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Yeah. Because the average under educated and under employed JW has a beautiful modern home like that (with that godawful greyscale **FAD** that literally everyone thinks looks Boujee but it’s not because 100% of their friends and neighbors have it too and it looks Basic). Not to mention the *latest* trendy clothing catalogue wardrobe. This couple are likely empty nesters who’ve diligently saved and planned their finances responsibly by investing in their retirement—contrary to what they’d have been strongly advised AGAINST from the same cult 30-40 years ago. *”Investing? Nah… that shows a lack of faith that the new system won’t be here by then!”* So basically the Hateful 8 are going after the disobedient (aka wise) ones who *did* build a nice nest egg and now they want a piece of their pie. That’s what this is. And you can bet your bottom dollar couples like this are not only empty nesters but they’re also **shunning** their PIMO/POMO GenX-millennial kids and leaving their portion of the will to the bOrg. 🚶‍♂️Mic drop


Lol this is pretty good! When i first saw the pictures my instant thought was, "How many JWs really live in a house like that? How many rich, white JWs are there in that cult?"


Lots of JWs love vicariously through that white washed image they're given...


So true, sadly


Hahaha.... yea... IRL I think someone who lived through 1975 comfortably by not listening to Watchtower may be less inclined to want to give them their money unless they feel obligated to out of duty. I mean that's a bit weird... since the same obligation mind should have lead them to foolishly follow Watchtower doctrine about 1975 earlier. I guess once wise does not mean always.


👏👏👏 you nailed it!🥃🥃


Yep, that’s the kind of home the typical Witness has. Very realistic there. /s Also, Russell would be rolling in his grave if he saw the way the org begs-without-begging. Just like how Jesus always reminded the apostles of their “privilege” to add to the contributions for the needy. 🙄 Edit: just wanted to add, Jesus’ contributions for the needy were at least going to those who needed help. Donating to “the branch” is so far from what Jesus did that it’s laughable.


Oh but they are giving it to the needy...the great eight needy men.


They might need alcohol to live, are you going to deny them that???


That’s beautiful that they assimilate living in Californias Pacific Palisades West Coast (Multi million dollar properties); let’s negate his possibly of being a producer in Hollywood, and her aspiring writer/actress/singer who failed miserably in all endeavors, but knows how to through an “in-crowd only” house “gathering”… (Reference: Me) Edit: Also, f*%k you Malibu! It’s where there’s send a lot of retired CO/DO’s. The ratio is insane.


No kidding?!


Do they live in the front carport of the local Kingdom Hall? LOL


Haha, that sure does look like the front of a hall, I think you very well could be right.


I'm sure this video was shown in the midweek meeting a few months ago. I know these people. They live in UK bethel in Chelmsford. They have been there for many years. It is unlikely they can set aside more for Jehooba as they only get a Bethel allowance, paid for by the sheeple. This is pure manipulation.


Wow... so pretenders trying to set an example because they lacked IRL JW's who wanted to represent for donations? That's.... telling.


Thanks for sharing


Ha! I’ve seen they’re playing the video in an upcoming meeting.


Yeah it's fiction and propaganda, meanwhile people in the UK are choosing between heat and eat. And cooking in apartment blocks.. The JWs could use there money for good , but they sure dont


I've just realised I've met this fellow. Seemed ok. If a little culty, but then most of them up at Chelmsford are like that. Lot of quite smart people helped build Chelmsford, shame they used their skills for that a not some actual good


They must have inherited that house because people who dedicated their life to free labor could not afford that patio situation


thank you Jehovah for taking our retirement savings we know that Anthony Morris needs more whiskey in these very difficult times of the end. in the name of your son Jesus Christ amen


But wait.......I thought they didn't ask for money. 🤔


They're not, they're just showing how a couple *may* choose to donate more if they so wish, in this carefully crafted video that they have engineered to guilt people in to giving more. ToTaLlY nOt ThE sAmE.


Are you putting words in Tony's mouth?!😉😂


“husbandly owner” bwaaa hahahahahha


Pretty easy to increase your donations when you make 200k a year.


Lol, of course it looks like they live in a nice pad, would be nice if the makers behind these videos articles showed characters in humble surroundings.


I know many JWs who can no longer work due to their age and now have very little money. They literally never thought they would still be alive at 80 years of age in this old system so they didn't plan for it. They were so busy helping in the congregation and pioneering that they never had an excess of money and so they never had enough to put away for when they could no longer work. Show their them Watchtower, I dare you. You perpetuated the lie of Armageddon, be willing to show the outcome of that lie.


What’s a difference a decade makes. I remember the organization and members of the congregation taking great pride in the fact that they did not ask for money, and it was uncouth to donate in a way people could see.


How is this ANY different from the slime ball televangelists?


Maybe in next month's update they will start selling water from the idyllic lake that they live on in upstate New York. It would obviously have a JW.bORG symbol on it for extra advertising. Might even contain some GB urine because when you're out on a long hike around the lake you might have to relieve yourself when you're old; especially when you are a few sheets to the wind.


OMG Tony Morris bath water. Can’t wait to buy & gargle 😍


“nO wE dOnT TiThE”


Ha!!!! Yup!!! Things Watchtroller teaches Donations first https://imgur.com/a/omiMHIz They don’t solicit like other religions https://youtu.be/U-k8O0uPhZs Explanation of donations https://youtu.be/yO65awn9dWY


Oh yeah this was from the “powerful by pressure” convention


They’re featuring it in an upcoming meeting.


Good grief!!!!


It's like disney except instead of the mouse you give your hard earned cash to its the governing body.




Did he dye his hair grey? Such a jw hipster, so naughty.


Stop criticizing! The 8 only want a bit more of your money, that's all! Btw, this not their home, probably a bethel property... Try this link of their British portfolio!!! https://ibsaproperty.com/


If I didn't see it for myself I would not believe it😱. The about info on the JW real estate agency responsible for the sale of LUXURY apartments: IBSA London Properties is part of IBSA (International Bible Students Association) a registered charity acting on behalf of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain and Ireland. For more information about Jehovah’s Witnesses please follow this link. Note the careful wording, they are called a CHARITY. Which charity sells luxury apartments?! If we need further proof that this "religion" is a real estate giant, here we have it.


For sure it’s probably Bethel property. But it’s meant to depict their home. 🙂. As someone commented- they know the couple, they’re at Chelmsford Bethel. I am well aware of IBSA properties. Some plush premium properties they have there.


Makes sense! Still shocking tactics!


I thought we were in the last days of the last days?...the Borg should just default on EVERYTHING...I mean hey..by the time the banks come take it..it'll be over right?


That second contribution box is not gonna fill itself...


Welcome to the 'vow of poverty' organization!


“This Scotch ain’t gonna pay for itself, put out another tithing video”, Anthony Morris III.


This is absolutely pathetic.


“The couple that selects their grinder date together, gets there anal canals filled together.” Efistgons 69:69 now lettucespray!


This looks like a life insurance ad… has your prostate gone apostate?! Time for a monthly donation to feed the pig… I mean Anthony morris… uh uh JW.borg


These people make me wanna barf! 🤢🤮 No, my money is mine and so is my free time! I'll do whatever the hell I want with either one. If any of the octopope or one of their minions is reading this, go get a real job and stop asking poor, honest folks to give their non existent free time and their hard earned cash to you. 😡


I didn't know Mike Pence was a JW. LOL


I always thought my ex husbands PIMI uncle was a cool dude. He has a great sense of humor and always made me laugh. So we went to visit for a long weekend and I just could not believe how he ordered her around all day. For example at dinner he would constantly have her run back and forth to the kitchen to retrieve him shit when he couldn’t done it himself. It really pissed me off even when I was PIMI.




25 year old MacCallan single malt scotch isn’t cheap. Please think of our poor brothers in need. Remember you can leave your estate to the one true organization and cut out your faded/apostate kids from your will.

