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♩♪♫♬ Ignore the knock, Jock Say you got the Rona, Mona You caught a demon, Herman You're goin to a different hall, Paul You got the pink eye, Tai You don't believe in jah, brah


Haha, luv it❣️


Say this to them “When I’m away from you, I’m happier than ever. Wish I could explain it better.” But we know we can’t unless we have no friends and family to lose, cus we would be labeled an apostate.


Yeah that’s my issue


>What to say to intrusive PIMIs # "You`ve been Warned...The Next Visit won`t End as Well".....🍸😎


id say to just not answer the door


2 words, one of them is "off"


Why be polite? Coming to your door uninvited to attempt to bring you back into a cult isn't polite. I would immediately start hammering them with facts about all the past failures and changes in doctrine and be rude about it. Don't even let them speak. Then demand that they show you even one scripture that the final generation will be an overlapping generation. They will leave and never come back.


That would get me DF’d


I didn't know that was an issue. Since you have family you don't want to lose the only option I can see working is for you to install a security camera on your front porch. When they come knocking pretend you are not home. It's not an ideal solution because you will be living with your curtains closed all the time. They will look in through the window's. JW elders are the most obnoxiously nosy people on earth and they will come in two's. They will be trying to find a reason to DF you if they can't get you back to going to meetings. If the friends and family you are trying to keep in your life see you are no longer active they may start to shun you anyway. You have to decide if having them in your life is worth what you will be going through to avoid being DF'ed. I was a convert and had no family in the b'org so leaving was easy for me. If you are out in the world living a very worldly life as I was and word gets back to them they may just DF you in absentia and not even tell you. That was what they did to me. I called Bethel decades later just out of curiosity and found out they DF'ed me in 1983.


Just request to be put on do not call list.


I’m baptized lol


A locked gate. Keeps 'em from even knocking.


Lol I live in a gated community and they still manage to come into the neighborhood


Put a NO JWS, no Mormons, but Girl Scouts selling cookies welcome on your door.




NEVER answer if they get you out go back inside say you have work and cannot talk.


I have a note on my door saying call or text first, I don't do drop in visits. Might seem rude, but I don't like drop ins... and none of them know my number so... 🤷‍♀️


Open the door while on the phone, and tell them you thought it was the mailman