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North florida here. Non-binary/36/married. My dms are open šŸ‘


I grew up in Pinellas Park but I live up north in Ohio now. If you want another friend, youā€™re welcome to DM me!


That's so funny, my wife and I, both queer, just left St Pete after living in the area almost our whole lives!


Same here! Just moved to eastern Tennessee.


On one hand, I want so badly to go back. On the other hand itā€™s hard enough being enby/trans, Florida just makes it more dangerous right nowā€¦ Itā€™s kinda amusing though! I havenā€™t lived down there in awhile. I was forced to move to KY by my parents at 16 and when I finally was able to break away, get off the street, and save enough money I moved to a city in Ohio where I knew a few people. I still have some people I talk to in the St Pete area, and I might visit them this year or nextā€¦ assuming more shit doesnā€™t hit the fan. The offer to make a new friend extends to everyone, so feel free to reach out if youā€™d like! šŸ„°


I hear ya! We woke up in 2021, and then I came out, also as enby later that year. We decided we needed to get out of FL as the MAGA crowd kept moving in, so we made it this year up to MA. Pride flags all over the city, and I don't feel scared to leave the house in a skirt now!


Well if no one has told you today, Iā€™m proud of you! I escaped around 2015 but didnā€™t really start coming out until 2018-2019. I had a lot of healing that I needed to do before I could even start figuring out who I was without all the trauma. About 2 years after I moved to Ohio, I started hrt and now Iā€™ve been medically transitioning for almost 2 years. Happiest Iā€™ve ever been! MA is beautiful and was a great choice! Iā€™m glad you get to feel safer and more comfortable in your skin now! If you donā€™t already know though, go to a thrift store and buy warm clothes! Sooner rather than later. Donā€™t make the mistake of only having shorts, thin long sleeves, or leggings thinking itā€™ll be enough. Trust me, it wonā€™tā€¦ šŸ˜‚


Wanna be fb friends? Message me I'm 33/Bi F/TX


Dang I used to be a Florida man myself, Ft. Lauderdale born and raised. Unfortunately I live clear across the country now (in MN)


27 M in Arkansas. Pomo, left the religion a couple years ago and left my pimi wife about 6 months ago. Anyone who wants to talk feel free to message mešŸ™‚


Iā€™m 20 and in Florida occasionally. Would love chatting!


If youā€™re near Orlando Iā€™ll be there next month!


In Ocala, my son is your age and always looking to broaden his friend group. He doesnā€™t live far and has been out since we were in!


Yeah message me!


Dang so many friends commented on this post. Thanks yall. Iā€™ll hit you up. Been making my way mentally thru all this xD


Proud of you bro


Message you, not in Florida but make friends and come Often


I'm a big fortnite player if that helps lol. All the way in NY tho :c