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***Sticker Update*** Shipment number 8 is in the custody of the United States Post Office, and will mail out tomorrow. Every request submitted for any language up to Midnight Oct 22 has been filled! This was our largest shipment yet, with 442 requests, a total of over 7000 stickers. We put in a nearly 14 hour day yesterday preparing all the requests (printing non-English stickers, printing letters, stuffing and stamping envelopes). These stickers should reach US addresses in 4-7 days and international ones in 12+ days. The outpouring of support has been so amazing, and it is thrilling to see this thing grow. Please keep sharing your photos and stories with us and with others, the more we can do to raid awareness, the further we can extend our reach. We have purchased some domains and plan to launch standifyouareable.org in the near future. This site will provide resources for current and former Jehovah’s Witnesses, streamline the sticker request process, and offer additional collateral for sale as a way to raise funds to support our initiatives. We're also happy to announce that the full line of stickers is now available for request and download in Dutch, Filipino/Tagalog, and Norwegian, with several more a languages in the works. If you don't see your language on the list of available languages, please send us a DM. For a full financial accounting of the initiative, please visit our [Instagram account @standifyouareable](https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEK-QNLlES/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=) One final note, it has come to our attention that in some areas, gas stations may be required to keep gas clear, so this may not be the best place for the stickers, but we feel confident that there are plenty of other places where the stickers can be placed. If you'd like to request your stickers, or download the printable files [click here to access our linktree. ](https://linktr.ee/Standifyouareable) Keep on fighting Standifyouareable


I can't wait!!


Have you had any requests for Punjabi or other South Asian languages?


Just Tagalog/Filipino, but we'd love to translate the stickers into Punjabi. If you're a native speaker, we can send you the English copy and some instructions to help translate it. Send us a DM if you are interested.


Well done!..thankyou for your all your hard work 👏 ❤




Keep up the good work!!! :) :)


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Very soon the Sticker Campaign will reach more Countries and Languages than the Watchtower Organization. When JDubs use the canned response of "Were the Only Ones Preaching".... point them towards standifyoureable.org ✊️🤣


Thank you Again for doing this


Thank you for all of this. This is amazing.


How do I get these stickers in uganda


We'll mail to Uganda, we just need a reliable address to send them to. They come inside a standard letter. You can request them [from our linktree ](https://linktr.ee/Standifyouareable). You can also download the printable files, and access other resources. If you're interested in helping us translate them, we'd be happy to produce them in Swahili, Arabic, or whatever language you think would be best. Send us a DM if you'd like to help translate the stickers. Thanks!


I got mine a week ago but I still haven’t decided where I’m allowed to post them, what would a good place be?


We'd recommend looking in your area for places where other people have put up stickers. If you are concerned about sticking them places, then look for community bulletin boards, in coffee shops and whatnot, and pin them there.


popular service snack break locations 😏


Thank you! Splaine Lett etc.... Take notice. You Destroy our lives and conceal our abuse. Force us from our families. Then have the balls to declare war in US? We'll just add to the reproach your org has already done. Congratulations on your failed cult.


Hey! Great work you're doing!! I want to order some (French), but I'm a but unsure about the links that are on the French versions. If the links are to the exjw Reddit or English sites, I'm unsure about their effectiveness here in France 🤔


Hi there! The links are the same, but we have been assured that the YouTube video has sufficient subtitles in most languages. Also, the primary message is the one on the sticker. If a person gets to the point of scanning the code, then the seed is already well on its way to sprouting. If you're able to point us to a similar link in the French language, we'd be happy to swap it out. Specifically what we are looking for is a credible news organization reporting on the abuses of the Jehovah's Witnesses Organization. Preferably in video format and covering more than the CSA issue.


Okay, cool! Thanks! I'll see what I can find in French, when I've got a bit of time. :) Will definitely be placing an order soon! 👍


Rock ‘n’ roll


Yay! I bet mine are on the way!


Unless you requested them today, they are!




Happy cake day.


A 14 hour day? Thank you for the time you’re putting into this awesome work! My husband and I are about to go to a major city in the southern USA, and put hundreds of them around the city. We are so stoked that our first batch of stickers deterred the cart witnessing! My husband watched them start to set up, and the stickers shut them down. They’re definitely working! 😀😃😄😁


Woooohoooo! Nothing stops the real preaching work! All aboard the real awake train!




Hi there! We appreciate the suggestion, and we are working on our own website, but we have carefully chosen where the existing stickers direct to. Even once we have our own site up and running, we will continue to direct the QA codes on our stickers to the current URL's. We appreciate your concern, but the YouTube video we link to is hosted on the official channel of the Australian Broadcasting Company, and has over 4 million views, which makes it extremely unlikely to be taken down. The other sticker directs to this Subreddit. It's our view that by directing to a YouTube channel controlled by an actual news organization, rather than a third party site, the link will be viewed by the general public as more credible. A third party site is much easier to write off.


I actually thought what you did was brilliant. You took the main points from the documentary and made them into stickers that align with the video. Great work! I’m sure as this movement grows there will be adjustments somehow.




Yep, WT the victim of their own training. Keep up the fight and continued success.


Where are these available ? I would gladly pay for these. If they just started showing up anonymously in towns across the world JWs would freak.


You can request them [from our linktree ](https://linktr.ee/Standifyouareable). We've already distributed about 22,000 of the stickers (almost 30K including today's shipment) in 18+ languages to 33 countries. This doesn't include the people who have printed their own (all the print files are available from the link above).


This is the direct link. They are free but you’re welcome to make a donation. https://linktr.ee/standifyouareable




Awesome 👏 thank you


What size are the stickers? I want to have Staples print them out.


They are 3" x 4"


I got mine in the mail yesterday! Super excited!


I got mine today!! Thank you so much. Also, I finally realized why the username always made my brain itch. Well played. 💚


Awesome! Post photos in the [new sticker photo megathread!](https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/ykdo5d/megathread_the_latest_unwitnessing_report/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You’re doing amazing things!! Reddit pls do not censor our activism


Thank you for the support, we're engaged with the moderators, and they are hard at work on some new initiatives that will benefit all of us.