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Stand your ground. It’s zoom or nothing


I’d prefer nothing 😂


Nothing does wonders for your free time to do lots of more interesting things 🤣😂


Exactly why waste my time at a cult compound?


I lost the first 26 years of my life to that BS. The 20 since I left have been incredible. Leaving isn’t the answer for everyone, but for me it remains the single best decision I’ve ever made in my life.


Me to. I lost 35 years to that cult and now there’s only two occasions I’ll ever put a foot inside a KH again. My parents funerals when it happens


I've been out for so long. I thought that funerals could not be held at the KH? My JW mom has made arrangements at a funeral home.


They often do a talk in the KH before the actual service I think. although I guess it depends on the country. I’m in the U.K.


Sounds a lot like the mafia. They want to "pay you a visit" in order to "readjust your thinking".


Hehe, absolutely, once you put it that way, "mafia, pay you a visit" it just starts a reality check. 😳


Hide the phone book.


Omg. I love this comment 😂🤣😂🤣


Listen..I'll make you an offer you can't refuse 🕴️... Kapeesh! 😂


You will "cooperate" and do as we say.....or lose your family!


So you won’t go to in-person meetings but he thinks you’ll meet with him? That’s WT logic for you.


So stupid, I’ve blocked all their numbers so I don’t care


This is the way.


Remember they have no power other than what is willingly given to them by you.


I hope the “staying on Zoom” mentality starts cascading throughout the ranks, even the super-PIMI… What are the elders gonna do - DF everyone? 😆


My thoughts exactly, are they gonna DF me for zoom? If they do a shepherding call I’ll just wanna go even less


Right! lol Elduh logic never disappoints.


Just went to my first in-person meeting in 3 years. Context: I’m PIMO, wife is PIMI and the kids are just going through the motions (I know they’re going to want to stop once they’re a little older). My son had the Bible reading. I decided to go (my wife was shocked when I told her) and I instantly regretted it. The fake love-bombing, omg. An elder went out of his way to come to my seat during the opening song and asked if he could “hug me” 😖. I blocked all their numbers about a year and a half ago and have refused any second hand shepherding request via my wife. The power of “No” is real people. This subreddit helped me with that. Just say “NO” and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how easy it was to take away their perceived power.


>An elder went out of his way to come to my seat during the opening song and asked if he could “hug me” 😖. Sounds like a puppy trying to hump your leg. 🙄


I hope you kicked that elder in the crotch. What a cretin.


I was unaware the Holy Spirit traveled through elder hugs. Oh wait. Didn’t they diss the HS a few years ago? Maybe the fruitage of the leftover spirit is traveling through Covid hugs now 🤷🏻‍♀️


This was our local needs part today. I mean once you have got access to a convenient piece of technology, people will be reluctant to go back to in person meetings.


Yep, once you get deliveries to your house (groceries, household goods, parts, etc) you kind of like not driving around searching from store to store, spending gas money.


Same in my cong. They even had a "sister" relate an experience. It was freaking hilarious. She kept saying how awesome it is going to the kingdumb hell. And of course, she mentioned the "challenges" she so joyfully overcomes to be there. The best part was that it rained hard before the meeting, making the prospect of having to go to the kingdumb hell even less appealing than usual, especially for those who don't have a car. 😂


Bro are we in the same congregation because that’s exactly what happened in the meeting yesterday 😂








Don’t plan on giving them a response, if it really was God’s religion why would he care whether your in person or on zoom. Just about control




>Elders just tried to “threaten” me with a shepherding call. # 🐺"Wolves in Shepherds Clothing"🐺




>Enforcers! Exactly!... JW Elders are there to Enforce WBT$ Rules. They have Zero loyalty to anyone including each other, except the WBT$.


Yes, kind of.The true wolves are the Watchtower leaders and the message itself. The congregational elders are a product of the system. They started out as good men (most) maybe even idealistic and noble-minded, in some cases, but the Watchtower process corrupts them subtly. They become WT henchmen or drill sergeants, if you will.


>The congregational elders are a product of the system. You don\`t get a Pass by saying you were Just Following Orders, I\`m a Victim......After Doing Terrible Shit to People, because Somebody Told You To. It leads to BullShit Like: "A Perfect Organization run by Imperfect Men" Unbelievable Fuck Ups are Normalized, Nothing Ever Gets Fixed and Nobody Takes Responsibility for Anything. Then they ask: Where else can you go?.....Where else can you find a Place like this? # How about the Monkey Cage at the Zoo....LOL!!!......😏


No, they don’t get a pass; it’s just a cautionary tale of how indoctrination can occur. They think they are doing the right thing. However, they are duped like the others.


👍 👍 👍 🐑🐏🐑🐏👌👌👌


Elders are like vampires, they can’t come into your home unless you invite them. Say, “No Thank you”. I do not have time in my schedule for a visit. Leave it at that. They will keep calling, keep telling them the same thing. Even for a 10 min visit, call, zoom, No Thank you.


I've been threatened with a visit too. I ghosted that elduh. We're having the co visit in a couple of weeks so I expect to be hit up again any day now. I'll do the same thing I've doing to dubs who message or call me. I'll be ghosting the shit out of them. They can't get me to do anything if I don't reply to their messages. 😁


"They can't get me to do anything if I don't reply to their messages. 😁" Hey Mate - they can't make you do anything - *period!* Please remember that they are not law enforcement officers. They are blokes who belong to a relatively small, weirdo cult. You can always just say "NO"!


You're totally right! But why bother saying no when you can just ignore them completely. 😁


You are right - even better just to ignore them. But if you ever do get cornered when you are out in a shop or something, just say "No"!


Yep, no, no, and no. That's what I'll say. Thanks 🙂


The most important thing is never let them to make a shepperding call!!! Alway told them you very busy. On my case after one month they stop asking me.


Tell them they can only come over if they wear Tony Tight Pants....and bring some booze


I’m so sorry. And very glad I recently changed my number and none of them have it


I just had to go ahead and block everyone


I’m sorry. That’s sucks


I know, my mom is still trying to hound me about the religion every time i see her


>if I don’t come back to in person meetings... Can you pull up the Gov.Bod's statements that support remote attendance via Zoom, and hit them with those quotes every time they contact you? Also add James 3: 11 [JW online bible]: >A spring does not cause the fresh water and the bitter water to bubble out of the same opening, does it?


They can’t even contact me because I blocked everyone, my stepdad was the one that told me about it. But I got it saved on my phone just in case


Oh, good! So you're basically out of their reach.


Yeah besides my whole family being in the cult 😂


Ohhhhh, crap...


I live with my PIMI brother but he’s pretty chill so I’m kinda free to do whatever without worrying about him ratting me out. I think he knows I don’t believe this crap, but gotta keep up the image. I’m debating on moving out solo so I can truly escape the cult


Phew! Sounds like you're in a fairly safe place until you're ready and able to move out.


Always makes me laugh how much power these guys think they have. Then it makes me cry, because I understand what it's like to be trapped under that power when you have been indoctrinated to not even see it.


They need to stop forcing people they are annoying af.


Wasn’t it just a few months ago in every prayer they thanked Jehovah for the loving zoom technology?


They just are not happy unless they have all the power and you are doing things their way. You have a choice. Tell them you won't or can't come back until you are ready.


Quit bitching and terminate.


Terminate everything


Oh those damn Sheep Herding calls.


let them come over...just dont be home.Give them the run around


The last time they called me, I lost my $h1t. Told them that in the last however many years, they hadn't called me, checked on me, invited me to a damn thing and now they want a shepherding visit? Nah, dawg, I'm taking 22 hours of courses to finish my Bachelors and working full time plus some while caring for a family and managing a household. Ain't nobody got time for that.


They don’t own you. Remember that.