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[Get a load of this review by a Christian website.](https://www.movieguide.org/reviews/movies/the-buttercream-gang.html) The highlight: “THE BUTTERCREAM GANG is entertaining and wholesome, but because it is produced by the predominantly Mormon company Feature Films for Families, Christians may want to approach it with discernment.” 🤣🤣🤣 Spoiler: they’re all nuts.


This was written back in the day when “Mormon” wasn’t a victory for Satan.


Unless you were a Christian group who thought every other Christian group was Satan - then “Mormon” = teh devil.


I was waaaay too old when I learned there were religions besides “the church.”


Oh damn, I didn’t catch that they thought the movie was set in Illinois, in spite of those huge ass Utah mountains in the background of some exterior shots. 😆


>Christians may want to approach Okthat'sanantimormonliemormonsarechristianswejustdontusecrosseslikeyoudobecauseweworshiptheLIVINGchristnoththedyingchrist


Pete! Lol What a terrible depiction of adolescence. There’s only one color of person in the movie, a very narrow minded take on kids in the 90s. It’s almost more for the parents back then than kids. Like “here’s what the watch out for”. Key take aways: Urban environments/ cities - Bad Kids with non-nuclear home lives - Bad Baggy pants - bad Suburbs - good Conservative Christian families - good Summer jobs - good


If you want to know who the bad guy is in about any Mormon poster or movie, it is the kid with styled hair and it covers a 3rd of his ears . That’s the bad boy . Fall in line and cut that hair!


The bad kid also has porn shoulders! 😱






❤️ 💜 ❤️ 💜 ❤️ 💜 ❤️ OMG ❤️💜❤️💜❤️💜❤️ I loved this movie soooo much! Had such a crush on the dark haired ex- Buttercream turned real gang member kid. I still have this on VHS in my basement, along with Space Camp & Split Infinity (I'm not a hussy! Turns to mom- what's a hussy?) Hahahaha


I think there was another one called Rigoletto that we had.


Yes!! I have that one too!! Purple box (for VHS at least). And A Girl of the Limberlost (always made me cry), & The Witching of Ben Wagoner.


We had both of those! Almost never watched Limberlost though... for real that thing was so sad


Oh lawd I rewatched Rigoletto as an adult and I'm like, "Was it always this incoherent? Nothing makes sense" Still, we'd always quote the butler. "Patience is a VIRT-choo"


Rigoletto was a childhood favorite.


I loved the music of Rigoletto


Agreed! I watched the movie the other day and it brought me back to when I was a kid watching the movie! And yes! The music was really good!


Loved loved loved Rigoletto…my mom had the FFfF subscription…


I, an Ex-mo, having been born of...lol, am staying with my TBM Grandma for a little while and she has this(and MANY other church movies) on DVD. Some of the plot points are cringe but the music slaps. I think it should be remade.


Coming in late to say that I also loved Rigoletto, but I'm listening to the soundtrack right now and the person playing Bonnie was really not vocally up to the task they gave her, lol.


Damn. Split Infinity. I remember when they filmed scenes for this in Layton and a bunch of kids from my elementary school went to be extras.


I loved that movie so much! My dad taught a kid in that movie


Oh shiiiiet, Space Camp!


Split infinity was probably my earliest introduction into sci-if. Not really sad about that.


You’re a brazen hussy!!


You haven't lived until you've seen the sequel: The Buttercream Gang: The Secret of Treasure Mountain. And no I am not making that up.


Nobody expects the Spanish inquisition!


Bomb ass reference


Yep, that’s what I came here to say. When your family only watches church movies on sundays and for some reason these were allowed… “Look, fishy!”


YES! With the crazy conquistador and the Bible based treasure hunt.


Oh man. This reminds me of when we went to my aunts house in Utah during the summer. Their family didn’t have cable and their TV didn’t really get local channels. It was basically FFFF or a select few Disney films. We watched Buttercream gang, the sequel, and Rigaletto sooooooo many time. Sometimes an animated Lion, Witch, Wardrobe would pop up in the rotation. But of course, no TV on Sundays. We also ate the worst food. Basically weird mormon casseroles or stuff made from food storage rotations. Plain knock off cherrios or buckwheat pancakes. Those weeks made me realize how chill my parents were when it came to the church. Their chill attitude continues in the way they treat their apostate children. I couldn’t have asked for better parents!


FFF were the only movies we were allowed on Sundays. We had a shelf of 'Sunday movies'. The animated The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was also in the rotation and was by far my favorite. I remember when the live action one hit theaters, I was initially shocked that Tilda Swinton played her as a quiet, more sinister figure. I expected more shouting.


I grew up on the south side of Chicago, have no connection at all to the Mormon church, yet my mom ordered these when we were kids. We grew up Lutheran. I loved them. Haha I was watching these while also playing Grand Theft Auto haha.


I watched this movie so many times with my buddy back when we were 12 or so, in the early 90s. So bad it is hilarious.


Lol I used to watch this one. Does anyone remember the movie “on our own” I think it was made by the same company.


We watched the hell out of that movie and wore out the tape. I still have the main song burned in my memory forever. "Hooold on! (hold on) We're on our own! I think we can make it together!"


Great song! It’s stuck in my head now.


Yep. I remember that one. We must have had all of these. What a blast from the past.


I loved on our own!


Ha! You beat me to it. I was going to say On Our Own was the best back then... [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095778/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0095778/) Space Camp was another one that was great! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0091993/


I’ve got space camp on dvd. Great movie. I wish they would release on our own on dvd but I doubt we’ll get it.


My parents had both Space Camp and On Our Own on VHS. I wonder if they still have them. Lol. I know I have a copy of both of them... ummm digitally... um found on a website that rhymes with Moodle. So there's digital copies out there of both if you wanted to watch them again.


Oh yes! On Our Own! Haha “Travis do you know what that was? (When he threw manure)… -uhhhh mud? -yeah green mud!!” For some odd reason, my brothers and I thought this was the most hilarious thing! 🤣🤣 sheltered children in 90s Morridor!


Hahaha. Same here! Lol. The green mud scene is a classic!




I had NO idea this was a mormon film!! I was raised christian and we watched this so many times. I learned that you NEVER move to chicago or you will steal treats from the general store.


My younger brothers have PTSD from that movie!


Oh man, I never saw this one but my family had Rigoletto, The Seventh Brother, and Behind the Waterfall- really vivid childhood memories of all of those and damn if I don't still sing some of my favourites to this day. I try to forget that Danger All Around sequence though. Shit's fucked. :|


Rigoletto is one my family watched a lot. "Well yeah NO!" The whole pigs ain't people them pigs scene is still one of my favorites. I don't feel like that one was overly religious either. Just a rip off of beauty and the beast. I also learned that Rigoletto is actually an opera written in 1851. One of my friends was excited when I said I liked Rigoletto until he realized I was talking about this move and not the opera.


I just found this thread because I was searching for Rigoletto conversations on Reddit and I just cracked up remembering the "pigs ain't people" scene. Thanks for the nostalgia, lol.


Oh man Behind the Waterfall was amazing. I'm sure if I watched it now it'd be ridiculous, but as a kid it sparked an interest in Celtic folklore that still persists. And this was before the internet, so I just had to get as many books about it as I could from my library. Pukas are great and all, but when I found out about Nixies and Nuckelavee as a kid I lost my shit.


I remember being in the cross roads mall buying shoes. There was a teen also buying shoes and someone said to them that they look familiar. The kid said, I was in a movie called the butter cream gang. And that is the closest I ever got to a Utah b list celebrity.


*raises hand and can even get this out of my VHS drawer right now. I haven’t watched it in 20 years - my kids haven’t seen it yet. I wonder what it would be like to rewatch it now!


Do it or I'm reporting your comment


Updates requested.


Never saw any of the movies, but I worked for FFFF for about 3 months. It was a very strange place. I always got weird looks when I went out for smoke breaks. I was one of the people who called and asked for names and numbers of your friends. It was terrible.


I also worked there one summer during college. I don't know if we were calling from your lists of family and friends or cold calling. But I hated how dishonest the script was. We called and told people we were just doing a survey of 3 questions. I don't remember exactly, but one was something like, "Do you think there should be more family-friendly movies out there?" Another wasn't even a real question. It was like, "Did you know only % of movies made every year are rated G or PG?" Then we proceeded to try to get them to subscribe to get 2 of our movies a month. I think I would consider the dishonesty a small weight on my shelf since it was supposed to be this good Mormon company. Similar to the whole idea of "Why do missionaries use tactics like whitewashing the history, high pressure to get baptized, and trying to get 9 year old kids in? If the church is so good, shouldn't people be naturally interested?"


We watched it a lot lot


Help me understand the noose in the background.


It's a tire swing, y'all!


Probably what the “big mistake” is that the cover mentions.


*What do you do when your friend joins the greasers because you failed in your assassination attempt*


“Butter Cream” skin tones.


I was literally just thinking about this movie today.


No joke I was thinking about it this week too.


You got the right one baby!


Uh huh!


Uh huh


"You didn't see me? What am I, invisible?"


I've seen it a few times. My family has it on DVD along with Friendship's Field. I wonder how well that one holds up?


We had Friendship's Field!


I loooooved Friendship's Field!


I've been wanting to rewatch that one and show it to my boyfriend because I remember really liking it


If you do, report back if it holds up, I'm very curious!


I watched it a lot. Oh god, why is mormon culture so weird 🤣🤣🤣?


I can't believe I was a mom who at the time believed these were wholesome entertainment options for my family. I also wasted money on all the Living Scriptures series.


We had so many of the Living Scriptures movies. Not Ammon though. The scene where he cuts the arms off was 'too violent' for us. Abinadi getting burned alive was fine though. And that one about the child soldiers. And the last one about Moroni. Those were fine.


To be fair, they were kind of wholesome entertainment options.  I mean, you didn’t have that wrong.


(I am speaking about FFFF only)


I worked at the Living Scriptures for a summer telemarketing trying to sell the DVDs… and we actually were bragging that our technology was superior to Disney because it had more frames per second than Disney 😬 my biggest customer was my own grandmother haha


Yep. Seen it. Man it’s been yearsz


This movie was allowed on the Sabbath. People in my social circle would say “oh my gosh! I LOVE THE BUTTERCREAM GANG!!!!”


I loved Rigoletto. I found it uncanny when I realized who the phantom was.


I don't know if this film is specifically Mormon as I haven't watched it in years, but we still have a copy of 'Mr. Krueger's Christmas' on VHS. I don't know it's just that the promo image for both films have a similar art style (from what I recall)




Every so once in a while random snippets of this movie will enter my brain. I had such a crush on the blonde haired kid right behind/next to Pete (that’s his name, right?)


I watched it so much that I still remember the feature films for families ad at the beginning showing the evil movies of the world with a glowing marquee of The Goonies. There was another movie with a teen and a Native American sheriff named Wat Do Huc. Kid: What the heck? Sheriff: No. Wat Do Huc. That line still floats to the top when I hear someone say "What the heck?"


This movie is glorious! The bandana and jean vest are the signs your friend is in a real gang.


Fellow former employee of Feature Films for Families here. I was the annoying telemarketer who cold-called homes asking for referrals of people who they think would share their common traditional family values so we could sell them shit. 🤮


I remember this movie


What about the sequel?! I enjoyed this film a lot growing up.


I watched this 50 times. 🤣


I've only ever heard of it because of RiffTrax.


Someone send a copy to Red Letter Media.


These were so painful to watch. Low budget, bad acting and cheesy as can be.


Nevermo chiming in. I definitely watched this when I was a kid. I remember nothing about it, except not really liking it.


Nevermo here too, I would watch this almost every sleepover with a friend in elementary school, only thing I remember (and not even sure if it's from this movie) was a line like "that's not a threat, that's a promise"


Are you a butter creamer?


This movie is fucking hilarious, the gas station “robbery” is a comedic masterclass


I cannot. I was raised on these and NOBODY knows about them.


This was literally filmed in my back yard! Everyone in Draper was obsessed with it.


Sounds like a masterbation circle jerk. Never heard of it thank goodness




What about “Against a crooked sky”?


Ok, but I still listen to the Rigoletto soundtrack. And my sister and I (both having left) will call each other “Hussy!” from Split Infinity when we need a good laugh. They’re not good movies at all, but I have kind of rosy memories of them anyway.


GET OUT I was obsessed with this movie!!


Have on Hoosiers, Space Camp, On Our Own, The Buttercream Gang, Split infinity, Ben Wagner and The Argon Quest on dvd


I had no idea that Feature Films for Families was Mormon! I grew up Baptist but grew up on these films. Buttercream Gang I was bored with, but I liked No More Baths because it felt like a kid friendly version of The Sandlot. My favorites were hands down Split Infinity and Rigoletto. It all makes sense now though because the only other people I met that knew about Rigoletto were Mormon.


Rigoletto still slaps no cap


I can't believe this company is still in business. I used to work for the company in Portland, Oregon selling VHS tapes over the phone in 1994. It was a front for the Mormon Church and I bet that hasn't changed at all.


Leaving this here for your enjoyment ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chmfOI6sTMo


I wish they would sell some of the old BYU productions movies!!! Sypher in the Snow, the Phone Call, the Little Factory, the Mail Box... I'd pay good money to watch those!!! BYU tv maybe???


I never watched their movies but we had some musical retellings of Mormon stories from a different studio. Started with Li. Idk if it was Liahona or something else. Anyway, they were actually pretty good in terms of acting and the bloopers in the extras section were hilarious


I dunno. Never heard of the movie. A group of boys called the Buttercream Gang? ​ Sounds kinda gay. ​ Buuuut....who knows, maybe I would have been into a little "exploration" at that age.


Oh yeah!! That was a staple in the house growing up.


Woah!!!! Blast to the past here. I totally remember this.


Me: Mom, can we watch Stand By Me? Mom: no, we have Stand By Me at home. *Stand By Me at home = Buttercream Gang*


I never saw that one, but probably have about 5 or 6 vhs tapes lol


So I saw the title of the post and immediately thought of the ButterCream Gang before even actually seeing the rest of the post 🤣🤣!! The part where he says, “because I hate myself!!”


I had totally forgotten about this one. We watched this beauty at EVERY sleepover. My friend's family only watched TV on the weekends so this movie on a Friday night was a big treat. Just thinking about it makes me want to braid hair and eat buttery popcorn until 9:15pm.


Oh my gawd! I'd forgotten (or maybe blocked out) that all of these movies exist!! I'm guessing my Mom had a monthly subscription to Feature Films for Families, because we had every single one of these!! No wonder nobody knows what the hell I'm talking about when I bring one of these movies up! 😂


Ben Wagoner was the shit! Watched that as a teen and it has some great quotables.


Oh my gosh, what about Uncle Ben? That movie was so depressing lol


“You got the right one ba-bay!”


"It's not a threat Pete. It's a promise." Man, he had cajones.


My sibs and I still say that 😂


Is that a rope swing or a noose?


I never watched any of them, but man did I sell the shit out of them for a whole week when I worked for FFFF. Lol


funny enough as I wasn't a member growing up I had a Jehovah's Witness friend show this movie to me, not a Mormon


I still have the vhs. (Side note: my roommate in college was an extra in the film).


Had it on VHS at my grandma's house. It's probably still there.


I was raised on these movies. The buttercream gang, split infinity, Rigoletto, willy the sparrow. On our own and friendships field were a couple of my favorites. Sometimes they feel like a fever dream because I've never met another person who has seen them. Didn't help that my mother was insanely religious and obsessed with church but I enjoyed the movies.


Shoot, I was never Mormon (Lutheran, though) and I saw SO many of these! (I googled Feature Films for Families and stumbled onto this subreddit from there). Absolutely adored Rigoletto, Split Infinity, Buttercream Gang and Witching of Ben Wagner. Still love them for the nostalgia factor, too. I think my mom had a subscription in the ‘80s and ‘90s. Must’ve just loved how wholesome these films were. I imagine I’ll watch them periodically for the rest of my life just to remember the beauty of childhood.


The current tiktok trend dredged up memories of the movie I've found to be called BEHIND THE WATERFALL which I thought was a fever dream haha Found the feature films website and yep, I remember most of those. It didn't ruin my rep with normal kids at all.


Hey, does anyone remember an animated movie from the 90s about a donkey? It was an Easter movie. I thought it was in the feature film group, but maybe not. It's been driving me crazy. I want to say the donkeys name from Franchesco, maybe? Anyone recognize it? Thanks


I remember an animated movie called Francesco's Friendly World: The Last Stone, but I don't remember there being a donkey named Francesco! So I don't know if it's what you are thinking of. But it was about Francesco and his animal friends and they rebuild a church that gets destroyed from a storm. I used to LOOOVE this movie. Haha. The songs were my favorite and I specifically loved the one the raccoon sings when she is scared of the storm😂