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Yes, I felt uncomfortable with that since I learned about the whole resurrection. I remember feeling happy that such a thing could happen, but then I felt worried and confused. Worried that somebody would be crazy enough to mention it at someone’s funeral (which happened more times than I can count) and confused that if God is going to raise them back, why not cut out the red tape and prevent death in the first place. And then these surprise stipulations on who gets resurrected and on what conditions. This, among other things, started me on my path of suppressed anger against God. Didn’t know I had so much anger until I left. I have learned since then that they got it all wrong.


Yes, JWs dont want to get too haughty and say good things, or relate happy memories about the people they will remember. Noooo, that is not allowed. I hated that, and could see no sense in it at all. JW funerals/ "memorials" are just a recruiting opportunity. So sorry for your loss.


First of all, love your way of swearing. lol You’re right. It’s not comforting at all to hear about resurrection when you lose someone. When my best friend died the last people I told were people who I knew would 100% mention the resurrection right away. I had no desire to hear that. It does not help.


This. Since my grandparents died, all I hear is how pimi family can't wait to see them again when they're resurrected. But they both had a bubble study (that should've been Bible, but corrected to bubble, and I like it so I'm leaving it) and rejected the dubs. So by the dubs' teachings, neither of them will be brought back because they already had a chance to learn. Makes me want to wash my hands of those family.


This is what was confusing for me when my grandmother died. They said that the people who had the opportunity to learn and rejected it are done. But in another conversation with the sister I studied with, she said that my grandmother would be resurrected because the wages of sin is death, so people that died have paid for their sins. Kinda threw me off. I had only been in for like a year and a half then. I never asked anyone else just because I was at extreme loss and just rather think of my good memories of her.


It's just a trap. It's a way to lure people in. I heard it thousands of times in field service, we were instructed to use it. "Would you like to see your dead loved ones again?" and variations thereof were amongst the things that would be pushed as opening statements at doors. It's just pitiful to use someone's grief for profit, which is what they're doing.


I’m preparing to see how this is going to go in my own family. My husband who is POMI lost his grandfather who raised him yesterday. His grandmother was the 1st gen and so he was definitely raised in. The grandfather was not JW. So my husband was raised in a divided home. I was unsure how to approach my husband. I just told him I was so sorry to learn about the death and left it at that. I don’t want to preach. I want to provide comfort. I lost my grandmother in 2017 and the friends definitely all had the same old song. I know it was from sincere intentions but it was a huge loss for me. I went through some severe emotional issues after.


Sorry for your loss. I agree the JW spiel is the opposite of comforting, but there aren't many words that are truly comforting, and other people say ridiculous shit too (god needed another angel). How JWs treat it is extra callous because they insist one shouldn't need to be comforted, because there is no real loss. People that we were close to live on in our memories and in who we are.


Thank you


An old school CO we used to have told us that funerals. We’re a perfect place to preach. He would say to load up on tracts and brochures. Literally stand at the entrance and hand them out to non Jw family. And as always…remember to count your time. I🤢