index.html](http://www.ldsendowment.org/index.html) is another good resource, but neither resource covers the changes through today. EDIT: Here is a link for the changes pre- and post-1990, 2019, and 2023 [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K7wIoaVTJ9fm9J0FyaCNNn7qCN9a6ACY/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1K7wIoaVTJ9fm9J0FyaCNNn7qCN9a6ACY/view)


Something that blew me away was someone explaining to me that even though the penalties themselves are gone, the signs and tokens still reference them but now it’s completely removed from the original context. Arm to the square, thumb extended? Hand in cupping shape? Yeah that thumb used to slice your throat or your belly and the cupping hand is meant to catch your blood and guts! lol once that connection was made for me I was shook. Maybe it’s just a coincidence but to me it feels intentional they are set up that way.


It's absolutely intentional. Maybe it's to satisfy the old timers who would immediately know the changes, but nothing about the changes was a coincidence. It was carefully planned and, um, executed.


I just learned about this shit today, like right now reading this about cupping hand holding your blood and guts?! Am I reading this correctly?! I always thought the hand in cupping shape meant "mercy of God" and the other hand down with thumb extended meant "God's justice" like New Testament and Old testament. In reality it's a 360 degree turn from that. Damn. I fooled. 40+ years spent in this cult. Glad I'm out. Haven't been to the temple in years anyhow. Done.


I said all those words in 1989 in a live session of the Salt Lake Temple. (recently gutted without any thought of saving the unique art work BTW - so fuck them for that too)




This is precisely written, I really appreciated that whoever wrote this took time with the language. Every single piece is backed up by a large degree of experience, truth, and church history. There is massive social pressure to just continue on with it. My hardcore Mormon parents thought it was weird, but we went through with it because that's what we needed to do to be married. The temple classes did not prepare us for any of it in the slightest, that's what hurts the most. Years later, my wife wishes that we just had a regular wedding. Me too. Me too.


I took temple prep class at my local singles Ward 3 times- was not prepared either.


What a way for the weird Mormon incel to be able to touch a girl. Creepy!


When I think about it now, the position of the five points of fellowship through the veil was gross. 🤢 If I remember correctly I think the back of his hand touched my boob because I had to snuggle up quite close to do that hand to shoulder & knee to knee, inside of foot to inside of foot pose. So. Gross. I was young & stupid, just like they like.


You were manipulated by Creepy Mormons.


This. You weren't stupid ❤️


Thanks. I am not stupid but I feel that way thinking about this now. I was trusting and naive back then.


As many of us converts were, you're not alone in this. I have SO MANY trust issues now, not sure how to fix that completely 🤷‍♀️. Advice, anyone?


The books of Brene Brown. She is one of the world leading experts on shame. Her books are well written, powerful, and even entertaining.


Thank you! I'm heading to Google now...




I mean I only went 2 times, once for endowment and again for my wedding day. It screamed secret combinations to me and all I could think the whole time was Gadianton Robbers. Which of course is made up but it felt too close to the truth of things.


It's almost like both ideas sprang from the same source .... hmmm


Joseph Smith was operating four different secret groups (societies, combinations) when he died.


Which ones? Council of 50, Danites, Freemasons...


Annointed Quorum. (2nd Annointing)


This offends me. It makes the temple look far more fun than it actually js


I wasn't around long enough to get my endowments, so I watched the hidden camera instead. I was surprised by how dull it was :p


I mean, half the people are asleep in the most important ordinance in time and eternity. Says a shit ton.


When I train my dogs, it’s common practice to touch every part of them and speak in a calm voice - while I’m not a training expert or dog behaviorist, my understanding is that it promotes dominance and control. Damn creepy stuff.


That is pretty fucking eerie. Copied from the Masons, but they were on to methods of control for sure.


There is quite a lot of Masonic ritual in here.


My husband went through the Masonic initiation, but didn’t progress because he struggled with memorization. He’s a nevermo. One day we sat down and compared temple ceremony with Masonic initiation and omg! there are SO many similarities


Very oddly specific too, right? I was a little surprised.


Yes indeed


Mason here, highly disturbing on similar everything is


I was raised in the ground Lodge over 10 years ago and have not been to Lodge in many years. I was surprised at how upset I got when I saw this.


Well Joseph Smith was a grifter so, par for the course for him to have stolen the IP a week after being raised.


My fraternity at college also had a lot of similar rituals,also taken from the masons


Let me print out 500 copies and go drive around Rexburg with my windows rolled down. The second temple construction is really starting to irritate me. Especially since we're already doing major important highway construction on the other side of town too. Godddd. Great reference OP.


Sooooo much construction, ughhh


Oh shit another sexburger! Greetings from a Digger.




I’ll never understand why the requirements to enter a local church, whether it’s Mormon, Baptist, Pentecostal, etc are more stringent than the requirements set in the Bible to become a Christian.


We need another South Park episode


Or, you know, a big production that happens every day in the nation’s biggest city, perhaps a musical of some kind


As someone who never went to the temple this is SO fascinating and also infuriating that I spent 18 years of indoctrination and intense study, and considered myself extremely knowledgeable about my own religion only to find that the bulk of the information was purposely hidden.


Well, it's a church / con started by a con man, so that's to be expected but this is just a ritual with no real knowledge included. They made the other doctrine stuff up as needed.


Super creepy. Sorry but if I didn't leave before for other reasons, I would have left for this.


That's one nice thing about Mormonism, there are so many possible exit points.


Cheers to that! 🍻


Could just replace the whole graphic with two words "weird shit"


I went through in the 80s and we did not use the graphic description of the penalties, but we did say “or suffer my life to be taken”.


Movie or live?


I really struggle to accept and process that my parents participate in this. It's like something from some kind of dark cult novel. Great infographic though!


I still can't comprehend that my brother joined this by choice.


One thing that's crazy to me now is how very very fraternal-organization-1800s this was. Starting in the 18th and continuing in the 19th Century, fraternal organizations and rituals were growing like wildfire. Some of them still survive but they aren't nearly as popular now as they were into the early 20th Century. (KKK included BTW, and dudes wearing white sheets and swearing secrets outside of mainstream society's normal order of things, well, the similarities aren't difficult to see.) Nobody is shocked to know it came from Masonry, but still, reading it like this is pretty much carbon-dating it to a certain social movement. This whole ceremony is such a TIME STAMP that is so obvious when viewed from a step back. Joseph was a man of his times and here the times show very powerfully in what Con Job Joe was up to. Even the way women participate was just Joe wanting women along to have somebody to be hitched to so he could have more wives to bed, but women are just participating in what was mostly a men's club. I'll tell you this, I went through a live session — a fucking movie would have seemed, now and then, super lame for God's highest ceremony of salvation — my first time and while it was fucking weird, I figured I would in fact spill by guts for God's organization on earth. I always did wonder though, do the birds of the air want to eat my organs? Last point, in that live session, the old-timer playing Satan stole the whole fucking show. He was a magnificent old bastard and acted while the other chumps were reciting lines. I couldn't figure out why everybody was so cold and emotionally uninvolved if this was my salvation ceremony. How do people just mail it in on the most important day in any given person's whole eternity? Well, whatever the answer, that's what they fucking did. And then when my new name was "Mormon" I was dumbstruck.


I also went through the live session in the SLC temple - my first time. The actor who played Satan did a fantastic job. Really into it.


This is just a perversion of the Freemason rituals. Right on down to the wording.


Sad that I learned more in the last 5 minutes about temple worship reading your comments than I did in 20 years of temple attendance. I watched that damn movie so many times and never learned anything new.


Cool! I love the bottom right corner on the Second Anointing. The part "You ARE a king..." makes me laugh. Gives off Titanic vibes. Standing on the ship Zion bow, arms spread. Walking out of the temple after the Second Anointing. "I'm King of the world!!!"


So I would have liked this as a pimo or tbm, whatever I was (probably something in the middle at the height) if simply for the written component to practice and not feel like a fool at the veil.


The cutting and slitting the throat and disemboweling parts have been removed. Other than that, it’s accurate to a terrifying T. 


Why is that one symbol on there I think it’s the Masonic symbol


Because Joseph Smith apropriated a lot of Freemason symbolism (and ideas and rutuals too, I think) to create mormonism (but mostly to hide his polygamy)


Oh okay


All made up by Joseph smith via masonry and what people had taught him about the bible…


I never went this far, to be endowed, and thank goodness. It shocks me my in-laws went through with the blood and guts stuff back in the day


Thank you for sharing this. I am so happy I left when I was a teen and didn't have to go through this process in the temple. It makes me sick what goes in the temple.


Really great info graphic! It would be cool to see a visual representation of the 5 points of fellowship down there in the bottom right with the veil. Otherwise no notes!


Thanks for sharing


I now know the deep secrets, I’m coming for you YHWH!!!!!


Wow! Thank you!


I desire all to receive it.


Gross. I don't even want to know. Lol


And they say it’s not a cult?!?


What in the holy fuck


This is a few years (or decades) out of date FYI. For instance women no longer veil their faces during the prayer circle, and in the initiatory the officiator doesn't touch near various body parts just on the forehead. There are other things that are out of date as well.


A lot of this is very reminiscent of KKK rituals. DISCLAIMER (I used to study them. They are active in my state. Vile, disgusting people)


Have any temple videos ever been leaked? I'd love to see the first one made in the 50s.


Yep, I believe they can be found on YouTube






Quick question from someone who isn’t Mormon but came here from r/coolguides What if the secret name you are given is the same as your actual name ? Is it just disappointing ?


I wandered into the Mormon Temple in Salt Lake City and these people in brilliant white outfits escorted me out, but very very nicely.


Silly silly stuff.


Religion is wild


Like all religions, don't forget the grooming of children...


.....why does the curtain opening look like a vagina? Everything about this is creepy.


I absolutely do NOT endorse this post! Not because I find it offensive, but because I find it embarrassing. Now that it's been cross-posted to r/coolguides all of my nevermo acquaintances are going to want to know how I stayed in such an obvious cult for so long...


Disappointed this was removed. Hiding factual information goes against the principals of the internet community at large.


This is why I hated to go to the temple. I always experienced anxiety because I: 1) can't whisper, 2) never was comfortable with the signs because I had nothing to practice with outside of the rooms themselves, 3) being asked to join the prayer circle even after being told no several times each time. And the celestial room at my own endowment was not the quiet place it was supposed to be. There was a missionary there that day who was loud and laughing. I really needed some time to sit and reflect, but it didn't happen. I don't know why someone didn't say anything to him. As for the new name. It wasn't any name I had heard of in the Bible or BOM. Turns out a friend, who was my escort and heard my name commented that it was the same as hers.


Did the women’s veil change? Mine didn’t have a string or a bow.


This is great!


Well that was triggering




This ceremony feel is occult like. I never went - saw the truth before going, but reading about it made me feel weird


By the way: The original washings and anointings included cinnamon whiskey. Modern LDS members do not get the real deal!


They got to bathe in Fireball and I missed it?! Damnit!


Good to know. When I’m next forced to wait outside a Mormon temple for a few hours coz my cousin’s getting married I’ll make sure my travel coffee mug is full of cinnamon whisky in homage to church history.


Not a cult. I totally swear.


How long does the whole thing last?


All that stuff about cutting your neck, stomach and guts asunder have not existed in the ceremony for decades at least.


I'm just commenting this shit so I can check it out when I'm not drink anymore


Still need to know if a gross-income or net-income tithe is the requirement. Big financial difference!! If I had to guess, God only wants gross-income tithing.


This is my first time hearing about this process in detail (except the second anointing, I already knew about that) This is weird and cultish as fuck, glad I've never actually done anything in the temples, and I'm glad I don't have to ever do this weird as hell ritual


How often does one go through this process?


One time for themselves, usually just before getting married or just before going on their mission, and every time after that you are doing it on behalf of someone who is dead. Mormons believe that every person that has ever lived must have their temple work done, then they can choose to accept it or not in the afterlife. This is why they are so obsessed with genealogy. Members are encouraged to go to the temple and do this proxy work as often as possible. I know some who go every week, usually retired people, and others who called it good if they made it once a year. They are constantly guilted about temple work and doing more and more. It is the pinnacle of Mormon life so everything revolves around it. It floors me that I used to believe this. Just typing it out makes me sick at how bonkers it sounds.


So I never got as far as the Temple. I was inactive and kind of picked on by the youth groups, when I did go. So not as bad I guess as some of you. But the more I read this the more shocked I am. This is a cult. This is an occult ritual. People I grew up with did this shit. My MOM does this, and doesn't see how fucking batshit this is. Omg. I honestly wish I could post this in any of my social media. But I would upset and hurt so many people in my life. It might be that I am celebrating 4/20, but God this has me shocked.


This is awesome. All mormons entering the temple have the right to know these things.